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2012-09-16 12:33:11 +00:00
This is a Optical-Character-Recognition program
Copyright (C) 2000-2006 Joerg Schulenburg
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
see README for EMAIL-address
sometimes I have written comments in german language, sorry for that
- look for ??? for preliminary code
/* General headerfile with gocr-definitions */
#ifndef __GOCR_H__
#define __GOCR_H__
#include "pnm.h"
#include "unicode.h"
#include "list.h"
#include <stddef.h>
#include <sys/time.h>
* wchar_t should always exist (ANSI), but WCHAR.H is sometimes missing
* USE_UNICODE should be removed or replaced by HAVE_WCHAR_H in future
#define USE_UNICODE 1
/* extern "C"{ */
/* ------------------------ feature extraction ----------------- */
#define AT 7 /* mark */
#define M1 1 /* mark */
enum direction {
UP=1, DO, RI, LE
typedef enum direction DIRECTION;
#define ST 7 /* stop */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* detect maximas in of line overlapps (return in %) and line koord */
#define HOR 1 /* horizontal */
#define VER 2 /* vertikal */
#define RIS 3 /* rising=steigend */
#define FAL 4 /* falling=fallend */
#define MAXlines 1024
/* ToDo: if we have a tree instead of a list, a line could be a node object */
struct tlines {
int num;
int dx, dy; /* direction of text lines (straight/skew) */
int m1[MAXlines], /* start of line = upper bound of 'A' */
m2[MAXlines], /* upper bound of 'e' */
m3[MAXlines], /* lower bound of 'e' = baseline */
m4[MAXlines]; /* stop of line = lower bound of 'q' */
/* ToDo: add sureness per m1,m2 etc? */
int x0[MAXlines],
x1[MAXlines]; /* left and right border */
int wt[MAXlines]; /* weight, how sure thats correct in percent, v0.41 */
int pitch[MAXlines]; /* word pitch (later per box?), v0.41 */
int mono[MAXlines]; /* spacing type, 0=proportional, 1=monospaced */
#define NumAlt 10 /* maximal number of alternative chars (table length) */
#define MaxNumFrames 8 /* maximum number of frames per char/box */
#define MaxFrameVectors 128 /* maximum vectors per frame (*8=1KB/box) */
/* ToDo: use only malloc_box(),free_box(),copybox() for creation, destroy etc.
* adding reference_counter to avoid pointer pointing to freed box
struct box { /* this structure should contain all pixel infos of a letter */
int x0,x1,y0,y1,x,y,dots; /* xmin,xmax,ymin,ymax,reference-pixel,i-dots */
int num_boxes, /* 1 "abc", 2 "!i?", 3 "&auml;" (composed objects) 0.41 */
num_subboxes; /* 1 for "abdegopqADOPQR", 2 for "B" (holes) 0.41 */
wchar_t c; /* detected char (same as tac[0], obsolete?) */
wchar_t modifier; /* default=0, see compose() in unicode.c */
int num; /* same number = same char */
int line; /* line number (points to struct tlines lines) */
int m1,m2,m3,m4; /* m2 = upper boundary, m3 = baseline */
/* planed: sizeof hole_1, hole_2, certainty (run1=100%,run2=90%,etc.) */
pix *p; /* pointer to pixmap (v0.2.5) */
/* tac, wac is used together with setac() to manage very similar chars */
int num_ac; /* length of table (alternative chars), default=0 */
wchar_t tac[NumAlt]; /* alternative chars, only used by setac(),getac() */
int wac[NumAlt]; /* weight of alternative chars */
char *tas[NumAlt]; /* alternative UTF8-strings or XML codes if tac[]=0 */
/* replacing old obj */
/* ToDo: (*obj)[NumAlt] + olen[NumAlt] ??? */
/* ToDo: bitmap for possible Picture|Object|Char ??? */
/* char *obj; */ /* pointer to text-object ... -> replaced by tas[] */
/* ... (melted chars, barcode, picture coords, ...) */
/* must be freed before box is freed! */
/* do _not_ copy only the pointer to object */
/* --------------------------------------------------------
* extension since v0.41 js05, Store frame vectors,
* which is a table of vectors sourrounding the char and its
* inner white holes. The advantage is the independence from
* resolution, handling of holes, overlap and rotation.
