INSTALLING gOCR INSTALLING BINARIES ------------------- Be sure that you have all the libraries needed. To install a binary package, do the following: 1. Unpack the archive if you have not done so already: tar -xzf gocr[version].tar.gz on older tar versions, the above line might not work. If so, try the following: gzip -cd gocr[version].tgz | tar -xf - This creates the directory ./gocr[version] containing the source from the main archive. 2. Change to gocr directory and run make (use GNU Make). cd gocr[version]; make install That's it. INSTALLING FROM SOURCE ---------------------- Requirements ------------ You'll need a compiler; we recommend gcc, but the code should compile in any good one. gcc is available at I had some problems with gcc 2.95.1 (it consumed a LOT of memory while compiling ocr0.c). 2.95.2 seems to be better. gOCR provides some simple functions to read/write pnm archives. Though not needed, we strongly suggest, however, that you install the NetPBM package. Its official URL is: Installing this package will add support to many different image formats. If you have a NetPBM version older than August 2000, we suggest that you download a more recent one, to take advantage of the new PAM functions. To create some of the examples provided, you'll need transfig. This is completely optional. Procedure --------- 1. Unpack the archive if you have not done so already: tar -xzf gocr[version].tar.gz on older tar versions, the above line might not work. If so, try the following: gzip -cd gocr[version].tgz | tar -xf - This creates the directory ./gocr[version] containing the source from the main archive. 2. Change to gocr directory and run configure. cd gocr[version]; ./configure For a list of options, try ./configure --help. If something goes wrong, try to run autoconf. 3. Run make (GNU Make). This can take a while. make 4. gOCR comes with some examples, which are generated from xfig-files. If you have transfig installed, you can make them: make examples 5. Install the binaries. You may need to do this as root. make install 6. Run gocr, or the frontend you chose. gocr -h Shows help gocr.tcl Runs Tcl GUI