//$$ newmat3.cpp Matrix get and restore rows and columns // Copyright (C) 1991,2,3,4: R B Davies //#define WANT_STREAM #include "include.h" #include "newmat.h" #include "newmatrc.h" #ifdef use_namespace namespace NEWMAT { #endif #ifdef DO_REPORT #define REPORT { static ExeCounter ExeCount(__LINE__,3); ++ExeCount; } #else #define REPORT {} #endif //#define MONITOR(what,storage,store) // { cout << what << " " << storage << " at " << (long)store << "\n"; } #define MONITOR(what,store,storage) {} // Control bits codes for GetRow, GetCol, RestoreRow, RestoreCol // // LoadOnEntry: // Load data into MatrixRow or Col dummy array under GetRow or GetCol // StoreOnExit: // Restore data to original matrix under RestoreRow or RestoreCol // DirectPart: // Load or restore only part directly stored; must be set with StoreOnExit // Still have decide how to handle this with symmetric // StoreHere: // used in columns only - store data at supplied storage address; // used for GetCol, NextCol & RestoreCol. No need to fill out zeros // HaveStore: // dummy array has been assigned (internal use only). // For symmetric matrices, treat columns as rows unless StoreHere is set; // then stick to columns as this will give better performance for doing // inverses // How components are used: // Use rows wherever possible in preference to columns // Columns without StoreHere are used in in-exact transpose, sum column, // multiply a column vector, and maybe in future access to column, // additional multiply functions, add transpose // Columns with StoreHere are used in exact transpose (not symmetric matrices // or vectors, load only) // Columns with MatrixColX (Store to full column) are used in inverse and solve // Functions required for each matrix class // GetRow(MatrixRowCol& mrc) // GetCol(MatrixRowCol& mrc) // GetCol(MatrixColX& mrc) // RestoreRow(MatrixRowCol& mrc) // RestoreCol(MatrixRowCol& mrc) // RestoreCol(MatrixColX& mrc) // NextRow(MatrixRowCol& mrc) // NextCol(MatrixRowCol& mrc) // NextCol(MatrixColX& mrc) // The Restore routines assume StoreOnExit has already been checked // Defaults for the Next routines are given below // Assume cannot have both !DirectPart && StoreHere for MatrixRowCol routines // Default NextRow and NextCol: // will work as a default but need to override NextRow for efficiency void GeneralMatrix::NextRow(MatrixRowCol& mrc) { REPORT if (+(mrc.cw*StoreOnExit)) { REPORT this->RestoreRow(mrc); } mrc.rowcol++; if (mrc.rowcolGetRow(mrc); } else { REPORT mrc.cw -= StoreOnExit; } } void GeneralMatrix::NextCol(MatrixRowCol& mrc) { REPORT // 423 if (+(mrc.cw*StoreOnExit)) { REPORT this->RestoreCol(mrc); } mrc.rowcol++; if (mrc.rowcolGetCol(mrc); } else { REPORT mrc.cw -= StoreOnExit; } } void GeneralMatrix::NextCol(MatrixColX& mrc) { REPORT // 423 if (+(mrc.cw*StoreOnExit)) { REPORT this->RestoreCol(mrc); } mrc.rowcol++; if (mrc.rowcolGetCol(mrc); } else { REPORT mrc.cw -= StoreOnExit; } } // routines for matrix void Matrix::GetRow(MatrixRowCol& mrc) { REPORT mrc.skip=0; mrc.storage=mrc.length=ncols; mrc.data=store+mrc.rowcol*ncols; } void Matrix::GetCol(MatrixRowCol& mrc) { REPORT mrc.skip=0; mrc.storage=mrc.length=nrows; if ( ncols==1 && !