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2012-09-16 12:33:11 +00:00
#ifndef _CS_H
#define _CS_H
#include "mex.h"
#define CS_VER 1 /* CSparse Version 1.2.0 */
#define CS_SUBVER 2
#define CS_SUBSUB 0
#define CS_DATE "Mar 6, 2006" /* CSparse release date */
#define CS_COPYRIGHT "Copyright (c) Timothy A. Davis, 2006"
/* --- primary CSparse routines and data structures ------------------------- */
typedef struct cs_sparse /* matrix in compressed-column or triplet form */
int nzmax ; /* maximum number of entries */
int m ; /* number of rows */
int n ; /* number of columns */
int *p ; /* column pointers (size n+1) or col indices (size nzmax) */
int *i ; /* row indices, size nzmax */
double *x ; /* numerical values, size nzmax */
int nz ; /* # of entries in triplet matrix, -1 for compressed-col */
} cs ;
cs *cs_add (const cs *A, const cs *B, double alpha, double beta) ;
int cs_cholsol (const cs *A, double *b, int order) ;
int cs_dupl (cs *A) ;
int cs_entry (cs *T, int i, int j, double x) ;
int cs_lusol (const cs *A, double *b, int order, double tol) ;
int cs_gaxpy (const cs *A, const double *x, double *y) ;
cs *cs_multiply (const cs *A, const cs *B) ;
int cs_qrsol (const cs *A, double *b, int order) ;
cs *cs_transpose (const cs *A, int values) ;
cs *cs_triplet (const cs *T) ;
double cs_norm (const cs *A) ;
int cs_print (const cs *A, int brief) ;
cs *cs_load (FILE *f) ;
/* utilities */
void *cs_calloc (int n, size_t size) ;
void *cs_free (void *p) ;
void *cs_realloc (void *p, int n, size_t size, int *ok) ;
cs *cs_spalloc (int m, int n, int nzmax, int values, int triplet) ;
cs *cs_spfree (cs *A) ;
int cs_sprealloc (cs *A, int nzmax) ;
void *cs_malloc (int n, size_t size) ;
/* --- secondary CSparse routines and data structures ----------------------- */
typedef struct cs_symbolic /* symbolic Cholesky, LU, or QR analysis */
int *Pinv ; /* inverse row perm. for QR, fill red. perm for Chol */
int *Q ; /* fill-reducing column permutation for LU and QR */
int *parent ; /* elimination tree for Cholesky and QR */
int *cp ; /* column pointers for Cholesky, row counts for QR */
int m2 ; /* # of rows for QR, after adding fictitious rows */
int lnz ; /* # entries in L for LU or Cholesky; in V for QR */
int unz ; /* # entries in U for LU; in R for QR */
} css ;
typedef struct cs_numeric /* numeric Cholesky, LU, or QR factorization */
cs *L ; /* L for LU and Cholesky, V for QR */
cs *U ; /* U for LU, R for QR, not used for Cholesky */
int *Pinv ; /* partial pivoting for LU */
double *B ; /* beta [0..n-1] for QR */
} csn ;
typedef struct cs_dmperm_results /* cs_dmperm or cs_scc output */
int *P ; /* size m, row permutation */
int *Q ; /* size n, column permutation */
int *R ; /* size nb+1, block k is rows R[k] to R[k+1]-1 in A(P,Q) */
int *S ; /* size nb+1, block k is cols S[k] to S[k+1]-1 in A(P,Q) */
int nb ; /* # of blocks in fine dmperm decomposition */
int rr [5] ; /* coarse row decomposition */
int cc [5] ; /* coarse column decomposition */
} csd ;
int *cs_amd (const cs *A, int order) ;
csn *cs_chol (const cs *A, const css *S) ;
csd *cs_dmperm (const cs *A) ;
int cs_droptol (cs *A, double tol) ;
int cs_dropzeros (cs *A) ;
int cs_happly (const cs *V, int i, double beta, double *x) ;
int cs_ipvec (int n, const int *P, const double *b, double *x) ;
int cs_lsolve (const cs *L, double *x) ;
int cs_ltsolve (const cs *L, double *x) ;
csn *cs_lu (const cs *A, const css *S, double tol) ;
cs *cs_permute (const cs *A, const int *P, const int *Q, int values) ;
int *cs_pinv (const int *P, int n) ;
int cs_pvec (int n, const int *P, const double *b, double *x) ;
csn *cs_qr (const cs *A, const css *S) ;
css *cs_schol (const cs *A, int order) ;
css *cs_sqr (const cs *A, int order, int qr) ;
cs *cs_symperm (const cs *A, const int *Pinv, int values) ;
int cs_usolve (const cs *U, double *x) ;
int cs_utsolve (const cs *U, double *x) ;
int cs_updown (cs *L, int sigma, const cs *C, const int *parent) ;
/* utilities */
css *cs_sfree (css *S) ;
csn *cs_nfree (csn *N) ;
csd *cs_dfree (csd *D) ;
/* --- tertiary CSparse routines -------------------------------------------- */
int *cs_counts (const cs *A, const int *parent, const int *post, int ata) ;
int cs_cumsum (int *p, int *c, int n) ;
int cs_dfs (int j, cs *L, int top, int *xi, int *pstack, const int *Pinv) ;
int *cs_etree (const cs *A, int ata) ;
int cs_fkeep (cs *A, int (*fkeep) (int, int, double, void *), void *other) ;
double cs_house (double *x, double *beta, int n) ;
int *cs_maxtrans (const cs *A) ;
int *cs_post (int n, const int *parent) ;
int cs_reach (cs *L, const cs *B, int k, int *xi, const int *Pinv) ;
csd *cs_scc (cs *A) ;
int cs_scatter (const cs *A, int j, double beta, int *w, double *x, int mark,
cs *C, int nz) ;
int cs_splsolve (cs *L, const cs *B, int k, int *xi, double *x,
const int *Pinv) ;
int cs_tdfs (int j, int k, int *head, const int *next, int *post,
int *stack) ;
/* utilities */
csd *cs_dalloc (int m, int n) ;
cs *cs_done (cs *C, void *w, void *x, int ok) ;
int *cs_idone (int *p, cs *C, void *w, int ok) ;
csn *cs_ndone (csn *N, cs *C, void *w, void *x, int ok) ;
csd *cs_ddone (csd *D, cs *C, void *w, int ok) ;
#define CS_MAX(a,b) (((a) > (b)) ? (a) : (b))
#define CS_MIN(a,b) (((a) < (b)) ? (a) : (b))
#define CS_FLIP(i) (-(i)-2)
#define CS_UNFLIP(i) (((i) < 0) ? CS_FLIP(i) : (i))
#define CS_MARKED(Ap,j) (Ap [j] < 0)
#define CS_MARK(Ap,j) { Ap [j] = CS_FLIP (Ap [j]) ; }
#define CS_OVERFLOW(n,size) (n > INT_MAX / (int) size)