2012-09-16 14:33:11 +02:00

925 lines
24 KiB

* @file
* @brief Implementation of reading a 3D CAD model and creating a 3D
* surface sampling of it. This sampling is then used as an artificial
* 3D scan in regular scan matching
* @author Sven Albrecht. Institute of Computer Science, University of Osnabrueck, Germany.
#include "slam6d/scan_io_cad.h"
#include "slam6d/globals.icc"
#include <fstream>
using std::ifstream;
#include <iostream>
using std::cout;
using std::cerr;
using std::endl;
#include <cmath>
#include <limits>
// TODO: make eventually compatible to windoze
#include <stdint.h> // can be changed to cstdint if -std=c++0x compiler flag is used
#ifdef _MSC_VER
#include <windows.h>
#define BOOST_NEW_FS_API 104600
ScanIO_CAD::ScanIO_CAD (void) : _op_descr ("CAD Config Options")
setUpOptionDescription ();
* Reads specified 'scans' from CAD models in a given directory.
* Scan poses will NOT be initialized after a call
* to this function.
* Each CAD model will be represented by a sampling of 3D points on the
* the surface of the CAD model. Currently the implementation is able to
* handle CAD models in the .stl file format (binary or ASCII is fine).
* In constrast to other ScanIOs only one 3D scan will be read (specified
* by parameter start). Other data is generated from the (arbitrary) named
* .stl files in the directory specified by argument dir. Parameter end is
* soley kept to satisfy the general interface.
* !!!!!!
* Config parameters are read from an (optional) config.txt in the scan directory.
* A config.txt with content "help = 1" will print out all possible parameters.
* !!!!!!
* @param start Starts to read with this scan
* @param end Stops with this scan
* @param dir The directory from which to read
* @param maxDist Reads only Points up to this Distance
* @param minDist Reads only Points from this Distance
* @param euler Initital pose estimates (will not be applied to the points
* @param ptss Vector containing the read points
int ScanIO_CAD::readScans(int start, int end, string &dir, int maxDist, int minDist,
double *euler, vector<Point> &ptss)
* we need to read 1 normal scan (the first one) and afterwards
* create point samplings of the CAD models
static int fileCounter = start; // this is a really ugly hack...
// check before the first scan is read for a config file
if (fileCounter == start)
// is there a config file ?
std::string config_file_name = dir + "config.txt";
std::ifstream config;
config.open (config_file_name.c_str ());
if (config.good ())
// parse the config to eventually overload default parameters
parseConfig (config);
// else use the default parameters
// retrieve all stl files
parseDirForAllSTL (dir);
string scanFileName;
string poseFileName;
ifstream scan_in, pose_in;
// clear the point vector (to make sure no old garbage is contained)
ptss.clear ();
int my_fileNr = fileCounter;
if (end > -1 && fileCounter > end) return -1; // 'nuf read
fs::path stl_file;
// the first scan file name should be a .3d file
if (fileCounter == start)
scanFileName = dir + "scan" + to_string(fileCounter, 3) + ".3d";
poseFileName = dir + "scan" + to_string(fileCounter, 3) + ".pose";
// otherwise it should be a .stl file
// get the next stl file if the directory contains one more
if (getNextSTLFromDir (stl_file))
fs::path pose_file (stl_file);
// retrieve the the filenames according to the installed boost version
// change extension
pose_file.replace_extension (".pose");
scanFileName = stl_file.directory_string ();
poseFileName = pose_file.directory_string ();
// change extension
pose_file.replace_extension (fs::path (".pose"));
scanFileName = stl_file.string ();
poseFileName = pose_file.string ();
// aparently no stl file available anymore
return -1;
// read pose information independent from file type
// read 3D scan
if (!pose_in.good() && !scan_in.good()) return -1; // no more files in the directory
if (!pose_in.good()) { cerr << "ERROR: Missing file " << poseFileName << endl; exit(1); }
if (!scan_in.good()) { cerr << "ERROR: Missing file " << scanFileName << endl; exit(1); }
cout << "Processing Scan " << scanFileName;
// read a 'normal' Slam6D Pose
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < 6; pose_in >> euler[i++]);
cout << " @ pose (" << euler[0] << "," << euler[1] << "," << euler[2]
<< "," << euler[3] << "," << euler[4] << "," << euler[5] << ")" << endl;
// convert angles from deg to rad
for (unsigned int i = 3; i <= 5; i++) euler[i] = rad(euler[i]);
if (fileCounter == start)
read3DScan (scan_in, maxDist, minDist, ptss);
bool success = createSamplingFromSTL (scan_in, ptss);
if (!success)
// terminate similar to missing file
exit (1);
if (store_cad)
std::string stem;
// get the string of the file-stem according to installed boost API
stem = stl_file.stem ();
stem = stl_file.stem ().string ();
fs::path sample_file (stl_file);
// is filename scanXXX.3d ?
