/* * lum6Deuler implementation * * Copyright (C) Dorit Borrmann, Jan Elseberg, Andreas Nuechter, Kai Lingemann * * Released under the GPL version 3. * */ /** * @file * @brief The implementation of globally consistent scan matching algorithm * * @author Dorit Borrman. Institute of Computer Science, University of Osnabrueck, Germany. * @author Jan Elseberg. Institute of Computer Science, University of Osnabrueck, Germany. * @author Kai Lingemann. Institute of Computer Science, University of Osnabrueck, Germany. * @author Andreas Nuechter. Institute of Computer Science, University of Osnabrueck, Germany. * * A description of the algorithms implemented here can be found in the following paper * (ras2007.pdf): * * Dorit Borrmann, Jan Elseberg, Kai Lingemann, Andreas Nuechter, and Joachim Hertzberg. * Globally consistent 3D mapping with scan matching. Journal of Robotics and Autonomous * Systems (JRAS), Elsevier Science, Volume 56, Issue 2, ISSN 0921-8890, pages 130 - 142, * February 2008 */ #ifdef _MSC_VER #if !defined _OPENMP && defined OPENMP #define _OPENMP #endif #endif #include "slam6d/lum6Deuler.h" #include "sparse/csparse.h" #include #include using std::ofstream; using std::cerr; #include "slam6d/globals.icc" using namespace NEWMAT; /** * Constructor * * @param my_icp6Dminimizer Pointer to ICP minimization functor * @param mdm Maximum PtoP distance to which point pairs are collected for ICP * @param max_dist_match Maximum PtoP distance to which point pairs are collected for LUM * @param max_num_iterations Maximal number of iterations for ICP * @param quiet Suspesses all output to std out * @param meta Indicates if metascan matching has to be used * @param rnd Indicates if randomization has to be used * @param eP Extrapolate odometry? * @param anim Animate which frames? * @param epsilonICP Termination criterion for ICP * @param nns_method Specifies which NNS method to use * @param epsilonLUM Termination criterion for LUM */ lum6DEuler::lum6DEuler(icp6Dminimizer *my_icp6Dminimizer, double mdm, double max_dist_match, int max_num_iterations, bool quiet, bool meta, int rnd, bool eP, int anim, double epsilonICP, int nns_method, double epsilonLUM) : graphSlam6D(my_icp6Dminimizer, mdm, max_dist_match, max_num_iterations, quiet, meta, rnd, eP, anim, epsilonICP, nns_method, epsilonLUM) { } /** * Destructor */ lum6DEuler::~lum6DEuler() { delete my_icp; } /** * This function calculates the inverse covariances Cij and the Vector Cij*Dij for * two scans by finding pointpairs. * * @param first pointer to the first scan of the link * @param second pointer to the second scan of the link * @param nns_method Specifies which NNS method to use * @param rnd shall we use randomization for computing the point pairs? * @param max_dist_match2 maximal distance allowed for point pairs * @param C pointer to the inverse of the covariance matrix Cij * @param CD pointer to the vector Cij*Dij */ void lum6DEuler::covarianceEuler(Scan *first, Scan *second, int nns_method, int rnd, double max_dist_match2, Matrix *C, ColumnVector *CD) { // x,y,z denote the coordinates of uk (Here averaged over ak and bk) // sx,sy,sz are the sums of their respective coordinates of uk over each paint pair // xpy,xpz,ypz are the sums over x*x + y*y ,x*x + z*z and y*y + z*z respectively over each point pair // xy,yz,xz are the sums over each respective multiplication // dx,dy,dz are the deltas in each coordinate of a point pair // ss is the estimation of the covariance of sensing error double x, y, z, sx, sy, sz, xy, yz, xz, ypz, xpz, xpy, dx, dy, dz, ss; // D is needed to calculate the estimation of the covariance s ColumnVector D(6); // Almost Cij*Dij ColumnVector MZ(6); // Almost the covarianve Matrix MM(6,6); // A set of point pairs vector uk; // A point pair Point ak, bk; // number of pairs in a set int m; #ifdef _OPENMP int thread_num = omp_get_thread_num(); #else int