2012-10-05 08:55:14 +02:00

454 lines
18 KiB

* show_menu implementation
* Copyright (C) Kai Lingemann, Andreas Nuechter
* Released under the GPL version 3.
* @file
* @brief Functions for the menu panels of the viewer software
* @author Kai Lingemann. Institute of Computer Science, University of Osnabrueck, Germany.
* @author Andreas Nuechter. Institute of Computer Science, University of Osnabrueck, Germany.
#include "show/colormanager.h"
// GUI variables
GLUI *glui1, ///< pointer to the glui window(s)
*glui2; ///< pointer to the glui window(s)
/** GLUI spinner for the fog */
GLUI_Spinner *fog_spinner;
/** GLUI spinner for the point size */
GLUI_Spinner *ps_spinner;
/** GLUI spinner for the current angle */
GLUI_Spinner *cangle_spinner;
/** GLUI spinner for the current angle */
GLUI_Spinner *pzoom_spinner;
/** GLUI spinner for the factor for the image size */
GLUI_Spinner *image_spinner;
/** GLUI_Spinner for the depth to select groups of points */
GLUI_Spinner *depth_spinner;
GLUI_Spinner *brushsize_spinner;
GLUI_Spinner *frame_spinner;
GLUI_Spinner *fps_spinner;
GLUI_Spinner *farplane_spinner;
GLUI_Spinner *nearplane_spinner;
GLUI_Spinner *lod_spinner;
int window_id_menu1, ///< menue window ids
window_id_menu2; ///< menue window ids
/** User IDs for callbacks */
#define BOX_ID 201
/** User IDs for callbacks */
#define ENABLE_ID 300
/** User IDs for callbacks */
#define DISABLE_ID 301
/** User IDs for callbacks */
#define SHOW_ID 302
/** User IDs for callbacks */
#define HIDE_ID 303
/** Pointer to the panels */
GLUI_Panel *ground_panel;
/** Pointer to the panels */
GLUI_Panel *points_panel;
/** Pointer to the panels */
GLUI_Panel *wireframe_panel;
/** Pointer to the panels */
GLUI_Panel *path_panel;
/** Pointer to the panels */
GLUI_Panel *pose_panel;
/** Pointer to the panels */
GLUI_Panel *selection_panel;
/** Pointer to the panels */
GLUI_Panel *color_panel;
/** Pointer to the panels */
GLUI_Panel *camera_panel;
/** Pointer to the panels */
GLUI_Panel *nav_panel;
/** Pointer to the panels */
GLUI_Panel *mode_panel;
/** Pointer to the panels */
GLUI_Panel *settings_panel;
/** Pointer to the panels */
GLUI_Panel *advanced_panel;
/** Pointer to the button */
GLUI_Button *button1;
/** Pointer to the edit text box*/
GLUI_EditText *path_filename_edit;
/** Pointer to the edit text box*/
GLUI_EditText *pose_filename_edit;
/** Pointer to the edit text box*/
GLUI_EditText *selection_filename_edit;
/** Pointer to the rotation button */
GLUI_Rotation *rotButton;
/** used for GLUI menue */
float obj_pos_button[3];
/** used for GLUI menue */
GLfloat view_rotate_button[16];
/** used for GLUI menue */
GLfloat obj_pos_button_old[3];
/** used for GLUI menue */
GLfloat X_button;
/** used for GLUI menue */
GLfloat Y_button;
/** used for GLUI menue */
GLfloat Z_button;
/** GLUI spinner for choosing the camera */
GLUI_Spinner *cam_spinner;
/** GLUI spinner for choosing the animation delay */
GLUI_Spinner *anim_spinner;
/** Panel for the camera controls **/
GLUI_Panel *cam_panel;
/** ListBox for choosing which value to map to a color */
GLUI_Listbox *value_listbox;
/** ListBox for choosing which color map to use */
GLUI_Listbox *colormap_listbox;
GLUI_Spinner *mincol_spinner;
GLUI_Spinner *maxcol_spinner;
/** Checkboxes for changing point display mode **/
GLUI_Checkbox *always_box;
GLUI_Checkbox *never_box;
/** Checkbox for changing interpolation mode **/
GLUI_Checkbox *interpol_box;
* Generate the menu for the application.
