2012-09-16 14:33:11 +02:00

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// Name: range.h
// Purpose: Simple min-max range class and associated selection array class
// Author: John Labenski
// Created: 12/01/2000
// Copyright: (c) John Labenski 2004
// Licence: wxWidgets
#ifndef __WX_RANGE_H__
#define __WX_RANGE_H__
#if defined(__GNUG__) && !defined(NO_GCC_PRAGMA)
#pragma interface "range.h"
#include "wx/things/thingdef.h"
class WXDLLIMPEXP_THINGS wxRangeDouble;
class WXDLLIMPEXP_THINGS wxRangeIntSelection;
class WXDLLIMPEXP_THINGS wxRangeDoubleSelection;
#include "wx/dynarray.h"
WX_DECLARE_OBJARRAY_WITH_DECL(wxRangeIntSelection, wxArrayRangeIntSelection, class WXDLLIMPEXP_THINGS);
WX_DECLARE_OBJARRAY_WITH_DECL(wxRangeDoubleSelection, wxArrayRangeDoubleSelection, class WXDLLIMPEXP_THINGS);
// Empty versions of ranges (0, -1)
WXDLLIMPEXP_DATA_THINGS(extern const wxRangeInt) wxEmptyRangeInt;
WXDLLIMPEXP_DATA_THINGS(extern const wxRangeDouble) wxEmptyRangeDouble;
// wxRangeInt
inline wxRangeInt(int min_=0, int max_=0) : m_min(min_), m_max(max_) { }
// Get the width of the range
inline int GetRange() const { return m_max - m_min + 1; }
// Get/Set the min/max values of the range
inline int GetMin() const { return m_min; }
inline int GetMax() const { return m_max; }
inline void SetMin(int min_) { m_min = min_; }
inline void SetMax(int max_) { m_max = max_; }
inline void Set(int min_, int max_) { m_min = min_, m_max = max_; }
// Shift the range by i
void Shift(int i) { m_min += i; m_max += i; }
// Is the range empty, min < max
inline bool IsEmpty() const { return m_min > m_max; }
// Swap the min and max values
inline void SwapMinMax() { register int temp=m_min; m_min=m_max; m_max=temp; }
// returns -1 for i < min, 0 for in range, +1 for i > m_max
inline int Position(int i) const { return i < m_min ? -1 : (i > m_max ? 1 : 0); }
// Is this point or the range within this range
inline bool Contains( int i ) const { return (i >= m_min) && (i <= m_max); }
inline bool Contains( const wxRangeInt &r ) const
{ return (r.m_min >= m_min) && (r.m_max <= m_max); }
// returns if the range intersects the given range
inline bool Intersects(const wxRangeInt& r) const
{ return Intersect(r).IsEmpty(); }
// returns the intersection of the range with the other
inline wxRangeInt Intersect(const wxRangeInt& r) const
{ return wxRangeInt(wxMax(m_min, r.m_min), wxMin(m_max, r.m_max)); }
// returns the union of the range with the other
inline wxRangeInt Union(const wxRangeInt& r) const
{ return wxRangeInt(wxMin(m_min, r.m_min), wxMax(m_max, r.m_max)); }
// Is this point inside or touches +/- 1 of the range
inline bool Touches( int i ) const
{ return !IsEmpty() && wxRangeInt(m_min-1, m_max+1).Contains(i); }
// Is the range adjoining this range
inline bool Touches( const wxRangeInt &r ) const
{ if (IsEmpty() || r.IsEmpty()) return false;
wxRangeInt rExp(m_min-1, m_max+1);
return rExp.Contains(r.m_min) || rExp.Contains(r.m_max); }
// combine this single point with the range by expanding the m_min/m_max to contain it
// if only_if_touching then only combine if i is just outside the range by +/-1
// returns true if the range has been changed at all, false if not
bool Combine(int i, bool only_if_touching = false);
bool Combine(const wxRangeInt &r, bool only_if_touching = false);
// delete range r from this, return true is anything was done
// if r spans this then this and right become wxEmptyRangeInt
// else if r is inside of this then this is the left side and right is the right
// else if r.m_min > m_min then this is the left side
// else if r.m_min < m_min this is the right side
bool Delete( const wxRangeInt &r, wxRangeInt *right=NULL );
// operators
// no copy ctor or assignment operator - the defaults are ok
// comparison
inline bool operator==(const wxRangeInt& r) const { return (m_min == r.m_min)&&(m_max == r.m_max); }
inline bool operator!=(const wxRangeInt& r) const { return !(*this == r); }
// Adding ranges unions them to create the largest range
inline wxRangeInt operator+(const wxRangeInt& r) const { return Union(r); }
inline wxRangeInt& operator+=(const wxRangeInt& r) { if(r.m_min<m_min) m_min=r.m_min; if(r.m_max>m_max) m_max=r.m_max; return *this; }
// Subtracting ranges intersects them to get the smallest range
inline wxRangeInt operator-(const wxRangeInt& r) const { return Intersect(r); }
inline wxRangeInt& operator-=(const wxRangeInt& r) { if(r.m_min>m_min) m_min=r.m_min; if(r.m_max<m_max) m_max=r.m_max; return *this; }
