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2012-09-16 12:33:11 +00:00
GLUI User Interface Toolkit
glui_listbox - GLUI_ListBox control class
Copyright (c) 1998 Paul Rademacher
This program is freely distributable without licensing fees and is
provided without guarantee or warrantee expressed or implied. This
program is -not- in the public domain.
#include "glui.h"
#include "stdinc.h"
/****************************** GLUI_Listbox::mouse_down_handler() **********/
int GLUI_Listbox::mouse_down_handler( int local_x, int local_y )
return false;
/****************************** GLUI_Listbox::mouse_up_handler() **********/
int GLUI_Listbox::mouse_up_handler( int local_x, int local_y, int inside )
return false;
/****************************** GLUI_Listbox::mouse_held_down_handler() ******/
int GLUI_Listbox::mouse_held_down_handler( int local_x, int local_y,
int inside)
return false;
/****************************** GLUI_Listbox::key_handler() **********/
int GLUI_Listbox::key_handler( unsigned char key,int modifiers )
return false;
/****************************** GLUI_Listbox::draw() **********/
void GLUI_Listbox::draw( int x, int y )
int orig, name_x;
if ( NOT can_draw() )
orig = set_to_glut_window();
/* draw_active_area(); */
name_x = MAX(text_x_offset - string_width(this->name) - 3,0);
draw_name( name_x , 13);
draw_box_inwards_outline( text_x_offset, w,
0, h );
if ( NOT active ) {
draw_box( text_x_offset+3, w-2, 2, h-2, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0 );
if ( NOT enabled )
glColor3b( 32, 32, 32 );
glColor3f( 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 );
glRasterPos2i( text_x_offset+5, 13 );
draw_string( curr_text.string );
else {
draw_box( text_x_offset+3, w-2, 2, h-2, .0, .0, .6 );
glColor3f( 1.0, 1.0, 1.0 );
glRasterPos2i( text_x_offset+5, 13 );
draw_string( curr_text.string );
if ( enabled ) {
2 );
else {
2 );
/************************************ GLUI_Listbox::update_si() **********/
void GLUI_Listbox::update_size( void )
int text_size, delta;
int item_text_size;
if ( NOT glui )
text_size = string_width( name );
/*** Find the longest item string ***/
item_text_size = 0;
delta = 0;
if ( text_x_offset < text_size +2 )
delta = text_size+2-text_x_offset;
text_x_offset += delta;
if ( w < text_x_offset+MAX(GLUI_EDITTEXT_MIN_TEXT_WIDTH,item_text_size)+20)
w = text_x_offset + MAX( GLUI_EDITTEXT_MIN_TEXT_WIDTH,item_text_size)+20;
/********************************* GLUI_Listbox::set_int_val() **************/
void GLUI_Listbox::set_int_val( int new_val )
/* int_val = new_val; */
do_selection( new_val );
/*** Update the variable we're (possibly) pointing to, and update the main gfx ***/
/**************************** GLUI_Listbox::draw_active_area() **************/
void GLUI_Listbox::draw_active_area( void )
int orig;
if ( NOT can_draw() )
orig = set_to_glut_window();
/**************************************** GLUI_Listbox::add_item() **********/
int GLUI_Listbox::add_item( int id, char *new_text )
GLUI_Listbox_Item *new_node = new GLUI_Listbox_Item;
GLUI_Listbox_Item *head;
strcpy( new_node->text, new_text );
new_node->id = id;
head = (GLUI_Listbox_Item*) items_list.first_child();
new_node->link_this_to_parent_last( &items_list );
if ( head == NULL ) {
/*** This is first item added ***/
int_val = id+1; /** Different than id **/
do_selection( id );
last_live_int = id;
if( glui )
/*** Check if we need to increase control size ***/
if ( w < text_x_offset + MAX( GLUI_EDITTEXT_MIN_TEXT_WIDTH, string_width( new_text ) ) + 20 ) {
w = text_x_offset + MAX( GLUI_EDITTEXT_MIN_TEXT_WIDTH, string_width( new_text ) ) + 20;
if ( glui )
/* printf( "%s\n", new_text ); */
return true;
/************************************** GLUI_Listbox::delete_item() **********/
int GLUI_Listbox::delete_item( char *text )
GLUI_Listbox_Item *node = get_item_ptr( text );
if ( node ) {
delete node;
return true;
else {
return false;
/************************************** GLUI_Listbox::delete_item() **********/
int GLUI_Listbox::delete_item( int id )
GLUI_Listbox_Item *node = get_item_ptr( id );
if ( node ) {
delete node;
return true;
else {
return false;
