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2012-09-16 12:33:11 +00:00
* @file
* @brief Efficient representation of an octree
* @author Jan Elsberg. Automation Group, Jacobs University Bremen gGmbH, Germany.
* @author Kai Lingemann. Institute of Computer Science, University of Osnabrueck, Germany.
* @author Andreas Nuechter. Institute of Computer Science, University of Osnabrueck, Germany.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <float.h>
#include <vector>
using std::vector;
#include <deque>
using std::deque;
#include <set>
using std::set;
#include <list>
using std::list;
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <string>
#include "slam6d/globals.icc"
#include "slam6d/point_type.h"
#include "slam6d/Boctree.h"
#include "show/colormanager.h"
#include "show/colordisplay.h"
#include "show/viewcull.h"
#include "show/scancolormanager.h"
#include "slam6d/allocator.h"
#define POINTERBITS 32
//#define WITH_8BIT_POINTS
typedef signed char tshort;
#define TSHORT_MAXP1 (1 << 7);
#define TSHORT_MAX ((1 << 7) - 1);
typedef signed char shortpointrep;
typedef short int tshort;
#define TSHORT_MAXP1 (1 << 15);
#define TSHORT_MAX ((1 << 15) - 1);
typedef short int shortpointrep;
typedef unsigned int lint;
class ScanColorManager;
// forward declaration
template <class T> union cbitunion;
* This struct represents the nodes of the octree
* child_pointer is a relative pointer to the first child of this node, as it is only
* 48 bit this will cause issues on systems with more than 268 TB of memory. All children
* of this node must be stored sequentially. If one of the children is a leaf, that
* child will be a pointer to however a set of points is represented (pointrep *).
* valid is a bitmask describing wether the corresponding buckets are filled.
* leaf is a bitmask describing wether the correpsonding bucket is a leaf node.
* The representation of the bitmask is somewhat inefficient. We use 16 bits for only
* 3^8 possible states, so in essence we could save 3 bits by compression.
class cbitoct{
#ifdef _MSC_VER
__int64 child_pointer : POINTERBITS;
unsigned valid : 8;
unsigned leaf : 8;
signed long child_pointer : POINTERBITS;
unsigned valid : 8;
unsigned leaf : 8;
* sets the child pointer of parent so it points to child
template <class T>
static inline void link(cbitoct &parent, cbitunion<T> *child) {
parent.child_pointer = (long)((char*)child - (char*)&parent);
* Returns the children of this node (given as parent).
template <class T>
static inline void getChildren(cbitoct &parent, cbitunion<T>* &children) {
children = (cbitunion<T>*)((char*)&parent + parent.child_pointer);
class cbitp{
#ifdef _MSC_VER
__int64 pointer : POINTERBITS;
unsigned int length : 24;
signed long pointer : POINTERBITS;
unsigned int length : 24;
* This union combines an octree node with a pointer to a set of points. This allows
* us to use both nodes and leaves interchangeably.
* points is a pointer to the point representation in use
* node is simply the octree node
template <class T> union cbitunion {
cbitp points;
cbitoct node;
cbitunion(cbitp p) : points(p) {};
cbitunion(cbitoct b) : node(b) {};
cbitunion() {
node.child_pointer = 0;
node.valid = 0;
node.leaf = 0;
}; // needed for new []
inline shortpointrep* getPoints() {
return (shortpointrep*)((char*)this + this->points.pointer);
inline unsigned int getLength() {
return this->points.length;
* sets the child pointer of parent so it points to child
inline void linkPoints(shortpointrep *child, unsigned int l) {
this->points.length = l; // do this first in case of overflow
this->points.pointer = (long)((char*)child - (char*)this);
* @brief Octree
* A cubic bounding box is calculated
* from the given 3D points. Then it
* is recusivly subdivided into smaller
* subboxes
class ScanColorManager;
class compactTree : public colordisplay {
template <class P>
compactTree(P * const* pts, int n, double voxelSize, PointType _pointtype = PointType(), ScanColorManager *scm=0 );
template <class P>
compactTree(vector<P *> &pts, double voxelSize, PointType _pointtype = PointType());
compactTree(std::string filename, ScanColorManager *scm = 0) {
alloc = new PackedChunkAllocator;
if (scm) {
maxtargetpoints = maxTargetPoints(*root);
current_lod_mode = 0;
virtual ~compactTree();
inline void GetOctTreeCenter(vector<double*>&c);
inline void AllPoints(vector<double *> &vp);
