2012-09-16 14:33:11 +02:00

372 lines
14 KiB

This is a Optical-Character-Recognition program
Copyright (C) 2000-2009 Joerg Schulenburg
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
see README for EMAIL address
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <string.h>
/* do we need #include <math.h>? conflicts with INFINITY in unicode.h */
#include "gocr.h"
#include "pgm2asc.h"
/* for sorting letters by position on the image
/ ToDo: - use function same line like this or include lines.m1 etc. */
int box_gt(struct box *box1, struct box *box2) {
// box1 after box2 ?
if (box1->line > box2->line)
return 1;
if (box1->line < box2->line)
return 0;
if (box1->x0 > box2->x1) // before
return 1;
if (box1->x1 < box2->x0) // before
return 0;
if (box1->x0 > box2->x0) // before, overlapping!
return 1;
return 0;
/* --- copy part of pix p into new pix b ---- len=10000
* Returns: 0 on success, 1 on error.
* naming it as copybox isnt very clever, because it dont have to do with the
* char boxes (struct box)
int copybox (pix * p, int x0, int y0, int dx, int dy, pix * b, int len) {
int x, y;
/* test boundaries */
if (b->p == NULL || dx < 0 || dy < 0 || dx * dy > len) {
fprintf(stderr, " error-copybox x=%5d %5d d=%5d %5d\n", x0, y0, dx, dy);
return 1;
b->x = dx;
b->y = dy;
b->bpp = 1;
for (y = 0; y < dy; y++)
memcpy(&pixel_atp(b, 0, y), &pixel_atp(p, x0, y + y0 ), dx);
// and unmark pixels
for (y = 0; y < dy; y++)
for (x = 0; x < dx; x++)
pixel_atp(b, x, y) = getpixel(p, x + x0, y + y0);
return 0;
/* reset table of alternative chars (and free memory) */
int reset_box_ac(struct box *box){
int i;
for (i=0; i<box->num_ac; i++)
if (box->tas[i]) {
/* fprintf(stderr,"DBG free_s[%d] %p %s\n",i,box->tas[i],box->tas[i]); */
box->tas[i]=0; /* prevent double freeing */
box->num_ac=0; /* mark as freed */
return 0;
/* ini or copy a box: get memory for box and initialize the memory */
struct box *malloc_box (struct box *inibox) {
struct box *buf;
int i;
buf = (struct box *) malloc(sizeof(struct box));
if (!buf)
return NULL;
if (inibox) {
memcpy(buf, inibox, sizeof(struct box));
/* only pointer are copied, we want to copy the contents too */
for (i=0;i<inibox->num_ac;i++) {
if (inibox->tas[i]) {
buf->tas[i]=(char *)malloc(strlen(inibox->tas[i])+1);
memcpy(buf->tas[i], inibox->tas[i], strlen(inibox->tas[i])+1);
else { /* ToDo: init it */
/* fprintf(stderr,"\nDBG ini_box %p",buf); */
return buf;
/* free memory of box */
int free_box (struct box *box) {
if (!box) return 0;
/* fprintf(stderr,"DBG free_box %p\n",box); out_x(box); */
reset_box_ac(box); /* free alternative char table */
free(box); /* free the box memory */
return 0;
/* simplify the vectorgraph,
* but what is the best way?
* a) melting two neighbouring vectors with nearly same direction?
* (nearest angle to pi)
* b) melting three neigbours with smallest area?
* ToDo:
* mode = 0 - only lossless
* mode = 1 - reduce one vector, smallest possible loss
* mode = 2 - remove jitter (todo, or somewhere else)
* ToDo: include also loop around (last - first element)
* ToDo: reduce by 10..50%
int reduce_vectors ( struct box *box1, int mode ) {
int i1, i2, nx, ny, mx, my, len,
minlen=1024, /* minlength of to neighbouring vectors */
besti1=0, /* frame for best reduction */
besti2=2; /* vector replacing its predecessor */
double sprod, maxsprod=-1;
if (mode!=1) fprintf(stderr,"ERR not supported yet, ToDo\n");
for (i2=1,i1=0; i1<box1->num_frames; i1++) { /* every frame */
for (;i2<box1->num_frame_vectors[i1]-1; i2++) { /* every vector */
/* predecessor n */
nx = box1->frame_vector[i2-0][0] - box1->frame_vector[i2-1][0];
ny = box1->frame_vector[i2-0][1] - box1->frame_vector[i2-1][1];
/* successor m */
mx = box1->frame_vector[i2+1][0] - box1->frame_vector[i2-0][0];
my = box1->frame_vector[i2+1][1] - box1->frame_vector[i2-0][1];
/* angle is w = a*b/(|a|*|b|) = 1 means parallel */
/* normalized: minimize w^2 = (a*b/(|a|*|b|)-1)^2 */
/* -1=90grd, 0=0grd, -2=180grd */
sprod = /* fabs */(abs(nx*mx+ny*my)*(nx*mx+ny*my)
/* we dont include math.h because INFINITY conflicts to unicode,h */
if (sprod<0) sprod=-sprod;
len = (mx*mx+my*my)*(nx*nx+ny*ny); /* sum lengths^2 */
// ..c ###c ... .. ...
