/* * feature_based_registration implementation * * Copyright (C) HamidReza Houshiar * * Released under the GPL version 3. * */ #include #include #include "slam6d/fbr/fbr_global.h" #include "slam6d/fbr/scan_cv.h" #include "slam6d/fbr/panorama.h" #include "slam6d/fbr/feature.h" #include "slam6d/fbr/feature_matcher.h" #include "slam6d/fbr/registration.h" using namespace std; using namespace fbr; struct information{ string local_time; string dir, outDir; int iWidth, iHeight, nImages, minDistance, minError, minInlier, fScanNumber, sScanNumber, verbose; double pParam, mParam; IOType sFormat; projection_method pMethod; feature_detector_method fMethod; feature_descriptor_method dMethod; matcher_method mMethod; registration_method rMethod; int fSPoints, sSPoints, fFNum, sFNum, mNum, filteredMNum; double fSTime, sSTime, fPTime, sPTime, fFTime, sFTime, fDTime, sDTime, mTime, rTime; } info; /** * usage : explains how to use the program CMD */ void usage(int argc, char** argv){ printf("\n"); printf("USAGE: %s dir -s firstScanNumber -e secondScanNumber \n", argv[0]); printf("\n"); printf("\n"); printf("\tOptions:\n"); printf("\t\t-f scanFormat\t\t input scan file format [RIEGL_TXT|RXP|ALL SLAM6D SCAN_IO]\n"); printf("\t\t-W iWidth\t\t panorama image width\n"); printf("\t\t-H iHeight\t\t panorama image height\n"); printf("\t\t-p pMethod\t\t projection method [EQUIRECTANGULAR|CONIC|CYLINDRICAL|MERCATOR|RECTILINEAR|PANNINI|STEREOGRAPHIC|ZAXIS]\n"); printf("\t\t-N nImage\t\t number of images used for some projections\n"); printf("\t\t-P pParam\t\t special projection parameter (d for Pannini and r for stereographic)\n"); printf("\t\t-F fMethod\t\t feature detection method [SURF|SIFT|ORB|FAST|STAR]\n"); printf("\t\t-d dMethod\t\t feature description method [SURF|SIFT|ORB]\n"); printf("\t\t-m mMethod\t\t feature matching method [BRUTEFORCE|FLANN|KNN|RADIUS|RATIO]\n"); printf("\t\t-D minDistance \t\t threshold for min distance in registration process\n"); printf("\t\t-E minError \t\t threshold for min error in registration process\n"); printf("\t\t-I minInlier \t\t threshold for min number of inliers in registration process\n"); printf("\t\t-M mParam \t\t special matching paameter (knn for KNN and r for radius)\n"); printf("\t\t-r registration \t registration method [ALL|ransac]\n"); printf("\t\t-V verbose \t\t level of verboseness\n"); printf("\t\t-O outDir \t\t output directory if not stated same as input\n"); printf("\n"); printf("\tExamples:\n"); printf("\tUsing Bremen City dataset:\n"); printf("\tLoading scan000.txt and scan001.txt:\n"); printf("\t\t %s ~/dir/to/bremen_city -s 0 -e 1\n", argv[0]); printf("\tLoading scan005.txt and scan006.txt and output panorma images and feature images and match images in ~/dir/to/bremen_city/out dir:\n"); printf("\t\t %s -V 1 -O ~/dir/to/bremen_city/out/ ~/dir/to/bremen_city -s 5 -e 6 \n", argv[0]); printf("\tLoading scan010.txt and scan011.txt using Mercator projection and SURF feature detector and SIFT descriptor:\n"); printf("\t\t %s -p MERCATOR -F SURF -d SIFT -O ~/dir/to/bremen_city/out/ ~/dir/to/bremen_city -s 10 -e 11 \n", argv[0]); printf("\n"); exit(1); } void parssArgs(int argc, char** argv, information& info){ time_t rawtime; struct tm *timeinfo; time(&rawtime); char time[50]; timeinfo = localtime (&rawtime); sprintf(time, "%d-%d-%d-%d:%d:%d", timeinfo->tm_year + 1900, timeinfo->tm_mon + 1, timeinfo->tm_mday, timeinfo->tm_hour, timeinfo->tm_min, timeinfo->tm_sec); info.local_time = time; //default values info.iWidth = 3600; info.iHeight = 1000; info.nImages = 1; info.minDistance = 50; info.minError = 50; info.minInlier = 5; info.verbose = 0; //depend on the projection method info.pParam = 0; info.mParam = 0; //=============================== info.sFormat = RIEGL_TXT; info.pMethod = EQUIRECTANGULAR; info.fMethod = SIFT_DET; info.dMethod = SIFT_DES; info.mMethod = RATIO; info.rMethod = RANSAC; info.outDir = ""; int c; opterr = 0; //reade the command line and get the options while ((c = getopt (argc, argv, "F:W:H:p:N:P:f:d:m:D:E:I:M:r:V:O:s:e:")) != -1) switch (c) { case 's': info.fScanNumber = atoi(optarg); break; case 'e': info.sScanNumber = atoi(optarg); break; case 'f': info.sFormat = stringToScanFormat(optarg); break; case 'W': info.iWidth = atoi(optarg); break; case 'H': info.iHeight = atoi(optarg); break; case 'p': info.pMethod = stringToProjectionMethod(optarg); break; case 'N': info.nImages = atoi(optarg); break; case 'P': info.pParam = atoi(optarg); break; case 'F': info.fMethod = stringToFeatureDetectorMethod(optarg); break; case 'd': info.dMethod = stringToFeatureDescriptorMethod(optarg); break; case 'm': info.mMethod = stringToMatcherMethod(optarg); break; case 'D': info.minDistance = atoi(optarg); break; case 'E': info.minError = atoi(optarg); break; case 'I': info.minInlier = atoi(optarg); break; case 'M': info.mParam = atoi(optarg); break; case 'r': info.rMethod = stringToRegistrationMethod(optarg); break; case 'V': info.verbose = atoi(optarg); break; case 'O': info.outDir = optarg; break; case '?': cout<<"Unknown option character "< argc - 1) { cout<<"Too few input arguments. At least dir and two scan numbers are required."<(i,0) = bAlign[i]; string yml; yml = info.outDir+"fbr-yml.yml"; cv::FileStorage fs(yml.c_str(), cv::FileStorage::APPEND); fs << "feature_bas_registration" << "{"; fs << "pair" << "{" << "scan" << to_string(info.fScanNumber, 3); fs << "scan" << to_string(info.sScanNumber, 3) << "}"; fs << "time" << "{" << "local_time" << info.local_time << "}"; fs << "param" << "{"; fs << "DIR" << info.dir; fs << "sFormat" << scanFormatToString(info.sFormat); fs << "pMethod" << projectionMethodToString(info.pMethod); fs << "nImage" << info.nImages; fs << "pParam" << info.pParam; fs << "iWidth" << info.iWidth; fs << "iHeight" << info.iHeight; fs << "fMethod" << featureDetectorMethodToString(info.fMethod); fs << "dMethod" << featureDescriptorMethodToString(info.dMethod); fs << "mMethod" << matcherMethodToString(info.mMethod); fs << "mParam" << info.mParam; fs << "rMethod" << registrationMethodToString(info.rMethod); fs << "minDistance" << info.minDistance; fs << "minInlier" << info.minInlier; fs << "minError" << info.minError; fs << "}"; fs << "input" << "{"; fs << "first_input" << "{"; fs << "name" << "{" << "scan" << to_string(info.fScanNumber, 3) << "}"; fs << "point" << "{" << "amount" << info.fSPoints << "time" << info.fSTime << "}"; fs << "projection" << "{" << "time" << info.fPTime << "}"; fs << "feature" << "{" << "amount" << info.fFNum << "fTime" << info.fFTime << "dTime" << info.fDTime << "}"; fs << "}"; fs << "second_input" << "{"; fs << "name" << "{" << "scan" << to_string(info.sScanNumber, 3) << "}"; fs << "point" << "{" << "amount" << info.sSPoints << "time" << info.sSTime << "}"; fs << "projection" << "{" << "time" << info.sPTime << "}"; fs << "feature" << "{" << "amount" << info.sFNum << "fTime" << info.sFTime << "dTime" << info.sDTime << "}"; fs << "}"; fs << "}"; fs << "matches" << "{"; fs << "amount" << info.mNum << "filteration" << info.filteredMNum << "time" << info.mTime << "}"; fs << "reg" << "{"; fs << "bestError" << bError << "bestErrorIdx" << bErrorIdx << "time" << info.rTime << "bAlign" << align << "}"; fs << "}"; } int main(int argc, char** argv){ string out; cv::Mat outImage; parssArgs(argc, argv, info); if(info.verbose >= 1) informationDescription(info); scan_cv fScan (info.dir, info.fScanNumber, info.sFormat); if(info.verbose >= 4) info.fSTime = (double)cv::getTickCount(); fScan.convertScanToMat(); if(info.verbose >= 4) info.fSTime = ((double)cv::getTickCount() - info.fSTime)/cv::getTickFrequency(); if(info.verbose >= 2) fScan.getDescription(); panorama fPanorama (info.iWidth, info.iHeight, info.pMethod, info.nImages, info.pParam); if(info.verbose >= 4) info.fPTime = (double)cv::getTickCount(); fPanorama.createPanorama(fScan.getMatScan()); if(info.verbose >= 4) info.fPTime = ((double)cv::getTickCount() - info.fPTime)/cv::getTickFrequency(); if(info.verbose >= 2) fPanorama.getDescription(); //write panorama to image if(info.verbose >= 1){ out = info.outDir+info.local_time+"_scan"+to_string(info.fScanNumber, 3)+"_"+projectionMethodToString(info.pMethod)+"_"+to_string(info.iWidth)+"x"+to_string(info.iHeight)+".jpg"; imwrite(out, fPanorama.getReflectanceImage()); } feature fFeature; if(info.verbose >= 4) info.fFTime = (double)cv::getTickCount(); fFeature.featureDetection(fPanorama.getReflectanceImage(), info.fMethod); if(info.verbose >= 4) info.fFTime = ((double)cv::getTickCount() - info.fFTime)/cv::getTickFrequency(); //write panorama with keypoints to image if(info.verbose >= 1){ cv::drawKeypoints(fPanorama.getReflectanceImage(), fFeature.getFeatures(), outImage, cv::Scalar::all(-1), cv::DrawMatchesFlags::DRAW_RICH_KEYPOINTS ); out = info.outDir+info.local_time+"_scan"+to_string(info.fScanNumber, 3)+"_"+projectionMethodToString(info.pMethod)+"_"+to_string(info.iWidth)+"x"+to_string(info.iHeight)+"_"+featureDetectorMethodToString(info.fMethod)+".jpg"; imwrite(out, outImage); outImage.release(); } if(info.verbose >= 4) info.fDTime = (double)cv::getTickCount(); fFeature.featureDescription(fPanorama.getReflectanceImage(), info.dMethod); if(info.verbose >= 4) info.fDTime = ((double)cv::getTickCount() - info.fDTime)/cv::getTickFrequency(); if(info.verbose >= 2) fFeature.getDescription(); scan_cv sScan (info.dir, info.sScanNumber, info.sFormat); if(info.verbose >= 4) info.sSTime = (double)cv::getTickCount(); sScan.convertScanToMat(); if(info.verbose >= 4) info.sSTime = ((double)cv::getTickCount() - info.sSTime)/cv::getTickFrequency(); if(info.verbose >= 2) sScan.getDescription(); panorama sPanorama (info.iWidth, info.iHeight, info.pMethod, info.nImages, info.pParam); if(info.verbose >= 4) info.sPTime = (double)cv::getTickCount(); sPanorama.createPanorama(sScan.getMatScan()); if(info.verbose >= 4) info.sPTime = ((double)cv::getTickCount() - info.sPTime)/cv::getTickFrequency(); if(info.verbose >= 2) sPanorama.getDescription(); //write panorama to image if(info.verbose >= 1){ out = info.outDir+info.local_time+"_scan"+to_string(info.sScanNumber, 3)+"_"+projectionMethodToString(info.pMethod)+"_"+to_string(info.iWidth)+"x"+to_string(info.iHeight)+".jpg"; imwrite(out, sPanorama.getReflectanceImage()); } feature sFeature; if(info.verbose >= 4) info.sFTime = (double)cv::getTickCount(); sFeature.featureDetection(sPanorama.getReflectanceImage(), info.fMethod); if(info.verbose >= 4) info.sFTime = ((double)cv::getTickCount() - info.sFTime)/cv::getTickFrequency(); //write panorama with keypoints to image if(info.verbose >= 1){ cv::drawKeypoints(sPanorama.getReflectanceImage(), sFeature.getFeatures(), outImage, cv::Scalar::all(-1), cv::DrawMatchesFlags::DRAW_RICH_KEYPOINTS ); out = info.outDir+info.local_time+"_scan"+to_string(info.sScanNumber, 3)+"_"+projectionMethodToString(info.pMethod)+"_"+to_string(info.iWidth)+"x"+to_string(info.iHeight)+"_"+featureDetectorMethodToString(info.fMethod)+".jpg"; imwrite(out, outImage); outImage.release(); } if(info.verbose >= 4) info.sDTime = (double)cv::getTickCount(); sFeature.featureDescription(sPanorama.getReflectanceImage(), info.dMethod); if(info.verbose >= 4) info.sDTime = ((double)cv::getTickCount() - info.sDTime)/cv::getTickFrequency(); if(info.verbose >= 2) sFeature.getDescription(); feature_matcher matcher (info.mMethod, info.mParam); if(info.verbose >= 4) info.mTime = (double)cv::getTickCount(); matcher.match(fFeature, sFeature); if(info.verbose >= 4) info.mTime = ((double)cv::getTickCount() - info.mTime)/cv::getTickFrequency(); if(info.verbose >= 2) matcher.getDescription(); //write matcheed feature to image if(info.verbose >= 1){ cv::drawMatches(fPanorama.getReflectanceImage(), fFeature.getFeatures(), sPanorama.getReflectanceImage(), sFeature.getFeatures(), matcher.getMatches(), outImage, cv::Scalar::all(-1), cv::Scalar::all(-1), vector(), cv::DrawMatchesFlags::NOT_DRAW_SINGLE_POINTS); out = info.outDir+info.local_time+"_scan"+to_string(info.fScanNumber, 3)+"_scan"+to_string(info.sScanNumber, 3)+"_"+projectionMethodToString(info.pMethod)+"_"+to_string(info.iWidth)+"x"+to_string(info.iHeight)+"_"+featureDetectorMethodToString(info.fMethod)+"_"+featureDescriptorMethodToString(info.dMethod)+"_"+matcherMethodToString(info.mMethod)+".jpg"; imwrite(out, outImage); outImage.release(); } registration reg (info.minDistance, info.minError, info.minInlier, info.rMethod); if(info.verbose >= 4) info.rTime = (double)cv::getTickCount(); reg.findRegistration(fPanorama.getMap(), fFeature.getFeatures(), sPanorama.getMap(), sFeature.getFeatures(), matcher.getMatches()); if(info.verbose >= 4) info.rTime = ((double)cv::getTickCount() - info.rTime)/cv::getTickFrequency(); if(info.verbose >= 2) reg.getDescription(); //write .dat and .frames files if(info.verbose >= 0){ double *bAlign = reg.getBestAlign(); out = info.outDir+info.local_time+"_scan"+to_string(info.fScanNumber, 3)+"_scan"+to_string(info.sScanNumber, 3)+"_"+projectionMethodToString(info.pMethod)+"_"+to_string(info.iWidth)+"x"+to_string(info.iHeight)+"_"+featureDetectorMethodToString(info.fMethod)+"_"+featureDescriptorMethodToString(info.dMethod)+"_"+matcherMethodToString(info.mMethod)+"_"+registrationMethodToString(info.rMethod)+".dat"; ofstream dat(out.c_str()); dat << bAlign[0] << " " << bAlign[4] << " " << bAlign[8] << " " << bAlign[12] <= 3){ info.fSPoints = fScan.getNumberOfPoints(); info.sSPoints = sScan.getNumberOfPoints(); info.fFNum = fFeature.getNumberOfFeatures(); info.sFNum = sFeature.getNumberOfFeatures(); info.mNum = matcher.getNumberOfMatches(); info.filteredMNum = matcher.getNumberOfFilteredMatches(); info_yml(info, reg.getBestError(), reg.getBestErrorIndex(), reg.getBestAlign()); } return 0; }