inline long countNodes();
inline long countLeaves();
void setColorManager(ColorManager *_cm);
void drawLOD(float lod);
void draw();
void displayOctTree(double minsize = FLT_MAX);
template <class T>
void selectRay(vector<T *> &points);
template <class T>
void selectRay(T * &point);
inline void getCenter(double center[3]) const;
void serialize(std::string filename);
Allocator* alloc;
void AllPoints( cbitoct &node, vector<double*> &vp, double center[3], double size);
void GetOctTreeCenter(vector<double*>&c, cbitoct &node, double *center, double size);
long countNodes(cbitoct &node);
long countLeaves(cbitoct &node);
void deletetNodes(cbitoct &node);
template <class P>
bool branch(union cbitunion<tshort> &node, vector<P*> &splitPoints, double _center[3], double _size);
template <class P>
inline void countPointsAndQueue(vector<P*> &i_points, double center[8][3], double size, cbitoct &parent, double *pcenter);
template <class P>
inline void countPointsAndQueue(P * const* pts, int n, double center[8][3], double size, cbitoct &parent, double *pcenter);
void childcenter(double *pcenter, double *ccenter, double size, unsigned char i);
template <class P>
inline unsigned char childIndex(const double *center, const P *point);
unsigned long maxTargetPoints( cbitoct &node );
void displayOctTreeAll( cbitoct &node, double *center, double size);
void displayOctTreeAllCulled( cbitoct &node, double *center, double size );
void displayOctTreeCulledLOD(long targetpts, cbitoct &node, double *center, double size );
void displayOctTreeLOD(long targetpts, cbitoct &node, double *center, double size );
void displayOctTreeCulledLOD2(float lod, cbitoct &node, double *center, double size );
void displayOctTreeLOD2(float lod, cbitoct &node, double *center, double size );
void displayOctTreeCAllCulled( cbitoct &node, double *center, double size, double minsize );
void displayOctTreeCAll( cbitoct &node, double *center, double size, double minsize );
void showCube(double *center, double size);
* the root of the octree
cbitoct* root;
* storing the center
double center[3];
* storing the dimension
double size;
* storing the voxel size
double voxelSize;
double precision;
* storing minimal and maximal values for all dimensions
double *mins;
double *maxs;
unsigned int POINTDIM;
PointType pointtype;
shortpointrep* createPoints(lint length);
void deserialize(std::string filename );
void deserialize(std::ifstream &f, cbitoct &node);
void serialize(std::ofstream &of, cbitoct &node);
unsigned long maxtargetpoints;
unsigned int current_lod_mode;
void cycleLOD() {
current_lod_mode = (current_lod_mode+1)%3;
template <class P>
compactTree::compactTree(vector<P *> &pts, double voxelSize, PointType _pointtype) {
alloc = new PackedChunkAllocator;
this->voxelSize = voxelSize;
this->POINTDIM = pointtype.getPointDim();
mins = new double[POINTDIM];
maxs = new double[POINTDIM];
// initialising
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < POINTDIM; i++) {
mins[i] = pts[0][i];
maxs[i] = pts[0][i];
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < POINTDIM; i++) {
for (unsigned int j = 1; j < pts.size(); j++) {
mins[i] = min(mins[i], pts[j][i]);
maxs[i] = max(maxs[i], pts[j][i]);
center[0] = 0.5 * (mins[0] + maxs[0]);
center[1] = 0.5 * (mins[1] + maxs[1]);
center[2] = 0.5 * (mins[2] + maxs[2]);
size = max(max(0.5 * (maxs[0] - mins[0]), 0.5 * (maxs[1] - mins[1])), 0.5 * (maxs[2] - mins[2]));
// calculate new buckets
double newcenter[8][3];
double sizeNew = size / 2.0;
for (unsigned char i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
childcenter(center, newcenter[i], size, i);
// set up values
root = alloc->allocate<cbitoct>();
countPointsAndQueue(pts, newcenter, sizeNew, *root, center);
maxtargetpoints = maxTargetPoints(*root);
current_lod_mode = 0;
template <class P>
bool compactTree::branch( union cbitunion<tshort> &node, vector<P*> &splitPoints, double _center[3], double _size) {
// if bucket is too small stop building tree
// -----------------------------------------
if ((_size <= voxelSize)) {
// copy points
shortpointrep *points = createPoints(splitPoints.size());
node.linkPoints(points, splitPoints.size());
int i = 0;
double distance;
for (typename vector<P *>::iterator itr = splitPoints.begin();
itr != splitPoints.end(); itr++) {
for (unsigned int iterator = 0; iterator < 3; iterator++) {
