forked from josch/mmdebstrap
Johannes Schauer Marin Rodrigues
- multiple individual shell scripts instead of one 3.5k line monster - tests driven by Python script allowing: * declarative test description in coverage.txt * collecting errors instead of aborting on first error * skipping tests * running specific tests
10 lines
608 B
10 lines
608 B
set -eu
export LC_ALL=C.UTF-8
if [ ! -e /mmdebstrap-testenv ]; then
echo "this test requires the cache directory to be mounted on /mnt and should only be run inside a container" >&2
exit 1
{{ CMD }} --mode={{ MODE }} --variant=apt --setup-hook='mkdir -p "$1"/mnt/cache/debian; mount -o ro,bind /mnt/cache/debian "$1"/mnt/cache/debian' --customize-hook='umount "$1"/mnt/cache/debian; rmdir "$1"/mnt/cache/debian "$1"/mnt/cache' {{ DIST }} /tmp/debian-chroot.tar "deb file:///mnt/cache/debian {{ DIST }} main"
tar -tf /tmp/debian-chroot.tar | sort | diff -u tar1.txt -
rm /tmp/debian-chroot.tar