2012-09-16 14:33:11 +02:00

401 lines
12 KiB

* scan_ransac implementation
* Copyright (C) Dorit Borrmann
* Released under the GPL version 3.
#define WANT_STREAM ///< define the WANT stream :)
#include <string>
using std::string;
#include <iostream>
using std::cout;
using std::cerr;
using std::endl;
#include <fstream>
using std::ofstream;
#include <errno.h>
#include <iostream>
#include "slam6d/scan_io.h"
#include "slam6d/globals.icc"
#include <float.h>
#include "shapes/geom_math.h"
#include "shapes/integralimg.h"
#include "shapes/scan_ransac.h"
#include "shapes/NumberRecOctree.h"
#ifdef _OPENMP
#include <omp.h>
#ifndef _MSC_VER
#include <getopt.h>
#include "XGetopt.h"
#ifdef _MSC_VER
#define strcasecmp _stricmp
#define strncasecmp _strnicmp
#include <windows.h>
#include <direct.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <strings.h>
#include <dlfcn.h>
void *dummy(void *nd) {
NumberDetector *ND = (NumberDetector *)nd;
return 0;
///////////////// constants for RANSAC and number recognition
void NumberDetector::printNumbers() {
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
cout << detectedNumbers[i].getConsensus() << endl;
cout << endl;
// comment the following line if you want greyscale image
#define BINARY_IMG
#include "shapes/config_sickday.h"
#include "shapes/numberrec.h"
int image_counter = 0;
bool NumberDetector::FindNumber(vector<double *> &points, double plane[4]) {
bool res = false;
double maxx = -DBL_MAX;
double minx = DBL_MAX;
double maxz = -DBL_MAX;
double minz = DBL_MAX;
// rotate onto the floor plane
double t[3]; t[0] = t[1] = t[2] = 0.0;
double alignxf[16];
double aa[4];
aa[0] = -1.0 * acos(plane[1]);
aa[1] = plane[2] / sqrt( plane[2]*plane[2] + plane[0]*plane[0] );
aa[2] = 0;
aa[3] = -plane[0] / sqrt( plane[2]*plane[2] + plane[0]*plane[0] );
AAToMatrix(aa, t, alignxf);
/////// acount for rotation around y axis
double up[3];
double rPT[3];
double rmat[16];
double tmp[16];
Cross(plane, aa+1, up);
// check wether up goes up or down, and flip if it goes down
if (up[1] < 0) {
up[0] = -up[0];
up[1] = -up[1];
up[2] = -up[2];
double upx = up[0] * alignxf[0] + up[1] * alignxf[4] + up[2] * alignxf[8];
// double upy = up[0] * alignxf[1] + up[1] * alignxf[5] + up[2] * alignxf[9]; // should be redundant
double upz = up[0] * alignxf[2] + up[1] * alignxf[6] + up[2] * alignxf[10];
rPT[0] = rPT[2] = 0.0;
rPT[1] = atan2(upz, upx) + M_PI/2.0;
EulerToMatrix4(t, rPT, rmat);
// combine rotation onto plane with rotaion around y
MMult(rmat, alignxf, tmp);
for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++) {
alignxf[i] = tmp[i];
// done
// compute 2d projection of the points, and scale reflectivity
double **npoints = new double*[points.size()];
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < points.size(); i++) {
double *p = points[i];
npoints[i] = new double[4];
npoints[i][0] = -(p[0] * alignxf[0] + p[1] * alignxf[4] + p[2] * alignxf[8]);
npoints[i][1] = p[0] * alignxf[1] + p[1] * alignxf[5] + p[2] * alignxf[9]; // this should be redundant
npoints[i][2] = p[0] * alignxf[2] + p[1] * alignxf[6] + p[2] * alignxf[10];
npoints[i][3] = (p[3] - MINREFL ) / (MAXREFL - MINREFL) ; // scale between 0 and 1
if (npoints[i][3] > 1.0) npoints[i][3] = 1.0; // 0 and 1 _are_ min and max
if (npoints[i][3] < 0.0) npoints[i][3] = 0.0;
if (npoints[i][0] > maxx) maxx = npoints[i][0];
if (npoints[i][0] < minx) minx = npoints[i][0];
if (npoints[i][2] > maxz) maxz = npoints[i][2];
if (npoints[i][2] < minz) minz = npoints[i][2];
// create a binary image which is used to find a rectangular shape using integral images
double lx = maxx - minx;
double lz = maxz - minz;
int maxppm = 0;
if (lx > 50.0 && lz > 70.0) { // only if point cloud has the necessary extent TODO change magic numbers
int px = lx / IMG_RES +1;
int pz = lz / IMG_RES +1;
int **image = new int*[px]; // allocate mem
for (int i = 0; i < px; i++) {
image[i] = new int[pz];
for (int i = 0; i < px; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < pz; j++) {
image[i][j] = 0;
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < points.size(); i++) {
double *p = npoints[i];
int x = (double)(px-1) * ( p[0]-minx ) / lx;
int z = (double)(pz-1) * ( p[2]-minz ) / lz;
image[x][z] = 1;
// compute integral image and compute best haar feature to detect a board
int XX, ZZ;
double SCORE;
integral_img iimg(image, px, pz);
SCORE = iimg.getBest( XX, ZZ);
// with some certainty there is a rectangular part in the image that is number-sized
#ifndef BINARY_IMG
maxppm = 4096; // greyscale
maxppm = 1; // binary
// create number part of the image with reflectance values...
