/* * sharedScan implementation * * Copyright (C) Thomas Escher, Kai Lingemann * * Released under the GPL version 3. * */ #include "scanserver/sharedScan.h" #include using std::cout; using std::cerr; using std::endl; #include #include "scanserver/clientInterface.h" SharedScan::SharedScan(const ip::allocator & allocator, const SharedStringSharedPtr& dir_path_ptr, const char *io_identifier, IOType iotype) : m_dir_path_ptr(dir_path_ptr), m_io_identifier(io_identifier, allocator), m_iotype(iotype), m_prefetch(0), m_max_dist(0.0), m_min_dist(0.0), m_height_top(0.0), m_height_bottom(0.0), m_range_mutator_param(0.0), m_range_mutator_param_set(false), m_range_param_set(false), m_height_param_set(false), m_reduction_parameters(allocator), m_show_parameters(allocator), m_octtree_parameters(allocator), m_load_frames_file(true), m_frames(allocator) { // until boost-1.47 ipc-strings can do garbage with g++-4.4 -O2 and higher (optimizations and versions) std::string bugfix(io_identifier); m_io_identifier[bugfix.length()] = '\0'; // COs are allocated in the ServerScan-ctor } SharedScan::~SharedScan() { // TODO // get segment manager and deconstruct all available data fields // TODO: Delete COs if notzero and notify CM? } bool SharedScan::operator==(const SharedScan& r) const { return (m_io_identifier == r.m_io_identifier) && (*m_dir_path_ptr == *r.m_dir_path_ptr) && m_iotype == r.m_iotype; } void SharedScan::setRangeParameters(double max_dist, double min_dist) { // if a non-first set differs from the previous ones, invalidate all COs if(m_range_param_set) { if(max_dist != m_max_dist || min_dist != m_min_dist) { invalidateFull(); invalidateReduced(); invalidateShow(); } } m_max_dist = max_dist; m_min_dist = min_dist; m_range_param_set = true; } void SharedScan::setHeightParameters(double top, double bottom) { // if a non-first set differs from the previous ones, invalidate all COs if(m_height_param_set) { if(top != m_height_top || bottom != m_height_bottom) { invalidateFull(); invalidateReduced(); invalidateShow(); } } m_height_top = top; m_height_bottom = bottom; m_height_param_set = true; } void SharedScan::setRangeMutationParameters(double range) { // if a non-first set differs from the previous ones, invalidate all COs if(m_range_mutator_param_set) { if(range != m_range_mutator_param) { invalidateFull(); invalidateReduced(); invalidateShow(); } } m_range_mutator_param = range; m_range_mutator_param_set = true; } void SharedScan::setReductionParameters(const char* params) { // if a non-first set differs from the previous ones, invalidate reduced COs if(!m_reduction_parameters.empty() && m_reduction_parameters != params) { invalidateReduced(); } m_reduction_parameters = params; } void SharedScan::setShowReductionParameters(const char* params) { // if a non-first set differs from the previous ones, invalidate reduced COs if(!m_show_parameters.empty() && m_show_parameters != params) { invalidateShow(); } m_show_parameters = params; } void SharedScan::setOcttreeParameters(const char* params) { // if a non-first set differs from the previous ones, invalidate reduced COs if(!m_octtree_parameters.empty() && m_octtree_parameters != params) { m_octtree->invalidate(); } m_octtree_parameters = params; } PointFilter SharedScan::getPointFilter() const { PointFilter r; if(m_range_param_set) r.setRange(m_max_dist, m_min_dist); if(m_height_param_set) r.setHeight(m_height_top, m_height_bottom); if(m_range_mutator_param_set) r.setRangeMutator(m_range_mutator_param); return r; } void SharedScan::invalidateFull() { m_xyz->invalidate(); m_rgb->invalidate(); } void SharedScan::invalidateReduced() { m_xyz_reduced->invalidate(); m_xyz_reduced_original->invalidate(); } void SharedScan::invalidateShow() { m_show_reduced->invalidate(); m_octtree->invalidate(); } void SharedScan::clearFrames() { ClientInterface* client = ClientInterface::getInstance(); client->clearFrames(this); // don't try to load again from the still existing files m_load_frames_file = false; } void SharedScan::addFrame(double* transformation, unsigned int type) { ClientInterface* client = ClientInterface::getInstance(); client->addFrame(this, transformation, type); } const FrameVector& SharedScan::getFrames() { // on a restart with existing frame files try to load these if(m_frames.empty() && m_load_frames_file == true) { ClientInterface* client = ClientInterface::getInstance(); client->loadFramesFile(this); // don't try to load again if frames are still empty m_load_frames_file = false; } return m_frames; } void SharedScan::saveFrames() { ClientInterface* client = ClientInterface::getInstance(); client->saveFramesFile(this); // we just saved the file, no need to read it m_load_frames_file = false; } double* SharedScan::getPose() { if(m_pose == 0) { ClientInterface* client = ClientInterface::getInstance(); client->getPose(this); } return m_pose.get(); } DataXYZ SharedScan::getXYZ() { return m_xyz.get()->getCacheData(); } DataRGB SharedScan::getRGB() { return m_rgb->getCacheData(); } DataReflectance SharedScan::getReflectance() { return m_reflectance->getCacheData(); } DataAmplitude SharedScan::getAmplitude() { return m_amplitude->getCacheData(); } DataType SharedScan::getType() { return m_type->getCacheData(); } DataDeviation SharedScan::getDeviation() { return m_deviation->getCacheData(); } DataXYZ SharedScan::getXYZReduced() { return m_xyz_reduced->getCacheData(); } DataXYZ SharedScan::createXYZReduced(unsigned int size) { // size is in units of double[3], scale to bytes return m_xyz_reduced->createCacheData(size*3*sizeof(double)); } DataXYZ SharedScan::getXYZReducedOriginal() { return m_xyz_reduced_original->getCacheData(); } DataXYZ SharedScan::createXYZReducedOriginal(unsigned int size) { // size is in units of double[3], scale to bytes return m_xyz_reduced_original->createCacheData(size*3*sizeof(double)); } TripleArray SharedScan::getXYZReducedShow() { return m_show_reduced->getCacheData(); } TripleArray SharedScan::createXYZReducedShow(unsigned int size) { return m_show_reduced->createCacheData(size*3*sizeof(float)); } DataPointer SharedScan::getOcttree() { return m_octtree->getCacheData(); } DataPointer SharedScan::createOcttree(unsigned int size) { return m_octtree->createCacheData(size); } void SharedScan::onCacheMiss(CacheObject* obj) { ClientInterface* client = ClientInterface::getInstance(); client->loadCacheObject(obj); } void SharedScan::onAllocation(CacheObject* obj, unsigned int size) { ClientInterface* client = ClientInterface::getInstance(); client->allocateCacheObject(obj, size); } void SharedScan::onInvalidation(CacheObject* obj) { ClientInterface* client = ClientInterface::getInstance(); client->invalidateCacheObject(obj); }