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2012-09-16 12:33:11 +00:00
* parcelmanager implementation
* Copyright (C) Uwe Hebbelmann, Sebastian Stock, Andre Schemschat
* Released under the GPL version 3.
#include "grid/parcelmanager.h"
#include "slam6d/globals.icc"
#include "grid/gridWriter.h"
#include <fstream>
using std::ifstream;
using std::ofstream;
#include <iostream>
using std::cerr;
using std::endl;
* Ctor.
* Sets the static size information of the parcelinfo-class.
* If resume is true, it will try to load the last parcelinfo-file.
* If the file was read successfully, it contains the parcels created
* during the last run of the programm. (See the resumeflag in the
* documentation for more infos)
* @param width The width of each parcel
* @param height The height of each parcel
* @param path The path of the files
* @param resolution The resolution of a cell
* @param resume If true, last parcelinfofile will be loaded
parcelmanager::parcelmanager(long width, long height,
string path, int resolution,
bool resume)
this->parcelwidth = width;
this->parcelheight = height;
this->viewpointX = 0;
this->viewpointZ = 0;
this->path = path;
this->resolution = resolution;
this->minX = 0;
this->maxX = 0;
this->minZ = 0;
this->maxZ = 0;
parcelinfo::setParcelsize(width, height);
// loadParcelinfo if programm should resume
loadParcelinfo(this->path + PARCELINFOFILE);
* Dtor.
* Calls saveParcelinfo for saving infos about
* already created parcel.
* It also clears the internal structur (calls clear())
saveParcelinfo(this->path + PARCELINFOFILE);
* This methods removes all parcels with a not set
* used-flag (in parcelinfo). They are saved to disk
* before they are freed.
* If all is set, all parcels are saved and free regardless
* of their used-flag
* @param all Delete all parcels or not?
void parcelmanager::freeMemory(bool all)
parcelmap::iterator cur = this->parcels.begin();
parcelmap::iterator end = this->parcels.end();
// iterate through each parcel
while(cur != end)
// if parcel is loaded and wasnt used (or all free)
if(cur->second != NULL &&
(!cur->first->wasUsed() || all))
// saving the parcel using the parcel format
// (Must use parcelFormat, otherwise parcel cant be loaded again!)
string filename = cur->first->getFilename();
parcelWriter writer(filename);
delete cur->second;
cur->second = NULL;
// reset used-flag of parcelinfo
parcelinfo *p = cur->first;
* The method frees all created parcelinfos and clears the map.
* First it calls freeMemory(true) to save all parcels in memory
void parcelmanager::clear()
parcelmap::iterator it = this->parcels.begin();
parcelmap::iterator end = this->parcels.end();
while(it != end)
delete it->first;
* The methods loads the parcel specified by info
* into memory. The method does check, if the
* parcel is already loaded, so calling this method
* on an already loaded parcel does nothing.
* @param *info A pointer to the parcelinfo
void parcelmanager::loadParcel(parcelinfo* info)
if(this->parcels[info] == NULL)
this->parcels[info] = parcel::readParcel(info->getFilename());
* The method creates a new parcel. It calculates the offset
* of the new parcel based on the absolute coordinates it is given.
* The new parcel is added to the internal map, along with its
* parcelinfo
* @param x The absolute x coordinate
* @param z The absolute z coordinate
void parcelmanager::createParcel(long x, long z)
// calculate offset
long offsetX = (long) (x / this->parcelwidth) * this->parcelwidth;
if (x < 0)
offsetX = offsetX - this->parcelwidth;
long offsetZ = (long) (z/ this->parcelheight) * this->parcelheight;
if (z < 0)
offsetZ = offsetZ - this->parcelheight;
// create parcelinfo and parcel
string filename = this->path + "parcel" + to_string(offsetX) + to_string(offsetZ) + ".pcl";
parcelinfo *p = new parcelinfo(offsetX, offsetZ, filename);
this->parcels[p] = new parcel(offsetX,
// update the new borders
* Updates the minimal and maximal found limits
* @param g The grid to update
void parcelmanager::updateOuterPoints(const grid *g)
if(g->getOffsetX() < minX)
minX = g->getOffsetX();
if(g->getOffsetZ() < minZ)
minZ = g->getOffsetZ();
if(g->getOffsetX() + g->getSizeX() > maxX)
maxX = g->getOffsetX() + g->getSizeX();
if(g->getOffsetZ() + g->getSizeZ() > maxZ)
maxZ = g->getOffsetZ() + g->getSizeZ();
* The method adds the given grid to the needed parcels.
