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2012-09-16 12:33:11 +00:00
* @file util.cc
* @auhtor Remus Claudiu Dumitru <r.dumitru@jacobs-university.de>
* @date 13 Feb 2012
// Includes
#include "model/util.h"
#include <sys/stat.h> // stat()
#include <unistd.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <stdexcept>
using namespace std;
// Implementation
bool model::sameSide(const Point3d& p1,
const Point3d& p2, const Point3d& a, const Point3d& b)
// compute the required vectors
Vector3d ba;
ba.x = b.x - a.x;
ba.y = b.y - a.y;
ba.z = b.z - a.z;
Vector3d p1a;
p1a.x = p1.x - a.x;
p1a.y = p1.y - a.y;
p1a.z = p1.z - a.z;
Vector3d p2a;
p2a.x = p2.x - a.x;
p2a.y = p2.y - a.y;
p2a.z = p2.z - a.z;
// do the cross products
Vector3d cp1 = ba.crossProduct(p1a);
Vector3d cp2 = ba.crossProduct(p2a);
// compute the dotproduct
double dotProduct = cp1.x * cp2.x + cp1.y * cp2.y + cp1.z * cp2.z;
if (dotProduct >= 0) {
return true;
else {
return false;
bool model::insideHull(const Point3d& pt, const vector<Point3d>& hull) {
if (hull.size() <= 0) {
throw runtime_error("hull cannot be empty");
Point3d center(0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < hull.size(); ++i) {
center.x += hull[i].x;
center.y += hull[i].y;
center.z += hull[i].z;
center = center / hull.size();
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < hull.size() - 1; ++i) {
if (sameSide(pt, center, hull[i], hull[i+1]) &&
sameSide(pt, hull[i], center, hull[i+1]) &&
sameSide(pt, hull[i+1], center, hull[i]))
return true;
if (sameSide(pt, center, hull[hull.size()-1], hull[0]) &&
sameSide(pt, hull[hull.size()-1], center, hull[0]) &&
sameSide(pt, hull[0], center, hull[hull.size()-1]))
return true;
return false;
vector<model::Point3d> model::getHorizontalConvexHull(vector<Point3d> points) {
if (points.size() <= 3) {
return points;
vector<Point3d> hull;
vector<Point3d>::iterator leftmostIt = points.begin();
// compute the lefmost point
for (vector<Point3d>::iterator it = points.begin() + 1;
it != points.end(); ++it)
if (it->x < leftmostIt->x) {
leftmostIt = it;
Point3d pointOnHull = *leftmostIt;
Point3d endPoint;
do {
// add the candidate point to the hull
endPoint = points[0];
for (unsigned int j = 1; j < points.size(); ++j) {
// define dummy points in the XOZ plane
Point3d fakeCurPt(points[j].x, 0.0, points[j].z);
Point3d fakePointOnHull(pointOnHull.x, 0.0, pointOnHull.z);
Point3d fakeEndPoint(endPoint.x, 0.0, endPoint.z);
// define a point to the left of the line
Point3d farLeft = fakeEndPoint;
farLeft.rotate(pointOnHull, Rotation3d(0.0, -M_PI/6, 0.0));
// if ... or points[j] on the left side of line (pointOnHull, endPoint)
if (pointOnHull != points[j] &&
(endPoint == pointOnHull || sameSide(fakeCurPt, farLeft, fakePointOnHull, fakeEndPoint)))
endPoint = points[j];
pointOnHull = endPoint;
} while (endPoint != hull[0]);
return hull;
bool model::fileExists(const string& fileName) {
struct stat buffer ;
if (stat(fileName.c_str(), &buffer)) return false; // ret 0 for found
return true;
bool model::fileIsDir(const string& fileName) {
struct stat buffer;
int status = stat(fileName.c_str(), &buffer);
if (status != 0 || S_ISREG(buffer.st_mode)) {
return false;
if (S_ISDIR(buffer.st_mode)) {
return true;
return false;
bool model::makeDir(const string& path) {
if (fileExists(path) && fileIsDir(path)) {
return true;
return (mkdir(path.c_str(), S_IRWXU | S_IRWXG | S_IRWXO) == 0 ? true : false);