/* * veloshow implementation * * Copyright (C) Andreas Nuechter, Li Wei, Li Ming * * Released under the GPL version 3. * */ /** * @file * @brief Implementation for displaying of a matched 3D scene * @author Andreas Nuechter. Jacobs University Bremen, Germany * @author Li Wei, Wuhan University, China * @author Li Ming, Wuhan University, China */ #ifdef WITH_GLEE #include #endif #include "show/show.h" #include "show/show_Boctree.h" #include "show/compacttree.h" #include "show/NurbsPath.h" #include "show/vertexarray.h" #include "slam6d/scan.h" #include "veloslam/veloscan.h" #include "glui/glui.h" /* Header File For The glui functions */ #include using std::ifstream; #include using std::exception; #ifdef _MSC_VER #include "XGetopt.h" #else #include #endif #ifdef _MSC_VER #define strcasecmp _stricmp #define strncasecmp _strnicmp #else #include #endif #ifdef _MSC_VER #ifdef OPENMP #define _OPENMP #endif #endif #ifdef _OPENMP #include #endif #include "slam6d/point_type.h" #include "show/display.h" /** * This vector contains the pointer to a vertex array for * all colors (inner vector) and all scans (outer vector) */ vector< vector > vvertexArrayList; vector< ::SDisplay*> displays; /** * the octrees that store the points for each scan */ //Show_BOctTree **octpts; vector octpts; /** * Storing the base directory */ string scandirectory; /** * Storing the ID of the main windows */ int window_id; /** * Size of points */ GLfloat pointsize = 1.0; int anim_delay = 5; /** * Select Color Buffer */ GLenum buffermode = GL_BACK; /** * Indicator whether and how the drawing window * has to be updated. * * haveToUpdate == 1 redisplay * haveToUpdate == 2 reshape * haveToUpdate == 3 animation scan matching * haveToUpdate == 4 stop animation scan matching * haveToUpdate == 6 path animation * haveToUpdate == 7 force redisplay with all points */ int haveToUpdate = 0; /** * Flag for invert the scene */ bool invert = false; /** * Flag for indicating brid eyes view */ bool showTopView = false; /** * Flag for idicating camera add mode */ bool addCameraView = false; //Is the view in add box mode? /** * Storing the apex angle of the camera */ GLfloat cangle = 60.0; // Current camera opening mode GLfloat cangle_old = cangle; /** * Current rotation axis of the scene as quaternion */ GLdouble quat[4] ={0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0}; GLdouble Rquat[4] ={0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0}; /** * Current translation of the scene */ GLdouble X = 0.0, Y = 0.0, Z = 0.0; GLdouble RVX = 0.0, RVY = 0.0, RVZ = 0.0; /** * parallel zoom (similar to apex angle) for parallel projection */ GLfloat pzoom = 2000.0; GLfloat pzoom_old = pzoom; /** * Mode of the fog (exp, exp2, linear) */ GLint fogMode = GL_EXP; /** * Indicates if fog should be shown */ int show_fog = 1; /** * Indicates if the points should be shown */ int show_points = 1; // Show data points in the viewer? /** * Indicates if camera boxes should be shown */ int show_cameras = 1; // Show the camera boxes in the viewer? /** * Indicates if camera path or robot path should be shown */ int show_path = 1; // Show the camera movement path ? /** * Camera navigation by mouse or by panel */ int cameraNavMouseMode = 1; int mouseNavX, mouseNavY; int mouseNavButton = -1; double mouseRotX = 0.0; double mouseRotY = 0.0; double mouseRotZ = 0.0; bool keymap[256]; //@@@ //int animate_both = 0; // Animate both scan matchin and path? int frameNr = 0; /** * Storing of all transformation (frames for animation) of all scans */ vector < vector > MetaMatrix; /** * Storing of AlgoType for all frames */ vector < vector > MetaAlgoType; /** * Window position */ int START_X = 0; int START_Y = 0; int START_WIDTH = 720; int START_HEIGHT = 576; GLdouble aspect = (double)START_WIDTH/(double)START_HEIGHT; // Current aspect ratio bool advanced_controls = false; bool fullscreen = false; int current_width = START_WIDTH; int current_height = START_HEIGHT; // the