thread_num = 0; #endif double dummy_centroid_m[3]; double dummy_centroid_d[3]; double dummy_sum; Scan::getPtPairs(&uk, first, second, thread_num, rnd, max_dist_match2, dummy_sum, dummy_centroid_m, dummy_centroid_d); m = uk.size(); MZ = 0.0; MM = 0.0; sx = sy = sz = xy = yz = xz = ypz = xpz = xpy = ss = 0.0; if (m > 2) { // for each point pair for(int j = 0; j < m; j++){ ak = uk[j].p1; bk = uk[j].p2; // Some temporary values x = (ak.x + bk.x)/2.0; y = (ak.y + bk.y)/2.0; z = (ak.z + bk.z)/2.0; dx = ak.x - bk.x; dy = ak.y - bk.y; dz = ak.z - bk.z; // Sum up all necessary values to construct MM sx += x; sy += y; sz += z; xpy += x*x + y*y; xpz += x*x + z*z; ypz += y*y + z*z; xy += x*y; xz += x*z; yz += y*z; // Sum up each part of MZ MZ(1) += dx; MZ(2) += dy; MZ(3) += dz; MZ(4) += -z * dy + y * dz; MZ(5) += -y * dx + x * dy; MZ(6) += z * dx - x * dz; } // Now construct the symmetrical matrix MM MM(1,1) = MM(2,2) = MM(3,3) = m; MM(4,4) = ypz; MM(5,5) = xpy; MM(6,6) = xpz; MM(1,5) = MM(5,1) = -sy; MM(1,6) = MM(6,1) = sz; MM(2,4) = MM(4,2) = -sz; MM(2,5) = MM(5,2) = sx; MM(3,4) = MM(4,3) = sy; MM(3,6) = MM(6,3) = -sx; MM(4,5) = MM(5,4) = -xz; MM(4,6) = MM(6,4) = -xy; MM(5,6) = MM(6,5) = -yz; // Calculate the pose difference estimation D = MM.i() * MZ ; // Again going through all point pairs to faster calculate s. // This cannot be done earlier as we need D, and therefore MM and MZ to do this for(int j = 0; j < m; j++){ ak = uk[j].p1; bk = uk[j].p2; x = (ak.x + bk.x) / 2.0; y = (ak.y + bk.y) / 2.0; z = (ak.z + bk.z) / 2.0; ss += sqr(ak.x - bk.x - (D(1) - y * D(5) + z * D(6))) + sqr(ak.y - bk.y - (D(2) - z * D(4) + x * D(5))) + sqr(ak.z - bk.z - (D(3) + y * D(4) - x * D(6))); } ss = ss / (2*m - 3); // for dealing with numerical instabilities when identical point clouds are used in matching if (ss < 0.0000000000001) { ss = 0.0; MM(1,1) = MM(1,2) = MM(1,3) = 0.0; MM(2,1) = MM(2,2) = MM(2,3) = 0.0; MM(3,1) = MM(3,2) = MM(3,3) = 0.0; MZ(6) = MZ(1) = MZ(2) = 0.0; MZ(3) = MZ(4) = MZ(5) = 0.0; *C = 0; if(CD) *CD = 0; return; } ss = 1.0 / ss; if (CD) { *CD = MZ * ss; } *C = MM * ss; } else { // This case should not occur ss = 0.0; MM(1,1) = MM(1,2) = MM(1,3) = 0.0; MM(2,1) = MM(2,2) = MM(2,3) = 0.0; MM(3,1) = MM(3,2) = MM(3,3) = 0.0; MZ(6) = MZ(1) = MZ(2) = 0.0; MZ(3) = MZ(4) = MZ(5) = 0.0; *C = 0; if(CD) *CD = 0; cerr << "Error calculating covariance matrix" << endl; } } /** * A function to fill the linear system G X = B. * * @param gr the Graph is used to map the given covariances C and CD matrices to the correct link * @param CD A vector containing all covariances C multiplied with their respective estimations D * @param C A vector containing all covariances C of the pose difference estimations D * @param G The matrix G specifying the linear equation * @param B The vector B */ void lum6DEuler::FillGB3D(Graph *gr, GraphMatrix* G, ColumnVector* B,vector allScans ) { #ifdef _OPENMP #pragma omp parallel for schedule(dynamic) #endif for(int i = 0; i < gr->getNrLinks(); i++){ int a = gr->getLink(i,0) - 1; int b = gr->getLink(i,1) - 1; Scan *FirstScan = allScans[gr->getLink(i,0)]; Scan *SecondScan = allScans[gr->getLink(i,1)]; // cout << "i " << i << " a: " << a << " b: " << b << endl; Matrix Cab(6,6); ColumnVector CDab(6); covarianceEuler(FirstScan, SecondScan, nns_method, (int)my_icp->get_rnd(), (int)max_dist_match2_LUM, &Cab, &CDab); #pragma omp critical { if(a >= 0){ B->Rows(a*6+1,a*6+6) += CDab; G->add(a, a, Cab); } if(b >= 0){ B->Rows(b*6+1,b*6+6) -= CDab; G->add(b, b, Cab); } if(a >= 0 && b >= 0) { G->subtract(a, b, Cab); G->subtract(b, a, Cab); } } } // G->print(); } /** * This function is used to match a set of laser scans with any minimally * connected Graph, using the globally consistent LUM-algorithm in 3D. * * @param gr Some Graph with no real subgraphs except for itself * @param allScans Contains all laser scans * @param nrIt The number