* It consists of control and selection menus.
void newMenu()
/*** Create the bottom subwindow ***/
glui2 = GLUI_Master.create_glui("3D_Viewer - Controls");
window_id_menu2 = glui2->get_glut_window_id();
glutPositionWindow(START_X, START_Y + START_HEIGHT + 65);
glui2->set_main_gfx_window( window_id );
settings_panel = glui2->add_panel("Settings: ");
cangle_spinner = glui2->add_spinner_to_panel(settings_panel, "Field of View : ", GLUI_SPINNER_FLOAT, &cangle);
cangle_spinner->set_float_limits( 1.0, 180.0 );
cangle_spinner->set_speed( 20.0 );
cangle_spinner->set_alignment( GLUI_ALIGN_RIGHT );
pzoom_spinner = glui2->add_spinner_to_panel(settings_panel, "Parallel Zoom :", GLUI_SPINNER_FLOAT, &pzoom);
pzoom_spinner->set_float_limits( 10.0, 50000.0 );
pzoom_spinner->set_speed( 5.0 );
pzoom_spinner->set_alignment( GLUI_ALIGN_RIGHT );
glui2->add_column( true );
mode_panel = glui2->add_panel("Mode: ");
/****** Top view *****/
glui2->add_button_to_panel(mode_panel, "Top view", 0, callTopView )->set_alignment( GLUI_ALIGN_CENTER );
/****** Reset button *****/
glui2->add_button_to_panel(mode_panel, "Reset position", 0, resetView )->set_alignment( GLUI_ALIGN_CENTER );
glui2->add_column( true );
/****** Add Camera View *****/
camera_panel = glui2->add_panel("Camera: ");
cam_spinner = glui2->add_spinner_to_panel(camera_panel, "Choose Camera", GLUI_SPINNER_INT, &cam_choice);
cam_spinner->set_int_limits( 0, 0 );
cam_spinner->set_speed( 1 );
cam_spinner->set_alignment( GLUI_ALIGN_LEFT );
glui2->add_button_to_panel(camera_panel, "Add Camera", 1, callAddCamera )->set_alignment( GLUI_ALIGN_CENTER );
glui2->add_button_to_panel(camera_panel, "Delete Camera", 0, callDeleteCamera )->set_alignment( GLUI_ALIGN_CENTER );
/******* Other navigation controls**********/
nav_panel = glui2->add_panel("Navigation: ");
rotButton = glui2->add_rotation_to_panel(nav_panel, "Rotation", view_rotate_button, -1, update_view_rotate);
glui2->add_column_to_panel(nav_panel, true );
glui2->add_translation_to_panel(nav_panel, "Move XY", GLUI_TRANSLATION_XY,
obj_pos_button, -1, update_view_translation);
glui2->add_column_to_panel(nav_panel, false );
glui2->add_translation_to_panel(nav_panel, "Move X", GLUI_TRANSLATION_X,
&obj_pos_button[0], -1, update_view_translation);
glui2->add_column_to_panel(nav_panel, false );
glui2->add_translation_to_panel(nav_panel, "Move Y", GLUI_TRANSLATION_Y,
&obj_pos_button[1], -1, update_view_translation);
glui2->add_column_to_panel(nav_panel, false );
glui2->add_translation_to_panel(nav_panel, "Move Z", GLUI_TRANSLATION_Z,
&obj_pos_button[2], -1, update_view_translation);
glui2->add_column_to_panel(nav_panel, false);
glui2->add_checkbox_to_panel(nav_panel, "MouseNav", &cameraNavMouseMode );
static int dummy4;
always_box = glui2->add_checkbox_to_panel(nav_panel, "Always all Points", &dummy4, 0, &changePointMode);
static int dummy5 = 1;
never_box = glui2->add_checkbox_to_panel(nav_panel, "Always reduce Points", &dummy5, 1, &changePointMode );
/*** Create the right subwindow ***/
glui1 = GLUI_Master.create_glui("3D_Viewer - Selection");
window_id_menu1 = glui1->get_glut_window_id();
glutPositionWindow(START_X + START_WIDTH + 50, START_Y + 30);