* It checks which parcels are affected by the grid, loads them if
* they already exist or creates new ones.
* Afterwards it adds the information of the grid to each relevant
* parcels
* @param g The grid which should be addeda
* @param vpX The x-coordiante of the viewpoint
* @param vpZ The z-coordinate of the viewpoint
void parcelmanager::addGrid(const grid* g, long vpX, long vpZ)
bool parcelFound;
this->viewpointX = vpX;
this->viewpointZ = vpZ;
long iSize = g->getOffsetX() + g->getSizeX();
long jSize = g->getOffsetZ() + g->getSizeZ();
// iterate through all parcels needed in this grid
for(int i=g->getOffsetX() ; i < iSize + this->parcelwidth; i += this->parcelwidth)
for(int j=g->getOffsetZ() ; j < jSize + this->parcelheight; j += this->parcelheight)
parcelmap::iterator it = this->parcels.begin();
parcelmap::iterator end = this->parcels.end();
parcelFound = false;
// for each point, iterate through the existing parcels
while(it != end)
// parcel contains point
if(it->first->contains(i, j))
// load Parcel if not in memory
if(it->second == NULL)
// reset the counter
parcelFound = true;
// if parcel was not found, create new
if(parcelFound == false)
createParcel(i, j);
// remove all parcels not needed for the scan
// Call addGrid for each parcel in memory
// The parcel only integrates the points which are
// relevant to it
parcelmap::iterator it = this->parcels.begin();
parcelmap::iterator end = this->parcels.end();
while(it != end)
if(it->second != NULL)
* The method saves the internal parcelinfo map to file,
* so it can be restored for later use (e.g. for additional scans
* based on the same scene)
* @param filename The file where the parcelinfos are stored to
void parcelmanager::saveParcelinfo(string filename)
ofstream outfile(filename.c_str());
// Check if stream is open and valid
cerr << "[saveParcelinfo] Fehler, konnte Stream nicht oeffnen" << endl
<< "(Filename: " << filename << ")" << endl;
// iterate all entries and write them
parcelmap::iterator it = this->parcels.begin();
parcelmap::iterator end = this->parcels.end();
while(it != end)
outfile << it->first->getOffsetX() << " "
<< it->first->getOffsetZ() << " "
<< it->first->getFilename() << endl;
* The method restores the parcelinfos written by saveParcelinfo.
* @param filename The file where the parcelinfos are stored
void parcelmanager::loadParcelinfo(string filename)
ifstream infile(filename.c_str());
// Stream ok?
cerr << "[loadparcelinfo] Fehler, konnte Stream nicht oeffnen" << endl
<< "(filename: " << filename << ")" << endl;
// clear old information (should be already empty, but make sure)
long offsetX;
long offsetZ;
string file;
// read all infos
infile >> offsetX;
if(infile.eof()) continue;
infile >> offsetZ;
if(infile.eof()) continue;
infile >> file;
if(infile.eof()) continue;
parcelinfo *p = new parcelinfo(offsetX, offsetZ, file);
this->parcels[p] = NULL;
* This method is able to write the entire world, based on all parcels and create and write lines.
* Each parcel is loaded and then written into a single file.
* Afterwards ALL parcels are stored to file and freed from memory.
* Additionally the world is written in ppm format and lines can be created and written.
* The map is written in a format which can be read by the MapViewer of Group2.
* The specification of the format are listed in the documentation
* @param file the filename of the world
void parcelmanager::writeWorld(string file)
worldWriter writer(this->path + file,
this->minX, this->maxX, this->minZ, this->maxZ,
this->viewpointX, this->viewpointZ);
parcelmap::iterator it = parcels.begin();
parcelmap::iterator end = parcels.end();
while(it != end)
if(it->second == NULL)
* The method creates a grid of the world.
grid* parcelmanager::createWorldGrid()
grid *g = new grid(this->minX, this->minZ,
this->maxX - this->minX + 1,
this->maxZ - this->minZ + 1);
parcelmap::iterator it = parcels.begin();
parcelmap::iterator end = parcels.end();
// Go through all parcels
while(it != end)
if(it->second == NULL)
for(int i=0; i < it->second->getSizeX(); ++i)
for(int j=0; j < it->second->getSizeZ(); ++j)
return g;