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2012-09-16 12:33:11 +00:00
This is a Optical-Character-Recognition program
Copyright (C) 2000-2009 Joerg Schulenburg
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
see README for email address
- transform special xml bar code symbols (<>&) to xml symbols (&lt;&gt;&amp;)
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
/* #include <math.h> -- we do not want unnecessary dependencies */
#include "pgm2asc.h"
#include "gocr.h"
#include "pnm.h"
#ifndef DO_DEBUG /* can be defined outside (configure --with-debug) */
#define DO_DEBUG 0 /* 0 is the default */
#undef g_debug
# define g_debug(a) if (JOB->cfg.verbose&1) { a }
# define g_debug(a)
detect barcode and add a XML-string to the box (obj-pointer, ToDo)
ToDo: barcode-output stderr->stdout
double sqr(double x) { return(x*x); }
/* ----------------------------- code128 ---------------------------- *
* "BSBSBS", B=Bar, S=Space, better using 2*6=12bit-integer? */
#define Num128 107
const char *code128[Num128+1]={ /* can be generated by an algorithm? */
/* 00 */"212222","222122","222221","121223","121322","131222","122213","122312",
/* 08 */"132212","221213","221312","231212","112232","122132","122231","113222",
/* 16 */"123122","123221","223211","221132","221231","213212","223112","312131",
/* 24 */"311222","321122","321221","312212","322112","322211","212123","212321",
/* 32 */"232121","111323","131123","131321","112313","132113","132311","211313",
/* 40 */"231113","231311","112133","112331","132131","113123","113321","133121",
/* 48 */"313121","211331","231131","213113","213311","213131","311123","311321",
/* 56 */"331121","312113","312311","332111","314111","221411","431111","111224",
/* 64 */"111422","121124","121421","141122","141221","112214","112412","122114",
/* 72 */"122411","142112","142211","241211","221114","413111","241112","134111",
/* 80 */"111242","121142","121241","114212","124112","124211","411212","421112",
/* 88 */"421211","212141","214121","412121","111143","111341","131141","114113",
/* 96 */"114311","411113","411311","113141","114131","311141","411131","211412",
/*104 */"211214","211232","2331112","???"};
code128: see code128.tex by Petr Olsak (108 codes)
quiet_zone: size=10 (before and after code128)
B=bar S=space char=BSBSBS (size=11), stop=BSBSBSB (size=11+2)
Width: Bar,Space=1,[2,3,4] char=11 code=11*(N+3)+2 sumB=even,sumS=odd
startA="211412"=103 startB="211214"=104 startC="211232"=105(2dec_digits)
mode/code 0..95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106
1=A x20-x5f,0-x20 F3 F2 uB mC mB F4 F1 ^A ^B ^C $
2=B x20-x7f F3 F2 uA mC F4 mA F1 ^A ^B ^C $
3=C "00"-"95" "96" "97" "98" "99" mB mA F1 ^A ^B ^C $
uA,uB: switch mode for next char, mA,mB: switch mode permanently
crc=(start+1*char1+2*char2+3*char3+...+N*charN) mod 103
$=stop="2331112"=106 (4bars, with=13) => start/end==211
return num of chars or string
size B+W even-variants odd-variants num_codes
11 = 8+3 = (1+3+4,2+2+4,2+3+3)+(1+1+1) => (6+3+3)*(1) = 12
= 6+5 = (1+1+4,1+2+3,2+2+2)+(1+1+3,1+2+2) => (3+6+1)*(3+3) = 60
= 4+7 = (1+1+2)+(1+2+4,1+3+3,2+2+3) => (3)*(6+3+3) = 36
sum = 108
/* example: barcode -E -e 128c -b 1434600120000884 >a.eps */
/* example: barcode -E -e 128b -b 14Test41 >a.eps */
/* example: barcode -E -e 128raw -b 105 17 14 30 >a.eps */
char *decode_code128(int *wb, int num_bars){
int i, w, i1, i2, i3=0, i4, i5=0, crc, mode=1;
double dww, dw, err, min_err; char cc, *buf;
char *result=NULL; /* malloc and store the result */
