2012-09-16 14:33:11 +02:00

602 lines
17 KiB

// Name : optvalue.cpp
// Author : John Labenski
// Created : 07/01/02
// Copyright: John Labenski, 2002
// License : wxWidgets v2
#if defined(__GNUG__) && !defined(NO_GCC_PRAGMA)
#pragma implementation "optvalue.h"
// For compilers that support precompilation, includes "wx/wx.h"
#include "wx/wxprec.h"
#ifdef __BORLANDC__
#pragma hdrstop
#ifndef WX_PRECOMP
#include "wx/object.h"
#include "wx/string.h"
#include "wx/gdicmn.h"
#endif // WX_PRECOMP
#include "wx/tokenzr.h"
#include "wx/things/optvalue.h"
#include "wx/arrimpl.cpp"
// Global wxString utilities
wxArrayString wxStringToWords( const wxString &string )
// wxArrayString arr;
// wxString word, s = string.Strip(wxString::both);
// wxMemoryInputStream memstream( s.c_str(), string.Length() );
// wxTextInputStream textstream(memstream);
// while (!memstream.Eof())
// {
// word = textstream.ReadWord();
// if (!word.IsEmpty()) arr.Add(word.Strip(wxString::both));
// }
// return arr;
wxArrayString arr;
wxString s = string.Strip(wxString::both);
while (!s.IsEmpty())
arr.Add(s.BeforeFirst(wxT(' ')));
s = s.AfterFirst(wxT(' ')).Strip(wxString::both);
return arr;
// wxOptionValueRefData
class wxOptionValueRefData: public wxObjectRefData
wxOptionValueRefData() : wxObjectRefData() {}
wxOptionValueRefData(const wxOptionValueRefData& data) : wxObjectRefData()
m_type = data.m_type;
m_optionNames = data.m_optionNames;
m_optionValues = data.m_optionValues;
m_children = data.m_children;;
~wxOptionValueRefData() {}
wxString m_type;
wxArrayString m_optionNames;
wxArrayString m_optionValues;
wxArrayOptionValue m_children;
#define M_OPTVALUDATA ((wxOptionValueRefData *)m_refData)
// wxOptionValue - a ref counted wxString key, wxString value container
IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS(wxOptionValue, wxObject);
wxObjectRefData *wxOptionValue::CreateRefData() const
return new wxOptionValueRefData;
wxObjectRefData *wxOptionValue::CloneRefData(const wxObjectRefData *data) const
return new wxOptionValueRefData(*(const wxOptionValueRefData *)data);
bool wxOptionValue::Create()
m_refData = new wxOptionValueRefData();
return Ok();
bool wxOptionValue::Create( const wxOptionValue &optValue )
wxCHECK_MSG( optValue.Ok(), false, wxT("Invalid wxOptionValue") );
Ref( optValue );
return Ok();
bool wxOptionValue::Create( const wxString &string )
m_refData = new wxOptionValueRefData();
int i, start = 0, length = string.Length();
wxString buff;
const wxChar *s = string.GetData();
// const wxChar comma = 44; // comma
const wxChar tab = 9; // tab
// const wxChar space = 32; // space
const wxChar cr = 13; // carrage return
const wxChar lf = 10; // line feed
const wxChar openbracket = wxT('[');
const wxChar closebracket = wxT(']');
const wxChar equals = wxT('=');
const wxChar ccr = wxT('\n');
bool has_type = false;
for (i=0; i<length; i++, s++) // find opening [ for type
if (*s == openbracket)
start = i+1;
s++; // don't include bracket in type
has_type = true;
if (has_type)
for (i=start; i<length; i++, s++) // find closing ] for type
if ((*s == closebracket))
M_OPTVALUDATA->m_type = buff;
start = i+1;
else if ((*s != tab) && (*s != cr) && (*s != lf) && (*s != ccr))
return false;
for (i=start; i<length; i++) // add options
// add up characters until an = sign then the word before is the name
// the rest of the string before that is the value for the previous name
if (*s != equals)
if (!buff.IsEmpty())
const wxChar *t = buff.GetData();
int j;
for (j = buff.Length()-1; j>=0; j--)
const wxChar c = t[j];
if ((c == cr) || (c == lf) || (c == ccr) || (c == tab))
if (j<0) j = 0;
if (!buff.IsEmpty())
if (!buff.IsEmpty())
if ((M_OPTVALUDATA->m_optionValues.GetCount() != M_OPTVALUDATA->m_optionNames.GetCount()))
int i;
wxPrintf(wxT("wxOptionValue::wxOptionValue( const wxString &string BUSTED\n"));
wxPrintf(wxT("[%s]\n"), M_OPTVALUDATA->m_type.c_str());
for (i=0; i<(int)M_OPTVALUDATA->m_optionNames.GetCount(); i++)