/************************************** GLUI_Listbox::sort_items() **********/
int GLUI_Listbox::sort_items( void )
return false;
/********************************************* GLUI_Listbox::dump() **********/
void GLUI_Listbox::dump( FILE *output )
GLUI_Listbox_Item *item;
/* printf( "%p\n", (char*) name ); */
fprintf( output, "Listbox: %s\n", (char*) name );
item = (GLUI_Listbox_Item *) items_list.first_child();
while( item ) {
fprintf( output, " %3d : %s\n", item->id, (char*) item->text );
item = (GLUI_Listbox_Item *) item->next();
/************************************ GLUI_Listbox::get_item_ptr() **********/
GLUI_Listbox_Item *GLUI_Listbox::get_item_ptr( char *text )
GLUI_Listbox_Item *item;
item = (GLUI_Listbox_Item *) items_list.first_child();
while( item ) {
if ( NOT strcmp( item->text, text ))
return item;
item = (GLUI_Listbox_Item *) item->next();
return NULL;
/************************************ GLUI_Listbox::get_item_ptr() **********/
GLUI_Listbox_Item *GLUI_Listbox::get_item_ptr( int id )
GLUI_Listbox_Item *item;
item = (GLUI_Listbox_Item *) items_list.first_child();
while( item ) {
if ( item->id == id )
return item;
item = (GLUI_Listbox_Item *) item->next();
return NULL;
/************************************ GLUI_Listbox::mouse_over() **********/
static void listbox_callback( int i )
int old_val;
if ( NOT GLUI_Master.curr_left_button_glut_menu OR
GLUI_Master.curr_left_button_glut_menu->type != GLUI_CONTROL_LISTBOX )
old_val = ((GLUI_Listbox*)GLUI_Master.curr_left_button_glut_menu)->int_val;
/**** If value changed, execute callback ****/
if ( old_val !=
((GLUI_Listbox*)GLUI_Master.curr_left_button_glut_menu)->int_val ) {
/*************************************** GLUI_Listbox::mouse_over() **********/
int GLUI_Listbox::mouse_over( int state, int x, int y )
GLUI_Listbox_Item *item;
/* printf( "x/y: %d/%d\n", x, y ); */
if ( state AND enabled AND x > x_abs + text_x_offset) {
/**** Build a GLUT menu for this listbox ***/
/* printf( "%d %d\n", x, y ); */
glut_menu_id = glutCreateMenu(listbox_callback);
item = (GLUI_Listbox_Item *) items_list.first_child();
while( item ) {
glutAddMenuEntry( item->text, item->id );
item = (GLUI_Listbox_Item *) item->next();
glutAttachMenu( GLUT_LEFT_BUTTON);
GLUI_Master.set_left_button_glut_menu_control( this );
else if ( glut_menu_id != -1 ) {
/* printf( "OUT\n" ); */
glutDetachMenu( GLUT_LEFT_BUTTON );
glutDestroyMenu( glut_menu_id );
glut_menu_id = -1;
return true;
/************************************ GLUI_Listbox::do_selection() **********/
int GLUI_Listbox::do_selection( int item_num )
GLUI_Listbox_Item *item, *sel_item;
/*** Is this item already selected? ***/
if ( item_num == int_val )
return false;
sel_item = NULL;
item = (GLUI_Listbox_Item *) items_list.first_child();
while( item ) {
if ( item->id == item_num ) {
sel_item = item;
item = (GLUI_Listbox_Item *) item->next();
if ( NOT sel_item )
return false;
/* printf( "-> %s\n", (char*) sel_item->text ); */
int_val = item_num;
strcpy( curr_text.string, sel_item->text.string );
return true;
/*********************************** GLUI_Listbox::~GLUI_Listbox() **********/
GLUI_Listbox::~GLUI_Listbox( )
GLUI_Listbox_Item *item, *tmp_item;
item = (GLUI_Listbox_Item *) items_list.first_child();
while( item ) {
tmp_item = item;
delete item;
item = (GLUI_Listbox_Item *) tmp_item->next();
/****************************** GLUI_Listbox::special_handler() **********/
int GLUI_Listbox::special_handler( int key,int modifiers )
GLUI_Listbox_Item *node, *new_node;
node = get_item_ptr( int_val );
new_node = NULL;
if ( key == GLUT_KEY_DOWN ) {
new_node = (GLUI_Listbox_Item*) node->next();
else if ( key == GLUT_KEY_UP ) {
new_node = (GLUI_Listbox_Item*) node->prev();
else if ( key == GLUT_KEY_HOME ) {
new_node = (GLUI_Listbox_Item*) items_list.first_child();
else if ( key == GLUT_KEY_END ) {
new_node = (GLUI_Listbox_Item*) items_list.last_child();
if ( new_node != NULL AND new_node != node ) {
node = new_node;
set_int_val( node->id );
return true;
else {
return false;
/************************* GLUI_Listbox::increase_width( void ) ***********/
void GLUI_Listbox::increase_width( void )