for(w=i=0;i<2*num_bars-1;i++) w+=wb[i]; /* summ all bars and spaces */
/* test code128 characteristics, ToDo: look for correct start/stop 211 seq. */
if ((num_bars-1)%3!=0 || num_bars<10 || w<11*(num_bars-1)/3+2)
return 0;
g_debug(fprintf(stderr," code128 b%d s%d b%d\n",wb[0],wb[1],wb[2]);)
if (3*wb[0]<4* wb[1]
|| 3*wb[0]<4* wb[2]
|| 4*wb[0]<3*(wb[1]+wb[2])
|| 3*wb[0]>4*(wb[1]+wb[2])) return 0; /* 211 */
/* get enough memory for all digits in longest mode C */
buf =(char *) malloc( (num_bars-7)/3*2+1); if (!buf) return result;
result=(char *) malloc(256+(num_bars-7)/3*2+1);
for(i4=i1=0;i1<(num_bars-1)/3;i1++) {
for(min_err=1e8,i3=Num128,i5=0;i5<Num128;i5++){ /* get best fit */
for(err=i2=0;i2<6;i2++) err+=sqr(code128[i5][i2]-'0'-wb[i1*6+i2]/dw);
if (err<min_err) { min_err=err; i3=i5; }
} dww+=min_err;
g_debug(fprintf(stderr,"\n %7s %3d err=%.3f ",code128[i3],i3,min_err);)
if(i3<Num128){ /* valid symbol */
if(i1==0){ if (i3>102 && i3<106) mode=i3-103+1; crc=i3; } /* start */
if(i1>0 && i1<(num_bars-1)/3-2){
crc+=i3*(i1); cc=0; /* first * 1 + second * 2 + third * 3 ... */
i5=((mode>3)?mode>>2:mode&3); mode&=3; /* mode can be modified now */
switch (i5) { /* mode=1..3=modeA..modeC */
case 1: if (i3>=64 && i3<96) cc=i3-64; /* modeA: x20-x5f,0-x20 */
else cc=i3+32;
if (i3==101) mode=1; /* switch to mode A */
if (i3== 99) mode=3; /* switch to mode C */
if (i3== 98) mode|=2<<2; /* shift to mode B */
case 2: cc=i3+32; /* modeB: x20-x7f */
if (i3==100) mode=2; /* switch to mode B */
if (i3== 99) mode=3; /* switch to mode C */
if (i3== 98) mode|=1<<2; /* shift to mode A */
case 3:
if (i3==101) mode=1; /* switch to mode A */
if (i3==100) mode=2; /* switch to mode B */
if (i5==3) { buf[i4]='0'+i3/10; i4++;
buf[i4]='0'+i3%10; i4++; } /* modeC: two digits */
else {
if (cc>=0x20 && i3<=0x7f) { buf[i4]=cc; i4++; } /* modeA+B: one digit */
if (cc>=0 && cc< 0x20) { buf[i4]='^'; i4++;
buf[i4]=cc+'@'; i4++; }
if(i1==(num_bars-1)/3-2){ crc=(crc+103-i3)%103; }
if(i1==(num_bars-1)/3-1){ if(i3!=106) i3=-1; } /* stop code */
mode &= 3; /* remove shift */
else fprintf(stderr," %s=%02d? ",buf,i5);
buf[i4]=0; /* end of string */
if (result)
sprintf(result,"<barcode type=\"128\" chars=\"%d\" code=\"%s\" "
"crc=\"%d\" error=\"%.3f\" />",
return result;
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- UPC
EAN 13 (UPC,(1+6+1+6+1)*2bars,size=3+6*7+5+6*7+3=95)
EAN 8 (UPC,(1+4+1+4+1)*2bars,size=3+4*7+5+4*7+3=67)
UPC: (10 codes)
bsb ...... sbsbs ...... bsb
111 ...... 11111 ...... 111
num_bars=2*(2*6+3) middle=SBSBS=11111 right/left=BSB=111="101"
char: left=SBSB right=BSBS (size=7) only_dec_digits
SS+BB = (S+S) + (B+B) => BB:SS = 5:2 or 3:4
size ev+odd even + odd => variants
7 = 2 + 5 = (1+1) + (1+4,2+3) => (1)*(2+2) = 4 codes
= 4 + 3 = (1+3,2+2) + (1+3) => (2+1)*(2) = 6 codes += 10 codes
ToDo: make it more robust
- return error as mean deviation
* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* example: barcode -E -e upc -b 12345678901 >a.eps # ok */
/* example: barcode -E -e ean -b 123456789012 >a.eps # ok */
#define NumUPC 20
const char *codeUPC[NumUPC+1]={ /* 0..9, first n = SBSB, last n = BSBS */
"3211","2221","2122","1411","1132", /* 0,1,2,3,4 normal (+0bit) */
"1231","1114","1312","1213","3112", /* 5,6,7,8,9 */
"1123","1222","2212","1141","2311", /* 0,1,2,3,4 mirrored (+1bit) */
"1321","4111","2131","3121","2113", /* 5,6,7,8,9 */
"????"}; /* not found */
char *decode_UPC(int *wb, int num_bars){ /* ToDo: char *dest, int len */
int i, w, i1, i2, i3, i4, i5, crc, mirrored, ean;
double err, min_err, dw, dww=0.0; char digit;
