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12 years ago
* @file
* @brief Clientside command structure for client-server interaction.
* @author Thomas Escher
// segment manager, allocators, containers, pointers, mutexes ...
#include <boost/interprocess/managed_shared_memory.hpp>
#include <boost/interprocess/sync/interprocess_mutex.hpp>
#include <boost/interprocess/sync/interprocess_condition.hpp>
#include <boost/interprocess/allocators/allocator.hpp>
#include <boost/interprocess/offset_ptr.hpp>
#include <boost/interprocess/containers/vector.hpp>
#include <boost/interprocess/containers/string.hpp>
// hide the boost namespace and shorten others
namespace ip = boost::interprocess;
// the segment manager providing the allocations
typedef ip::managed_shared_memory::segment_manager SegmentManager;
// allocator and type for a shared string
typedef ip::allocator<char, SegmentManager> CharAllocator;
typedef ip::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, CharAllocator> SharedString;
#include "scanserver/sharedScan.h"
#include "scanserver/cache/cacheObject.h"
//! TEST: Pod message type
enum message_t {
* @brief Clientside communication for the scanserver management.
* This is the main class visible in clients, relaying all calls to the server via shared memory. Access can be obtained via create and subsequent calls to getInstance.
* All calls to the server are put into a message type and its arguments written to interprocess containers for transfer to the server.
* The ServerInterface derives this class to share the mutexes and arguments and hides the server functionality from the client. This also splits up compilation between the client and server parts.
class ClientInterface {
//! The segment manager used for creating new objects with construct<>
ip::offset_ptr<SegmentManager> segment_manager;
//! Void allocator to use for ip-STL-containers
ip::allocator<void, SegmentManager> allocator;
//! Mutex for concurrent access to the client interface, protecting the server communication and argument manipulation
ip::interprocess_mutex m_mutex_client;
//! Mutex for client-server communication, handling the process switch and work on the server
ip::interprocess_mutex m_mutex_server;
//! Condition the server waits on and the client notifies to
ip::interprocess_condition m_condition_server;
//! Condition the clients will wait on while the server processes
ip::interprocess_condition m_condition_client;
//! TEST: Pod message type
message_t m_message;
//! String arguments for message passing
SharedString m_arg_string_1, m_arg_string_2;
//! Integer arguments for message passing
unsigned int m_arg_uint_1, m_arg_uint_2;
//! size_t argument for >4GB sizes
std::size_t m_arg_size_t;
//! Float arguments for message passing
float m_arg_float_1, m_arg_float_2;
//! IO type argument for message passing
IOType m_arg_io_type;
//! An error message containing detais
SharedString m_error_message;
//! Pointer for a scanvector
ip::offset_ptr<SharedScanVector> m_scanvector_ptr;
//! Pointer for a scan
ip::offset_ptr<SharedScan> m_sharedscan_ptr;
//! Pointer for a cache object
ip::offset_ptr<CacheObject> m_cacheobject_ptr;
// TODO: remove this later on, this is for close for the testclient
// private:
//! internal message sending
void sendMessage(message_t message);
//! Add and read a directory into the scan vector, ownership: client
SharedScanVector* readDirectory(const char* dir_path, IOType type = UOS, unsigned int start = 0, unsigned int end = -1);
//! "Close" a directory by releasing all contained scans, deleting the vector and resetting the pointer
void closeDirectory(SharedScanVector*& scans);
//! Called from SharedScan on a cache miss, this requests the serverside cache handler to load, returns false if no cached file was found
bool loadCacheObject(CacheObject* obj);
//! Called from SharedScan, request enough memory to hold reduced points
void allocateCacheObject(CacheObject* obj, unsigned int size);
//! Called from SharedScan, let the CacheManager invalide a CacheObject
void invalidateCacheObject(CacheObject* obj);
//! Called from SharedScan, requests the pose
void getPose(SharedScan* scan);
//! Called from SharedScan, requests a frame and writes into it
void addFrame(SharedScan* scan, double* transformation, unsigned int type);
//! Called from SharedScan, requests loading frames saved in the file
void loadFramesFile(SharedScan* scan);
//! Called from SharedScan, requests saving frames into a file
void saveFramesFile(SharedScan* scan);
//! Called from SharedScan, this removes all previous contained frames
void clearFrames(SharedScan* scan);
//! Returns the CacheObject shared memory size for allocation and planning purposes
std::size_t getCacheSize();
//! Let the server print out its metric
void printMetrics();
//! Trivial constructor: initialize all shared memory containers, only allowed to be called by the ServerInterface
ClientInterface(SegmentManager* sm) :
// only the instance in the server will deconstruct
virtual ~ClientInterface()
//! The one shared memory opened in the application, a single one in each of the clients and in the server
static ip::managed_shared_memory* m_msm;
//! Client singleton for easy global access in the whole application
static ClientInterface* m_singleton;
//! Opens the shared memory and sets the singleton in a client process
static ClientInterface* create();
//! Closes the shared memory
static void destroy();
//! Returns the singleton instance
static ClientInterface* getInstance();