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2012-09-16 12:33:11 +00:00
* @file registration.h
* @brife register two scans.
* This class register two scans with respect to the matched features.
* It determines the transformation matrix.
* @author HamidReza Houshiar. Jacobs University Bremen gGmbH, Germany.
* @date Date: 2012/05/30 1:00
#include "fbr_global.h"
#include "slam6d/icp6Dquat.h"
using namespace std;
namespace fbr{
* @class registration : registers two scnas
* @param minDistance threshold for min distance between the each three points for registration process
* @param minError threshold for min error after transformation of a point from second coordinate to first to determin the inliers
* @param minInlier threshold fir min inlier to consider the align as positive
* @param rMethod registration Method
* @param bAlign best alignment
* @param bError error of registration with bAlign
* @param bErrorIndex error index of registration with bAlign
class registration{
unsigned int minDistance;
double minError;
unsigned int minInlier;
registration_method rMethod;
double bestAlign[16];
double bestError;
unsigned int bestErrorIndex;
* getCoord : get 3D coordinate of query scan and train scan for each match
* @param fKeypoints vector of KeyPoints from query (first) scan
* @param sKeypoints vector of KeyPoints from train (second) scan
* @param matches vector<DMatch> holding found matches
* @param fPMap Mat containing the 3D coordinate of each match from query scan
* @param sPMap Mat containing the 3D coordinate of each match from train scan
* @param idx index of the match
* @param cq Point3f for returning the 3D coordinate of query scan
* @param ct Point3f for returning the 3D coordinate of train scan
* @return 1 on success 0 on failure
int getCoord( vector<cv::KeyPoint> fKeypoints, vector<cv::KeyPoint> sKeypoints, vector<cv::DMatch> matches, cv::Mat fPMap, cv::Mat sPMap, int idx, cv::Point3f& cq, cv::Point3f& ct);
* pointToArray : convert 3D point3f to double array
* @param c 3D point whith Point3f type
* @param cd returning 3d point as double array
void pointToArray(cv::Point3f c, double* cd);
* coordTransform : transform a point with the align
* @param p input train 3D point
* @param align input transformation matrix
* @return Point3f trasformed 3D point
cv::Point3f coordTransform(cv::Point3f p, double* align);
* findAlign : find the best align
* @param fPMap input Mat wich contains the 3D coordinates of each pixel of first panorama image
* @param fKeypoints vector<KeyPoints> containing the features of first panorama image
* @param sPMap input Mat wich contains the 3D coordinates of each pixel of second panorama image
* @param sKeypoints vector<KeyPoints> containing the features of second panorama image
* @param matches vector<DMatches> containing the matched features of both images
int findAlign(unsigned int i, unsigned int j, unsigned int k, cv::Mat fPMap, vector<cv::KeyPoint> fKeypoints, cv::Mat sPMap, vector<cv::KeyPoint> sKeypoints, vector<cv::DMatch> matches);
registration(unsigned int minD, double minE, unsigned int minI, registration_method method);
* findRegistration : find the transformation matrix between two scans
* @param fPMap first panorama map which is 3D points coresponding to fist panorama image
* @param fKeypoints keypoints from the first scan
* @param sPMap second panorama map which is 3D points coresponding to second panorama image
* @param sKeypoints keypoints from the second scan
* @param matches matched keypoints from first to second scan
void findRegistration(cv::Mat fPMap, vector<cv::KeyPoint> fKeypoints, cv::Mat sPMap, vector<cv::KeyPoint> sKeypoints, vector<cv::DMatch> matches);
unsigned int getMinDistance();
double getMinError();
unsigned int getMinInlier();
registration_method getRegistrationMethod();
double * getBestAlign();
double getBestError();
unsigned int getBestErrorIndex();
void getDescription();
#endif /* REGISTRATION_H_ */