following values are scale dependant, i.e. all values are in m float neardistance = 0.10; double oldneardistance = 0.10; float maxfardistance = 400.0;; double fardistance = 400.0; double oldfardistance = 40000.0; double movementSpeed = 0.1; double defaultZoom = 20.0; GLfloat fogDensity = 0.1; double voxelSize = 0.20; float adaption_rate = 1.0; float LevelOfDetail = 0.0001; // Defines for Point Semantic #define TYPE_UNKNOWN 0x0000 #define TYPE_OBJECT 0x0001 #define TYPE_GROUND 0x0002 #define TYPE_CEILING 0x0003 unsigned int cam_choice = 0; static unsigned int path_iterator = 0; static int oldcamNavMode = 0; /** * Animation sould be saved to file */ int save_animation = 0; /** * If true, interpolation for camera path is based on distance, else always * the same number of images between two cameras. */ int inter_by_dist = 1; /**some variables for the camera path**/ vector path_vectorX, path_vectorZ, lookat_vectorX, lookat_vectorZ, ups_vectorX, ups_vectorZ; vector cams; vector lookats; vector ups; NurbsPath cam_nurbs_path; char *path_file_name; char *pose_file_name; /** Factor for saved image size */ int factor = 1; /** * program tries to have this framerate */ float idealfps = 20.0; /** * value of the listBox fo Color Value and Colormap */ int listboxColorVal = 0; int listboxColorMapVal = 0; int colorScanVal = 0; ScanColorManager *cm; float mincolor_value = 0.0; float maxcolor_value = 0.0; //unsigned int types = Point::USE_HEIGHT; PointType pointtype; /** * Contains the selected points for each scan */ set *selected_points; /** * Select single points? */ int select_voxels = 0; /** * Select or unselect points ? */ int selectOrunselect = 1; /** octree depth for selecting groups of points */ int selection_depth = 1; int brush_size = 0; char *selection_file_name; int current_frame = 0; #include "../show/show_menu.cc" #include "../show/show_animate.cc" #include "../show/show_gl.cc" /** * Explains the usage of this program's command line parameters * @param prog name of the program */ void usage(char* prog) { #ifndef _MSC_VER const string bold("\033[1m"); const string normal("\033[m"); #else const string bold(""); const string normal(""); #endif cout << endl << bold << "USAGE " << normal << endl << " " << prog << " [options] directory" << endl << endl; cout << bold << "OPTIONS" << normal << endl << bold << " -e" << normal << " NR, " << bold << "--end=" << normal << "NR" << endl << " end after scan NR" << endl << endl << bold << " -f" << normal << " F, " << bold << "--format=" << normal << "F" << endl << " using shared library F for input" << endl << " (chose F from {uos, uos_map, uos_rgb, uos_frames, uos_map_frames, old, rts, rts_map, ifp, riegl_txt, riegl_rgb, riegl_bin, zahn, ply, wrl, xyz, zuf, iais, front, x3d, rxp, ais })" << endl << endl << bold << " -F" << normal << " NR, " << bold << "--fps=" << normal << "NR [default: 20]" << endl << " will attempt to display points with a framerate of NR" << endl << endl << bold << " -l" << normal << " FILE, " << bold << "--loadObj=" << normal << "FILE" << endl << " load objects specified in " << endl << endl << endl << bold << " -m" << normal << " NR, " << bold << "--max=" << normal << "NR" << endl << " neglegt all data points with a distance larger than NR 'units'" << endl << endl << bold << " -M" << normal << " NR, " << bold << "--min=" << normal << "NR" << endl << " neglegt all data points with a distance smaller than NR 'units'" << endl << endl << bold << " -O" << normal << "NR (optional), " << bold << "--octree=" << normal << "NR (optional)" << endl << " use randomized octree based point reduction (pts per voxel=)" << endl << " requires " << bold << "-r" << normal <<" or " << bold << "--reduce" << endl << endl << bold << " -o" << normal << " NR, " << bold << "--origin=" << normal << "NR (optional)" << endl << " sets the starting and reset position to: " << endl << " 0 = the origin of the coordinate system (default)" << endl << " 1 = the position of the first scan (default if --origin is in argument list)" << endl << " 2 = the center of the first scan" << endl << endl << bold << " -r" << normal << " NR, " << bold << "--reduce=" << normal << "NR" << endl << " turns on octree based point reduction (voxel size=)" << endl << endl << bold << " -s" << normal << " NR, " << bold << "--start=" << normal << "NR" << endl << " start at scan NR (i.e., neglects the first NR scans)" << endl << " [ATTENTION: counting naturally starts with 0]" << endl << endl << bold << " -S" << normal << " NR, " << bold << "--scale=" << normal << "NR" << endl << " scale factor to use (default: 0.01), modifies movement speed etc. " << endl << " use 1 when point coordinates are in m, 0.01 when in cm and so forth. " << endl << " " << endl << endl << bold << " -R, --reflectance, --reflectivity" << normal << endl << " use reflectivity values for coloring point clouds" << endl << " only works when using octree display" << endl << endl << bold << " -a, --amplitude" << endl << normal << " use amplitude values for coloring point clouds" << endl << " only works when using octree display" << endl << endl << bold << " -d, --deviation" << endl << normal << " use amplitude values for coloring point clouds" << endl << " only works when using octree display" << endl << endl << bold << " -h, --height" << endl << normal << " use y-values for coloring point clouds" << endl << " only works when using octree display" << endl << endl << bold << " -T, --type" << endl << normal << " use type values for coloring point clouds" << endl << " only works when using octree display" << endl << bold << " -c, --color" << endl << normal << " use color RGB values for coloring point clouds" << endl << bold << " --saveOct" << endl << normal << " stores all used scans as octrees in the given directory" << endl << " All reflectivity/amplitude/deviation/type settings are stored as well." << endl << " only works when using octree display" << endl << bold << " --loadOct" << endl << normal << " only reads octrees from the given directory" << endl << " All reflectivity/amplitude/deviation/type settings are read from file." << endl << " --reflectance/--amplitude and similar parameters are therefore ignored." << endl << " only works when using octree display" << endl << endl << endl; exit(1); } /** * A function that parses the command-line arguments and sets the respective flags. * * @param argc the number of arguments * @param argv the arguments * @param dir parsing result - the directory * @param start parsing result - starting at scan number 'start' * @param end parsing result - stopping at scan number 'end' * @param maxDist parsing result - maximal distance * @param minDist parsing result - minimal distance * @param readInitial parsing result - read a file containing a initial transformation matrix * @param type parsing result - file format to be read * @return 0, if the parsing was successful, 1 otherwise */ int parseArgs(int argc,char **argv, string &dir, int& start, int& end, int& maxDist, int& minDist, double &red, bool &readInitial, int &octree, PointType &ptype, float &fps, string &loadObj, bool &loadOct, bool &saveOct, int &origin, double &scale, reader_type &type) { unsigned int types = PointType::USE_NONE; start = 0; end = -1; // -1 indicates no limitation maxDist = -1; // -1 indicates no limitation int c; // from unistd.h extern char *optarg; extern int optind; cout << endl; static struct option longopts[] = { { "origin", optional_argument, 0, 'o' }, { "format", required_argument, 0, 'f' }, { "fps", required_argument, 0, 'F' }, { "scale", required_argument, 0, 'S' }, { "start", required_argument, 0, 's' }, { "end", required_argument, 0, 'e' }, { "reduce", required_argument, 0, 'r' }, { "max", required_argument, 0, 'm' }, { "min", required_argument, 0, 'M' }, { "octree", optional_argument, 0, 'O' }, { "reflectance", no_argument, 0, 'R' }, { "reflectivity", no_argument, 0, 