char *result=NULL, *buf=NULL; /* malloc and store the result */
for(w=i=0;i<2*num_bars-1;i++) w+=wb[i];
dw=2.0*w/((num_bars-6)*7+2*11); /* or min(wb[]) */
if ((num_bars)%2!=0 || num_bars<10 || w<7*(num_bars-6)/2+11
|| ((num_bars-6)/2)%2!=0) return 0; /* should be balanced */
/* check front BSB, middle SBSBS and end BSB */
for (i=0;i<3;i++) { dww=sqr(wb[i ]/dw-1); if (dww>0.4) return 0; }
for (i=0;i<5;i++) { dww=sqr(wb[i+ num_bars-3]/dw-1); if (dww>0.4) return 0; }
for (i=0;i<3;i++) { dww=sqr(wb[i+2*num_bars-4]/dw-1); if (dww>0.4) return 0; }
buf =(char *)malloc( (num_bars-6)/2+1); if (!buf) return result;
result=(char *)malloc(256+(num_bars-6)/2+1);
for(ean=i5=0,i1=3;i1<2*num_bars-4;i1+=4) { /* each digit (2bars+2spaces) */
if (i1==num_bars-3) { i1++; continue; } /* skip middle sync SBSBS */
for (i4=NumUPC,mirrored=0,digit='?',min_err=16e8,i2=0;i2<NumUPC;i2++) {
for (err=0,i3=0;i3<4;i3++) err+=sqr(codeUPC[i2][i3]-'0'-wb[i1+i3]/dw);
if (err<min_err) { min_err=err; i4=i2; digit='0'+i2%10; mirrored=i2/10; }
} dww+=min_err; crc+=(digit-'0')*((i5&1)?1:3); /* even*3+odd, last char is even */
buf[i5++]=digit; if (i5<7) ean=(ean<<1)|mirrored;
/* ToDo: error as deviation wb from ideal */
g_debug(fprintf(stderr,"\nDBG: UPC digit=%c mirrored=%d err=%.3f err_m=%.3f ",
/* EAN has a 13th leading digit build by 3 of 6 mirorred digits */
if (ean & 0x20) ean^=0x3f; /* UPC-E mirrored 1xxxxx => 0yyyyy */
switch (ean) {
case 11: ean=1; break;
case 13: ean=2; break;
case 14: ean=3; break;
case 19: ean=4; break;
case 25: ean=5; break;
case 28: ean=6; break;
case 21: ean=7; break;
case 22: ean=8; break;
case 26: ean=9; break;
default: ean=0; /* no or invalid EAN digit or UPC-extension */
} crc+=ean*1;
/* ToDo: fix possible buffer OVL, complement crc */
if (result)
sprintf(result,"<barcode type=\"UPC\" chars=\"%d\" code=\"%d%s\" "
"crc=\"%d\" error=\"%.3f\" />",
return result;
/* EAN/UPC add-on is either 2 or 5 digits. It always starts with a
* guard bar BSB, followed by ([digit + SB] * (N-1)) + digit. Digit is
* SBSB. Two digit add-on's have 7 bars, and 5 digit add ons have 16.
char *decode_UPC_addon(int *wb, int num_bars){ /* ToDo: char *dest, int len */
int i, w, i1, i2, i3, i4, i5, digits=num_bars/3;
double err, min_err, dw, dww=0.0; char digit;
char *result=NULL, *buf=NULL; /* malloc and store the result */
if (num_bars!=7 && num_bars!=16)
return 0;
for(w=i=0;i<2*num_bars-1;i++) w+=wb[i];
dw=1.0*w/(digits*7+4 + (digits-1)*2);
/* check front BSB, and delineators SB */
for (i=0;i<2;i++) { dww=sqr(wb[i]/dw-1); if (dww>0.4) return 0; }
dww=sqr(wb[i]*0.5/dw-1); if (dww>0.4) return 0;
for (i=1;i<digits; i++) {
for (i1=0; i1<2; i1++) {
dww = sqr(wb[i*6 + 1 + i1]/dw-1);
if (dww > 0.4) return 0;
buf =(char *)malloc( digits+1); if (!buf) return result;
result=(char *)malloc(256+digits+1);
for(i5=0,i1=3;i1<2*num_bars-1;i1+=6) { /* each digit (2bars+2spaces) */
for (i4=NumUPC,digit='?',min_err=16e8,i2=0;i2<NumUPC;i2++) {
for (err=0,i3=0;i3<4;i3++) err+=sqr(codeUPC[i2][i3]-'0'-wb[i1+i3]/dw);
if (err<min_err) { min_err=err; i4=i2; digit='0'+i2%10; }
/* ToDo: error as deviation wb from ideal */
g_debug(fprintf(stderr,"\nDBG: UPC digit=%c err=%.3f err_m=%.3f ",
digit, min_err/4, dww/(i5*4));)
if (result)
sprintf(result, "<barcode type=\"UPC_addon\" chars=\"%d\" code=\"%s\" "
"error=\"%.3f\" />",
i5, buf, dww/((num_bars-6)*2));
return result;
/* --------------------------------------------------------- *
* code 3 of 9, 3 thick of 9 bars
* BSBSBSBSB<S> size=7+3*aw aw=2(3), sumS/sumB=2/1?