(mrc.cw*StoreHere) ) // ColumnVector { REPORT mrc.data=store; } else { Real* ColCopy; if ( !(mrc.cw*(HaveStore+StoreHere)) ) { REPORT ColCopy = new Real [nrows]; MatrixErrorNoSpace(ColCopy); MONITOR_REAL_NEW("Make (MatGetCol)",nrows,ColCopy) mrc.data = ColCopy; mrc.cw += HaveStore; } else { REPORT ColCopy = mrc.data; } if (+(mrc.cw*LoadOnEntry)) { REPORT Real* Mstore = store+mrc.rowcol; int i=nrows; //while (i--) { *ColCopy++ = *Mstore; Mstore+=ncols; } if (i) for (;;) { *ColCopy++ = *Mstore; if (!(--i)) break; Mstore+=ncols; } } } } void Matrix::GetCol(MatrixColX& mrc) { REPORT mrc.skip=0; mrc.storage=nrows; mrc.length=nrows; if (+(mrc.cw*LoadOnEntry)) { REPORT Real* ColCopy = mrc.data; Real* Mstore = store+mrc.rowcol; int i=nrows; //while (i--) { *ColCopy++ = *Mstore; Mstore+=ncols; } if (i) for (;;) { *ColCopy++ = *Mstore; if (!(--i)) break; Mstore+=ncols; } } } void Matrix::RestoreCol(MatrixRowCol& mrc) { // always check StoreOnExit before calling RestoreCol REPORT // 429 if (+(mrc.cw*HaveStore)) { REPORT // 426 Real* Mstore = store+mrc.rowcol; int i=nrows; Real* Cstore = mrc.data; // while (i--) { *Mstore = *Cstore++; Mstore+=ncols; } if (i) for (;;) { *Mstore = *Cstore++; if (!(--i)) break; Mstore+=ncols; } } } void Matrix::RestoreCol(MatrixColX& mrc) { REPORT Real* Mstore = store+mrc.rowcol; int i=nrows; Real* Cstore = mrc.data; // while (i--) { *Mstore = *Cstore++; Mstore+=ncols; } if (i) for (;;) { *Mstore = *Cstore++; if (!(--i)) break; Mstore+=ncols; } } void Matrix::NextRow(MatrixRowCol& mrc) { REPORT mrc.IncrMat(); } // 1808 void Matrix::NextCol(MatrixRowCol& mrc) { REPORT // 632 if (+(mrc.cw*StoreOnExit)) { REPORT RestoreCol(mrc); } mrc.rowcol++; if (mrc.rowcol= LoadOnEntry) { REPORT *(mrc.data) = *(store+mrc.rowcol); } } void RowVector::NextCol(MatrixRowCol& mrc) { REPORT mrc.rowcol++; mrc.data++; } void RowVector::NextCol(MatrixColX& mrc) { if (+(mrc.cw*StoreOnExit)) { REPORT *(store+mrc.rowcol)=*(mrc.data); } mrc.rowcol++; if (mrc.rowcol < ncols) { if (+(mrc.cw*LoadOnEntry)) { REPORT *(mrc.data)=*(store+mrc.rowcol); } } else { REPORT mrc.cw -= StoreOnExit; } } void RowVector::RestoreCol(MatrixColX& mrc) { REPORT *(store+mrc.rowcol)=*(mrc.data); } // not accessed // routines for band matrices void BandMatrix::GetRow(MatrixRowCol& mrc) { REPORT int r = mrc.rowcol; int w = lower+1+upper; mrc.length=ncols; int s = r-lower; if (s<0) { mrc.data = store+(r*w-s); w += s; s = 0; } else mrc.data = store+r*w; mrc.skip = s; s += w-ncols; if (s>0) w -= s; mrc.storage = w; } // should make special versions of this for upper and lower band matrices void BandMatrix::NextRow(MatrixRowCol& mrc) { REPORT int r = ++mrc.rowcol; if (r<=lower) { mrc.storage++; mrc.data += lower+upper; } else { mrc.skip++; mrc.data += lower+upper+1; } if (r>=ncols-upper) mrc.storage--; } void BandMatrix::GetCol(MatrixRowCol& mrc) { REPORT int c = mrc.rowcol; int n = lower+upper; int w = n+1; mrc.length=nrows; Real* ColCopy; int b; int s = c-upper; if (s<=0) { w += s; s = 0; b = c+lower; } else b = s*w+n; mrc.skip = s; s += w-nrows; if (s>0) w -= s; mrc.storage = w; if ( +(mrc.cw*(StoreHere+HaveStore)) ) { REPORT ColCopy = mrc.data; } else { REPORT ColCopy = new Real [n+1]; MatrixErrorNoSpace(ColCopy); MONITOR_REAL_NEW("Make (BMGetCol)",n+1,ColCopy) mrc.cw += HaveStore; mrc.data = ColCopy; } if (+(mrc.cw*LoadOnEntry)) { REPORT Real* Mstore = store+b; // while (w--) { *ColCopy++ = *Mstore; Mstore+=n; } if (w) for (;;) { *ColCopy++ = *Mstore; if (!(--w)) break; Mstore+=n; } } } void BandMatrix::GetCol(MatrixColX& mrc) { REPORT int c = mrc.rowcol; int n = lower+upper; int w = n+1; mrc.length=nrows; int b; int s = c-upper; if (s<=0) { w += s; s = 0; b = c+lower; } else b = s*w+n; mrc.skip = s; s += w-nrows; if (s>0) w -= s; mrc.storage = w; mrc.data = mrc.store+mrc.skip; if (+(mrc.cw*LoadOnEntry)) { REPORT Real* ColCopy = mrc.data; Real* Mstore = store+b; // while (w--) { *ColCopy++ = *Mstore; Mstore+=n; } if (w) for (;;) { *ColCopy++ = *Mstore; if (!(--w)) break; Mstore+=n; } } } void BandMatrix::RestoreCol(MatrixRowCol& mrc) { REPORT int c = mrc.rowcol; int n = lower+upper; int s = c-upper; Real* Mstore = store + ((s<=0) ? c+lower : s*n+s+n); Real* Cstore = mrc.data; int w = mrc.storage; // while (w--) { *Mstore = *Cstore++; Mstore += n; } if (w) for (;;) { *Mstore = *Cstore++; if (!(--w)) break; Mstore += n; } } // routines for symmetric band matrix void SymmetricBandMatrix::GetRow(MatrixRowCol& mrc) { REPORT int r=mrc.rowcol; int s = r-lower; int w1 = lower+1; int o = r*w1; mrc.length = ncols; if (s<0) { w1 += s; o -= s; s = 0; } mrc.skip = s; if (+(mrc.cw*DirectPart)) { REPORT mrc.data = store+o; mrc.storage = w1; } else { // do not allow StoreOnExit and !DirectPart if (+(mrc.cw*StoreOnExit)) Throw(InternalException("SymmetricBandMatrix::GetRow(MatrixRowCol&)")); int w = w1+lower; s += w-ncols; Real* RowCopy; if (s>0) w -= s; mrc.storage = w; int w2 = w-w1; if (!(mrc.cw*HaveStore)) { REPORT RowCopy = new Real [2*lower+1]; MatrixErrorNoSpace(RowCopy); MONITOR_REAL_NEW("Make (SmBGetRow)",2*lower+1,RowCopy) mrc.cw += HaveStore; mrc.data = RowCopy; } else { REPORT RowCopy = mrc.data; } if (+(mrc.cw*LoadOnEntry)) { REPORT Real* Mstore = store+o; while (w1--) *RowCopy++ = *Mstore++; Mstore--; while (w2--) { Mstore += lower; *RowCopy++ = *Mstore; } } } } void SymmetricBandMatrix::GetCol(MatrixRowCol& mrc) { // do not allow StoreHere if (+(mrc.cw*StoreHere)) Throw(InternalException("SymmetricBandMatrix::GetCol(MatrixRowCol&)")); int c=mrc.rowcol; int w1 = lower+1; mrc.length=nrows; REPORT int s = c-lower; int o = c*w1; if (s<0) { w1 += s; o -= s; s = 0; } mrc.skip = s; if (+(mrc.cw*DirectPart)) { REPORT mrc.data = store+o; mrc.storage = w1; } else { // do not allow StoreOnExit and !DirectPart if (+(mrc.cw*StoreOnExit)) Throw(InternalException("SymmetricBandMatrix::GetCol(MatrixRowCol&)")); int w = w1+lower; s += w-ncols; Real* ColCopy; if (s>0) w -= s; mrc.storage = w; int w2 = w-w1; if ( +(mrc.cw*HaveStore) ) { REPORT ColCopy = mrc.data; } else { REPORT ColCopy = new