2012-09-16 14:33:11 +02:00

200 lines
6.1 KiB

//$$ solution.cpp // solve routines
// Copyright (C) 1994: R B Davies
#define WANT_STREAM // include.h will get stream fns
#define WANT_MATH // include.h will get math fns
#include "include.h"
#include "boolean.h"
#include "myexcept.h"
#include "solution.h"
#ifdef use_namespace
namespace RBD_COMMON {
void R1_R1::Set(Real X)
if ((!minXinf && X <= minX) || (!maxXinf && X >= maxX))
Throw(SolutionException("X value out of range"));
x = X; xSet = true;
R1_R1::operator Real()
if (!xSet) Throw(SolutionException("Value of X not set"));
Real y = operator()();
return y;
unsigned long SolutionException::Select;
SolutionException::SolutionException(const char* a_what) : BaseException()
Select = BaseException::Select;
AddMessage("Error detected by solution package\n");
AddMessage(a_what); AddMessage("\n");
if (a_what) Tracer::AddTrace();
inline Real square(Real x) { return x*x; }
void OneDimSolve::LookAt(int V)
if (!lim) Throw(SolutionException("Does not converge"));
Last = V;
Real yy = function(x[V]) - YY;
Finish = (fabs(yy) <= accY) || (Captured && fabs(x[L]-x[U]) <= accX );
y[V] = vpol*yy;
void OneDimSolve::HFlip() { hpol=-hpol; State(U,C,L); }
void OneDimSolve::VFlip()
{ vpol = -vpol; y[0] = -y[0]; y[1] = -y[1]; y[2] = -y[2]; }
void OneDimSolve::Flip()
hpol=-hpol; vpol=-vpol; State(U,C,L);
y[0] = -y[0]; y[1] = -y[1]; y[2] = -y[2];
void OneDimSolve::State(int I, int J, int K) { L=I; C=J; U=K; }
void OneDimSolve::Linear(int I, int J, int K)
x[J] = (x[I]*y[K] - x[K]*y[I])/(y[K] - y[I]);
// cout << "Linear\n";
void OneDimSolve::Quadratic(int I, int J, int K)
// result to overwrite I
YJK = y[J] - y[K]; YIK = y[I] - y[K]; YIJ = y[I] - y[J];
XKI = (x[K] - x[I]);
XKJ = (x[K]*y[J] - x[J]*y[K])/YJK;
if ( square(YJK/YIK)>(x[K] - x[J])/XKI ||
square(YIJ/YIK)>(x[J] - x[I])/XKI )
x[I] = XKJ;
// cout << "Quadratic - exceptional\n";
XKI = (x[K]*y[I] - x[I]*y[K])/YIK;
x[I] = (XKJ*y[I] - XKI*y[J])/YIJ;
// cout << "Quadratic - normal\n";
Real OneDimSolve::Solve(Real Y, Real X, Real Dev, int Lim)
enum Loop { start, captured1, captured2, binary, finish };
Tracer et("OneDimSolve::Solve");
lim=Lim; Captured = false;
if (Dev==0.0) Throw(SolutionException("Dev is zero"));
L=0; C=1; U=2; vpol=1; hpol=1; y[C]=0.0; y[U]=0.0;
if (Dev<0.0) { hpol=-1; Dev = -Dev; }
YY=Y; // target value
x[L] = X; // initial trial value
if (!function.IsValid(X))
Throw(SolutionException("Starting value is invalid"));
Loop TheLoop = start;
for (;;)
switch (TheLoop)
case start:
LookAt(L); if (Finish) { TheLoop = finish; break; }
if (y[L]>0.0) VFlip(); // so Y[L] < 0
x[U] = X + Dev * hpol;
if (!function.maxXinf && x[U] > function.maxX)
x[U] = (function.maxX + X) / 2.0;
if (!function.minXinf && x[U] < function.minX)
x[U] = (function.minX + X) / 2.0;
LookAt(U); if (Finish) { TheLoop = finish; break; }
if (y[U] > 0.0) { TheLoop = captured1; Captured = true; break; }
if (y[U] == y[L])
Throw(SolutionException("Function is flat"));
if (y[U] < y[L]) HFlip(); // Change direction
for (i=0; i<20; i++)
// cout << "Searching for crossing point\n";
// Have L C then crossing point, Y[L]<Y[C]<0
x[U] = x[C] + Dev * hpol;
if (!function.maxXinf && x[U] > function.maxX)
x[U] = (function.maxX + x[C]) / 2.0;
if (!function.minXinf && x[U] < function.minX)
x[U] = (function.minX + x[C]) / 2.0;
LookAt(U); if (Finish) { TheLoop = finish; break; }
if (y[U] > 0) { TheLoop = captured2; Captured = true; break; }
if (y[U] < y[C])
Throw(SolutionException("Function is not monotone"));
Dev *= 2.0;
if (TheLoop != start ) break;
Throw(SolutionException("Cannot locate a crossing point"));
case captured1:
// cout << "Captured - 1\n";
// We have 2 points L and U with crossing between them
Linear(L,C,U); // linear interpolation
// - result to C
LookAt(C); if (Finish) { TheLoop = finish; break; }
if (y[C] > 0.0) Flip(); // Want y[C] < 0
if (y[C] < 0.5*y[L]) { State(C,L,U); TheLoop = binary; break; }
case captured2:
// cout << "Captured - 2\n";
// We have L,C before crossing, U after crossing
Quadratic(L,C,U); // quad interpolation
// - result to L
if ((x[C] - x[L])*hpol <= 0.0 || (x[C] - x[U])*hpol >= 0.0)
{ TheLoop = captured1; break; }
LookAt(C); if (Finish) { TheLoop = finish; break; }
// cout << "Through first stage\n";
if (y[C] > 0.0) Flip();
if (y[C] > 0.5*y[L]) { TheLoop = captured2; break; }
else { State(C,L,U); TheLoop = captured1; break; }
case binary:
// We have L, U around crossing - do binary search
// cout << "Binary\n";
for (i=3; i; i--)
x[C] = 0.5*(x[L]+x[U]);
LookAt(C); if (Finish) { TheLoop = finish; break; }
if (y[C]>0.0) State(L,U,C); else State(C,L,U);
if (TheLoop != binary) break;
TheLoop = captured1; break;
case finish:
return x[Last];
bool R1_R1::IsValid(Real X)
return (minXinf || x > minX) && (maxXinf || x < maxX);
#ifdef use_namespace