/* * lap implementation * * Copyright (C) YuanJun, ZhangLiang, Li Wei, Li Ming, Andreas Nuechter, * * Released under the GPL version 3. * */ /** * @file * @brief * * @author Andreas Nuechter. Jacobs University Bremen, Germany * @author YuanJun, Wuhan University, China * @author ZhangLiang, Wuhan University, China * @author Li Wei, Wuhan University, China * @author Li Ming, Wuhan University, China */ #include "veloslam/lap.h" cost lap(int dim, cost **assigncost, col *rowsol, row *colsol, cost *u, cost *v) // input: // dim - problem size // assigncost - cost matrix // output: // rowsol - column assigned to row in solution // colsol - row assigned to column in solution // u - dual variables, row reduction numbers // v - dual variables, column reduction numbers { Boolean unassignedfound; row i, imin, numfree = 0, prvnumfree, f, i0, k, freerow, *pred, *free; col j, j1, j2, endofpath, last, low, up, *collist, *matches; cost min, h, umin, usubmin, v2, *d; free = new row[dim]; // list of unassigned rows. collist = new col[dim]; // list of columns to be scanned in various ways. matches = new col[dim]; // counts how many times a row could be assigned. d = new cost[dim]; // 'cost-distance' in augmenting path calculation. pred = new row[dim]; // row-predecessor of column in augmenting/alternating path. // init how many times a row will be assigned in the column reduction. for (i = 0; i < dim; i++) matches[i] = 0; // COLUMN REDUCTION for (j = dim-1; j >= 0; j--) // reverse order gives better results. { // find minimum cost over rows. min = assigncost[0][j]; imin = 0; for (i = 1; i < dim; i++) if (assigncost[i][j] < min) { min = assigncost[i][j]; imin = i; } v[j] = min; if (++matches[imin] == 1) { // init assignment if minimum row assigned for first time. rowsol[imin] = j; colsol[j] = imin; } else colsol[j] = -1; // row already assigned, column not assigned. } // REDUCTION TRANSFER for (i = 0; i < dim; i++) if (matches[i] == 0) // fill list of unassigned 'free' rows. free[numfree++] = i; else if (matches[i] == 1) // transfer reduction from rows that are assigned once. { j1 = rowsol[i]; min = BIG; for (j = 0; j < dim; j++) if (j != j1) if (assigncost[i][j] - v[j] < min) min = assigncost[i][j] - v[j]; v[j1] = v[j1] - min; } // AUGMENTING ROW REDUCTION int loopcnt = 0; // do-loop to be done twice. do { loopcnt++; // scan all free rows. // in some cases, a free row may be replaced with another one to be scanned next. k = 0; prvnumfree = numfree; numfree = 0; // start list of rows still free after augmenting row reduction. while (k < prvnumfree) { i = free[k]; k++; // find minimum and second minimum reduced cost over columns. umin = assigncost[i][0] - v[0]; j1 = 0; usubmin = BIG; for (j = 1; j < dim; j++) { h = assigncost[i][j] - v[j]; if (h < usubmin) if (h >= umin) { usubmin = h; j2 = j; } else { usubmin = umin; umin = h; j2 = j1; j1 = j; } } i0 = colsol[j1]; if (umin < usubmin) // change the reduction of the minimum column to increase the minimum // reduced cost in the row to the subminimum. v[j1] = v[j1] - (usubmin - umin); else // minimum and subminimum equal. if (i0 >= 0) // minimum column j1 is assigned. { // swap columns j1 and j2, as j2 may be unassigned. j1 = j2; i0 = colsol[j2]; } // (re-)assign i to j1, possibly de-assigning an i0. rowsol[i] = j1; colsol[j1] = i; if (i0 >= 0) // minimum column j1 assigned earlier. if (umin < usubmin) // put in current k, and go back to that k. // continue augmenting path i - j1 with i0. free[--k] = i0; else // no further augmenting reduction possible. // store i0 in list of free rows for next phase. free[numfree++] = i0; } } while (loopcnt < 2); // repeat once. // AUGMENT SOLUTION for each free row. for (f = 0; f < numfree; f++) { freerow = free[f]; // start row of augmenting path. // Dijkstra shortest path algorithm. // runs until unassigned column added to shortest path