2012-09-16 14:33:11 +02:00

135 lines
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/** @file
* @brief Representation of 3D scan matching with ICP
* @author Kai Lingemann. Institute of Computer Science, University of Osnabrueck, Germany.
* @author Andreas Nuechter. Institute of Computer Science, University of Osnabrueck, Germany.
#ifndef __ICP6D_H__
#define __ICP6D_H__
#include <vector>
using std::vector;
#include "newmat/newmat.h"
//using namespace NEWMAT;
#include "slam6d/scan.h"
#include "slam6d/icp6Dminimizer.h"
* @brief Representation of 3D scan matching with ICP.
* Manages the matching of 3D scans.
* Important values, such as maximal matching distance,
* maximal number of iterations, etc.
* are specified in the constructor.
class icp6D {
icp6D(icp6Dminimizer *my_icp6Dminimizer,
double max_dist_match = 25.0,
int max_num_iterations = 50,
bool quiet = false,
bool meta = false,
int rnd = 1,
bool eP = true,
int anim = -1,
double epsilonICP = 0.0000001,
int nns_method = simpleKD,
bool cuda_enabled = false,
bool cad_matching = false);
* Destructor (empty, but needed, because virtual)
virtual ~icp6D() {};
void doICP(vector <Scan *> allScans);
virtual int match(Scan* PreviousScan, Scan* CurrentScan);
void covarianceEuler(Scan *scan1, Scan *scan2, NEWMAT::Matrix *C);
void covarianceQuat(Scan *scan1, Scan *scan2, NEWMAT::Matrix *C);
double Point_Point_Error(Scan* PreviousScan, Scan* CurrentScan, double max_dist_match, unsigned int *nrp=0);
inline int get_rnd();
inline bool get_meta();
inline int get_anim();
inline int get_nns_method();
inline void set_anim(int anim);
inline double get_max_dist_match2();
inline void set_max_dist_match2(double max_dist_match2);
inline void set_max_num_iterations(int max_num_iterations);
inline void set_cad_matching (bool cad_matching);
inline bool get_cad_matching (void);
* suppress output to cout
bool quiet;
* take every rnd point for matching
int rnd;
* extrapolate odometry
bool eP;
* match against all scans (= meta scan), or against the last scan only
bool meta;
* specifies which NNS method should be used
int nns_method;
* specifies if the ANN trees have to be built
bool cuda_enabled;
* the maximal distance (^2 !!!) for matching
double max_dist_match2;
* the maximal number of iterations
int max_num_iterations;
* write anim'th animation frame
int anim;
* epsilon for stopping ICP algorithm ( convergence criterium )
double epsilonICP;
* ptr to ICP error function minimizer functor
icp6Dminimizer *my_icp6Dminimizer;
* Maximum number of points in all scans
unsigned int max_scn_size; //FIXME -> update with metascan
* determines if CAD models are matched against one scan
bool cad_matching;
#include "icp6D.icc"