'R' }, { "amplitude", no_argument, 0, 'a' }, { "deviation", no_argument, 0, 'd' }, { "height", no_argument, 0, 'h' }, { "type", no_argument, 0, 'T' }, { "color", no_argument, 0, 'c' }, { "loadObj", required_argument, 0, 'l' }, { "saveOct", no_argument, 0, '0' }, { "loadOct", no_argument, 0, '1' }, { "advanced", no_argument, 0, '2' }, { 0, 0, 0, 0} // needed, cf. getopt.h }; //while ((c = getopt_long(argc, argv,"F:f:s:e:r:m:M:O:o:l:wtRadhTcC", longopts, NULL)) != -1) while ((c = getopt_long(argc, argv, "O:f:A:G:L:a:b:t:r:R:d:D:i:l:I:c:C:n:s:e:m:M:uqQp", longopts, NULL)) != -1) switch (c) { case 's': start = atoi(optarg); if (start < 0) { cerr << "Error: Cannot start at a negative scan number.\n"; exit(1); } break; case 'e': end = atoi(optarg); if (end < 0) { cerr << "Error: Cannot end at a negative scan number.\n"; exit(1); } if (end < start) { cerr << "Error: cannot be smaller than .\n"; exit(1); } break; case 'm': maxDist = atoi(optarg); break; case 'M': minDist = atoi(optarg); break; case 'r': red = atof(optarg); break; case 't': readInitial = true; break; case 'O': if (optarg) { octree = atoi(optarg); } else { octree = 1; } break; case 'f': if (!Scan::toType(optarg, type)) abort (); break; case '?': usage(argv[0]); return 1; case 'R': types |= PointType::USE_REFLECTANCE; break; case 'a': types |= PointType::USE_AMPLITUDE; break; case 'd': types |= PointType::USE_DEVIATION; break; case 'h': types |= PointType::USE_HEIGHT; break; case 'T': types |= PointType::USE_TYPE; break; case 'c': types |= PointType::USE_COLOR; break; case 'F': fps = atof(optarg); break; case 'S': scale = atof(optarg); break; case 'o': if (optarg) { origin = atoi(optarg); } else { origin = 1; } break; case '0': saveOct = true; break; case '1': loadOct = true; break; case 'l': loadObj = optarg; break; case '2': advanced_controls = true; break; default: abort (); } if (optind != argc-1) { cerr << "\n*** Directory missing ***" << endl; usage(argv[0]); } dir = argv[optind]; #ifndef _MSC_VER if (dir[dir.length()-1] != '/') dir = dir + "/"; #else if (dir[dir.length()-1] != '\\') dir = dir + "\\"; #endif ptype = PointType(types); return 0; } void setResetView(int origin) { if (origin == 1) { double *transmat = MetaMatrix[0].back(); cout << transmat << endl; RVX = -transmat[12]; RVY = -transmat[13]; RVZ = -transmat[14]; Matrix4ToQuat(transmat, Rquat); X = RVX; Y = RVY; Z = RVZ; quat[0] = Rquat[0]; quat[1] = Rquat[1]; quat[2] = Rquat[2]; quat[3] = Rquat[3]; } else if (origin == 2) { double center[3]; #ifdef USE_COMPACT_TREE ((compactTree*)octpts[0])->getCenter(center); #else ((Show_BOctTree*)octpts[0])->getCenter(center); #endif RVX = -center[0]; RVY = -center[1]; RVZ = -center[2]; X = RVX; Y = RVY; Z = RVZ; } } /* * A function that read the .frame files created by slam6D * * @param dir the directory * @param start starting at scan number 'start' * @param end stopping at scan number 'end' * @param read a file containing a initial transformation matrix and apply it */ int readFrames(string dir, int start, int end, bool readInitial, reader_type &type) { double initialTransform[16]; if (readInitial) { cout << "Initial Transform:" << endl; string initialTransformFileName = dir + "initital.frame"; ifstream initial_in(initialTransformFileName.c_str()); if (!initial_in.good()) { cout << "Error opening " << initialTransformFileName << endl; exit(-1); } initial_in >> initialTransform; cout << initialTransform << endl; } ifstream frame_in; int fileCounter = start; string frameFileName; for (;;) { if (end > -1 && fileCounter > end) break; // 'nuf read frameFileName = dir + "scan" + to_string(fileCounter++,3) + ".frames"; frame_in.open(frameFileName.c_str()); // read 3D scan if (!frame_in.good()) break; // no more files in the directory cout << "Reading Frames for 3D Scan " << frameFileName << "..."; vector Matrices; vector algoTypes; int frameCounter = 0; while (frame_in.good()) { frameCounter++; double *transMatOpenGL = new