2012-09-16 14:33:11 +02:00

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author = {P. Clausen},
title = {Was ist was, Band 37, Computer und Roboter},
publisher = {Tessloff Verlag},
year = {1999},
address = {N{\"u}nberg},
editor = {K. V{\"o}lker},
title = {K{\"u}nstliche Menschen},
publisher = {Carl Hanser Verlag},
address = {M{\"u}nchen},
year = {1971},
author = {S. Stiene},
title = {{K}onturbasierte {O}bjekterkennung aus {T}iefenbildern eines {3D}-{L}aserscanners},
school = {University of Osnabrück},
year = {2006},
month = {January},
author = {S. Frintrop},
title = {{VOCUS}: {A} {V}isual {A}ttention {S}ystem for {O}bject {D}etection and {G}oal-directed search},
school = {University of Bonn},
year = {2005},
author = {P3-AT, \texttt{http://www.activrobots.com/ROBOTS/p2at.html}},
year = {2006},
author = {P3-DX, \texttt{http://www.activrobots.com/ROBOTS/p2dx.html}},
year = {2006},
author = {ATRV - JR Specifications, \texttt{http://rescue.isr.ist.utl.pt/atrvjr.php}},
year = {2006},
author = {Galileo (Satellitennavigation), \texttt{http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Galileo\_(Satellitennavigation)}},
year = {2006},
author = {Global Positioning System, \texttt{http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Global\_Positioning\_System}},
year = {2006},
author = {PMDTechnologies GmbH, \texttt{http://www.pmdtec.com/inhalt/produkte/kamera.htm}},
year = {2005},
title = {Swissranger 3D camera distance measurement object recognition range finding camera depth measurement \texttt{http://www.swissranger.ch/}},
year = {2005},
title = {Siemens/{L}eutze {L}aserscanner, \texttt{http://www2.automation.siemens.com/cd/safety/html\_ 00/produkte/optisch\_laser.htm}},
year = {2005},
title = {Schmersal {L}aserscanner, \texttt{http://www.produkte.schmersal.de/585/521/23124/range. html?lang=de}},
year = {2005},
title = {SICK {L}aserscanner, \texttt{http://ecatalog.sick.com/Products/ProductFinder/product.aspx? finder=Produktfinder\&pid=9168\&lang=de}},
year = {2005},
title = {Cyberware Body Scanner, \texttt{http://www.cyberware.com/products/wbInfo.html}},
year = {2005},
title = {Cyrax {L}aserscanner, \texttt{http://hds.leica-geosystems.com/products/products.html}},
year = {2005},
title = {Riegl {L}aserscanner, \texttt{http://www.riegl.co.at/terrestrial\_scanners/terrestrial\_ scanner\_overview\_/terr\_scanner\_menu\_all.htm}},
year = {2005},
title = {Zoller und {F}r{\"o}hlich {L}aserscanner, \texttt{http://www.zf-laser.com/d\_bildgebende.html}},
year = {2005},
author = "A. Fasano and M. Callieri and P. Cignoni and R. Scopigno",
title = "Exploiting Mirrors for Laser Stripe 3D Scanning",
booktitle = "Proceedings of the 4th IEEE International Conference on Recent Advances in 3D Digital Imaging and Modeling (3DIM '03)",
month = "October",
year = "2003",
address = "Banff, Canada",
pages = "243 -- 251",
author = {A. Elfes},
title = {Using Occupancy Grids for Mobile Robot Perception and Navigation},
journal = {Computer},
volume = {22},
number = {6},
year = {1989},
issn = {0018-9162},
pages = {46 -- 57},
publisher = {IEEE Computer Society Press},
author = {A. Elfes},
title = {Sonar-based real-world mapping and navigation},
journal = {IEEE Journal of Robotics and Automation},
year = {1987},
OPTkey = {},
volume = {3},
OPTnumber = {},
pages = {249 -- 265},
OPTmonth = {},
OPTnote = {},
OPTannote = {}
author = "H. Choset and J. W. Burdick",
title = "Sensor based motion planning: The hierarchical generalized voronoi graph",
booktitle = "Proceedings of the Workshop on Algorithmic Foundations of Robotics",
address = "Toulouse, France",
year = "1996",
