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2012-09-16 12:33:11 +00:00
* @file
* @brief Scan containing all interprocess shared data and management values.
* @author Thomas Escher
#include "scanserver/frame.h"
#include "slam6d/io_types.h"
#include "slam6d/data_types.h"
#include "slam6d/pointfilter.h"
#include <boost/interprocess/managed_shared_memory.hpp>
#include <boost/interprocess/smart_ptr/shared_ptr.hpp>
#include <boost/interprocess/containers/string.hpp>
#include <boost/interprocess/containers/vector.hpp>
// hide the boost namespace and shorten others
namespace ip = boost::interprocess;
// the segment manager providing the allocations
typedef ip::managed_shared_memory::segment_manager SegmentManager;
// allocator and type for a scan vector
class SharedScan;
typedef ip::allocator<ip::offset_ptr<SharedScan>, SegmentManager> SharedScanAllocator;
typedef ip::vector<ip::offset_ptr<SharedScan>, SharedScanAllocator> SharedScanVector;
// allocator and type for a shared string
typedef ip::allocator<char, SegmentManager> CharAllocator;
typedef ip::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, CharAllocator> SharedString;
// shared pointer for shared strings
typedef ip::managed_shared_ptr<SharedString, ip::managed_shared_memory>::type SharedStringSharedPtr;
class CacheObject;
* @brief Central class representing a single scan file in shared memory.
* This class identifies a scan file by its path, identificator and io type, which are given to the ScanIO to read a scan.
* It holds all neccessary information like pose, frames and cached data from the scan. The cached data is contained in CacheObjects, one for each data channel and two reduced (one transformed, one untransformed). The access to the CacheObjects' data is given via a derivation from CacheData via MultiArray-types, which imitates a double**-array for easy use.
* All calls to the server are relayed to the ClientInterface and handled there. Access to the CacheObjects causing a cache miss also invoke a server call to the CacheManager.
class SharedScan
// private static class access for onChacheMiss/onAllocation
friend class CacheObject;
//! Constructor by identifiers
SharedScan(const ip::allocator<void, SegmentManager> & allocator,
const SharedStringSharedPtr& dir_path_ptr, const char* io_identifier,
IOType iotype);
//! Deconstructor
//! Equality operator based on identifier, directory and type
bool operator==(const SharedScan& r) const;
//! Filter parameters for range checks when loading from file, invalidate cache for scan CacheObject if it differs
void setRangeParameters(double max_dist, double min_dist);
//! Filter parameters for height checks when loading from file, invalidate cache for scan CacheObject if it differs
void setHeightParameters(double top, double bottom);
//! Set parameters and invalidate cache for reduced CacheObjects if it differs
void setReductionParameters(const char* params);
//! Set parameters and invalidate cache for reduced CacheObjects if it differs
void setShowReductionParameters(const char* params);
//! Set parameters and invalidate cache for reduced CacheObjects if it differs
void setOcttreeParameters(const char* params);
//! Add a new frame with the current transformation and given type
void addFrame(double* transformation, unsigned int type);
//! Save frames into a file for later use
void saveFrames();
//! Clear existing frames
void clearFrames();
//! Get contained frames
const FrameVector& getFrames();
//! Get pose from pose file
double* getPose();
//! Get specific cached data
DataXYZ getXYZ();
DataRGB getRGB();
DataReflectance getReflectance();
DataAmplitude getAmplitude();
DataType getType();
DataDeviation getDeviation();
//! Reduced transformed points
DataXYZ getXYZReduced();
//! Create a new set of reduced points
DataXYZ createXYZReduced(unsigned int size);
//! Reduced untransformed points
DataXYZ getXYZReducedOriginal();
//! Create a new set of reduced points originals
DataXYZ createXYZReducedOriginal(unsigned int size);
//! Individual reduced points to use in show if requested
TripleArray<float> getXYZReducedShow();
//! Create a new set of reduced points for use in show
TripleArray<float> createXYZReducedShow(unsigned int size);
//! Cached tree structure for show
DataPointer getOcttree();
//! Create a cached tree structure for show
DataPointer createOcttree(unsigned int size);
//! ScanHandler related prefetching values to combine loading of separate cache objects
void prefetch(unsigned int type) { m_prefetch |= type; }
//! Return prefetch values
unsigned int getPrefetch() const { return m_prefetch; }
//! Clear prefetch values
void clearPrefetch() { m_prefetch = 0; }
// IO-specific getters
inline const char* getDirPath() const { return m_dir_path_ptr->c_str(); }
inline const char* getIdentifier() const { return m_io_identifier.c_str(); }
inline IOType getIOType() const { return m_iotype; }
inline float getMaxDist() const { return m_max_dist; }
inline float getMinDist() const { return m_min_dist; }
inline double geHeightTop() const { return m_height_top; }
inline double getHeightBottom() const { return m_height_bottom; }
//! Assembles an PointFilter with range/height parameters (if set) to use process-locally
PointFilter getPointFilter() const;
SharedStringSharedPtr m_dir_path_ptr;
SharedString m_io_identifier;
IOType m_iotype;
unsigned int m_prefetch;
double m_max_dist, m_min_dist;
double m_height_top, m_height_bottom;
bool m_range_param_set, m_height_param_set;
SharedString m_reduction_parameters;
SharedString m_show_parameters;
SharedString m_octtree_parameters;
bool m_load_frames_file;
ip::offset_ptr<double> m_pose;
ip::offset_ptr<CacheObject> m_xyz, m_rgb, m_reflectance, m_amplitude, m_type, m_deviation,
m_xyz_reduced, m_xyz_reduced_original,
m_show_reduced, m_octtree;
FrameVector m_frames;
//! invalidate full cache objects
void invalidateFull();
//! invalidate reduced cache objects
void invalidateReduced();
//! invalidate show related cache objects
void invalidateShow();
//! Static callback for cache misses to send a request to the server interface
static void onCacheMiss(CacheObject* obj);
//! Static callback for cache object creation calls
static void onAllocation(CacheObject* obj, unsigned int size);
//! Static callback for cache object invalidation
static void onInvalidation(CacheObject* obj);
#endif //SHARED_SCAN_H