2012-09-16 14:33:11 +02:00

188 lines
4.1 KiB

This tests the exception system, so you will get
a long list of error messages
Print a real number (may help lost memory test): 3.14159
Incompatible dimensions
An exception has been thrown
Logic error:- detected by Newmat: incompatible dimensions
MatrixType = Rect # Rows = 2; # Cols = 3
MatrixType = Rect # Rows = 4; # Cols = 5
Trace: AddedMatrix::Evaluate; Block A; Test.
Bad index
An exception has been thrown
Logic error:- detected by Newmat: index error: requested indices = 3, 3
MatrixType = Rect # Rows = 2; # Cols = 3
Trace: Block B; Test.
Illegal conversion
An exception has been thrown
Logic error:- detected by Newmat: Illegal Conversion
MatrixTypes = Rect ; UT
Trace: Block C; Test.
Invert non-square matrix - 1
An exception has been thrown
Logic error:- detected by Newmat: matrix is not square
MatrixType = Rect # Rows = 2; # Cols = 3
Trace: CroutMatrix; Block D; Test.
Invert non-square matrix - 2
An exception has been thrown
Logic error:- detected by Newmat: matrix is not square
MatrixType = Rect # Rows = 2; # Cols = 3
Trace: GeneralSolvI; InvertedMatrix::Evaluate; Block E; Test.
Non 1x1 matrix to scalar
An exception has been thrown
Logic error:- detected by Newmat: Cannot convert to scalar
MatrixType = Rect # Rows = 2; # Cols = 3
Trace: AsScalar; Block F; Test.
Matrix to vector
An exception has been thrown
Logic error:- detected by Newmat: cannot convert matrix to vector
MatrixType = Rect # Rows = 2; # Cols = 3
Trace: ColumnVector; Block G; Test.
Invert singular matrix
An exception has been thrown
Runtime error:- detected by Newmat: matrix is singular
MatrixType = Crout # Rows = 2; # Cols = 2
Trace: Crout(lubksb); GeneralSolvI; InvertedMatrix::Evaluate; Block H; Test.
SubMatrix error
An exception has been thrown
Logic error:- detected by Newmat: incompatible submatrix dimension
Trace: SubMatrix(evaluate); Block I; Test.
SubMatrix error
An exception has been thrown
Logic error:- detected by Newmat: incompatible submatrix dimension
Trace: SubMatrix(row); Block J; Test.
Cholesky error
An exception has been thrown
Runtime error:- detected by Newmat: matrix not positive definite
MatrixType = Sym # Rows = 50; # Cols = 50
Trace: Cholesky; Block K; Test.
Inequality error
An exception has been thrown
Logic error:- detected by Newmat: inequalities not defined for matrices
Trace: Block L; Test.
Maximum of empty matrix
An exception has been thrown
Logic error:- detected by Newmat: Maximum or minimum of null matrix
Trace: Block M; Test.
Incorrectly ReSizing band matrix
An exception has been thrown
Logic error:- detected by Newmat: UpperBandMatrix with non-zero lower band
Trace: UpperBandMatrix::ReSize; Block N; Test.
Incorrectly ReSizing symmetric band matrix
An exception has been thrown
Logic error:- detected by Newmat: Upper and lower band-widths not equal
Trace: SymmetricBandMatrix::ReSize(GM); Block M; Test.
ReSize CroutMatrix
An exception has been thrown
Logic error:- detected by Newmat: ReSize not defined for this type of matrix
Trace: GeneralMatrix::ReSize(GM); Block O; Test.
End test
(The following memory checks are probably not valid with all
compilers - see documentation)
Checking for lost memory: 8142064 8142064 - ok
Checking for lost memory: 8142064 8142064 - ok