glui1->set_main_gfx_window( window_id );
glui1->add_checkbox( "Draw Points", &show_points );
glui1->add_checkbox( "Draw Camera", &show_cameras);
glui1->add_checkbox( "Draw Path", &show_path);
ps_spinner = glui1->add_spinner( "Point Size:", GLUI_SPINNER_FLOAT, &pointsize);
ps_spinner->set_float_limits( 0.0000001, 10.0 );
ps_spinner->set_speed( 25.0 );
ps_spinner->set_alignment( GLUI_ALIGN_LEFT );
/**** Fog Panel *****/
GLUI_Panel *fogt_panel = glui1->add_rollout("Fog :", false );
fogt_panel ->set_alignment( GLUI_ALIGN_LEFT );
GLUI_RadioGroup *fogt = glui1-> add_radiogroup_to_panel( fogt_panel, &show_fog );
glui1->add_radiobutton_to_group( fogt, "No Fog" );
glui1->add_radiobutton_to_group( fogt, "Fog Exp" );
glui1->add_radiobutton_to_group( fogt, "Fog Exp2" );
glui1->add_radiobutton_to_group( fogt, "Fog Linear" );
glui1->add_radiobutton_to_group( fogt, "inverted Fog Exp" );
glui1->add_radiobutton_to_group( fogt, "inverted Fog Exp2" );
glui1->add_radiobutton_to_group( fogt, "inverted Fog Linear" );
fog_spinner = glui1->add_spinner( "Fog Density:", GLUI_SPINNER_FLOAT, &fogDensity);
fog_spinner->set_float_limits( 0.0, 1.0 );
fog_spinner->set_speed( 0.5 );
fog_spinner->set_alignment( GLUI_ALIGN_LEFT );
/****** Color Controls *****/
color_panel = glui1->add_rollout("Color :", false );
color_panel ->set_alignment( GLUI_ALIGN_LEFT );
GLUI_Panel *color_ro = glui1->add_rollout_to_panel(color_panel, "Color values:", false);
GLUI_RadioGroup *color_rog = glui1->add_radiogroup_to_panel( color_ro, &listboxColorVal, 0, &mapColorToValue );
glui1->add_radiobutton_to_group( color_rog, "height");
GLUI_RadioButton *rbrefl = glui1->add_radiobutton_to_group( color_rog, "reflectance");
GLUI_RadioButton *rbtemp = glui1->add_radiobutton_to_group( color_rog, "temperature");
GLUI_RadioButton *rbampl = glui1->add_radiobutton_to_group( color_rog, "amplitude");
GLUI_RadioButton *rbdevi = glui1->add_radiobutton_to_group( color_rog, "deviation");
GLUI_RadioButton *rbtype = glui1->add_radiobutton_to_group( color_rog, "type");
//if (!(types & PointType::USE_REFLECTANCE)) rbrefl->disable();
//if (!(types & PointType::USE_AMPLITUDE)) rbampl->disable();
//if (!(types & PointType::USE_DEVIATION)) rbdevi->disable();
//if (!(types & PointType::USE_TYPE)) rbtype->disable();
if (!(pointtype.hasReflectance())) rbrefl->disable();
if (!(pointtype.hasTemperature())) rbtemp->disable();
if (!(pointtype.hasAmplitude())) rbampl->disable();
if (!(pointtype.hasDeviation())) rbdevi->disable();
if (!(pointtype.hasType())) rbtype->disable();
GLUI_Panel *colorm_ro = glui1->add_rollout_to_panel(color_panel, "Colormap:", false);
GLUI_RadioGroup *colorm_rog = glui1->add_radiogroup_to_panel(colorm_ro, &listboxColorMapVal, 0, &changeColorMap);
glui1->add_radiobutton_to_group(colorm_rog, "Solid");
glui1->add_radiobutton_to_group(colorm_rog, "Grey");
glui1->add_radiobutton_to_group(colorm_rog, "HSV");
glui1->add_radiobutton_to_group(colorm_rog, "Jet");
glui1->add_radiobutton_to_group(colorm_rog, "Hot");
glui1->add_radiobutton_to_group(colorm_rog, "Rand");
glui1->add_radiobutton_to_group(colorm_rog, "SHSV");
glui1->add_radiobutton_to_group(colorm_rog, "TEMP");
GLUI_Panel *scans_color = glui1->add_rollout_to_panel(color_panel, "Color type:", false);