* two widths: size=1 or size=2or3, digit_width=13(16)
* 5 bars and 4(+1) spaces per digit, last space is not used
* with 2 (or 0) wide bars, 1 (or 3) wide spaces per digit
* => 3 of 9 => max=9*8*7=504
* evenBB=(0of5)+(2of5) oddSS=(1of4)+(3of4) max=44
* ToDo: better code -...-.-.. as 046 or 083 (even,even,odd)
#define Num39 (40+4) /* (3of9)=(2of5)(1of4)+(0of5)(3of4), (2of5)(.-..)=0..9 */
const char *code39= /* rearranged to BBBBBSSSS<S> (bars,spaces) */
"Z.--..-...""-...---..."".-..-.-..."" .-.-.-...""*..--.-..."
/* (0of5)(3of4)=(.....)(3of4) store only 3of4? */
/* example: barcode -E -e 39 -b 123abc | gs -sDEVICE=pnggray -r100 */
/* return index[] according to sorted values[], big first */
void sort(int *value, int *idx, int len){
int i,j;
for (j=0;j<len;j++) idx[j]=j; /* initialize */
for(i=1;i;) { /* bubble sort, len...len^2 steps */
for(i=j=0;j<len-1;j++) if(value[idx[j]]<value[idx[j+1]]) {
i=idx[j]; idx[j]=idx[j+1]; idx[j+1]=i; i=1;
char *decode_39(int *wb, int num_bars){ /* ToDo: char *dest, int len */
int i, w, i1, i3, i5, crc, idx[10];
double dw,dww,err; char *buf;
char *result=NULL; /* malloc and store the result */
/* check for multiple of 5 bars and minimum start+1char+stop=15 bars */
if ((num_bars)%5!=0 || num_bars<15) return 0;
for(w=i=0; i<2*num_bars-1;i++ ) w+=wb[i]; /* summ width to w */
dw=w*1.0/(16*(num_bars/5)); /* threshold = 1.5..2 */
/* whats best and most rigorosely for dw=threshold_width?
* - (1.5..2)*mean_width of every 5th space
* - (1.5..2)*summ(5bars+5spaces)/(13..16)
* - 3/4*summ(three thickest)/3
dww=crc=0; /* error and checksum (not supported yet) */
#if 0 /* should we exclude any non-standard code39? */
/* check for correct start and end symbol * or NwNnWnWnN Narrow+Wide */
if (wb[ 0]>dw*2 || wb[ 1]<=dw*2 || wb[ 2]> dw*2) return 0;
if (wb[i-0]>dw*2 || wb[i-1]> dw*2 || wb[i-2]<=dw*2) return 0;
g_debug(fprintf(stderr," code39 base=%.3f chars=%2d\n ",dw,(num_bars)/5);)
buf =(char *)malloc( 1+(num_bars)/5); if (!buf) return result;
result=(char *)malloc(256+(num_bars)/5);
for(i5=i1=0;i1<2*num_bars-3;i1+=10) {
/* ToDo: looking for three widest bars/gaps, 0 or 2 bars, 1 or 3 spaces */
for(err=0,i3=3;i3<9;i3++) // estimate error ??
err+=sqr(wb[i1+idx[i3]]/dw-1.0); /* narrow=1, wide=2..3 */
if (code39[10*i3+1+(idx[0]%2)*5+idx[0]/2]=='-'
&& code39[10*i3+1+(idx[1]%2)*5+idx[1]/2]=='-'
&& code39[10*i3+1+(idx[2]%2)*5+idx[2]/2]=='-') break;
if (i5>0 && i5<num_bars/5-2) crc+=i3;
/* ToDo: check if wee have even number of black bars within 3 biggest */
g_debug(for(i3=0;i3<9;i3++)fprintf(stderr,"%02d ",wb[i1+i3]);
fprintf(stderr," posWide=%d,%d,%d %c err=%.3f\n ",
{ int num_ws=0; // Jul09 ~codabar
if (idx[0]&1) num_ws++;
if (idx[1]&1) num_ws++;
if (idx[2]&1) num_ws++;
if ((num_ws&1)==0) { // num wide spaces must be 1 or 3
free (buf); free(result);
g_debug(fprintf(stderr," num wide spaces = %d, abort code39\n", num_ws);)
return 0;
if (result)
sprintf(result,"<barcode type=\"39\" chars=\"%d\" code=\"%s\" "
"crc=\"%c\" error=\"%.3f\" />",
return result;
/* code interleaved 2 of 5 numbers-only (10 bars+spaces = 2 decimal digits)
B B B B B <= digit1 bars=1,3,5,...
S S S S S <= digit2 spaces=2,4,6,...