of iterations the LUM-algorithm will run * @return Euclidian distance of all pose shifts */ double lum6DEuler::doGraphSlam6D(Graph gr, vector allScans, int nrIt) { #ifdef WRITE_GRAPH_NET // for debug only: static int d = 0; cout << "writing graph.dat ....................................." << endl; d++; string gfilename = "graph_" + to_string(d, 3) + ".net"; ofstream out(gfilename.c_str()); for (int i=0; i < gr.getNrLinks(); i++) { int from = gr.getLink(i,0); int to = gr.getLink(i,1); // shouldn't be necessary, just in case a (out of date) graph file is loaded: if (from < (int)allScans.size() && to < (int)allScans.size()) { out << allScans[from]->get_rPos()[0] << " " << allScans[from]->get_rPos()[1] << " " << allScans[from]->get_rPos()[2] << endl << allScans[to ]->get_rPos()[0] << " " << allScans[to ]->get_rPos()[1] << " " << allScans[to ]->get_rPos()[2] << endl << endl; } } out.close(); out.clear(); #endif // the IdentityMatrix to transform some Scans with double id[16]; M4identity(id); double ret = DBL_MAX; for(int iteration = 0; iteration < nrIt && ret > epsilonLUM; iteration++) { if (nrIt > 1) cout << "Iteration " << iteration << endl; // * Calculate X and CX from all Dij and Cij int n = (gr.getNrScans() - 1); // Construct the linear equation system.. GraphMatrix *G = new GraphMatrix(); ColumnVector B(6*n); B = 0.0; // ...fill G and B... FillGB3D(&gr, G, &B, allScans); // ...and solve it ColumnVector X = solveSparseCholesky(G, B); delete G; //cout << "X done!" << endl; double sum_position_diff = 0.0; // Start with second Scan int loop_end = gr.getNrScans(); #ifdef _OPENMP #pragma omp parallel for reduction(+:sum_position_diff) #endif for(int i = 1; i < loop_end; i++){ // Now update the Poses Matrix Ha = IdentityMatrix(6); double xa = allScans[i]->get_rPos()[0]; double ya = allScans[i]->get_rPos()[1]; double za = allScans[i]->get_rPos()[2]; double tx = allScans[i]->get_rPosTheta()[0]; double ty = allScans[i]->get_rPosTheta()[1]; double ctx = cos(tx); double stx = sin(tx); double cty = cos(ty); double sty = sin(ty); // Fill Ha Ha.element(0,4) = -za*ctx+ya*stx; Ha.element(0,5) = ya*cty*ctx+za*stx*cty; Ha.element(1,3) = za; Ha.element(1,4) = -xa*stx; Ha.element(1,5) = -xa*ctx*cty+za*sty; Ha.element(2,3) = -ya; Ha.element(2,4) = xa*ctx; Ha.element(2,5) = -xa*cty*stx-ya*sty; Ha.element(3,5) = sty; Ha.element(4,4) = stx; Ha.element(4,5) = ctx*cty; Ha.element(5,4) = ctx; Ha.element(5,5) = -stx*cty; // Invert it Ha = Ha.i(); // Get pose estimate ColumnVector Xtmp = X.Rows((i-1)*6+1,(i-1)*6+6); // Correct pose estimate ColumnVector result = Ha * Xtmp; if(!quiet) { cout << "Old pose estimate, Scan " << i << endl; cout << "x: " << allScans[i]->get_rPos()[0] << " y: " << allScans[i]->get_rPos()[1] << " z: " << allScans[i]->get_rPos()[2] << " tx: " << allScans[i]->get_rPosTheta()[0] << " ty: " << allScans[i]->get_rPosTheta()[1] << " tz: " << allScans[i]->get_rPosTheta()[2] << endl; } double rPos[3]; double rPosTheta[3]; // calculate the updated Pose for (int k = 0; k < 3; k++) { rPos[k] = allScans[i]->get_rPos()[k] - result.element(k); rPosTheta[k] = allScans[i]->get_rPosTheta()[k] - result.element(k+3); } // Update the Pose if (i != gr.getNrScans() - 1) { allScans[i]->transformToEuler(rPos, rPosTheta, Scan::LUM, 1); } else { allScans[i]->transformToEuler(rPos, rPosTheta, Scan::LUM, 2); } if(!quiet) { cout << "x: " << allScans[i]->get_rPos()[0] << " y: " << allScans[i]->get_rPos()[1] << " z: " << allScans[i]->get_rPos()[2] << " tx: " << allScans[i]->get_rPosTheta()[0] << " ty: " << allScans[i]->get_rPosTheta()[1] << " tz: " << allScans[i]->get_rPosTheta()[2] << endl << endl; } double x[3]; x[0] = result.element(0); x[1] = result.element(1); x[2] = result.element(2); sum_position_diff += Len(x); } cout << "Sum of Position differences = " << sum_position_diff << endl; ret = (sum_position_diff / (double)gr.getNrScans()); } return ret; }