#pragma once #include "veloslam/veloscan.h" #include "veloslam/kalmanfilter.h" #include using namespace std; struct MoveState { ObjectState targetState; int frameNo; }; class Tracker { public: Tracker(void); Tracker(clusterFeature &glu,double rollAngle);//added by yuanjun Tracker(const Tracker ©Tracker);//added by yuanjun ~Tracker(void); void TrackerReset();//added by yuanjun // for log all the cluster for tracking deque statusList; deque dataList; // log the tracker is or not Matched. // bool Matched or not; bool missMatch; //for log Cluster ID in lastScan. int matchClusterID; //show different color. int colorIdx; // for log the lift length trackerID int trackerID; int missedTime;//added by yuanjun KalmanFilter kalmanFilter;//added by yuanjun vector moveStateList;//added by yuanjun //feature for movement float moving_distance; };