1122447700 <= weight digit=sum(bit*weight)%11 (except 7+4=11 means 0)
N = narrow bar, W = wide bar, n = narrow space, w = wide space
"NnNn"+interleaved+"WnN" (odd num W, even num w)
18 digits/inch
see http://www.barcode-1.net/i25code.html (Jun 2009)
sizeN>0.02inch: sizeW=2..3*sizeN (but constant)
sizeN<0.02inch: sizeW=2.2..3*sizeN
quite zones 10*sizeN or 0.25inch
Len = (numChars*(2*(sizeW/sizeN)+3) + 6 + (sizeW/sizeN)) * sizeN
#define Num25 10
const char *code25= /* is the code sorted randomly? */
/* example: barcode -E -e i25 -b 123456 >a.eps */
add i25, patch by: Chris Lee, 13 Jul 2009
ToDo: check correctness
char *decode_i25(int *wb, int num_bars){ /* ToDo: char *dest, int len */
int i, w, i1, i3, i5, crc, idx[7], pos;
double dw, dww, err; char *buf;
char *result=NULL; /* malloc and store the result */
int *wb_temp;
int *wb_check;
int code_chars;
if ((num_bars)%5!=4) return 0; /* chars*5bars + 4 start/stop bars */
code_chars = ((num_bars - 4) / 5) * 2;
// dw=w*1.0/(9*(num_bars/3)); /* threshold = 1.5..2 */
wb_temp = (int *)malloc((code_chars * 5)*sizeof(int)); if (!wb_temp) { return NULL; }
wb_check = (int *)malloc( 7 *sizeof(int)); if (!wb_check) { return NULL; }
for (i=0; i<(code_chars * 5)+7; i++) {
if (i<4) { wb_check[i] = wb[i]; } /* start sequence NnNn... */
else if (i > ((code_chars*5)+3)) { /* end sequence ...WnN */
wb_check[(int)(i-(code_chars*5))] = wb[i]; }
else {
pos = i - 4;
/* reinterleave 0,5,1,6,2,7,3,8,4,9,... to 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,... */
// pos = (int)(10*(int)(pos/10) + 1.0*(pos%10)/2.0 + 4.5*(pos%2));
pos = 10*(pos/10) + (pos%10)/2 + 5*(pos&1);
wb_temp[pos] = wb[i];
wb = wb_temp;
/* check start / finish codes */
if (idx[0] != 4 /* widest bar W must be the 4th = 1st of end */
|| wb_check[idx[0]]==wb_check[idx[1]]) { /* exact 1 widest */
g_debug(fprintf(stderr," need exact 1 widest at start of end, abort\n");)
return 0;
for(w=i=0; i<5*code_chars;i++ ) w+=wb[i]; /* summ width */
dw=w*1.0/(16*(num_bars/5)); /* threshold = 1.5..2 */
/* whats best and most rigorosely for dw=threshold_width?
* - (1.5..2)*mean_width of every 5th space
* - (1.5..2)*summ(5bars+5spaces)/(13..16)
* - 3/4*summ(three thickest)/3
dww=crc=0; /* error and checksum (not supported yet) */
#if 0 /* should we exclude any non-standard code39? */
/* check for correct start and end symbol * or NwNnWnWnN Narrow+Wide */
if (wb[ 0]>dw*2 || wb[ 1]<=dw*2 || wb[ 2]> dw*2) return 0;
if (wb[i-0]>dw*2 || wb[i-1]> dw*2 || wb[i-2]<=dw*2) return 0;
g_debug(fprintf(stderr," code25 base=%.3f chars=%2d\n ",dw,code_chars);)
buf =malloc( code_chars); if (!buf) return result;
for(i5=i1=0;i1<5*code_chars;i1+=5) {
/* ToDo: looking for three widest bars/gaps */
err+=sqr(wb[i1+idx[i3]]/dw-1.0); /* narrow=1, wide=2..3 */
if (code25[6*i3+1+idx[0]]=='-'
&& code25[6*i3+1+idx[1]]=='-') break;
//if (i5>0 && i5<num_bars/3-2) crc+=i3;
/* ToDo: check if we have even number of black bars within 3 biggest */
g_debug(for(i3=0;i3<5;i3++)fprintf(stderr,"%02d ",wb[i1+i3]);
fprintf(stderr," posWide=%d,%d %c err=%.3f\n ",
idx[0], idx[1], buf[i5-1], err/6);)
/* check that we have exact 2 widest bars, 2nd widest > 3th widest */
if (wb[i1+idx[1]]==wb[i1+idx[2]]) {
free(buf); free(result);
g_debug(fprintf(stderr," need exact 2 widest, abort\n");)
return 0;
if (result) // ToDo: fix CRC (not defined?)