double[16]; int algoTypeInt; Scan::AlgoType algoType; try { double transMat[16]; frame_in >> transMat >> algoTypeInt; algoType = (Scan::AlgoType)algoTypeInt; // convert to OpenGL coordinate system double mirror[16]; M4identity(mirror); mirror[10] = -1.0; if (readInitial) { double tempxf[16]; MMult(mirror, initialTransform, tempxf); memcpy(mirror, tempxf, sizeof(tempxf)); } //@@@ // memcpy(transMatOpenGL, transMat, 16*sizeof(double)); MMult(mirror, transMat, transMatOpenGL); } catch (const exception &e) { break; } Matrices.push_back(transMatOpenGL); algoTypes.push_back(algoType); } MetaAlgoType.push_back(algoTypes); MetaMatrix.push_back(Matrices); if((type == UOS_MAP || type == UOS_MAP_FRAMES || type == RTS_MAP) && fileCounter == start+1) { MetaAlgoType.push_back(algoTypes); MetaMatrix.push_back(Matrices); } frame_in.close(); frame_in.clear(); cout << MetaMatrix.back().size() << " done." << endl; current_frame = MetaMatrix.back().size() - 1; } if (MetaMatrix.size() == 0) { cerr << "*****************************************" << endl; cerr << "** ERROR: No .frames could be found! **" << endl; cerr << "*****************************************" << endl; cerr << " ERROR: Missing or empty directory: " << dir << endl << endl; return -1; } return 0; } void generateFrames(int start, int end, bool identity) { if (identity) { cout << "using Identity for frames " << endl; } else { cout << "using pose information for frames " << endl; } int fileCounter = start; int index = 0; for (;;) { if (fileCounter > end) break; // 'nuf read fileCounter++; vector Matrices; vector algoTypes; for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { double *transMat = new double[16]; if (identity) { M4identity(transMat); transMat[10] = -1.0; } else { EulerToMatrix4(Scan::allScans[index]->get_rPos(), Scan::allScans[index]->get_rPosTheta(), transMat ); } Matrices.push_back(transMat); algoTypes.push_back(Scan::ICP); } index++; MetaAlgoType.push_back(algoTypes); MetaMatrix.push_back(Matrices); } } /* * create display lists * @to do general framework for color & type definitions */ void createDisplayLists(bool reduced) { for(unsigned int i = 0; i < Scan::allScans.size() ; i++) { // count points int color1 = 0, color2 = 0; if (!reduced) { for (unsigned int jterator = 0; jterator < Scan::allScans[i]->get_points()->size(); jterator++) { if (Scan::allScans[i]->get_points()->at(jterator).type & TYPE_GROUND) { color1++; } else { color2++; } } } else { color2 = 3* Scan::allScans[i]->get_points_red_size(); } // allocate memory vertexArray* myvertexArray1 = new vertexArray(color1); vertexArray* myvertexArray2 = new vertexArray(color2); // fill points color1 = 0, color2 = 0; if (reduced) { for (int jterator = 0; jterator < Scan::allScans[i]->get_points_red_size(); jterator++) { myvertexArray2->array[color2] = Scan::allScans[i]->get_points_red()[jterator][0]; myvertexArray2->array[color2+1] = Scan::allScans[i]->get_points_red()[jterator][1]; myvertexArray2->array[color2+2] = Scan::allScans[i]->get_points_red()[jterator][2]; color2 += 3; } } else { for (unsigned int jterator = 0; jterator < Scan::allScans[i]->get_points()->size(); jterator++) { if (Scan::allScans[i]->get_points()->at(jterator).type & TYPE_GROUND) { myvertexArray1->array[color1] = Scan::allScans[i]->get_points()->at(jterator).x; myvertexArray1->array[color1+1] = Scan::allScans[i]->get_points()->at(jterator).y; myvertexArray1->array[color1+2] = Scan::allScans[i]->get_points()->at(jterator).z; color1 += 3; } else { myvertexArray2->array[color2] = Scan::allScans[i]->get_points()->at(jterator).x; myvertexArray2->array[color2+1] = Scan::allScans[i]->get_points()->at(jterator).y; myvertexArray2->array[color2+2] = Scan::allScans[i]->get_points()->at(jterator).z; color2 += 3; } } } glNewList(myvertexArray1->name, GL_COMPILE); //@ //glColor4d(0.44, 0.44, 0.44, 1.0); //glColor4d(0.66, 0.66, 0.66, 1.0); glVertexPointer(3, GL_FLOAT, 