* --------------------------------------------------------- */
int num_frames; /* number of frames: 1 for cfhklmnrstuvwxyz */
/* 2 for abdegijopq */
int frame_vol[MaxNumFrames]; /* volume inside frame +/- (black/white) */
int frame_per[MaxNumFrames]; /* periphery, summed length of vectors */
int num_frame_vectors[MaxNumFrames]; /* index to next frame */
/* biggest frame should be stored first (outer frame) */
/* biggest has the maximum pair distance */
/* num vector loops */
int frame_vector[MaxFrameVectors][2]; /* may be 16*int=fixpoint_number */
typedef struct box Box;
/* true if the coordination pair (a,b) is outside the image p */
#define outbounds(p, a, b) (a < 0 || b < 0 || a >= (p)->x || b >= (p)->y)
/* ToDo: this structure seems to be obsolete, remove it */
typedef struct path {
int start; /* color at the beginning of the path, (0=white, 1=black) */
int *x; /* x coordinates of transitions */
int *y; /* y coordinates of transitions */
int num; /* current number of entries in x or y */
int max; /* maximum number of entries in x or y */
/* (if more values need to be stored, the arrays are enlarged) */
} path_t;
/* job_t contains all information needed for an OCR task */
typedef struct job_s {
struct { /* source data */
char *fname; /* input filename; default value: "-" */
pix p; /* source pixel data, pixelmap 8bit gray */
} src;
struct { /* temporary stuff, e.g. buffers */
struct timeval init_time; /* starting time of this job */
pix ppo; /* pixmap for visual debugging output, obsolete */
/* sometimes recognition function is called again and again, if result was 0
n_run tells the pixel function to return alternative results */
int n_run; /* num of run, if run_2 critical pattern get other results */
/* used for 2nd try, pixel uses slower filter function etc. */
List dblist; /* list of boxes loaded from the character database */
} tmp;
struct { /* results */
List boxlist; /* store every object in a box, which contains */
/* the characteristics of the object (see struct box) */
List linelist; /* recognized text lines after recognition */
struct tlines lines; /* used to access to line-data (statistics) */
/* here the positions (frames) of lines are */
/* stored for further use */
int avX,avY; /* average X,Y (avX=sumX/numC) */
int sumX,sumY,numC; /* sum of all X,Y; num chars */
} res;
struct { /* configuration */
int cs; /* critical grey value (pixel<cs => black pixel) */
/* range: 0..255, 0 means autodetection */
int spc; /* spacewidth/dots (0 = autodetect); default value: 0 */
int mode; /* operation modes; default value: 0 */
/* operation mode (see --help) */
int dust_size; /* dust size; default value: 10 */
int only_numbers; /* numbers only; default value: 0 */
int verbose; /* verbose mode; default value: 0 */
/* verbose option (see --help) */
FORMAT out_format; /* output format; default value: ISO8859_1*/
char *lc; /* debuglist of chars (_ = not recognized chars) */
/* default value: "_" */
char *db_path; /* pathname for database; default value: NULL */
char *cfilter; /* char filter; default value: NULL, ex: "A-Za-z" */
/* limit of certainty where chars are accepted as identified */
int certainty; /* in units of 100 (percent); 0..100; default 95 */
char *unrec_marker; /* output this string for every unrecognized char */
} cfg;
} job_t;
/* initialze job structure */
void job_init(job_t *job);
/* free job structure */
void job_free(job_t *job);
/*FIXME jb: remove JOB; */
extern job_t *JOB;
/* calculate the overlapp of the line (0-1) with black points
* by rekursiv bisection
* (evl. Fehlertoleranz mit pixel in Umgebung dx,dy suchen) (umschaltbar) ???
* MidPoint Line Algorithm (Bresenham) Foley: ComputerGraphics better?
* will be replaced by vector functions
/* gerade y=dy/dx*x+b, implizit d=F(x,y)=dy*x-dx*y+b*dx=0
* incrementell y(i+1)=m*(x(i)+1)+b, F(x+1,y+1)=f(F(x,y)) */
int get_line(int x0, int y0, int x1, int y1, pix *p, int cs, int ret);
int get_line2(int x0, int y0, int x1, int y1, pix *p, int cs, int ret);
/* look for white 0x02 or black 0x01 dots (0x03 = white+black) */
char get_bw(int x0, int x1, int y0, int y1,
pix *p, int cs,int mask);
/* look for black crossing a line x0,y0,x1,y1
* follow line and count crossings ([white]-black-transitions)
int num_cross(int x0, int x1, int y0, int y1,
pix *p, int cs);
/* memory allocation with error checking */
void *xrealloc(void *ptr, size_t size);
/* follow a line x0,y0,x1,y1 recording locations of transitions,
* return count of transitions
int follow_path(int x0, int x1, int y0, int y1, pix *p, int cs, path_t *path);
/* -------------------------------------------------------------
* mark edge-points
* - first move forward until b/w-edge
* - more than 2 pixel?
* - loop around
* - if forward pixel : go up, rotate right
* - if forward no pixel : rotate left
* - stop if found first 2 pixel in same order
* mit an rechter-Wand-entlang-gehen strategie
* --------------------------------------------------------------
* turmite game: inp: start-x,y, regel r_black=UP,r_white=RIght until border
* out: last-position
* Zaehle dabei, Schritte,Sackgassen,xmax,ymax,ro-,ru-,lo-,lu-Ecken
* +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
* is this the right place for declaration?
void turmite(pix *p, int *x, int *y,
int x0, int x1, int y0, int y1, int cs, int rw, int rb);
/* test if points are connected via t-pixel (rekursiv!) */
int joined(pix *p, int x0, int y0, int x1, int y1, int cs);
/* move from x,y to direction r until pixel or l steps
* return number of steps
int loop(pix *p, int x, int y, int l, int cs, int col, DIRECTION r);
#define MAX_HOLES 3
typedef struct list_holes {
int num; /* numbers of holes, initialize with 0 */
struct hole_s {
int size,x,y,x0,y0,x1,y1; /* size, start point, outer rectangle */
} hole[MAX_HOLES];
} holes_t;
/* look for white holes surrounded by black points
* at moment white point with black in all four directions
int num_hole(int x0, int x1, int y0, int y1, pix *p, int cs, holes_t *holes);
/* count for black nonconnected objects --- used for i,auml,ouml,etc. */
int num_obj(int x0, int x1, int y0, int y1, pix *p, int cs);
int distance( pix *p1, struct box *box1, /* box-frame */
pix *p2, struct box *box2, int cs);
/* call the OCR engine ;) */
/* char whatletter(struct box *box1,int cs); */
/* declared in pixel.c */
/* getpixel() was pixel() but it may collide with netpnm pixel declaration */
int getpixel(pix *p, int x, int y);
int marked(pix *p, int x, int y);
void put(pix * p, int x, int y, int ia, int io);
/* } */ /* extern C */
#endif /* __GOCR_H__ */