// .b. len=2+2 #b.. len=2+5 #bc len=1+2 bc len=1+1 b#a len=4+5
// a.. spr=0 a... spr=1/10 a.. spr=1/4 a. spr=1 ##c spr=9/5
if ( len* sprod* sprod* sprod* sprod
|| maxsprod<0) /* Bad! ToDo! */
{ maxsprod=sprod; besti1=i1; besti2=i2; minlen=len; }
if (box1->num_frames>0)
for (i2=besti2; i2<box1->num_frame_vectors[ box1->num_frames-1 ]-1; i2++) {
for (i1=besti1; i1<box1->num_frames; i1++)
// fprintf(stderr,"\nDBG_reduce_vectors i= %d nv= %d sprod=%f len2=%d\n# ...",
// besti2,box1->num_frame_vectors[ box1->num_frames-1 ],maxsprod,minlen);
// out_x(box1);
return 0;
/* add the contents of box2 to box1
* especially add vectors of box2 to box1
int merge_boxes( struct box *box1, struct box *box2 ) {
int i1, i2, i3, i4;
struct box tmpbox, *bsmaller, *bbigger; /* for mixing and sorting */
/* DEBUG, use valgrind to check uninitialized memory */
#if 0
fprintf(stderr,"\nDBG merge_boxes_input:"); out_x(box1); out_x(box2);
/* pair distance is to expendable, taking borders is easier */
if ((box2->x1 - box2->x0)*(box2->y1 - box2->y0)
>(box1->x1 - box1->x0)*(box1->y1 - box1->y0)) {
bbigger=box2; bsmaller=box1; }
else {
bbigger=box1; bsmaller=box2; }
/* ToDo: does not work if a third box is added */
if (box2->y0>box1->y1 || box2->y1<box1->y0
|| box2->x0>box1->x1 || box2->x1<box1->x0) {
box1->num_boxes += box2->num_boxes; /* num seperate objects 2=ij */
} else {
if (box2->num_boxes>box1->num_boxes) box1->num_boxes=box2->num_boxes;
box1->num_subboxes += box2->num_subboxes+1; /* num holes 1=abdepq 2=B */
box1->dots += box2->dots; /* num i-dots */
if ( box2->x0 < box1->x0 ) box1->x0 = box2->x0;
if ( box2->x1 > box1->x1 ) box1->x1 = box2->x1;
if ( box2->y0 < box1->y0 ) box1->y0 = box2->y0;
if ( box2->y1 > box1->y1 ) box1->y1 = box2->y1;
i1 = i2 = 0;
if (bbigger->num_frames)
i1 = bbigger->num_frame_vectors[ bbigger->num_frames - 1 ];
if (bsmaller->num_frames)
i2 = bsmaller->num_frame_vectors[ bsmaller->num_frames - 1 ];
while (i1+i2 > MaxFrameVectors) {
if (i1>i2) { reduce_vectors( bbigger, 1 ); i1--; }
else { reduce_vectors( bsmaller, 1 ); i2--; }
/* if i1+i2>MaxFrameVectors simplify the vectorgraph */
/* if sum num_frames>MaxNumFrames through shortest graph away and warn */
/* first copy the bigger box */
memcpy(&tmpbox, bbigger, sizeof(struct box));
/* attach the smaller box */
for (i4=i3=0; i3<bsmaller->num_frames; i3++) {
if (tmpbox.num_frames>=MaxNumFrames) break;
for (; i4<bsmaller->num_frame_vectors[i3]; i4++) {
tmpbox.num_frame_vectors[ tmpbox.num_frames ] = i1;
tmpbox.frame_vol[ tmpbox.num_frames ] = bsmaller->frame_vol[ i3 ];
tmpbox.frame_per[ tmpbox.num_frames ] = bsmaller->frame_per[ i3 ];
if (tmpbox.num_frames>=MaxNumFrames) {
if (JOB->cfg.verbose)
fprintf(stderr,"\nDBG merge_boxes MaxNumFrames reached");
/* copy tmpbox to destination */
box1->num_frames = tmpbox.num_frames;
#if 0
if (JOB->cfg.verbose)
fprintf(stderr,"\nDBG merge_boxes_result:"); out_x(box1);
return 0;
/* used for division of glued chars
* after a box is splitted into 2, where vectors are copied to both,
* vectors outside the new box are cutted and thrown away,
* later replaced by
* - 1st remove outside vectors with outside neighbours (complete frames?)