sprintf(result,"<barcode type=\"i25\" chars=\"%d\" code=\"%s\" crc=\"%c\""
" error=\"%.3f\" />", i5,buf,code25[(crc%10)*10],dww/((num_bars/5)*6));
return result;
/* code codabar, numbers only, 4 bars per char (1*wide bar, 1*wide space)
robust code (dot-matrix printer)
characters have same length (distance between 1st bar to 4th space)
??? codeproject: 6*n+2*w=12 or 5*n+3*w=14
??? suchymips.de:
variant 1: 18 different bar widths (Monarch code)
variant 2: 2 different bar widths (Codabar Matrix or ABC-Codabar)
9..11 digits/inch, N=narrow bar, W=wide bar, n=narrow space, w=wide space
see http://www.barcodeman.com/info/codabar.php (Jul 2009)
minN=0.17mm=0.0065inch, 11 digits/inch = 0.0909 = 14*minN
2of7 + extensions
extensions: 1 wide bar + 2 wide spaces (no narrow space between 2 wide)
4 start/stop sets = a/t, b/m, c/ *, d/e
- mean wide = thickest of 4 bars
- mean narrow = thinnest of 4 bars, thinnest of 3 (4) spaces or every 4th
wiki-sample: a31117013206375b (wide spaces between chars) schraeg!
barcode: t1234567t n=N=1 w=W=3 c=12,14 (not const.)
const char *code27= /* 4bars+3spaces, 12+12 chars */
// 0..11: 3 nbar + 1 wbar + 2 nspace + 1 wspace
// 12..15: 1 nbar + 3 wbar + 3 nspace + 0 wspace
// 16..23: 3 nbar + 1 wbar + 1 nspace + 2 wspace
// EOS
/* example: barcode -E -e cbr -b 123456 >a.eps */
char *decode_27(int *wb, int num_bars){ /* ToDo: char *dest, int len */
int i, i1, i2, i3, i4, i5, b_idx[4], s_idx[3], b_w[4], s_w[3],
max_wdiff, err=0;
// double dw, err;
char *buf, char27[8]="......";
char *result=NULL; /* malloc and store the result */
int code_chars;
#if 0 // ToDo: verifications nb_max < wb_min etc.
int nb_min=99999, nb_max=0, nb_sum=0, nb_num=0; // narrow bar
int ns_min=99999, ns_max=0, ns_sum=0, ns_num=0; // narrow space
int wb_min=99999, wb_max=0, wb_sum=0, wb_num=0; // wide bar
int ws_min=99999, ws_max=0, ws_sum=0, ws_num=0; // wide space
if ((num_bars)%4!=0) return 0; /* chars*4bars */
code_chars = num_bars / 4;
// dw=w*1.0/(9*(num_bars/3)); /* threshold = 1.5..2 */
g_debug(fprintf(stderr," codabar chars= %d\n ", code_chars);)
buf =malloc( code_chars); if (!buf) return result;
i5=0; // index output string
for (i=0; i< code_chars; i++) {
b_w[0]=wb[i*8+0]; // 1st bar
b_w[1]=wb[i*8+2]; // 2nd bar
b_w[2]=wb[i*8+4]; // 3th bar
b_w[3]=wb[i*8+6]; // 4th bar
s_w[0]=wb[i*8+1]; // 1st space
s_w[1]=wb[i*8+3]; // 2nd space
s_w[2]=wb[i*8+5]; // 3th space
sort(b_w,b_idx,4); /* idx[0] points to widest bar */
sort(s_w,s_idx,3); /* idx[0] points to widest space */
g_debug(for(i3=0;i3<7;i3++)fprintf(stderr,"%02d ",wb[8*i+i3]);)
if (b_w[b_idx[0]]==b_w[b_idx[3]]) { err=__LINE__; break; } // min. 1 wide + narrow
// search max. diff between sorted widths
i2=b_w[b_idx[0]]-b_w[b_idx[1]]; i1=1; max_wdiff=i2; // diff widest - 2nd wides
i2=b_w[b_idx[1]]-b_w[b_idx[2]]; if (i2>max_wdiff) { i1=2; max_wdiff=i2; }
i2=b_w[b_idx[2]]-b_w[b_idx[3]]; if (i2>max_wdiff) { i1=3; max_wdiff=i2; }
if (i1==2) { err=__LINE__; break; } // 2 wide + 2 narrow bars not allowed
for (i3=0;i3<7;i3++) char27[i3]='.'; // reset char
if (i1==1) { // 1 wide bar (1 or 2 wspaces)
if (s_w[s_idx[0]]-s_w[s_idx[1]]
>s_w[s_idx[1]]-s_w[s_idx[2]]) { // 1 wspace
} else { // assume 2 wspaces
if (s_w[s_idx[2]]==s_w[s_idx[1]]) { err=__LINE__; break; }
} else { // assume 3 wbars + 0 wspaces
for(i4=24,i3=0;i3<24;i3++) {
if (code27[8*i3+1]==char27[0]
&& code27[8*i3+2]==char27[1]
&& code27[8*i3+3]==char27[2]
&& code27[8*i3+4]==char27[3]
&& code27[8*i3+5]==char27[4]
&& code27[8*i3+6]==char27[5]
&& code27[8*i3+7]==char27[6]) {
i4=i3; buf[i5++]=code27[8*i3]; break; }
g_debug(fprintf(stderr," %s c27= %c\n ", char27, ((i5)?buf[i5-1]:'?'));)
if (i4==24) { err=__LINE__; break; }
} // each char
if (i>=code_chars) { // else: inconsistent char
g_debug(fprintf(stderr," code27 base=%.3f chars=%2d\n ",0.0,code_chars);)
} else {
g_debug(fprintf(stderr," error %d at char %d, abort\n", err, i);)
free(result); result=0;
if (result) // ToDo: fix CRC (not defined?)
sprintf(result,"<barcode type=\"codabar\" chars=\"%d\" code=\"%s\""
" crc=\"%c\" error=\"%.3f\" />", i5,buf,'?',0.0);
return result; // free at parent!
decode barcode
- check main characteristics (num bars, min+max width, etc.)
