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#pragma once
#include <cxcore.h>
struct Frame {
CvMat *trn;
CvMat *rot;
IplImage *img;
CvPoint **status;
CvPoint3D32f **pts;
CvSize sz;
double alignError;
Frame *allocFrame3DData(CvSize pmdSz);
void fillFrame(Frame *f, IplImage *img, CvSize pmdSz, CvPoint3D32f **pts, CvPoint **status
, CvMat *rot, CvMat *trn, double alignError);
void releaseFrame(Frame **f);
struct History {
Frame *frame;
History *prev;
History *createHistory();
History *addFrame(History *h, Frame *f);
void releaseTail(History *h);
void checkHistoryLen(History *h, int maxLen);