int maxx = XX + BOARD_SIZE_X < px ? XX + BOARD_SIZE_X : px;
int maxz = ZZ + BOARD_SIZE_Z < pz ? ZZ + BOARD_SIZE_Z : pz;
for (int i = XX; i < maxx ; i++) {
for (int j = ZZ; j < maxz; j++) {
image[i][j] = -1; // remember pixel where no points were
int NRPTS = 0;
double center[3]; center[0] = center[1] = center[2] = 0.0;
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < points.size(); i++) {
double *p = npoints[i];
double x = (double)(px-1) * ( p[0]-minx ) / lx;
double z = (double)(pz-1) * ( p[2]-minz ) / lz;
double xi, zi;
x = modf(x, &xi);
z = modf(z, &zi);
if (x < 0.5){
x += 1.0;
if (z < 0.5) {
z += 1.0;
// points not on the board need not to be used
if (xi < XX || zi < ZZ || xi > maxx || zi > maxz) continue;
// count number of points for normalizing
center[0] += points[i][0];
center[1] += points[i][1];
center[2] += points[i][2];
// Use smooth binning with 4096 gray values
if ( (int)xi < px && (int)zi < pz ) {
image[(int)xi][(int)zi] += ( (1.5 - x) * (1.5 - z) * p[3]) * 4096;
if (image[(int)xi][(int)zi] > maxppm) maxppm = image[(int)xi][(int)zi];
if ( (int)xi + 1 < px && (int)zi < pz ) {
image[(int)xi + 1][(int)zi] += ((x - 0.5) * (1.5 - z) * p[3]) * 4096;
if (image[(int)xi + 1][(int)zi] > maxppm) maxppm = image[(int)xi+1][(int)zi];
if ( (int)xi < px && (int)zi + 1 < pz ) {
image[(int)xi][(int)zi + 1] += ((1.5 - x) * (z - 0.5) * p[3]) * 4096;
if (image[(int)xi][(int)zi + 1] > maxppm) maxppm = image[(int)xi][(int)zi+1];
if ( (int)xi + 1 < px && (int)zi + 1 < pz ) {
image[(int)xi + 1][(int)zi + 1] += ((x - 0.5) * (z - 0.5) * p[3]) * 4096;
if (image[(int)xi + 1][(int)zi + 1] > maxppm) maxppm = image[(int)xi+1][(int)zi+1];
#ifndef BINARY_IMG
int MAX = 0;
int MIN = 1000000000;
int AVG = 0;
// color pixels on the border of the image white ( to remove the black border on the board and the inevitable part where no points are)
for (int i = XX; i < maxx ; i++) {
for (int j = ZZ; j < maxz; j++) {
// if ( (j < ZZ + WHITE_BORDER - 1 || j > maxz - WHITE_BORDER - 2 ) || ( i < XX + WHITE_BORDER + 1 || i > maxx - WHITE_BORDER ) ) {
if ( (j < ZZ + WHITE_BORDER || j > maxz - WHITE_BORDER ) || ( i < XX + WHITE_BORDER || i > maxx - WHITE_BORDER ) ) {
image[i][j] = maxppm;
#ifndef BINARY_IMG
if (image[i][j] > 0 && image[i][j] < MIN) MIN = image[i][j];
if (image[i][j] > MAX) MAX = image[i][j];
if (image[i][j] > 0) AVG += image[i][j];
string filename = "patch" + to_string(image_counter++, 5) + ".pgm";
ofstream of(filename.c_str(), std::ios::out);
#ifndef BINARY_IMG
of << "P2" << endl << (maxx - XX) << " " << (maxz - ZZ) << endl << 4096 << endl; // greyscale
unsigned char ibuffer[(maxx - XX)*(maxz - ZZ)]; // binary
of << "P5" << endl << (maxx - XX) << " " << (maxz - ZZ) << endl << 1 << endl; // binary
unsigned int l = 0;
double val; // temporary value that contains the calibrated reflectivity of a pixel
double factor = 4096.0/maxppm;
for (int j = ZZ; j < maxz; j++) {
for (int i = XX; i < maxx; i++) {
#ifndef BINARY_IMG
