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#include "veloslam/gridcell.h"
#include "veloslam/gridcluster.h"
#include "veloslam/svm.h"
float absf(float a);
struct IntersectionFeature
float angle;
float slashLength;
int slashEndColumn;
int slashEndRow;
class IntersectionDetection
int GetPointData();
int CalcRadAndTheta();
int CalPointCellPos(double x,double y,double z ,int * column,int * row);
int CalCellMinDis();
int TransferToCellArray();
int CalcAllCellFeature();
int CalcCellFeature(cell& cellobj, cellFeature& f);
int CalWideSlashEdge_For_RoadShape(float Angle,int startColumID,int startRowID,float maxLength,float wide);
int DetectIntersection();
int cellSize;
int columnNum;
int cellNum;
int MinRad;
int MaxRad;
vector <Point> allPoints_AfterRegstn;
cellArray cellArray_AfterRegstn;
cellFeatureArray cellFeatureArray_AfterRegstn;
float slashWide;
float slashMaxLength;
float slashAngleDefinition;
vector <float> minCellDisList;
vector <IntersectionFeature> intersectionFeature;
/* clusterArray clusterArrayAfterRegstn;
clusterFeatureArray clusterFeatureArray_AfterRegstn;