- detect code type
- the current algorithm measures the width of bars and spaces
called by detect_barcode()
ToDo: - like storing sequence of widths for 1D code
store array of bits for 2D matrix code and decode later
char *decode_barcode(struct box *bb){ /* ToDo: char *dest, int len */
int i, num_bars, yy, w, ww, dx, xx, cs=JOB->cfg.cs, *wb;
char *result=NULL; /* store the result */
num_bars = num_cross(bb->x0,bb->x1,yy,yy,bb->p,JOB->cfg.cs);
fprintf(stderr,"\n# ... detect bars=%3d w=%4d",num_bars,ww);
/* store width of bars and spaces to buffer wb */
wb=(int *)malloc(2*num_bars*sizeof(int)); if(!wb) return NULL;
xx-=loop(bb->p,xx,yy, 8,cs,1,LE);
xx+=loop(bb->p,xx,yy,ww,cs,0,RI); /* start with a bar! */
for (i=0;i<2*num_bars;i++) {
} wb[2*num_bars-1]=0;
/* ToDo: what about probability? if not unique
* - add argument char *result which can be modified or not,
* - or add box2? (would reuse of this code more difficult)
/* test code128 characteristics, ToDo: look for correct start/stop 211 seq. */
if ((num_bars-1)%3==0 && num_bars>=10 && ww>=11*(num_bars-1)/3+2){
if (!result) result=decode_code128(wb,num_bars);
/* test UPC/EAN characteristics */
if ((num_bars)%2==0 && num_bars>=8 && ww>=7*(num_bars-6)/2+11
&& ((num_bars-6)/2)%2==0){ /* should be balanced */
if (!result) result=decode_UPC(wb,num_bars);
/* test UPC_addon by Michael van Rooyen, often on books */
if (num_bars==7 || num_bars==16)
if (!result) result=decode_UPC_addon(wb,num_bars);
/* test code39 characteristics */
if ((num_bars)%5==0 && num_bars>14){
if (!result) result=decode_39(wb,num_bars);
/* test i2of5 chartacteristics */
if ((num_bars)%5==4 && num_bars>3) {
if (!result) result=decode_i25(wb,num_bars);
/* test codabar chartacteristics */
if ((num_bars)%4==0 && num_bars>3) {
if (!result) result=decode_27(wb,num_bars);
return result;
* taking the list of boxes and search for groups of bars (1D-barcodes)
int detect_barcode(job_t *job)
int j=0, j2=0, bx0, by0, bx1, by1, bdx, bdy, bbx, rm,
x0, y0, dx, dy, cs, y, yl0, yl1, yr0, yr1;
struct box *box2, *box3;
fprintf(stderr,"# barcode.c detect_barcode ");
x0=y0=0; rm=0; dx=job->src.p.x; dy=job->src.p.y; cs=JOB->cfg.cs;
for_each_data(&(JOB->res.boxlist)) {
box2 = (struct box *)list_get_current(&(JOB->res.boxlist));
/* detect width (bdx) and height (bdy) of possible bar */
/* ToDo: better check for a line */
bdx=box2->x1-box2->x0+1 /* substract correction for skewed bars */
if (box2->c == PICTURE || box2->c == UNKNOWN)
if (box2->y0 >= y0 && box2->y1 <= y0 + dy /* within frame? */
&& box2->x0 >= x0 && box2->x1 <= x0 + dx
&& box2->y1 - box2->y0 > 19 /* min. length */
&& box2->y1 - box2->y0 > 8 * bdx
) { /* a bar? */
j=1; /* number of bars */
bx0=box2->x0; bx1=box2->x1; /* initial values for barcode frame */
by0=box2->y0; by1=box2->y1;
bbx=bx1-bx0+2; /* width of bar */
/* this is for scans which are not exactly horizontal */
yl0=yr0=by0; /* left and right upper bound */
yl1=yr1=by1; /* left and right lower bound */
/* --- iteratively take into account next nearest bar ---
* this is important, because bar-boxes are not in right order */
for (j2=1;j2;) {
/* expand a frame around the potential barcode (bx0,by0,bx1,by1) */
for_each_data(&(JOB->res.boxlist)) {
box3 = (struct box *)list_get_current(&(JOB->res.boxlist));
/* bdy=box3->y1-box3->y0+1; */
if (box2!=box3)
if (box3->c == PICTURE || box3->c == UNKNOWN)
if (box3->y0 >= y0 && box3->y1 <= y0 + dy /* within image */
&& box3->x0 >= x0 && box3->x1 <= x0 + dx