wxPrintf(wxT("{%s}\n"), M_OPTVALUDATA->m_optionNames[i].c_str());
for (i=0; i<(int)M_OPTVALUDATA->m_optionValues.GetCount(); i++)
wxPrintf(wxT("{%s}\n"), M_OPTVALUDATA->m_optionValues[i].c_str());
return ((M_OPTVALUDATA->m_optionValues.GetCount() > 0) &&
(M_OPTVALUDATA->m_optionValues.GetCount() !=
bool wxOptionValue::Copy( const wxOptionValue &optValue )
wxCHECK_MSG( optValue.Ok(), false, wxT("Invalid wxOptionValue") );
if (!Ok()) Create();
M_OPTVALUDATA->m_type = optValue.GetType();
M_OPTVALUDATA->m_optionNames = optValue.GetOptionNames();
M_OPTVALUDATA->m_optionValues = optValue.GetOptionValues();
if (optValue.GetChildrenCount())
M_OPTVALUDATA->m_children = *optValue.GetChildren();
return true;
bool wxOptionValue::Ok() const
void wxOptionValue::Destroy()
wxString wxOptionValue::GetType() const
wxCHECK_MSG( Ok(), wxEmptyString, wxT("Invalid wxOptionValue") );
return M_OPTVALUDATA->m_type;
void wxOptionValue::SetType( const wxString &type )
wxCHECK_RET( Ok(), wxT("Invalid wxOptionValue") );
M_OPTVALUDATA->m_type = type;
size_t wxOptionValue::GetChildrenCount() const
wxCHECK_MSG( Ok(), 0, wxT("Invalid wxOptionValue") );
return M_OPTVALUDATA->m_children.GetCount();
wxArrayOptionValue *wxOptionValue::GetChildren() const
wxCHECK_MSG( Ok(), NULL, wxT("Invalid wxOptionValue") );
return &M_OPTVALUDATA->m_children;
bool wxOptionValue::AddChild( const wxOptionValue& child )
wxCHECK_MSG( Ok() && child.Ok(), 0, wxT("Invalid wxOptionValue") );
return true;
void wxOptionValue::DeleteChildren()
wxCHECK_RET( Ok(), wxT("Invalid wxOptionValue") );
size_t wxOptionValue::GetOptionCount() const
wxCHECK_MSG( Ok(), 0, wxT("Invalid wxOptionValue") );
return M_OPTVALUDATA->m_optionNames.GetCount();
wxArrayString wxOptionValue::GetOptionNames() const
wxCHECK_MSG( Ok(), wxArrayString(), wxT("Invalid wxOptionValue") );
return M_OPTVALUDATA->m_optionNames;
wxArrayString wxOptionValue::GetOptionValues() const
wxCHECK_MSG( Ok(), wxArrayString(), wxT("Invalid wxOptionValue") );
return M_OPTVALUDATA->m_optionValues;
wxString wxOptionValue::GetOptionName( size_t n ) const
wxCHECK_MSG( Ok() && (n<M_OPTVALUDATA->m_optionNames.GetCount()),
wxEmptyString, wxT("Invalid wxOptionValue") );
return M_OPTVALUDATA->m_optionNames[n];
wxString wxOptionValue::GetOptionValue( size_t n ) const
wxCHECK_MSG( Ok() && (n<M_OPTVALUDATA->m_optionValues.GetCount()),
wxEmptyString, wxT("Invalid wxOptionValue") );
return M_OPTVALUDATA->m_optionValues[n];
int wxOptionValue::HasOption(const wxString& name) const
wxCHECK_MSG( Ok(), wxNOT_FOUND, wxT("Invalid wxOptionValue") );
int index = M_OPTVALUDATA->m_optionNames.Index(name, false);
return index;
int wxOptionValue::FindOption(const wxString &part_of_option_name) const
wxCHECK_MSG( Ok(), wxNOT_FOUND, wxT("Invalid wxOptionValue") );
int i, count = M_OPTVALUDATA->m_optionNames.GetCount();
for (i=0; i<count; i++)
if (M_OPTVALUDATA->m_optionNames[i].Contains(part_of_option_name))
return i;
return wxNOT_FOUND;
bool wxOptionValue::DeleteOption(const wxString &name)
wxCHECK_MSG( Ok(), false, wxT("Invalid wxOptionValue"));
int index = M_OPTVALUDATA->m_optionNames.Index(name, false);
if (index == wxNOT_FOUND) return false;
return true;
bool wxOptionValue::DeleteOption( size_t n )
wxCHECK_MSG( Ok(), false, wxT("Invalid wxOptionValue") );
wxCHECK_MSG( n < M_OPTVALUDATA->m_optionValues.GetCount(), false, wxT("invalid index"));
return true;
// Set Options
// Option functions (arbitrary name/value mapping)
void wxOptionValue::SetOption(const wxString& name, const wxString& value, bool force)
wxCHECK_RET( Ok() && (name.Length() > 0), wxT("Invalid wxOptionValue or option") );
int idx = M_OPTVALUDATA->m_optionNames.Index(name, false);
if (idx == wxNOT_FOUND)
else if (force)
M_OPTVALUDATA->m_optionNames[idx] = name;
M_OPTVALUDATA->m_optionValues[idx] = value;
void wxOptionValue::SetOption(const wxString &name, bool update, const wxChar *format, ...)