// Adding/Subtracting with an int shifts the range
inline wxRangeInt operator+(const int i) const { return wxRangeInt(m_min+i, m_max+i); }
inline wxRangeInt operator-(const int i) const { return wxRangeInt(m_min-i, m_max-i); }
inline wxRangeInt& operator+=(const int i) { Shift( i); return *this; }
inline wxRangeInt& operator-=(const int i) { Shift(-i); return *this; }
int m_min, m_max;
// wxRangeIntSelection - ordered 1D array of wxRangeInts, combines to minimze size
class WXDLLIMPEXP_THINGS wxRangeIntSelection
public :
wxRangeIntSelection() {}
wxRangeIntSelection(const wxRangeInt& range) { if (!range.IsEmpty()) m_ranges.Add(range); }
wxRangeIntSelection(const wxRangeIntSelection &ranges) { Copy(ranges); }
// Make a full copy of the source
void Copy(const wxRangeIntSelection &source)
WX_APPEND_ARRAY(m_ranges, source.GetRangeArray());
// Get the number of individual ranges
inline int GetCount() const { return m_ranges.GetCount(); }
// Get total number of items selected in all ranges, ie. sum of all wxRange::GetWidths
int GetItemCount() const;
// Get the ranges themselves to iterate though for example
const wxArrayRangeInt& GetRangeArray() const { return m_ranges; }
// Get a single range
const wxRangeInt& GetRange( int index ) const;
inline const wxRangeInt& Item( int index ) const { return GetRange(index); }
// Get a range of the min range value and max range value
wxRangeInt GetBoundingRange() const;
// Clear all the ranges
void Clear() { m_ranges.Clear(); }
// Is this point or range contained in the selection
inline bool Contains( int i ) const { return Index(i) != wxNOT_FOUND; }
inline bool Contains( const wxRangeInt &range ) const { return Index(range) != wxNOT_FOUND; }
// Get the index of the range that contains this, or wxNOT_FOUND
int Index( int i ) const;
int Index( const wxRangeInt &range ) const;
// Get the nearest index of a range, index returned contains i or is the one just below
// returns -1 if it's below all the selected ones, or no ranges
// returns GetCount() if it's above all the selected ones
int NearestIndex( int i ) const;
// Add the range to the selection, returning if anything was done, false if already selected
bool SelectRange( const wxRangeInt &range );
// Remove the range to the selection, returning if anything was done, false if not already selected
bool DeselectRange( const wxRangeInt &range );
// Set the min and max bounds of the ranges, returns true if anything was done
bool BoundRanges( const wxRangeInt &range );
// operators
inline const wxRangeInt& operator[](int index) const { return GetRange(index); }
wxRangeIntSelection& operator = (const wxRangeIntSelection& other) { Copy(other); return *this; }
protected :
wxArrayRangeInt m_ranges;
// wxRangeDouble
class WXDLLIMPEXP_THINGS wxRangeDouble
inline wxRangeDouble(wxDouble min_=0, wxDouble max_=0) : m_min(min_), m_max(max_) {}
// Get the width of the range
inline wxDouble GetRange() const { return m_max - m_min; }
// Get/Set the min/max values of the range
inline wxDouble GetMin() const { return m_min; }
inline wxDouble GetMax() const { return m_max; }
inline void SetMin(wxDouble min_) { m_min = min_; }
inline void SetMax(wxDouble max_) { m_max = max_; }
inline void Set(wxDouble min_, wxDouble max_) { m_min = min_, m_max = max_; }
// Shift the range by i
void Shift(wxDouble i) { m_min += i; m_max += i; }
// Is the range empty, min < max
inline bool IsEmpty() const { return m_min > m_max; }
// Swap the min and max values
inline void SwapMinMax() { register wxDouble temp = m_min; m_min = m_max; m_max = temp; }
// returns -1 for i < min, 0 for in range, +1 for i > m_max
inline int Position(wxDouble i) const { return i < m_min ? -1 : i > m_max ? 1 : 0; }
// Is this point or the range within this range
inline bool Contains( wxDouble i ) const { return (i>=m_min)&&(i<=m_max); }
inline bool Contains( const wxRangeDouble &r ) const
{ return (r.m_min>=m_min)&&(r.m_max<=m_max); }
// returns if the range intersects the given range
inline bool Intersects(const wxRangeDouble& r) const
{ return Intersect(r).IsEmpty(); }
// returns the intersection of the range with the other
inline wxRangeDouble Intersect(const wxRangeDouble& r) const
{ return wxRangeDouble(wxMax(m_min, r.m_min), wxMin(m_max, r.m_max)); }
// returns the union of the range with the other
inline wxRangeDouble Union(const wxRangeDouble& r) const
{ return wxRangeDouble(wxMin(m_min, r.m_min), wxMax(m_max, r.m_max)); }
// no touches for double since what would be a good eps value?