if (stem.substr (0, 4).compare ("scan") == 0 &&
std::atoi (stem.substr (4).c_str ()) == fileCounter)
// replace the extension according to the installed boost API
sample_file.replace_extension (".3d");
sample_file.replace_extension (fs::path (".3d"));
// the appropriate .pose file already exists
// generate appropriate filename
std::string filename = "scan" + to_string (fileCounter, 3) + ".3d";
sample_file.remove_filename ();
sample_file /= filename;
// copy .pose file
fs::path orig_pose (stl_file);
fs::path copied_pose (sample_file);
orig_pose.replace_extension (".pose");
copied_pose.replace_extension (".pose");
orig_pose.replace_extension (fs::path (".pose"));
copied_pose.replace_extension (fs::path (".pose"));
fs::copy_file (orig_pose, copied_pose, fs::copy_option::overwrite_if_exists);
// retrieve the filename according to the installed boost API
storeSamplingTo3D (sample_file.directory_string (), ptss);
storeSamplingTo3D (sample_file.string (), ptss);
// close the filestreams
return my_fileNr;
* Helper function to read a regular UOS scan
ScanIO_CAD::read3DScan (std::ifstream &scan_in, int maxDist, int minDist,
vector<Point> &points)
// reading regular uos scan (copy & paste from scan_io_uos.cc)
// overread the first line
char dummy[255];
scan_in.getline(dummy, 255);
double maxDist2 = sqr (maxDist);
double minDist2 = sqr (minDist);
while (scan_in.good()) {
Point p;
try {
scan_in >> p;
} catch (...) {
// load points up to a certain distance only
// maxDist2 = -1 indicates no limitation
if (maxDist == -1 || sqr(p.x) + sqr(p.y) + sqr(p.z) < maxDist2)
if (minDist == -1 || sqr(p.x) + sqr(p.y) + sqr(p.z) > minDist2)
* Helper function to create a 3D point sampling for a given .stl file
ScanIO_CAD::createSamplingFromSTL (std::ifstream &scan_in,
vector<Point> &points)
bool success;
if (hasASCIIHeader (scan_in))
std::cout << "detected ASCII header, parsing file" << std::endl;
success = parseASCII (scan_in, points);
std::cout << "couldn't detect ASCII header, trying to parse binary"
<< std::endl;
success = parseBinary (scan_in, points);
return success;
ScanIO_CAD::hasASCIIHeader (std::ifstream &scan_in)
// store current get pointer position
std::streampos current_pos = scan_in. tellg ();
bool is_ascii = true;
/* idea: check for the keywords with have to occur at the beginning
* and the end of an ASCII .stl files
* (see http://www.ennex.com/~fabbers/StL.asp for further specs)
std::string solid ("solid");
std::string last_line;
std::string name;
std::string last_read_string;
// go to the beginning of the ifstream
scan_in.seekg (0, std::ios::beg);
// read the first string
scan_in >> last_read_string;
if (solid.compare (last_read_string) != 0)
is_ascii = false;
if (is_ascii)
// read the next string (i.e. name of the stl)
scan_in >> name;
// generate expected last line
last_line = "endsolid " + name;
// set the get pointer to the correct position
scan_in.seekg (-last_line.length () - 2, std::ios::end);
scan_in >> last_read_string;
if (last_read_string.compare ("endsolid") != 0)
is_ascii = false;
if (is_ascii)
scan_in >> last_read_string;
if (last_read_string.compare (name) != 0)
is_ascii = false;
// reset the position of the get pointer to its original position
scan_in.seekg (current_pos, std::ios::beg);
return is_ascii;
ScanIO_CAD::parseASCII (std::ifstream &scan_in, vector<Point> &points)
float vertex1[3];
float vertex2[3];
float vertex3[3];
float raw_data[3];
unsigned int line_nr = 0;
unsigned int face_counter = 0;
float* vertices[3];
vertices[0] = vertex1;
vertices[1] = vertex2;
vertices[2] = vertex3;
bool success = true;
bool reached_end = false;
// retrieve current pos of get pointer
std::ios::streampos current_pos = scan_in.tellg ();
// set get pointer to beginning of file
scan_in.seekg (0, std::ios::beg);
std::string read_key;
std::string tmp;
// ignore first line, since in hasASCIIHeader ()
std::getline (scan_in, read_key);
while (scan_in.good ())
// read first string at current position
scan_in >> read_key;
