201 lines
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201 lines
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/** @file
* @brief GPU kernel operation
* @author Deyuan Qii, University of Applied Sciences Bonn-Rhein-Sieg, Sankt Augustin, Germany.
* Fraunhofer IAIS, Sankt Augustin, Germany.
#define nns_kernel(QSelector) __global__ void nns_priority##QSelector(\
float* fDevScnX,\
float* fDevScnY,\
float* fDevScnZ,\
float* fDist,\
float* fDevSplit,\
unsigned* unDevIdx,\
unsigned* unDevAxis,\
bool* bDevIsLeaf,\
float* fDevLoBound,\
float* fDevHiBound,\
unsigned* unMask,\
float* fDevMdlPairX,\
float* fDevMdlPairY,\
float* fDevMdlPairZ,\
float* fDevScnPairX,\
float* fDevScnPairY,\
float* fDevScnPairZ,\
float fSearchRadius,\
unsigned unSize,\
unsigned unWidth){\
/* preparation */\
const unsigned unSizeData = unSize;\
const int nWidth = (int)unWidth;\
const unsigned tid = blockIdx.x*blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;\
const unsigned unQSize = (unsigned)QSIZE##QSelector;\
const float fRadius = fSearchRadius*fSearchRadius;\
/* kernel */\
float fQ[3] = {fDevScnX[tid], fDevScnY[tid], fDevScnZ[tid]}; /* extract query point to register*/\
float fM[3] = {0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f};\
unsigned Q_Idx[unQSize];\
unsigned* unQ_Idx = &Q_Idx[0];\
float Q_Dist[unQSize];\
float* fQ_Dist = &Q_Dist[0];\
Q q(unQ_Idx, fQ_Dist, unQSize);\
float nn_dist = HUGE; /* initial distance*/\
unsigned node = 0;\
unsigned* u = &node;\
float fDistance = 0.0;\
float* rd = &fDistance; /* distance to rectangle*/\
q.Insert(1, 0.0); /* start with root of tree*/\
unsigned unNode = 0;\
unsigned unNodeIdx = 0;\
float fRd = 0.0f;\
unsigned cd = 0;\
float old_off, new_rd;\
float new_off = 0.0f;\
unsigned unPointIdx = 0;\
int nPointIdxX = 0;\
int nPointIdxY = 0;\
float4 f4Mdl;\
float fM_temp[3];\
float fDist_temp = 0.0f;\
while (q.notEmpty()) { /* repeat until queue is empty*/\
q.Extr_Min(u, rd); /* closest node to query point*/\
unNode = *u; /* extract data to register*/\
unNodeIdx = unNode-1;\
fRd = *rd;\
if (fRd >= nn_dist) /* further from nearest so far*/\
while (!bDevIsLeaf[unNodeIdx]) { /* descend until leaf found*/\
cd = unDevAxis[unNodeIdx]; /* cutting dimension*/\
new_off = fQ[cd] - fDevSplit[unNodeIdx]; /* offset to further child*/\
if (new_off < 0) { /* q is below cutting plane*/\
old_off = fQ[cd] - fDevLoBound[unNodeIdx]; /* compute offset*/\
if (old_off > 0) /* overlaps interval*/\
old_off = 0;\
new_rd = fRd - old_off*old_off /* distance to further child*/\
+ new_off*new_off;\
q.Insert(unNode*2+1, new_rd); /* enqueue hi_child for later*/\
unNode *= 2; /* visit lo_child next*/\
unNodeIdx = unNode-1;\
else { /* q is above cutting plane*/\
old_off = fQ[cd] - fDevHiBound[unNodeIdx];\
if(old_off < 0)\
old_off = 0;\
new_rd = fRd - old_off*old_off /* distance to further child*/\
+ new_off*new_off;\
q.Insert(unNode*2, new_rd);\
unNode = 2*unNode + 1;\
unNodeIdx = unNode-1;\
unPointIdx = unDevIdx[unNodeIdx];\
nPointIdxX=(int)unPointIdx%nWidth; /*access via texture*/\
fDist_temp = DIST(fM_temp,fQ);\
nn_dist = fDist_temp;\
if(nn_dist>fRadius){ /*if non-pair*/\
fDevMdlPairX[tid]=0.0f; fDevMdlPairY[tid]=0.0f; fDevMdlPairZ[tid]=0.0f;\
fDevScnPairX[tid]=0.0f; fDevScnPairY[tid]=0.0f; fDevScnPairZ[tid]=0.0f;\
fDist[tid] = nn_dist; /*return nearest distance for deviation calculation*/\
fDevMdlPairX[tid]=fM[0]; fDevMdlPairY[tid]=fM[1]; fDevMdlPairZ[tid]=fM[2];\
fDevScnPairX[tid]=fQ[0]; fDevScnPairY[tid]=fQ[1]; fDevScnPairZ[tid]=fQ[2];\
__global__ void centralize(unsigned* unMask,
float* fDevMdlPairX,
float* fDevMdlPairY,
float* fDevMdlPairZ,
float* fDevScnPairX,
float* fDevScnPairY,
float* fDevScnPairZ,
float fcm0,
float fcm1,
float fcm2,
float fcs0,
float fcs1,
float fcs2,
float* fCenteredModX,
float* fCenteredModY,
float* fCenteredModZ,
float* fCenteredScnX,
float* fCenteredScnY,
float* fCenteredScnZ){
const unsigned tid = blockIdx.x*blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;
fCenteredModX[tid] = fDevMdlPairX[tid] - fcm0;
fCenteredModY[tid] = fDevMdlPairY[tid] - fcm1;
fCenteredModZ[tid] = fDevMdlPairZ[tid] - fcm2;
fCenteredScnX[tid] = fDevScnPairX[tid] - fcs0;
fCenteredScnY[tid] = fDevScnPairY[tid] - fcs1;
fCenteredScnZ[tid] = fDevScnPairZ[tid] - fcs2;
fCenteredModX[tid] = 0.0f;
fCenteredModY[tid] = 0.0f;
fCenteredModZ[tid] = 0.0f;
fCenteredScnX[tid] = 0.0f;
fCenteredScnY[tid] = 0.0f;
fCenteredScnZ[tid] = 0.0f;
__global__ void transformation(float* fDevScnX,
float* fDevScnY,
float* fDevScnZ,
float m00, float m01, float m02, float m03,
float m10, float m11, float m12, float m13,
float m20, float m21, float m22, float m23){
const unsigned tid = blockIdx.x*blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;
double adTmp[3];
adTmp[0] = fDevScnX[tid] * m00 +
fDevScnY[tid] * m01 +
fDevScnZ[tid] * m02 + m03;
adTmp[1] = fDevScnX[tid] * m10 +
fDevScnY[tid] * m11 +
fDevScnZ[tid] * m12 + m13;
adTmp[2] = fDevScnX[tid] * m20 +
fDevScnY[tid] * m21 +
fDevScnZ[tid] * m22 + m23;
fDevScnX[tid] = adTmp[0];
fDevScnY[tid] = adTmp[1];
fDevScnZ[tid] = adTmp[2];