* add vector on outside vector with inside neighbours
* care about connections through box between outside vectors
* - 2nd reduce outside crossings (inclusive splitting frames if necessary)
* depending on direction (rotation) of outside connections
* - 3th shift outside vectors to crossing points
* - split add this points, connect only in-out...out-in,
* - cutting can result in more objects
* ToDo:
* dont connect --1---2--------3----4-- new-y1 (inside above not drawn)
* \ \->>>>-/ / outside
* \----<<<<-----/ old-y1
* |======| subtractable?
* only connect --1---2--------3----4-- new-y1
* \>>/ \>>>/ old-y1 outside
* ToDo: what about cutting 2 frames (example: 2fold melted MN)
* better restart framing algo?
* ToDo: new vol, per
int cut_box( struct box *box1) {
int i1, i2, i3, i4, x, y, lx, ly, dbg=0;
if (JOB->cfg.verbose) dbg=1; // debug level, enlarge to get more output
if (dbg) fprintf(stderr,"\n cut box x= %3d %3d", box1->x0, box1->y0);
/* check if complete frames are outside the box */
for (i1=0; i1<box1->num_frames; i1++){
if (dbg>2) fprintf(stderr,"\n checking frame %d outside", i1);
i2 = ((i1)?box1->num_frame_vectors[ i1-1 ]:0); // this frame
i3 = box1->num_frame_vectors[ i1 ]; // next frame
for (i4=i2; i4 < i3; i4++) {
x = box1->frame_vector[i4][0];
y = box1->frame_vector[i4][1];
/* break, if one vector is lying inside */
if (x>=box1->x0 && x<=box1->x1 && y>=box1->y0 && y<=box1->y1) break;
if (i4==i3) { /* all vectors outside */
if (dbg>1) fprintf(stderr,"\n remove frame %d",i1);
/* replace all frames i1,i1+1,... by i1+1,i1+2,... */
/* replace (x,y) pairs first */
for (i4=i2; i4<box1->num_frame_vectors[ box1->num_frames-1 ]-(i3-i2);
i4++) {
box1->frame_vector[i4][0] = box1->frame_vector[i4+i3-i2][0];
box1->frame_vector[i4][1] = box1->frame_vector[i4+i3-i2][1];
/* replace the num_frame_vectors */
for (i4=i1; i4<box1->num_frames-1; i4++)
box1->num_frame_vectors[ i4 ] =
box1->num_frame_vectors[ i4+1 ]-(i3-i2);
box1->num_frames--; i1--;
/* remove vectors outside the box */
for (i1=0; i1<box1->num_frames; i1++){
if (dbg>2) fprintf(stderr,"\n check cutting vectors on frame %d", i1);
x = box1->frame_vector[0][0]; /* last x */
y = box1->frame_vector[0][1]; /* last y */
/* ToDo: start inside to get a closed object */
if (x<box1->x0 || x>box1->x1 || y<box1->y0 || y>box1->y1) i3=1;
for (i2=0; i2<box1->num_frame_vectors[ i1 ]; i2++) {
lx = x; /* last x */
ly = y; /* last y */
x = box1->frame_vector[i2][0];
y = box1->frame_vector[i2][1];
// fprintf(stderr,"DBG LEV3 i2= %3d xy= %3d %3d",i2,x,y);
/* check if outside */
if (x<box1->x0 || x>box1->x1 || y<box1->y0 || y>box1->y1) {
/* replace by nearest point at border, ToDo: better crossingpoint */
if (i3==0) { /* wrong if it starts outside */
if (x < box1->x0) x = box1->frame_vector[i2][0] = box1->x0;
if (x > box1->x1) x = box1->frame_vector[i2][0] = box1->x1;
if (y < box1->y0) y = box1->frame_vector[i2][1] = box1->y0;
if (y > box1->y1) y = box1->frame_vector[i2][1] = box1->y1;
} else {
/* remove vector */
if (dbg>1) fprintf(stderr,"\n remove vector[%d][%d] x= %2d %2d",i1,i2,x-box1->x0,y-box1->y0);
for (i4=i2;i4<box1->num_frame_vectors[ box1->num_frames-1 ]-1;i4++) {
box1->frame_vector[i4][0] = box1->frame_vector[i4+1][0];
box1->frame_vector[i4][1] = box1->frame_vector[i4+1][1];
for (i4=i1; i4<box1->num_frames; i4++)
box1->num_frame_vectors[ i4 ]--;
i2--; /* next element is shiftet now, setting back the counter */
// fprintf(stderr," outside i3= %d\n",i3);
// fprintf(stderr," inside i3= %d",i3);
if (i3) { /* ToDo: better crossing point last vector and border */
if (lx < box1->x0) lx = box1->x0;
if (lx > box1->x1) lx = box1->x1;
if (ly < box1->y0) ly = box1->y0;
if (ly > box1->y1) ly = box1->y1;
x = box1->frame_vector[i2][0] = lx;
y = box1->frame_vector[i2][1] = ly;
i3 = 0;
// fprintf(stderr," xy= %3d %3d\n",x,y);
if (dbg>2) { fprintf(stderr,"\nDBG cut_box_result:"); out_x(box1); }
return 0;