// of << image[i][j] << " ";
if (image[i][j] == -1) {
of << 0 << " ";
} else {
of << (int)(factor*image[i][j]) << " ";
if (image[i][j] == -1) {
ibuffer[l++] = (unsigned char)0;
} else {
//val = ((double)image[i][j]-MIN)/((double)(MAX-MIN));
val = ((double)image[i][j])/((double)(NRPTS));
if (val > REFL_THRESHOLD) {
//if (image[i][j] > 0.25*maxppm)
//if (image[i][j] > 4000)
ibuffer[l++] = (unsigned char)1;
} else {
ibuffer[l++] = (unsigned char)0;
of.write((const char*)ibuffer, sizeof(unsigned char) * (maxx - XX) * (maxz - ZZ));
// done writing board
double probability;
int number;
// attempt to use OCR
if ( gocr_recognizeNumber(filename, number, probability) ) {
cout << filename << ": Best number is " << number << " with p = " << probability << endl;
center[0] = center[0] / NRPTS;
center[1] = center[1] / NRPTS;
center[2] = center[2] / NRPTS;
// remember hypothesis, scale SCORE to a more useful value
// decide where to put the number
if (number == 1 && detectedNumbers[7].isClose( center) ) { // a 7 can be seen as a 1
detectedNumbers[7].addObservation(7, probability, SCORE, center, plane);
} else if (number == 0 && detectedNumbers[8].isClose( center) ) { // an 8 can be mistaken for a 0
detectedNumbers[8].addObservation(8, probability, SCORE, center, plane);
} else if (number == 9 && detectedNumbers[8].isClose( center) ) { // an 8 can be mistaken for a 9
detectedNumbers[8].addObservation(8, probability, SCORE, center, plane);
} else { // usual case
detectedNumbers[number].addObservation(number, probability, SCORE, center, plane);
res = true;
// remove image
for (int i = 0; i < px; i++) {
delete[] image[i];
delete[] image;
// remove projected points
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < points.size(); i++) {
delete[] npoints[i];
delete[] npoints;
return res;
void NumberDetector::RANSAC(vector<const double *> &scan_points) {
// stores 3 sample points
vector<double *> ps;
double a[3], b[3], c[3], plane[4];
// create octree from the points
NumberRecOctTree<double> *oct = new NumberRecOctTree<double>(scan_points, 50.0, PointType<double>::USE_REFLECTANCE );
while(true) {
oct->DrawPoints(ps, 3);
if ( !ps.empty()) { // if we have random points
for (int j = 0; j < 3;j++) { // compute plane
a[j] = ps[0][j] - ps[1][j];
b[j] = ps[0][j] - ps[2][j];
c[j] = ps[0][j] + ps[1][j] + ps[2][j];
c[j] /= 3.0;
Cross(a,b, plane);
if (fabs(Len2(plane)) < 0.0001 ) continue; // points are collinear
if (fabs(plane[1]) > 0.8) continue; // plane is floor or ceiling
plane[3] = -1.0 * planeDist(c, plane[0], plane[1], plane[2], 0); // compute distance from origin
if (plane[3] < 0.0) { // flip normal if necessary
for (int j = 0; j < 4;j++) {
plane[j] = -plane[j];
// count number of points on the plane
int r = oct->PointsOnNumber(plane, MAX_DIST_TO_PLANE, c, 105.0);
if (r > MIN_NR_PTS) {
vector<double * > points;
oct->PointsOnNumber(plane, MAX_DIST_TO_PLANE, c, 105.0, points);
if ( FindNumber(points, plane) ) {
delete oct;