/* * history implementation * * Copyright (C) Stanislav Serebryakov * * Released under the GPL version 3. * */ #include "history.h" #include Frame *allocFrame3DData(CvSize pmdSz) { Frame *f = (Frame*)cvAlloc(sizeof(Frame)); f->sz = pmdSz; f->img = 0; f->trn = cvCreateMat(3, 1, CV_32FC1); f->rot = cvCreateMat(3, 1, CV_32FC1); f->status = (CvPoint**) cvAlloc(pmdSz.height * sizeof(CvPoint*)); f->pts = (CvPoint3D32f**) cvAlloc(pmdSz.height * sizeof(CvPoint3D32f*)); for(int i = 0; i < pmdSz.height; i++) { f->status[i] = (CvPoint*) cvAlloc(pmdSz.width * sizeof(CvPoint)); f->pts[i] = (CvPoint3D32f*) cvAlloc(pmdSz.width * sizeof(CvPoint3D32f)); } return f; } void fillFrame(Frame *f, IplImage *img, CvSize pmdSz, CvPoint3D32f **pts, CvPoint **status , CvMat *rot, CvMat *trn, double alignError) { assert(pmdSz.width == f->sz.width || pmdSz.height == f->sz.height); if(f->img) cvCopy(img, f->img, NULL); else f->img = cvCloneImage(img); f->alignError = alignError; for(int j = 0; j < pmdSz.width; j++) for(int i = 0; i < pmdSz.height; i++) { f->status[i][j] = status[i][j]; f->pts[i][j] = pts[i][j]; } cvCopy(rot, f->rot, NULL); cvCopy(trn, f->trn, NULL); } void releaseFrame(Frame **f) { Frame *t = *f; cvReleaseImage(&t->img); cvReleaseMat(&t->rot); cvReleaseMat(&t->trn); for(int i = 0; i < t->sz.height; i++) { cvFree(&t->pts[i]); cvFree(&t->status[i]); } cvFree(&t->pts); cvFree(&t->status); *f = NULL; } History *createHistory() { History *h = (History*)cvAlloc(sizeof(History)); h->frame = 0; h->prev = 0; // essential!!! return h; } History *addFrame(History *h, Frame *f) { if(!h->frame) { // first frame, FIXME: should be out here h->prev = 0; // ensure h->frame = f; return h; } // else History *n = (History*)cvAlloc(sizeof(History)); n->prev = h; n->frame = f; return n; } void releaseTail(History *h) { History *tmp = h->prev; History *prev = 0; h->prev = 0; while(tmp) { prev = tmp->prev; releaseFrame(&tmp->frame); cvFree(&tmp); tmp = prev; } } void checkHistoryLen(History *h, int maxLen) { History *histI = h; for(int i = 0; histI->prev; i++) if(i > maxLen-2) // -2 because I release *prev* elemnents releaseTail(histI); else histI = histI->prev; }