Test: check-against-debootstrap-dist Dists: any Variants: minbase buildd - Needs-Root: true Test: as-debootstrap-unshare-wrapper Needs-QEMU: true Test: help Test: man Test: version Test: create-directory Needs-Root: true Test: unshare-as-root-user Needs-Root: true Test: dist-using-codename Dists: any Test: fail-without-etc-subuid Needs-QEMU: true Test: fail-without-username-in-etc-subuid Needs-QEMU: true Test: unshare-as-root-user-inside-chroot Needs-Root: true Test: root-mode-inside-chroot Needs-Root: true Test: root-mode-inside-unshare-chroot Needs-QEMU: true Test: root-without-cap-sys-admin Needs-Root: true Test: mount-is-missing Needs-QEMU: true Test: check-for-bit-by-bit-identical-format-output Needs-QEMU: true Formats: tar squashfs ext2 Variants: essential apt minbase buildd - standard Skip-If: variant == "standard" and dist in ["oldstable", "stable"] # #864082, #1004557, #1004558 variant == "important" and dist == "oldstable" # /var/lib/systemd/catalog/database differs fmt == "squashfs" and dist == "oldstable" # squashfs-tools-ng is not available fmt == "ext2" and dist == "oldstable" # genext2fs does not support SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH Test: tarfilter-idshift Needs-QEMU: true Skip-If: dist == "oldstable" # python3 tarfile module does not preserve xattrs Test: progress-bars-on-fake-tty Test: debug-output-on-fake-tty Test: existing-empty-directory Needs-Root: true Test: existing-directory-with-lost-found Needs-Root: true Test: fail-installing-to-non-empty-lost-found Test: fail-installing-to-non-empty-target-directory Test: missing-device-nodes-outside-the-chroot Needs-QEMU: true Test: missing-dev-sys-proc-inside-the-chroot Needs-QEMU: true Test: chroot-directory-not-accessible-by-apt-user Needs-Root: true Test: cwd-directory-not-accessible-by-unshared-user Needs-QEMU: true Test: create-gzip-compressed-tarball Needs-QEMU: true Test: custom-tmpdir Needs-QEMU: true Test: xz-compressed-tarball Test: directory-ending-in-tar Modes: root Needs-Root: true Test: auto-mode-without-unshare-capabilities Needs-QEMU: true Test: fail-with-missing-lz4 Test: fail-with-path-with-quotes Test: create-tarball-with-tmp-mounted-nodev Needs-QEMU: true Test: read-from-stdin-write-to-stdout Test: supply-components-manually Modes: root Needs-Root: true Test: stable-default-mirror Needs-QEMU: true Test: pass-distribution-but-implicitly-write-to-stdout Needs-QEMU: true Test: aspcud-apt-solver Test: mirror-is-stdin Test: copy-mirror Needs-QEMU: true Test: file-mirror Needs-QEMU: true Test: file-mirror-automount-hook Modes: root unshare fakechroot Needs-QEMU: true Test: mirror-is-deb Test: mirror-is-real-file Test: deb822-1-2 Modes: root Needs-Root: true Test: deb822-2-2 Modes: root Needs-Root: true Test: automatic-mirror-from-suite Needs-QEMU: true Test: invalid-mirror Test: fail-installing-to-root Modes: root Needs-Root: true Test: fail-installing-to-existing-file Modes: root Needs-Root: true Test: arm64-without-qemu-support Needs-QEMU: true Skip-If: hostarch != "amd64" Test: i386-which-can-be-executed-without-qemu Needs-QEMU: true Skip-If: hostarch != "amd64" not run_ma_same_tests Test: include-libmagic-mgc-arm64 Needs-Root: true Skip-If: hostarch != "amd64" not run_ma_same_tests Test: include-libmagic-mgc-arm64-with-multiple-arch-options Needs-Root: true Skip-If: hostarch != "amd64" not run_ma_same_tests Test: aptopt Needs-Root: true Test: keyring Needs-QEMU: true Test: keyring-overwrites Needs-Root: true Test: signed-by-without-host-keys Needs-QEMU: true Test: ascii-armored-keys Needs-QEMU: true Test: signed-by-with-host-keys Needs-Root: true Test: dpkgopt Needs-Root: true Test: include Needs-Root: true Test: multiple-include Needs-Root: true Test: include-with-multiple-apt-sources Needs-Root: true Test: merged-usr-via-setup-hook Needs-Root: true Test: essential-hook Needs-Root: true Test: customize-hook Needs-Root: true Test: failing-customize-hook Needs-Root: true Test: sigint-during-customize-hook Needs-Root: true Test: hook-directory Needs-Root: true Test: eatmydata-via-hook-dir Needs-Root: true Test: special-hooks-using-helpers Needs-Root: true Test: special-hooks-using-helpers-and-env-vars Needs-Root: true Test: special-hooks-with-mode-mode Modes: root unshare fakechroot Needs-QEMU: true Test: debootstrap-no-op-options Needs-Root: true Test: verbose Needs-Root: true Test: debug Needs-Root: true Test: quiet Needs-Root: true Test: logfile Needs-Root: true Test: without-etc-resolv-conf-and-etc-hostname Needs-QEMU: true Test: preserve-mode-of-etc-resolv-conf-and-etc-hostname Modes: root Needs-QEMU: true Test: not-having-to-install-apt-in-include-because-a-hook-did-it-before Test: remove-start-stop-daemon-and-policy-rc-d-in-hook Test: skip-start-stop-daemon-policy-rc Test: skip-mount Modes: unshare Test: compare-output-with-pre-seeded-var-cache-apt-archives Needs-QEMU: true Variants: any Skip-If: variant == "standard" and dist in ["oldstable", "stable"] # #864082, #1004557, #1004558 variant == "important" and dist == "oldstable" # /var/lib/systemd/catalog/database differs Test: create-directory-dry-run Test: create-tarball-dry-run Variants: any Modes: any Test: unpack-doc-debian Needs-QEMU: true Modes: any Variants: extract Test: install-doc-debian Modes: chrootless Variants: custom Test: chrootless-essential Variants: custom Modes: chrootless Skip-If: dist in ["oldstable", "stable"] Test: install-doc-debian-and-output-tarball Variants: custom Modes: chrootless Test: install-doc-debian-and-test-hooks Variants: custom Modes: chrootless Test: install-libmagic-mgc-on-arm64 Skip-If: hostarch != "amd64" not have_binfmt Test: install-busybox-based-sub-essential-system Needs-Root: true Test: create-arm64-tarball Modes: root unshare fakechroot Skip-If: hostarch != "amd64" mode == "fakechroot" and not run_ma_same_tests not have_binfmt Test: no-sbin-in-path Modes: fakechroot Test: dev-ptmx Modes: root unshare Needs-QEMU: true Test: error-if-stdout-is-tty Test: variant-custom-timeout Test: include-deb-file