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* Point Cloud Segmentation using Felzenszwalb-Huttenlocher Algorithm
* Copyright (C) Jacobs University Bremen
* Released under the GPL version 3.
* @author Mihai-Cotizo Sima
#ifndef __FHGRAPH_H_
#define __FHGRAPH_H_
#include <vector>
#include <list>
#include <slam6d/point.h>
#include <slam6d/scan.h>
#include <segmentation/segment-graph.h>
#include <ANN/ANN.h>
class FHGraph {
FHGraph(std::vector< Point >& ps, double weight(Point, Point), double sigma, double eps, int neighbors, float radius);
edge* getGraph();
Point operator[](int index);
int getNumPoints();
int getNumEdges();
void dispose();
void compute_neighbors(double weight(Point, Point), double eps);
void do_gauss(double sigma);
void without_gauss();
std::vector<edge> edges;
std::vector<Point>& points;
int V;
int E;
int nr_neighbors;
float radius;
struct he{ int x; float w; };
std::vector< std::list<he> > adjency_list;