tree. for (j = 0; j < dim; j++) { d[j] = assigncost[freerow][j] - v[j]; pred[j] = freerow; collist[j] = j; // init column list. } low = 0; // columns in 0..low-1 are ready, now none. up = 0; // columns in low..up-1 are to be scanned for current minimum, now none. // columns in up..dim-1 are to be considered later to find new minimum, // at this stage the list simply contains all columns unassignedfound = FALSE; do { if (up == low) // no more columns to be scanned for current minimum. { last = low - 1; // scan columns for up..dim-1 to find all indices for which new minimum occurs. // store these indices between low..up-1 (increasing up). min = d[collist[up++]]; for (k = up; k < dim; k++) { j = collist[k]; h = d[j]; if (h <= min) { if (h < min) // new minimum. { up = low; // restart list at index low. min = h; } // new index with same minimum, put on undex up, and extend list. collist[k] = collist[up]; collist[up++] = j; } } // check if any of the minimum columns happens to be unassigned. // if so, we have an augmenting path right away. for (k = low; k < up; k++) if (colsol[collist[k]] < 0) { endofpath = collist[k]; unassignedfound = TRUE; break; } } if (!unassignedfound) { // update 'distances' between freerow and all unscanned columns, via next scanned column. j1 = collist[low]; low++; i = colsol[j1]; h = assigncost[i][j1] - v[j1] - min; for (k = up; k < dim; k++) { j = collist[k]; v2 = assigncost[i][j] - v[j] - h; if (v2 < d[j]) { pred[j] = i; if (v2 == min) // new column found at same minimum value if (colsol[j] < 0) { // if unassigned, shortest augmenting path is complete. endofpath = j; unassignedfound = TRUE; break; } // else add to list to be scanned right away. else { collist[k] = collist[up]; collist[up++] = j; } d[j] = v2; } } } } while (!unassignedfound); // update column prices. for (k = 0; k <= last; k++) { j1 = collist[k]; v[j1] = v[j1] + d[j1] - min; } // reset row and column assignments along the alternating path. do { i = pred[endofpath]; colsol[endofpath] = i; j1 = endofpath; endofpath = rowsol[i]; rowsol[i] = j1; } while (i != freerow); } // calculate optimal cost. cost lapcost = 0; for (i = 0; i < dim; i++) { j = rowsol[i]; u[i] = assigncost[i][j] - v[j]; lapcost = lapcost + assigncost[i][j]; } // free reserved memory. delete[] pred; delete[] free; delete[] collist; delete[] matches; delete[] d; return lapcost; } void checklap(int dim, cost **assigncost, col *rowsol, row *colsol, cost *u, cost *v) { row i; col j; cost lapcost = 0, redcost = 0; Boolean *matched; char wait; matched = new Boolean[dim]; for (i = 0; i < dim; i++) for (j = 0; j < dim; j++) if ((redcost = assigncost[i][j] - u[i] - v[j]) < 0) { printf("\n"); printf("negative reduced cost i %d j %d redcost %d\n", i, j, redcost); printf("\n\ndim %5d - press key\n", dim); scanf("%d", &wait); break; } for (i = 0; i < dim; i++) if ((redcost = assigncost[i][rowsol[i]] - u[i] - v[rowsol[i]]) != 0) { printf("\n"); printf("non-null reduced cost i %d soli %d redcost %d\n", i, rowsol[i], redcost); printf("\n\ndim %5d - press key\n", dim); scanf("%d", &wait); break; } for (j = 0; j < dim; j++) matched[j] = FALSE; for (i = 0; i < dim; i++) if (matched[rowsol[i]]) { printf("\n"); printf("column matched more than once - i %d soli %d\n", i, rowsol[i]); printf("\n\ndim %5d - press key\n", dim); scanf("%d", &wait); break; } else matched[rowsol[i]] = TRUE; for (i = 0; i < dim; i++) if (colsol[rowsol[i]] != i) { printf("\n"); printf("error in row solution i %d soli %d solsoli %d\n", i, rowsol[i], colsol[rowsol[i]]); printf("\n\ndim %5d - press key\n", dim); scanf("%d", &wait); break; } for (j = 0; j < dim; j++) if (rowsol[colsol[j]] != j) { printf("\n"); printf("error in col solution j %d solj %d solsolj %d\n", j, colsol[j], rowsol[colsol[j]]); printf("\n\ndim %5d - press key\n", dim); scanf("%d", &wait); break; } delete[] matched; return; }