&& box3->y1 - box3->y0 > 19 /* min. length */
&& box3->y1 - box3->y0 > 4 * (bdx) /* height > 4*width2 */
&& box3->x1 - box3->x0 < 4 * (bdy) /* width < height/4 = bar */
&& (( abs(box3->y0-by0)<bdy/16+4 /* within bar-box ? */
&& abs(box3->y1-by1)<bdy/2 ) /* lower ends of UPC could be longer */
||( abs(box3->y0-yl0)<bdy/16+4 /* left side of frame */
&& abs(box3->y1-yl1)<bdy/2
&& box3->x0 <= bx0 )
||( abs(box3->y0-yr0)<bdy/16+4 /* right side of frame */
&& abs(box3->y1-yr1)<bdy/2
&& box3->x0 >= bx1 ) )
&& box3->x0 > bx0 - 12*bbx /* startspace=5...10 */
&& box3->x1 < bx1 + 12*bbx
&& box3->x0 > bx0 - bdy/2 /* dont glue two barcodes together */
&& box3->x1 < bx1 + bdy/2 /* ex: ean13a.jpg */
/* dont check bars which already within the frame twice ? */
&& ( box3->x1 > bx1 || box3->x0 < bx0 )
) { /* a bar? -> extend barcode frame only in x direction */
/* take minimum of y to have valid barcode for all y */
if (box3->x0<bx0) { bx0=box3->x0; yl0=box3->y0; yl1=box3->y1; }
if (box3->x1>bx1) { bx1=box3->x1; yr0=box3->y0; yr1=box3->y1; }
if (4*(box3->y1-box3->y0)>3*(by1-by0)) { /* carefull reduce */
if (box3->y0>by0) by0=box3->y0; /* ToDo: fix for non-horizontal */
if (box3->y1<by1) by1=box3->y1;
j++; /* found a near bar and count to num bars */
j2=1; /* continue searching (endless loop?) */
} end_for_each(&(JOB->res.boxlist));
/* j is the num of bars found above, some inner bars are not counted */
/* ToDo: better iterative add next nearest bars from sorted list near bars? */
if (j>5) {
char *code=0;
box2->c=PICTURE; /* BARCODE */
box2->x0=bx0; box2->y0=by0;
box2->x1=bx1; box2->y1=by1;
/* ToDo: add pointer to decoded text */
if (JOB->cfg.verbose){
int nbars;
fprintf(stderr,"\n# barcode at %3d %3d size %3d %3d nbars %d (%d)",
if (j!=nbars)
fprintf(stderr,"\n# ... trouble: num_found_bars != num_cross");
/* this is because some far bars are detected before near bars */
/* transport the info to the gocr-output (development) */
/* ToDo: decode and print/store barcode bars=j */
code=decode_barcode(box2); /* ToDo: char *dest, int len */
if (!code) { /* failed */
code=(char *)malloc(128);
/* ToDo: analyze and output num_bars, width of bars etc. */
if(code) strncpy(code,"<barcode type=\"unknown\" />",128);
if (JOB->cfg.verbose)
fprintf(stderr,"\n# ... decoded as: %s", code);
setas(box2,code,99); /* ToDo: set a better weight */
/* remove inner boxes, only if sure!? (ToDo: use cfg.certainty) */
for_each_data(&(JOB->res.boxlist)) {
box3 = (struct box *)list_get_current(&(JOB->res.boxlist));
/* bdy=box3->y1-box3->y0+1; */
if (box2!=box3)
if (box3->c == PICTURE || box3->c == UNKNOWN)
if ( abs(box3->y0-by0)<bdy/16+4 /* within bar-box ? */
&& abs(box3->y1-by1)<bdy/2 /* lower ends of UPC could be longer */
&& box3->x1 <= bx1
&& box3->x0 >= bx0
) {
rm++; /* count removed boxes */
} end_for_each(&(JOB->res.boxlist));
if (JOB->cfg.verbose)
fprintf(stderr,"\n# ... removed boxes: %d", rm);
} end_for_each(&(JOB->res.boxlist));
/* recalculate averages without bars */
for_each_data(&(JOB->res.boxlist)) {
box3 = (struct box *)list_get_current(&(JOB->res.boxlist));
if (box3->c==PICTURE) continue;
JOB->res.numC++; /* count remaining boxes */
} end_for_each(&(JOB->res.boxlist));
fprintf(stderr,"\n# ... boxes %d nC %d\n",
j2, JOB->res.numC);
/* ToDo: detect DataMatrix = iec16022
* search square of 2 lines and 2 dottet lines (first no rotation)
* output characteristics pixel size, bytes, code type, etc.
return 0;