Real [2*lower+1]; MatrixErrorNoSpace(ColCopy); MONITOR_REAL_NEW("Make (SmBGetCol)",2*lower+1,ColCopy) mrc.cw += HaveStore; mrc.data = ColCopy; } if (+(mrc.cw*LoadOnEntry)) { REPORT Real* Mstore = store+o; while (w1--) *ColCopy++ = *Mstore++; Mstore--; while (w2--) { Mstore += lower; *ColCopy++ = *Mstore; } } } } void SymmetricBandMatrix::GetCol(MatrixColX& mrc) { int c=mrc.rowcol; int w1 = lower+1; mrc.length=nrows; if (+(mrc.cw*DirectPart)) { REPORT int b = c*w1+lower; mrc.skip = c; c += w1-nrows; w1 -= c; mrc.storage = w1; Real* ColCopy = mrc.data = mrc.store+mrc.skip; if (+(mrc.cw*LoadOnEntry)) { REPORT Real* Mstore = store+b; // while (w1--) { *ColCopy++ = *Mstore; Mstore += lower; } if (w1) for (;;) { *ColCopy++ = *Mstore; if (!(--w1)) break; Mstore += lower; } } } else { REPORT // do not allow StoreOnExit and !DirectPart if (+(mrc.cw*StoreOnExit)) Throw(InternalException("SymmetricBandMatrix::GetCol(MatrixColX&)")); int s = c-lower; int o = c*w1; if (s<0) { w1 += s; o -= s; s = 0; } mrc.skip = s; int w = w1+lower; s += w-ncols; if (s>0) w -= s; mrc.storage = w; int w2 = w-w1; Real* ColCopy = mrc.data = mrc.store+mrc.skip; if (+(mrc.cw*LoadOnEntry)) { REPORT Real* Mstore = store+o; while (w1--) *ColCopy++ = *Mstore++; Mstore--; while (w2--) { Mstore += lower; *ColCopy++ = *Mstore; } } } } void SymmetricBandMatrix::RestoreCol(MatrixColX& mrc) { REPORT int c = mrc.rowcol; Real* Mstore = store + c*lower+c+lower; Real* Cstore = mrc.data; int w = mrc.storage; // while (w--) { *Mstore = *Cstore++; Mstore += lower; } if (w) for (;;) { *Mstore = *Cstore++; if (!(--w)) break; Mstore += lower; } } // routines for identity matrix void IdentityMatrix::GetRow(MatrixRowCol& mrc) { REPORT mrc.skip=mrc.rowcol; mrc.storage=1; mrc.data=store; mrc.length=ncols; } void IdentityMatrix::GetCol(MatrixRowCol& mrc) { REPORT mrc.skip=mrc.rowcol; mrc.storage=1; mrc.length=nrows; if (+(mrc.cw*StoreHere)) // should not happen Throw(InternalException("IdentityMatrix::GetCol(MatrixRowCol&)")); else { REPORT mrc.data=store; } } void IdentityMatrix::GetCol(MatrixColX& mrc) { REPORT mrc.skip=mrc.rowcol; mrc.storage=1; mrc.length=nrows; mrc.data = mrc.store+mrc.skip; *(mrc.data)=*store; } void IdentityMatrix::NextRow(MatrixRowCol& mrc) { REPORT mrc.IncrId(); } void IdentityMatrix::NextCol(MatrixRowCol& mrc) { REPORT mrc.IncrId(); } void IdentityMatrix::NextCol(MatrixColX& mrc) { REPORT if (+(mrc.cw*StoreOnExit)) { REPORT *store=*(mrc.data); } mrc.IncrDiag(); // must increase mrc.data so need IncrDiag int t1 = +(mrc.cw*LoadOnEntry); if (t1 && mrc.rowcol < ncols) { REPORT *(mrc.data)=*store; } } // *************************** destructors ******************************* MatrixRowCol::~MatrixRowCol() { if (+(cw*HaveStore)) { MONITOR_REAL_DELETE("Free (RowCol)",-1,data) // do not know length delete [] data; } } MatrixRow::~MatrixRow() { if (+(cw*StoreOnExit)) gm->RestoreRow(*this); } MatrixCol::~MatrixCol() { if (+(cw*StoreOnExit)) gm->RestoreCol(*this); } MatrixColX::~MatrixColX() { if (+(cw*StoreOnExit)) gm->RestoreCol(*this); } #ifdef use_namespace } #endif