GLUI_RadioGroup *scans_colored = glui1->add_radiogroup_to_panel(scans_color, &colorScanVal, 0, &setScansColored);
glui1->add_radiobutton_to_group(scans_colored, "None");
glui1->add_radiobutton_to_group(scans_colored, "Id Scans by Color");
GLUI_RadioButton *colorb = glui1->add_radiobutton_to_group( scans_colored, "Color by Points");
if (!(pointtype.hasColor())) colorb->disable();
mincol_spinner = glui1->add_spinner_to_panel(color_panel, "Min Val:", GLUI_SPINNER_FLOAT, &mincolor_value, 0, &minmaxChanged);
maxcol_spinner = glui1->add_spinner_to_panel(color_panel, "Max Val:", GLUI_SPINNER_FLOAT, &maxcolor_value, 0, &minmaxChanged);
glui1->add_button_to_panel(color_panel, "Reset Min/Max", 0, &resetMinMax )->set_alignment( GLUI_ALIGN_CENTER );
/****** Invert button *****/
glui1->add_button( "Invert", 0, invertView )->set_alignment( GLUI_ALIGN_CENTER );
/****** Animate button *****/
anim_spinner = glui1->add_spinner( "Anim delay:", GLUI_SPINNER_INT, &anim_delay);
anim_spinner->set_int_limits( 0, 100 );
anim_spinner->set_speed( 1 );
glui1->add_button( "Animate", 0, startAnimation )->set_alignment( GLUI_ALIGN_CENTER );
/**** Path panel *******/
path_panel = glui1->add_rollout("Camera Path :", false );
path_panel ->set_alignment( GLUI_ALIGN_LEFT );
path_filename_edit = glui1->add_edittext_to_panel(path_panel,"File: ",GLUI_EDITTEXT_TEXT, path_file_name);
path_filename_edit->set_alignment( GLUI_ALIGN_LEFT );
glui1->add_button_to_panel(path_panel, "Save Path ", 0, savePath)->set_alignment( GLUI_ALIGN_CENTER);
glui1->add_button_to_panel(path_panel, "Load Path ", 0, loadPath)->set_alignment( GLUI_ALIGN_CENTER);
glui1->add_button_to_panel(path_panel, "Load Robot P.", 0, drawRobotPath )->set_alignment( GLUI_ALIGN_CENTER );
glui1->add_checkbox_to_panel(path_panel, "Save Animation", &save_animation);
interpol_box = glui1->add_checkbox_to_panel(path_panel, "Interpolate by Distance", &inter_by_dist, -1, &callCameraUpdate);
//always_box = glui2->add_checkbox_to_panel(nav_panel, "Always all Points", &dummy4, 0, &changePointMode);
//glui1->add_checkbox_to_panel(path_panel, "Interpolate by Distance", &inter_by_dist);
glui1->add_button_to_panel(path_panel, "Animate Path", 0, pathAnimate)->set_alignment( GLUI_ALIGN_CENTER);
/**** Position panel *******/
pose_panel = glui1->add_rollout("Position :", false );
pose_panel ->set_alignment( GLUI_ALIGN_LEFT );
pose_filename_edit = glui1->add_edittext_to_panel(pose_panel,"File: ",GLUI_EDITTEXT_TEXT, pose_file_name);
pose_filename_edit->set_alignment( GLUI_ALIGN_LEFT );
glui1->add_button_to_panel(pose_panel, "Save Pose ", 0, savePose)->set_alignment( GLUI_ALIGN_CENTER);
glui1->add_button_to_panel(pose_panel, "Load Pose ", 0, loadPose)->set_alignment( GLUI_ALIGN_CENTER);
image_spinner = glui1->add_spinner_to_panel(pose_panel, "Factor : ",
image_spinner->set_int_limits( 1, 10 );
image_spinner->set_speed( 1 );
glui1->add_button_to_panel(pose_panel, "Save Image ", 0, saveImage)->set_alignment( GLUI_ALIGN_CENTER);
/**** Selection panel ******/
selection_panel = glui1->add_rollout("Selection :", false );
selection_panel ->set_alignment( GLUI_ALIGN_LEFT );