// determine if end of file reached
if (read_key.compare ("endsolid") == 0)
reached_end = true;
// otherwise check if a new face begins
if (read_key.compare ("facet") != 0 ||
!scan_in.good ())
// no new face -> misformated .stl
std::cout << "expected 'facet', contains '" << read_key.substr (0,5)
<< "'" << std::endl;
success = false;
// read the rest of the line (containing the normal)
getline (scan_in, read_key);
// get the next 2 strings
scan_in >> read_key;
scan_in >> tmp;
read_key += " " + tmp;
if (read_key.compare ("outer loop") != 0 ||
!scan_in.good ())
std::cout << "expected 'outer loop', read '" << read_key
<< "' instead" << std::endl;
success = false;
// read the rest of the line
getline (scan_in, read_key);
// read the 3 vertices
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
scan_in >> read_key;
if (read_key.compare ("vertex") == 0)
// read x, y and z coordinate in this order
scan_in >> raw_data[0] >> raw_data[1] >> raw_data[2];
// scale and order according to the specified settings
copyRawData2Vertex (raw_data, vertices[i]);
if (!scan_in.good ())
success = false;
success = false;
// retrieve the closing tag for the vertices
scan_in >> read_key;
if (read_key.compare ("endloop") != 0 ||
!scan_in.good ())
success = false;
// retrieve the rest of the current line
getline (scan_in, read_key);
// retrieve the closing tag for the face
scan_in >> read_key;
if (read_key.compare ("endfacet") != 0 ||
!scan_in.good ())
std::cout << "Expected 'endfacet', read '" << read_key
<< "' instead" << std::endl;
success = false;
// retrieve the rest of the line
getline (scan_in, read_key);
// increment nr of read faces
// create the sampling for the face
createSampingForFace (vertex1, vertex2, vertex3, points);
if (!reached_end)
success = false;
// reset position of get pointer
scan_in.seekg (current_pos, std::ios::beg);
if (!success)
std::cerr << "Misformated ASCII .stl file. Parsing error in line "
<< line_nr << std::endl;
std::cout << "Created " << points.size () << " sample points for "
<< face_counter << " faces." << std::endl;
return success;
ScanIO_CAD::parseBinary (std::ifstream &scan_in, vector<Point> &points)
// TODO: make eventually compatible to windoze
uint32_t nr_faces;
uint32_t face_counter = 0;
uint16_t attribute;
float normal[3];
float vertex1[3];
float vertex2[3];
float vertex3[3];
float raw_data[3];
bool success;
size_t header_size = 80; // defined in the binary .stl standard
char* header = new char[header_size];
// retrieve the current get pointer position
std::streampos current_pos = scan_in.tellg ();
// jump to begin of file
scan_in.seekg (0, std::ios::beg);
if (scan_in.is_open ())
// read the header (unimportant for the sampling)
scan_in.read (header, header_size);
// read nr of faces contained in stl file
scan_in.read ((char*) &nr_faces, 4);
// try to read all faces
for (face_counter = 0; face_counter < nr_faces; ++face_counter)
if (!scan_in.good ())
// read face normal (which we don't need)
scan_in.read ((char*) &normal, 12);
// read the first vertex
scan_in.read ((char*) &raw_data, 12);
copyRawData2Vertex (raw_data, vertex1);
// read the second vertex
scan_in.read ((char*) &raw_data, 12);
copyRawData2Vertex (raw_data, vertex2);
// read the first vertex
scan_in.read ((char*) &raw_data, 12);
copyRawData2Vertex (raw_data, vertex3);
// read the attribute (which we don't need)
scan_in.read ((char*) &attribute, 2);
// create the sampling for the current face
createSampingForFace (vertex1, vertex2, vertex3, points);
// check if indeed the specified number of faces could be read
if (face_counter == nr_faces)
success = true;
std::cout << "Created " << points.size () << " sample points for "
<< nr_faces << " faces." << std::endl;
std::cerr << "Error parsing binary .stl file. Expected " << nr_faces
<< " faces but could read only " << face_counter << std::endl;
success = false;
// reset the get pointer position;
scan_in.seekg (current_pos, std::ios::beg);
delete [] header;
return success;
ScanIO_CAD::createSampingForFace (float* vertex1, float* vertex2,