0, myvertexArray1->array); glEnableClientState(GL_VERTEX_ARRAY); glDrawArrays(GL_POINTS, 0, myvertexArray1->numPointsToRender); glDisableClientState(GL_VERTEX_ARRAY); glEndList(); glNewList(myvertexArray2->name, GL_COMPILE); //glColor4d(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0); //glColor4d(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0); glVertexPointer(3, GL_FLOAT, 0, myvertexArray2->array); glEnableClientState(GL_VERTEX_ARRAY); glDrawArrays(GL_POINTS, 0, myvertexArray2->numPointsToRender); glDisableClientState(GL_VERTEX_ARRAY); glEndList(); // append to vector vector vvertexArray; vvertexArray.push_back(myvertexArray1); vvertexArray.push_back(myvertexArray2); vvertexArrayList.push_back(vvertexArray); } } void cycleLOD() { LevelOfDetail = 0.00001; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < octpts.size(); i++) octpts[i]->cycleLOD(); } void initShow(int argc, char **argv){ /***************/ /* init OpenGL */ /***************/ glutInit(&argc,argv); cout << "(wx)show - A highly efficient 3D point cloud viewer" << endl << "(c) Jacobs University Bremen gGmbH, Germany, since 2009" << endl << " University of Osnabrueck, Germany, 2006 - 2009" << endl << endl; if(argc <= 1){ usage(argv[0]); } double red = -1.0; int start = 0, end = -1, maxDist = -1, minDist = -1; string dir; bool readInitial = false; reader_type type = UOS; int octree = 0; bool loadOct = false; bool saveOct = false; string loadObj; int origin = 0; double scale = 0.01; // in m pose_file_name = new char[1024]; path_file_name = new char[1024]; selection_file_name = new char[1024]; strncpy(pose_file_name, "pose.dat", 1024); strncpy(path_file_name, "path.dat", 1024); strncpy(selection_file_name, "selected.3d", 1024); parseArgs(argc, argv, dir, start, end, maxDist, minDist, red, readInitial, octree, pointtype, idealfps, loadObj, loadOct, saveOct, origin, scale, type); // modify all scale dependant variables scale = 1.0 / scale; movementSpeed *= scale; neardistance *= scale; oldneardistance *= scale; maxfardistance *= scale; fardistance *= scale; fogDensity /= scale; defaultZoom *= scale; voxelSize *= scale; // oldfardistance *= scale; //////////////////////// SDisplay::readDisplays(loadObj, displays); //////////////////// if (type == OCT) { loadOct = true; } // if we want to load display file get pointtypes from the files first if (loadOct) { string scanFileName = dir + "scan" + to_string(start,3) + ".oct"; cout << "Getting point information from " << scanFileName << endl; cout << "Attention! All subsequent oct-files must be of the same type!" << endl; pointtype = BOctTree::readType(scanFileName); } scandirectory = dir; // init and create display M4identity(view_rotate_button); obj_pos_button[0] = obj_pos_button[1] = obj_pos_button[2] = 0.0; // read frames first, to get notifyied of missing frames before all scans are read in int r = readFrames(dir, start, end, readInitial, type); // Get Scans if (!loadOct) { #ifndef DYNAMIC_OBJECT_REMOVAL Scan::readScans(type, start, end, dir, maxDist, minDist, 0); #else VeloScan::readScans(type, start, end, dir, maxDist, minDist, 0); #endif } else { cout << "Skipping files.." << endl; } if (!loadOct) { if (r) generateFrames(start, start + Scan::allScans.size() - 1, false); } else { if (r) generateFrames(start, start + octpts.size() - 1, true); } int end_reduction = (int)Scan::allScans.size(); #ifdef _OPENMP #pragma omp parallel for schedule(dynamic) #endif for (int iterator = 0; iterator < end_reduction; iterator++) { // reduction filter for current scan! if (red > 0) { cout << "Reducing Scan No. " << iterator << endl; // TODO do another reduction so reflectance values etc are carried over Scan::allScans[iterator]->calcReducedPoints(red, octree); } // no copying necessary for show! } cm = new ScanColorManager(4096, pointtype); if (loadOct) { for (int i = start; i <= end; i++) { string scanFileName = dir + "scan" + to_string(i,3) + ".oct"; cout << "Reading octree " << scanFileName << endl; #ifdef