selection_filename_edit = glui1->add_edittext_to_panel(selection_panel,"File: ",GLUI_EDITTEXT_TEXT, selection_file_name);
selection_filename_edit->set_alignment( GLUI_ALIGN_LEFT );
glui1->add_button_to_panel(selection_panel, "Save selected points ", 0, saveSelection)->set_alignment( GLUI_ALIGN_CENTER);
glui1->add_button_to_panel(selection_panel, "Clear selected points ", 0, clearSelection)->set_alignment( GLUI_ALIGN_CENTER);
glui1->add_checkbox_to_panel(selection_panel, "Select/Unselect", &selectOrunselect);
glui1->add_checkbox_to_panel(selection_panel, "Select Voxels", &select_voxels);
depth_spinner = glui1->add_spinner_to_panel(selection_panel, "Depth : ",
GLUI_SPINNER_INT, &selection_depth);
depth_spinner->set_int_limits( 1, 100 );
depth_spinner->set_speed( 1 );
brushsize_spinner = glui1->add_spinner_to_panel(selection_panel, "Brushsize : ",
GLUI_SPINNER_INT, &brush_size);
brushsize_spinner->set_int_limits( 0, 100 );
brushsize_spinner->set_speed( 1 );
/**** Advanced panel ******/
if (advanced_controls) {
advanced_panel = glui1->add_rollout("Advanced :", false );
advanced_panel->set_alignment( GLUI_ALIGN_LEFT );
// glui1->add_edittext_to_panel(advanced_panel,"Frame #: ",GLUI_EDITTEXT_TEXT, current_frame)->set_alignment( GLUI_ALIGN_LEFT );
frame_spinner = glui1->add_spinner_to_panel(advanced_panel, "Frame #: ",
GLUI_SPINNER_INT, &current_frame);
frame_spinner->set_int_limits( 0, MetaMatrix[0].size()-1 );
frame_spinner->set_speed( 10 );
fps_spinner = glui1->add_spinner_to_panel(advanced_panel, "FPS : ",
fps_spinner->set_int_limits( 0, 100 );
fps_spinner->set_speed( 1 );
farplane_spinner = glui1->add_spinner_to_panel(advanced_panel, "farplane : ",
GLUI_SPINNER_FLOAT, &maxfardistance);
farplane_spinner->set_float_limits( 1, 100000 );
farplane_spinner->set_speed( 1 );
nearplane_spinner = glui1->add_spinner_to_panel(advanced_panel, "nearplane : ",
GLUI_SPINNER_FLOAT, &neardistance);
nearplane_spinner->set_int_limits( 1, 100000 );
nearplane_spinner->set_speed( 1 );
glui1->add_button_to_panel(advanced_panel, "Cycle LOD", 0,(GLUI_Update_CB)cycleLOD )->set_alignment( GLUI_ALIGN_CENTER );
lod_spinner = glui1->add_spinner_to_panel(advanced_panel, "lod speed : ",
GLUI_SPINNER_FLOAT, &adaption_rate);
lod_spinner->set_float_limits( 0, 3.0 );
lod_spinner->set_speed( 0.1 );
/****** A 'quit' button *****/
glui1->add_button( "Quit", 0,(GLUI_Update_CB)exit )->set_alignment( GLUI_ALIGN_CENTER );
/**** Link windows to GLUI, and register idle callback ******/
glui1->set_main_gfx_window( window_id ); // right
glui2->set_main_gfx_window( window_id ); // bottom
// cout << "Called : myNewMenu()...."<<endl;
// cout << "show_points: " << show_points << endl;
GLUI_Master.set_glutMouseFunc( CallBackMouseFunc );
GLUI_Master.set_glutKeyboardFunc( CallBackInterfaceFunc );
GLUI_Master.set_glutIdleFunc( CallBackIdleFunc );
GLUI_Master.set_glutSpecialFunc( CallBackSpecialFunc );
* This function is called when a user starts to animate the generated path
void pathAnimate(int dummy) {
//signal that the screen needs to be repainted for animation
haveToUpdate = 6;
path_iterator = 0;
* This function clears the selected points
void clearSelection(int dummy) {
for(int iterator = (int)octpts.size()-1; iterator >= 0; iterator--)