author = {D. Kortenkamp and T. Weymouth},
title = { Topological mapping for mobile robots using a combination of sonar and vision sensing},
OPTcrossref = {},
OPTkey = {},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the twelfth national Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI '94)},
OPTpages = {},
year = {1994},
OPTeditor = {},
OPTvolume = {},
OPTnumber = {},
OPTseries = {},
OPTaddress = {},
month = {July},
OPTorganization = {},
OPTpublisher = {},
OPTnote = {},
OPTannote = {}
OPTkey = {},
author = {KURT2 home site at AIS},
title = {A Mobile Platform for Research in Robotics, \texttt{http://www.ais.fraunhofer.de/KURT2/}},
OPThowpublished = {},
OPTmonth = {},
year = {2005},
OPTnote = {},
OPTannote = {}
author = {R. Smith and M. Self and P. Cheeseman},
title = {Estimating uncertain spatial relationships in robotics},
booktitle = {Autonomous robot vehicles},
year = {1990},
pages = {167 -- 193},
publisher = {Springer-Verlag New York, Inc.},
author = {U. R. Zimmer},
title = {Robust World-Modelling and Navigation in a Real World},
journal = {NeuroComputing},
year = {1996},
OPTkey = {},
volume = {13},
number = {2 - 4},
pages = {247 -- 260},
OPTmonth = {},
OPTnote = {},
OPTannote = {}
author = {D. Pierce and B. Kuipers},
title = {Learning to explore and build maps},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the twelfth national Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI '94)},
year = {1994},
pages = {1264 -- 1271},
month = {July},
address = {Seattle, W.A., U.S.A.},
publisher = {American Association for Artificial Intelligence},
OPTkey = {},
author = {NIST National Institute of Standards and Technology},
title = {Intelligent Systems Division, \texttt{http://robotarenas.nist.gov/competitions.htm}},
OPThowpublished = {},
OPTmonth = {},
year = {2005},
OPTnote = {},
OPTannote = {}
author = "K. Ogata",
title = "Modern Control Engineering (4th Edition)",
publisher = "Prentice Hall",
month = "November",
year = "2001"
OPTkey = {},
author = {J. Frehse},
title = {Vorlesung {I}nfinitisimalrechnung {I} -- {IV} (Vorlesungsmitschrift)},
year = {1996 -- 1997},
address = {University of Bonn},
author = {H. R. Everett},
ALTeditor = {},
title = {Sensors for Mobile Robots: Theory and Application},
publisher = {AK Peters, Ltd},
year = {1995},
OPTkey = {},
OPTvolume = {},
OPTnumber = {},
OPTseries = {},
OPTaddress = {},
OPTedition = {},
OPTmonth = {},
OPTnote = {},
OPTannote = {}
author = {K. Lingemann},
title = {Schnelles {P}ose-{T}racking auf {L}aserscan-{D}aten für autonome mobile {R}oboter},
school = {University of Bonn},
year = {2004},
author = {W. F{\"o}rstner},
ALTeditor = {},
title = {Vorlesung {P}hotogrammetrie {I} und {II}},
year = {2002},
address = {University of Bonn},
OPTedition = {},
OPTmonth = {},
OPTnote = {},
OPTannote = {}
author = {D. A. Forsyth and J. Ponce},
ALTeditor = {},
title = {Computer Vision},
publisher = {Morgan Kaufmann},
year = {2003},
OPTkey = {},
OPTvolume = {},
OPTnumber = {},
OPTseries = {},
OPTaddress = {},
OPTedition = {},
OPTmonth = {},
OPTnote = {},
OPTannote = {}
author = {J. L. Bentley},
title = {Multidimensional binary search trees used for associative searchin},
journal = {Communications of the ACM},
year = {1975},
OPTkey = {},
volume = {18},
number = {9},
pages = {509 -- 517},
month = {September},
OPTnote = {},
OPTannote = {}
author = {J. H. Friedman and J. L. Bentley and R. A. Finkel},
title = {An Algorithm for Finding Best Matches in Logarithmic Expected Time},
journal = {ACM Transaction on Mathematical Software},
year = {1977},
OPTkey = {},
volume = {3},
number = {3},
pages = {209 -- 226},