distance = (*itr)[iterator] - _center[iterator];
if (distance >= _size) {
// points[i++] = (1 << 15) -1;
points[i++] = TSHORT_MAX;
} else {
// points[i++] = (distance/_size ) * (1 << 15);//* pow(2,15) ;
points[i++] = (distance/_size ) * TSHORT_MAXP1;
for (unsigned int iterator = 3; iterator < POINTDIM; iterator++) {
points[i++] = (*itr)[iterator];
return true;
// calculate new buckets
double newcenter[8][3];
double sizeNew;
sizeNew = _size / 2.0;
for (unsigned char i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
childcenter(_center, newcenter[i], _size, i);
countPointsAndQueue(splitPoints, newcenter, sizeNew, node.node, _center);
return false;
template <class P>
void compactTree::countPointsAndQueue(vector<P*> &i_points, double center[8][3], double size, cbitoct &parent, double *pcenter) {
vector<P*> points[8];
int n_children = 0;
for (typename vector<P *>::iterator itr = i_points.begin(); itr != i_points.end(); itr++) {
points[childIndex<P>(pcenter, *itr)].push_back( *itr );
for (int j = 0; j < 8; j++) {
if (!points[j].empty()) {
parent.valid = ( 1 << j ) | parent.valid;
// create children
cbitunion<tshort> *children = alloc->allocate<cbitunion<tshort> >(n_children);
cbitoct::link(parent, children);
int count = 0;
for (int j = 0; j < 8; j++) {
if (!points[j].empty()) {
if ( branch(children[count], points[j], center[j], size)) { // leaf node
parent.leaf = ( 1 << j ) | parent.leaf; // remember this is a leaf
template <class P>
void compactTree::countPointsAndQueue(P * const* pts, int n, double center[8][3], double size, cbitoct &parent, double *pcenter) {
vector<const P*> points[8];
int n_children = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
points[childIndex<P>(pcenter, pts[i])].push_back( pts[i] );
for (int j = 0; j < 8; j++) {
// if non-empty set valid flag for this child
if (!points[j].empty()) {
parent.valid = ( 1 << j ) | parent.valid;
// create children
cbitunion<tshort> *children = alloc->allocate<cbitunion<tshort> >(n_children);
cbitoct::link(parent, children);
int count = 0;
for (int j = 0; j < 8; j++) {
if (!points[j].empty()) {
if ( branch(children[count], points[j], center[j], size)) { // leaf node
parent.leaf = ( 1 << j ) | parent.leaf; // remember this is a leaf
vector<const P*>().swap(points[j]);
template <class T>
void compactTree::selectRay(T * &point) {
//selectRay(point, *root, center, size, FLT_MAX);
template <class P>
compactTree::compactTree(P * const* pts, int n, double voxelSize, PointType _pointtype , ScanColorManager *scm ) : pointtype(_pointtype) {
alloc = new PackedChunkAllocator;
cm = 0;
if (scm) {
for (int i = 1; i < n; i++) {
this->voxelSize = voxelSize;
this->POINTDIM = pointtype.getPointDim();
mins = new double[POINTDIM];
maxs = new double[POINTDIM];
// initialising
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < POINTDIM; i++) {
mins[i] = pts[0][i];
maxs[i] = pts[0][i];
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < POINTDIM; i++) {
for (int j = 1; j < n; j++) {
mins[i] = min(mins[i], (double)pts[j][i]);
maxs[i] = max(maxs[i], (double)pts[j][i]);
center[0] = 0.5 * (mins[0] + maxs[0]);
center[1] = 0.5 * (mins[1] + maxs[1]);
center[2] = 0.5 * (mins[2] + maxs[2]);
size = max(max(0.5 * (maxs[0] - mins[0]), 0.5 * (maxs[1] - mins[1])), 0.5 * (maxs[2] - mins[2]));
size += 1.0; // some buffer for numerical problems
double vs = size;
while (vs > voxelSize) {
vs = vs/2.0;
// vs = vs/2.0;
// double precision = vs/ pow(2, sizeof(tshort)*8-1);
//precision = vs/ (1 << 15); //pow(2, 15);
precision = vs / TSHORT_MAXP1;
// vs is the real voxelsize
cout << "real voxelsize is " << vs << endl;
cout << "precision is now " << precision << endl;
// calculate new buckets
double newcenter[8][3];
double sizeNew = size / 2.0;
for (unsigned char i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
childcenter(center, newcenter[i], size, i);
// set up values
root = alloc->allocate<cbitoct>();
countPointsAndQueue(pts, n, newcenter, sizeNew, *root, center);
maxtargetpoints = maxTargetPoints(*root);
current_lod_mode = 0;
template <class P>
inline unsigned char compactTree::childIndex(const double *center, const P *point) {
return (point[0] >= center[0] ) | ((point[1] >= center[1] ) << 1) | ((point[2] >= center[2] ) << 2) ;
void compactTree::getCenter(double _center[3]) const {
_center[0] = center[0];
_center[1] = center[1];
_center[2] = center[2];