float* vertex3, vector<Point> &points)
* Random sampling approach to sample a triangle:
* First compute the area of the triangle and decide how many sample
* points are needed; afterwards randomly create a number of points
* inside the triangle
// get the area of the triangle
float vector12[3];
float vector13[3];
float vector23[3];
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
vector12[i] = vertex2[i] - vertex1[i];
vector13[i] = vertex3[i] - vertex1[i];
vector23[i] = vertex3[i] - vertex2[i];
float a, b, c;
a = b = c = 0.0f;
a = dotProd (vector12, vector12);
b = dotProd (vector13, vector13);
c = dotProd (vector23, vector23);
a = sqrt (a);
b = sqrt (b);
c = sqrt (c);
float s = a + b + c;
s /= 2.0f;
float area = sqrt (s * (s - a) * (s - b) * (s - c));
unsigned int nr_sample_points, nr_added_points;
nr_sample_points = area / (sample_point_dist * sample_point_dist);
nr_added_points = 0;
if (nr_sample_points > 3)
points.reserve (points.size () + nr_sample_points);
float u, v;
float point_in_triangle[3];
while (nr_added_points < nr_sample_points)
// randomly generate scalar u and v in [0,1]
u = (float) std::rand () / (float) RAND_MAX;
v = (float) std::rand () / (float) RAND_MAX;
// check if u and v are smaller than 1.0 (i.e. point is in triangle)
if (u + v <= 1.0f)
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
point_in_triangle[i] = vertex1[i] + u * vector12[i] + v * vector13[i];
points.push_back (Point (point_in_triangle[0],
point_in_triangle[1], point_in_triangle[2]));
// for a small face just add the corners to the sample points
points.reserve (points.size () + 3);
points.push_back (Point (vertex1[0], vertex1[1], vertex1[2]));
points.push_back (Point (vertex2[0], vertex2[1], vertex2[2]));
points.push_back (Point (vertex3[0], vertex3[1], vertex3[2]));
ScanIO_CAD::storeSamplingTo3D (std::string filename, vector<Point> &points)
std::ofstream sample_file (filename.c_str ());
// write header
sample_file << "# artificial scan from cad model '" << filename
<< "', containing " << points.size () << " sample points" << std::endl;
// write all points
vector<Point>::const_iterator it = points.begin ();
while (it != points.end ())
sample_file << *it++ << std::endl;
sample_file.flush ();
sample_file.close ();
ScanIO_CAD::dotProd (const float* vec1, const float* vec2)
return vec1[0] * vec2[0] + vec1[1] * vec2[1] + vec1[2] * vec2[2];
ScanIO_CAD::parseConfig (std::ifstream &config)
po::store (po::parse_config_file (config, _op_descr), _vmap);
catch (std::exception &e)
std::cout << "illegal parameter in config file:" << std::endl
<< e.what () << std::endl << std::endl;
std::cout << "The following options are available:" << std::endl;
std::cout << _op_descr << std::endl;
config.close ();
exit (-1);
catch (...)
std::cerr << "this line shouldn't have been reached ever" << std::endl;
config.close ();
exit (-2);
po::notify (_vmap);
if (_vmap.count ("help"))
std::cout << _op_descr << std::endl;
// when help is enabled we'll just exit
exit (1);
std::cout << "'store_cad' ";
if (store_cad)
std::cout << "was set to true";
std::cout << "was set to false";
std::cout << endl;
if (x_index == y_index)
std::cout << "Warning: x_index = y_index = " << x_index << std::endl;
if (x_index == z_index)
std::cout << "Warning: x_index = z_index = " << x_index << std::endl;
if (y_index == z_index)
std::cout << "Warning: y_index = z_index = " << y_index << std::endl;
if (fabs (x_scale - STD_X_SCALE) > std::numeric_limits<float>::epsilon () ||
fabs (y_scale - STD_Y_SCALE) > std::numeric_limits<float>::epsilon () ||
fabs (z_scale - STD_Z_SCALE) > std::numeric_limits<float>::epsilon ())
this->individual_scale = true;
this->individual_scale = false;
config.close ();
ScanIO_CAD::copyRawData2Vertex (float *raw_data, float *vertex)
// copy the raw data to the desired positions
vertex[0] = raw_data[x_index];
vertex[1] = raw_data[y_index];
vertex[2] = raw_data[z_index];
// any axis to be inverted in the data converted to scan coords?
