2012-09-16 14:33:11 +02:00

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// Name: optvalue.h
// Purpose: An string option & value pair class
// Author: John Labenski
// Created: 07/01/02
// Copyright: John Labenski, 2002
// License: wxWidgets v2
#if defined(__GNUG__) && !defined(NO_GCC_PRAGMA)
#pragma interface "optvalue.h"
#include "wx/things/thingdef.h"
class WXDLLIMPEXP_THINGS wxOptionValue;
#include "wx/dynarray.h"
// Global wxString utilities
//extern wxArrayString wxStringToWords( const wxString &string );
// wxOptionValue - a ref counted wxString key, wxString value container
class WXDLLIMPEXP_THINGS wxOptionValue : public wxObject
wxOptionValue(bool create = true) : wxObject() { if (create) Create(); }
wxOptionValue( const wxOptionValue &optValue ) : wxObject() { Create(optValue); }
wxOptionValue( const wxString &str ) : wxObject() { Create(str); }
// (Re)Create as an empty container
bool Create();
// Ref the other wxOptionValue
bool Create( const wxOptionValue &optValue );
// Create from a string with this structure
// [type] # optional
// key = value
bool Create( const wxString &string );
// Make a true copy of the source wxOptionValue (not refed)
bool Copy( const wxOptionValue &source );
// Is there any ref data
bool Ok() const;
// Unref the data
void Destroy();
// Get/Set the "type", which can mean whatever you want
wxString GetType() const;
void SetType( const wxString &type );
// does this have a wxOptionValueArray filled with children
size_t GetChildrenCount() const;
wxArrayOptionValue *GetChildren() const;
bool AddChild( const wxOptionValue& child );
void DeleteChildren();
// Get the number of different option name/value combinations
size_t GetOptionCount() const;
// Access the arrays themselves
wxArrayString GetOptionNames() const;
wxArrayString GetOptionValues() const;
// Get a specific option name or value
wxString GetOptionName( size_t n ) const;
wxString GetOptionValue( size_t n ) const;
// returns the index of the option >= 0 or -1 (wxNOT_FOUND) if not found
int HasOption(const wxString &name) const;
// Search through the option names for this part returning the first match
int FindOption(const wxString &part_of_option_name) const;
// delete this option, returns sucess
bool DeleteOption(const wxString &name);
bool DeleteOption( size_t n );
// Option functions (arbitrary name/value mapping)
void SetOption(const wxString& name, const wxString& value, bool force=true );
void SetOption(const wxString& name, int value, bool force=true ) { SetOption(name, wxString::Format(wxT("%d"), value), force); }
void SetOption(const wxString& name, double value, bool force=true ) { SetOption(name, wxString::Format(wxT("%lf"), value), force); }
// printf style for numeric values SetOption("Name", true, "%d %f", 2, 2.5)
void SetOption(const wxString& name, bool update, const wxChar* format, ...);
void SetOption(const wxString& name, int v1, int v2, int v3, bool force=true ) { SetOption(name, wxString::Format(wxT("%d %d %d"), v1, v2, v3), force); }
void SetOption(const wxString& name, double v1, double v2, double v3, bool force=true ) { SetOption(name, wxString::Format(wxT("%lf %lf %lf"), v1, v2, v3), force); }
void SetOption(const wxString& name, int *v, int count, bool force=true ) { if(v) { wxString s; for (int i=0; i<count; i++) s += wxString::Format(wxT("%d "), v[i]); SetOption(name, s, force); }}
void SetOption(const wxString& name, float *v, int count, bool force=true ) { if(v) { wxString s; for (int i=0; i<count; i++) s += wxString::Format(wxT("%f "), v[i]); SetOption(name, s, force); }}
void SetOption(const wxString& name, const wxPoint &value, bool force=true ) { SetOption(name, wxString::Format(wxT("%d %d"), value.x, value.y), force); }
void SetOption(const wxString& name, const wxSize &value, bool force=true ) { SetOption(name, wxString::Format(wxT("%d %d"), value.x, value.y), force); }
void SetOption(const wxString& name, const wxRect &value, bool force=true ) { SetOption(name, wxString::Format(wxT("%d %d %d %d"), value.x, value.y, value.width, value.height), force); }
wxString GetOption(const wxString& name) const; // returns wxEmptyString if not found
int GetOptionInt(const wxString& name) const; // returns 0 if not found
// These return true on sucess otherwise the value is not modified
bool GetOption(const wxString& name, wxString &value ) const;
bool GetOption(const wxString& name, int *value ) const;
bool GetOption(const wxString& name, float *value ) const;
bool GetOption(const wxString& name, double *value ) const;
// sscanf style for numeric values GetOption("Name", "%d %f", &n_int, &n_float)
int GetOption(const wxString& name, const wxChar* format, ...) const;
// Get int values filling a wxArrayInt, if count == -1 get all, else count.
// delims are the possible separators between values.
int GetOption(const wxString& name, wxArrayInt &values, int count = -1,
const wxString& delims = wxT(" ,\t\r\n")) const;
// Get values and fill arrays up to count items
bool GetOption(const wxString& name, unsigned char *value, int count,
const wxString& delims = wxT(" ,\t\r\n")) const;
bool GetOption(const wxString& name, int *value, int count,
const wxString& delims = wxT(" ,\t\r\n")) const;
bool GetOption(const wxString& name, long *value, int count,
const wxString& delims = wxT(" ,\t\r\n")) const;
bool GetOption(const wxString& name, float *value, int count,
const wxString& delims = wxT(" ,\t\r\n")) const;
bool GetOption(const wxString& name, double *value, int count,
const wxString& delims = wxT(" ,\t\r\n")) const;
// Convience function to easily get common values
bool GetOption(const wxString& name, int *v1, int *v2,
const wxString& delims = wxT(" ,\t\r\n")) const;
bool GetOption(const wxString& name, int *v1, int *v2, int *v3,
const wxString& delims = wxT(" ,\t\r\n")) const;
bool GetOption(const wxString& name, float *v1, float *v2, float *v3,
const wxString& delims = wxT(" ,\t\r\n")) const;
bool GetOption(const wxString& name, wxPoint &value,
const wxString& delims = wxT(" ,\t\r\n")) const
{ return GetOption(name, &value.x, &value.y, delims); }
bool GetOption(const wxString& name, wxSize &value,
const wxString& delims = wxT(" ,\t\r\n")) const
{ return GetOption(name, &value.x, &value.y, delims); }
bool GetOption(const wxString& name, wxRect &value,
const wxString& delims = wxT(" ,\t\r\n")) const;
// Operators
wxOptionValue& operator = (const wxOptionValue& optValue)
if ( (*this) != optValue ) wxObject::Ref(optValue);
return *this;
bool operator == (const wxOptionValue& optValue) const
{ return m_refData == optValue.m_refData; }
bool operator != (const wxOptionValue& optValue) const
{ return m_refData != optValue.m_refData; }
private :
// ref counting code
virtual wxObjectRefData *CreateRefData() const;
virtual wxObjectRefData *CloneRefData(const wxObjectRefData *data) const;
#endif // __WXOPTIONVALUE_H__