// combine this single point with the range by expanding the m_min/m_max to contain it
// if only_if_touching then only combine if there is overlap
// returns true if the range has been changed at all, false if not
bool Combine(wxDouble i);
bool Combine( const wxRangeDouble &r, bool only_if_touching = false );
// delete range r from this, return true is anything was done
// if r spans this then this and right become wxEmptyRangeInt
// else if r is inside of this then this is the left side and right is the right
// else if r.m_min > m_min then this is the left side
// else if r.m_min < m_min this is the right side
bool Delete( const wxRangeDouble &r, wxRangeDouble *right=NULL );
// operators
// no copy ctor or assignment operator - the defaults are ok
// comparison
inline bool operator==(const wxRangeDouble& r) const { return (m_min == r.m_min)&&(m_max == r.m_max); }
inline bool operator!=(const wxRangeDouble& r) const { return !(*this == r); }
// Adding ranges unions them to create the largest range
inline wxRangeDouble operator+(const wxRangeDouble& r) const { return Union(r); }
inline wxRangeDouble& operator+=(const wxRangeDouble& r) { if(r.m_min<m_min) m_min=r.m_min; if(r.m_max>m_max) m_max=r.m_max; return *this; }
// Subtracting ranges intersects them to get the smallest range
inline wxRangeDouble operator-(const wxRangeDouble& r) const { return Intersect(r); }
inline wxRangeDouble& operator-=(const wxRangeDouble& r) { if(r.m_min>m_min) m_min=r.m_min; if(r.m_max<m_max) m_max=r.m_max; return *this; }
// Adding/Subtracting with a double shifts the range
inline wxRangeDouble operator+(const wxDouble i) const { return wxRangeDouble(m_min+i, m_max+i); }
inline wxRangeDouble operator-(const wxDouble i) const { return wxRangeDouble(m_min-i, m_max-i); }
inline wxRangeDouble& operator+=(const wxDouble i) { Shift( i); return *this; }
inline wxRangeDouble& operator-=(const wxDouble i) { Shift(-i); return *this; }
wxDouble m_min, m_max;
// wxRangeDoubleSelection - ordered 1D array of wxRangeDoubles, combines to minimze size
class WXDLLIMPEXP_THINGS wxRangeDoubleSelection
public :
wxRangeDoubleSelection() {}
wxRangeDoubleSelection(const wxRangeDouble& range) { if (!range.IsEmpty()) m_ranges.Add(range); }
wxRangeDoubleSelection(const wxRangeDoubleSelection &ranges) { Copy(ranges); }
// Make a full copy of the source
void Copy(const wxRangeDoubleSelection &source)
WX_APPEND_ARRAY(m_ranges, source.GetRangeArray());
// Get the number of individual ranges
inline int GetCount() const { return m_ranges.GetCount(); }
// Get the ranges themselves to iterate though for example
const wxArrayRangeDouble& GetRangeArray() const { return m_ranges; }
// Get a single range
const wxRangeDouble& GetRange( int index ) const;
inline const wxRangeDouble& Item( int index ) const { return GetRange(index); }
// Get a range of the min range value and max range value
wxRangeDouble GetBoundingRange() const;
// Clear all the ranges
void Clear() { m_ranges.Clear(); }
// Is this point or range contained in the selection
inline bool Contains( wxDouble i ) const { return Index(i) != wxNOT_FOUND; }
inline bool Contains( const wxRangeDouble &range ) const { return Index(range) != wxNOT_FOUND; }
// Get the index of the range that contains this, or wxNOT_FOUND
int Index( wxDouble i ) const;
int Index( const wxRangeDouble &range ) const;
// Get the nearest index of a range, index returned contains i or is the one just below
// returns -1 if it's below all the selected ones, or no ranges
// returns GetCount() if it's above all the selected ones
int NearestIndex( wxDouble i ) const;
// Add the range to the selection, returning if anything was done, false if already selected
bool SelectRange( const wxRangeDouble &range);
// Remove the range to the selection, returning if anything was done, false if not already selected
bool DeselectRange( const wxRangeDouble &range);
// Set the min and max bounds of the ranges, returns true if anything was done
bool BoundRanges( const wxRangeDouble &range );
// operators
inline const wxRangeDouble& operator[](int index) const { return GetRange(index); }
wxRangeDoubleSelection& operator = (const wxRangeDoubleSelection& other) { Copy(other); return *this; }
protected :
wxArrayRangeDouble m_ranges;
#endif // __WX_RANGE_H__