if (invert_x)
vertex[0] *= -1.0f;
if (invert_y)
vertex[1] *= -1.0f;
if (invert_z)
vertex[2] *= -1.0f;
// scale with individual scale_factor
if (individual_scale)
vertex[0] *= x_scale;
vertex[1] *= y_scale;
vertex[2] *= z_scale;
// scale additionally with general scale factor
if (combine_scales)
vertex[0] *= scale_factor;
vertex[1] *= scale_factor;
vertex[2] *= scale_factor;
// scale with the general scale factor
vertex[0] *= scale_factor;
vertex[1] *= scale_factor;
vertex[2] *= scale_factor;
ScanIO_CAD::setUpOptionDescription (void)
// just something for a little nicer output formating
std::stringstream x_ss;
x_ss << STD_X_SCALE;
std::stringstream y_ss;
y_ss << STD_Y_SCALE;
std::stringstream z_ss;
z_ss << STD_Z_SCALE;
std::stringstream scale_ss;
scale_ss << STD_SCALE_FACTOR;
// set up the options descriptions
_op_descr.add_options ()
("help", "produce this help message")
po::value<bool> (&store_cad)->default_value (STD_STORE_CAD),
"determine storage of sampled cad")
po::value<float> (&sample_point_dist)->default_value (STD_SAMPLE_DIST),
"approximate distance of sample points")
po::value<bool> (&random_sampling)->default_value (STD_RND_SAMP),
"enables/diables random surface sampling")
po::value<unsigned int> (&x_index)->default_value (STD_X_INDEX),
"array index for the x coordinate (default should work for UOS scans)")
po::value<unsigned int> (&y_index)->default_value (STD_Y_INDEX),
"array index for the y coordinate (default should work for UOS scans)")
po::value<unsigned int> (&z_index)->default_value (STD_Z_INDEX),
"array index for the z coordinate (default should work for UOS scans)")
po::value<float> (&scale_factor)->default_value (STD_SCALE_FACTOR,
scale_ss.str ()),
"set general scale factor for x-, y- and z-axis")
po::value<float> (&x_scale)->default_value (STD_X_SCALE, x_ss.str ()),
"scale factor to convert the x coordinate of the CAD models to scan scale")
po::value<float> (&y_scale)->default_value (STD_Y_SCALE, y_ss.str ()),
"scale factor to convert the y coordinate of the CAD models to scan scale")
po::value<float> (&z_scale)->default_value (STD_Z_SCALE, z_ss.str ()),
"scale factor to convert the z coordinate of the CAD models to scan scale")
po::value<bool> (&combine_scales)->default_value (STD_COMBINE_SCALES),
"enables combining of general scale factor and individual scale factors")
po::value<bool> (&invert_x)->default_value (STD_INVERT_AXIS),
"inverts the direction of the CAD models x-axis")
po::value<bool> (&invert_y)->default_value (STD_INVERT_AXIS),
"inverts the direction of the CAD models y-axis")
po::value<bool> (&invert_z)->default_value (STD_INVERT_AXIS),
"inverts the direction of the CAD models z-axis")
ScanIO_CAD::parseDirForAllSTL (std::string &directory_name)
// make sure nothing is stored in the stl file vector
_stl_files.clear ();
// get a directory iterator to mark the end of the directory
fs::path dir (directory_name);
fs::directory_iterator end;
// iterate over the complete directory
for (fs::directory_iterator pos (dir); pos != end; ++pos)
if (fs::is_regular_file (*pos))
std::string extension;
// retrieve the extension string according to the installed boost API
extension = pos->path ().extension ();
extension = pos->path ().extension ().string ();
std::for_each (extension.begin (), extension.end (), ::tolower);
// add all stl files into the vector
if (extension.compare (".stl") == 0)
_stl_files.push_back ((*pos));
_stl_files_pos = 0;
ScanIO_CAD::getNextSTLFromDir (fs::path &stl_file)
if (_stl_files_pos < _stl_files.size ())
stl_file = _stl_files[_stl_files_pos++];
return true;
// return an empty path
stl_file = fs::path ();
return false;
* class factory for object construction
* @return Pointer to new object
#ifdef _MSC_VER
extern "C" __declspec(dllexport) ScanIO* create()
extern "C" ScanIO* create()
return new ScanIO_CAD;
* class factory for object construction
* @return Pointer to new object
#ifdef _MSC_VER
extern "C" __declspec(dllexport) void destroy(ScanIO *sio)
extern "C" void destroy(ScanIO *sio)
delete sio;
#ifdef _MSC_VER
BOOL APIENTRY DllMain(HANDLE hModule, DWORD dwReason, LPVOID lpReserved)
return TRUE;