month = {September},
OPTnote = {},
OPTannote = {}
author = {K. Shoemake},
title = {Animating rotation with quaternion curves},
journal = {Computer Graphics},
year = {1985},
OPTkey = {},
volume = {19},
number = {3},
pages = {245 -- 254},
month = {July},
OPTnote = {},
OPTannote = {}
author = {M. W. Walker and L. Shao and R. A. Volz},
title = {Estimating 3-D location parameters using dual number quaternions},
journal = {CVGIP: Image Understanding},
year = {1991},
OPTkey = {},
volume = {54},
OPTnumber = {},
pages = {358 -- 367},
month = {November},
OPTnote = {},
OPTannote = {}
author = {L. Hyafil and R. L. Rivest},
title = {Constructing optimal binary decision trees is NP-complete},
journal = {Information Processing Letters 5},
year = {1976},
OPTkey = {},
OPTvolume = {},
OPTnumber = {},
pages = {15 -- 17},
month = {May},
OPTnote = {},
OPTannote = {}
author = {S. Arya and D. M. Mount and N. S. Netanyahu and R. Silverman and A. Y. Wu},
title = {{A}n {O}ptimal {A}lgorithms for {A}pproximate {N}earest {N}eighbor {S}earcching in {F}ixed {D}imensions},
journal = {Journal of the ACM},
year = {1998},
OPTkey = {},
OPTvolume = {},
volume = {45},
pages = {891 -- 923},
month = {},
OPTnote = {},
OPTannote = {}
author = {S. Arya and D. M. Mount},
title = {{A}pproximate nearest neigbor queries in fixed dimensions},
year = {1993},
OPTkey = {},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the 4th ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms},
pages = {271 -- 280},
OPTeditor = {},
OPTvolume = {},
OPTnumber = {},
OPTseries = {},
OPTaddress = {},
OPTmonth = {},
OPTorganization = {},
OPTpublisher = {},
OPTnote = {},
OPTannote = {}
author = {H. Surmann and A. Morales},
title = {A five layer sensor architecture for autonomous robots in indoor environments},
year = {2000},
OPTkey = {},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the International symposium on robotics and automation (ISRA '00)},
pages = {533 -- 538},
OPTeditor = {},
OPTvolume = {},
OPTnumber = {},
OPTseries = {},
address = {Monterrey, N.L., Mexico},
month = {November},
OPTorganization = {},
OPTpublisher = {},
OPTnote = {},
OPTannote = {}
author = {K. Fukuanaga and L. D. Hostetler},
title = {Optimization of $k$-nearest neighbor density estimation},
journal = {IEEE Transaction on Information Theory IT-19},
year = {1973},
OPTkey = {},
OPTvolume = {},
OPTnumber = {},
pages = {320 -- 326},
OPTmonth = {},
OPTnote = {},
OPTannote = {}
author = {K. A. Stetson},
title = {Holographic surface contouring by limited depth of focus},
journal = {Applied Optics},
year = {1968},
OPTkey = {},
volume = {7},
number = {5},
pages = {987 -- 989},
OPTmonth = {},
OPTnote = {},
OPTannote = {}
author = {D. Giel},
title = {Hologram tomography for surface topometry},
school = {Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Fakult{\"a}t der Heinrich-Heine- Universit{\"a}t D\"{u}sseldorf},
year = {2003},
OPTkey = {},
OPTtype = {},
OPTaddress = {},
OPTmonth = {},
OPTnote = {},
OPTannote = {}
author = {D. Giel and S. Frey and A. Thelen and J. Bongartz and P. Hering and A. N\"{u}chter and H. Surmann and K. Lingemann and J. Hertzberg},
title = {Ultra-fast Holographic Recording and Automatic 3D Scan Matching of Living Human Faces},
OPTcrossref = {},
OPTkey = {},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the Scientific Workshop Medical Robotics, Navigation and Visualization (MRNV '04)},
OPTpages = {to appaer},
year = {2004},
OPTeditor = {},
OPTvolume = {},
OPTnumber = {},
OPTseries = {},
address = {Remagen, Germany},
OPTmonth = {},
OPTorganization = {},
OPTpublisher = {},
OPTnote = {},
OPTannote = {}