USE_COMPACT_TREE octpts.push_back(new compactTree(scanFileName, cm)); #else octpts.push_back(new Show_BOctTree(scanFileName, cm)); #endif } } else { #ifndef USE_GL_POINTS createDisplayLists(red > 0); #elif USE_COMPACT_TREE cout << "Creating compact display octrees.." << endl; for(int i = 0; i < (int)Scan::allScans.size() ; i++) { compactTree *tree; if (red > 0) { tree = new compactTree(Scan::allScans[i]->get_points_red(), Scan::allScans[i]->get_points_red_size(), voxelSize, pointtype, cm); // TODO remove magic number } else { unsigned int nrpts = Scan::allScans[i]->get_points()->size(); sfloat **pts = new sfloat*[nrpts]; for (unsigned int jterator = 0; jterator < nrpts; jterator++) { pts[jterator] = pointtype.createPoint(Scan::allScans[i]->get_points()->at(jterator)); } Scan::allScans[i]->clearPoints(); tree = new compactTree(pts, nrpts , voxelSize, pointtype, cm); //TODO remove magic number for (unsigned int jterator = 0; jterator < nrpts; jterator++) { delete[] pts[jterator]; } delete[] pts; } if (saveOct) { string scanFileName = dir + "scan" + to_string(i+start,3) + ".oct"; cout << "Saving octree " << scanFileName << endl; tree->serialize(scanFileName); } octpts.push_back(tree); cout << "Scan " << i << " octree finished. Deleting original points.." << endl; } #else cout << "Creating display octrees.." << endl; for(int i = 0; i < (int)Scan::allScans.size() ; i++) { Show_BOctTree *tree; if (red > 0) { tree = new Show_BOctTree(Scan::allScans[i]->get_points_red(), Scan::allScans[i]->get_points_red_size(), voxelSize, pointtype, cm); // TODO remove magic number } else { unsigned int nrpts = Scan::allScans[i]->get_points()->size(); sfloat **pts = new sfloat*[nrpts]; for (unsigned int jterator = 0; jterator < nrpts; jterator++) { pts[jterator] = pointtype.createPoint(Scan::allScans[i]->get_points()->at(jterator)); } Scan::allScans[i]->clearPoints(); tree = new Show_BOctTree(pts, nrpts , voxelSize, pointtype, cm); //TODO remove magic number for (unsigned int jterator = 0; jterator < nrpts; jterator++) { delete[] pts[jterator]; } delete[] pts; } octpts.push_back(tree); if (saveOct) { string scanFileName = dir + "scan" + to_string(i+start,3) + ".oct"; cout << "Saving octree " << scanFileName << endl; tree->serialize(scanFileName); } cout << "Scan " << i << " octree finished. Deleting original points.." << endl; } #endif } cm->setCurrentType(PointType::USE_HEIGHT); //ColorMap cmap; //cm->setColorMap(cmap); resetMinMax(0); selected_points = new set[octpts.size()]; // sets (and computes if necessary) the pose that is used for the reset button setResetView(origin); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < 256; i++) { keymap[i] = false; } } /** * Main function. * Reads the scan (scan000.3d, ...) and frames files (scan000.frames, ...) from the data directory. * The frames are used for animation of the matching process. */ int main(int argc, char **argv){ initShow(argc, argv); initScreenWindow(); newMenu(); glutMainLoop(); } void updateCamControls() { cam_spinner->set_int_limits( 1, cams.size()); cam_spinner->set_int_val(cam_choice); } void resetRotationButton() { rotButton->reset(); } void updateTopViewControls() { if(showTopView) { pzoom_spinner->enable(); cangle_spinner->disable(); } else { pzoom_spinner->disable(); cangle_spinner->enable(); } } void updateControls() { glui1->sync_live(); glui1->show(); glui2->sync_live(); glui2->show(); } static bool interrupted = false; void interruptDrawing() { interrupted = true; } void checkForInterrupt() { interrupted = false; } bool isInterrupted() { #ifdef WITH_FREEGLUT #ifndef __APPLE__ glutMainLoopEvent(); #endif #endif glutSetWindow(window_id); return interrupted; } void updatePointModeControls() { switch(pointmode) { case -1: always_box->set_int_val(0); never_box->set_int_val(1); break; case 0: always_box->set_int_val(0); never_box->set_int_val(0); break; case 1: always_box->set_int_val(1); never_box->set_int_val(0); break; } }