va_list argptr;
va_start(argptr, format);
wxString s;
s.PrintfV(format, argptr);
SetOption(name, s, update);
// Get Options
wxString wxOptionValue::GetOption(const wxString& name) const
wxCHECK_MSG( Ok(), wxEmptyString, wxT("Invalid wxOptionValue") );
int idx = M_OPTVALUDATA->m_optionNames.Index(name, false);
if (idx != wxNOT_FOUND)
return M_OPTVALUDATA->m_optionValues[idx];
return wxEmptyString;
int wxOptionValue::GetOptionInt(const wxString& name) const
return wxAtoi(GetOption(name));
bool wxOptionValue::GetOption(const wxString& name, wxString &value ) const
wxString s = GetOption(name);
if (!s.IsEmpty()) { value = s; return true; }
return false;
bool wxOptionValue::GetOption(const wxString& name, int *value ) const
long n;
if (GetOption(name).ToLong(&n))
*value = (int)n;
return true;
return false;
bool wxOptionValue::GetOption(const wxString& name, float *value ) const
double n;
if (GetOption(name, &n))
*value = (float)n;
return true;
return false;
bool wxOptionValue::GetOption(const wxString& name, double *value ) const
double n;
if (GetOption(name).ToDouble(&n))
*value = n;
return true;
return false;
int wxOptionValue::GetOption(const wxString& name, const wxChar *format, ...) const
wxString n = GetOption(name);
if (n.IsEmpty()) return 0;
va_list argptr;
va_start(argptr, format);
// int i = wxVsscanf(n.c_str(), format, argptr); // VisualStudio doesn't have this
int i = wxSscanf(n.c_str(), format, argptr);
return i;
int wxOptionValue::GetOption(const wxString& name, wxArrayInt &values,
int count, const wxString& delims) const
wxString value = GetOption(name);
wxStringTokenizer tokens(value, delims, wxTOKEN_STRTOK);
int read_count = 0;
while (((count < 0) || (read_count <= count)) && tokens.HasMoreTokens())
long num;
if (!tokens.GetNextToken().ToLong(&num)) return read_count;
return read_count;
bool wxOptionValue::GetOption(const wxString& name, unsigned char *value, int count,
const wxString& delims) const
wxArrayInt intArr; intArr.Alloc(count);
if (GetOption(name, intArr, count, delims) != count)
return false;
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) value[i] = (unsigned char)intArr[i];
return true;
bool wxOptionValue::GetOption(const wxString& name, int *value, int count,
const wxString& delims) const
wxArrayInt intArr; intArr.Alloc(count);
if (GetOption(name, intArr, count, delims) != count)
return false;
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) value[i] = intArr[i];
return true;
bool wxOptionValue::GetOption(const wxString& name, long *value, int count,
const wxString& delims) const
wxArrayInt intArr; intArr.Alloc(count);
if (GetOption(name, intArr, count, delims) != count)
return false;
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) value[i] = intArr[i];
return true;
bool wxOptionValue::GetOption(const wxString& name, float *value, int count,
const wxString& delims) const
double *nums = (double*)malloc(sizeof(double)*count);
if (GetOption(name, nums, count, delims))
for (int i=0; i < count; i++) value[i] = (float)nums[i];
return true;
return false;
bool wxOptionValue::GetOption(const wxString& name, double *value, int count,
const wxString& delims) const
wxString optValue = GetOption(name);
wxStringTokenizer tokens(optValue, delims, wxTOKEN_STRTOK);
int read_count = 0;
double *nums = (double*)malloc(sizeof(double)*count);
double num;
while ((read_count <= count) && tokens.HasMoreTokens())
if (!tokens.GetNextToken().ToDouble(&num))
return false;
if (read_count >= count) break;
if (read_count == count)
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) value[i] = nums[i];
return true;
return false;
bool wxOptionValue::GetOption(const wxString& name, int *v1, int *v2,
const wxString& delims) const
wxArrayInt intArr;
if (GetOption(name, intArr, 2, delims) != 2)
return false;
if (v1) *v1 = intArr[0];
if (v2) *v2 = intArr[1];
return true;
bool wxOptionValue::GetOption(const wxString& name, int *v1, int *v2, int *v3,
const wxString& delims) const
wxArrayInt intArr;
if (GetOption(name, intArr, 3, delims) != 3)
return false;
if (v1) *v1 = intArr[0];
if (v2) *v2 = intArr[1];
if (v3) *v3 = intArr[2];
return true;
bool wxOptionValue::GetOption(const wxString& name, float *v1, float *v2, float *v3,
const wxString& delims) const
double nums[3];
if (GetOption(name, nums, 3, delims))
return false;
if (v1) *v1 = (float)nums[0];
if (v2) *v2 = (float)nums[1];
if (v3) *v3 = (float)nums[2];
return true;
bool wxOptionValue::GetOption(const wxString& name, wxRect &value,
const wxString& delims) const
wxArrayInt intArr;
if (GetOption(name, intArr, 4, delims) != 4)
return false;
value = wxRect(intArr[0], intArr[1], intArr[2], intArr[3]);
return true;