2012-09-16 14:33:11 +02:00

175 lines
6.4 KiB

#define WANT_MATH
#include "newmatap.h"
#include "newmatio.h"
#include "newmatnl.h"
#ifdef use_namespace
using namespace RBD_LIBRARIES;
// This is a demonstration of a special case of the Garch model
// Observe two series X and Y of length n
// and suppose
// Y(i) = beta * X(i) + epsilon(i)
// where epsilon(i) is normally distributed with zero mean and variance =
// h(i) = alpha0 + alpha1 * square(epsilon(i-1)) + beta1 * h(i-1).
// Then this program is supposed to estimate beta, alpha0, alpha1, beta1
// The Garch model is supposed to model something like an instability
// in the stock or options market following an unexpected result.
// alpha1 determines the size of the instability and beta1 determines how
// quickly is dies away.
// We should, at least, have an X of several columns and beta as a vector
inline Real square(Real x) { return x*x; }
// the class that defines the GARCH log-likelihood
class GARCH11_LL : public LL_D_FI
ColumnVector Y; // Y values
ColumnVector X; // X values
ColumnVector D; // derivatives of loglikelihood
SymmetricMatrix D2; // - approximate second derivatives
int n; // number of observations
Real beta, alpha0, alpha1, beta1;
// the parameters
GARCH11_LL(const ColumnVector& y, const ColumnVector& x)
: Y(y), X(x), n(y.Nrows()) {}
// constructor - load Y and X values
void Set(const ColumnVector& p) // set parameter values
para = p;
beta = para(1); alpha0 = para(2);
alpha1 = para(3); beta1 = para(4);
bool IsValid(); // are parameters valid
Real LogLikelihood(); // return the loglikelihood
ReturnMatrix Derivatives(); // derivatives of log-likelihood
ReturnMatrix FI(); // Fisher Information matrix
bool GARCH11_LL::IsValid()
{ return alpha0>0 && alpha1>0 && beta1>0 && (alpha1+beta1)<1.0; }
Real GARCH11_LL::LogLikelihood()
// cout << endl << " ";
// cout << setw(10) << setprecision(5) << beta;
// cout << setw(10) << setprecision(5) << alpha0;
// cout << setw(10) << setprecision(5) << alpha1;
// cout << setw(10) << setprecision(5) << beta1;
// cout << endl;
ColumnVector H(n); // residual variances
ColumnVector U = Y - X * beta; // the residuals
ColumnVector LH(n); // derivative of log-likelihood wrt H
// each row corresponds to one observation
Matrix Hderiv(n,4); // rectangular matrix of derivatives
// of H wrt parameters
// each row corresponds to one observation
// each column to one of the parameters
// Regard Y(1) as fixed and don't include in likelihood
// then put in an expected value of H(1) in place of actual value
// which we don't know. Use
// E{H(i)} = alpha0 + alpha1 * E{square(epsilon(i-1))} + beta1 * E{H(i-1)}
// and E{square(epsilon(i-1))} = E{H(i-1)} = E{H(i)}
Real denom = (1-alpha1-beta1);
H(1) = alpha0/denom; // the expected value of H
Hderiv(1,1) = 0;
Hderiv(1,2) = 1.0 / denom;
Hderiv(1,3) = alpha0 / square(denom);
Hderiv(1,4) = Hderiv(1,3);
Real LL = 0.0; // the log likelihood
Real sum1 = 0; // for forming derivative wrt beta
Real sum2 = 0; // for forming second derivative wrt beta
for (int i=2; i<=n; i++)
Real u1 = U(i-1); Real h1 = H(i-1);
Real h = alpha0 + alpha1*square(u1) + beta1*h1; // variance of this obsv.
H(i) = h; Real u = U(i);
LL += log(h) + square(u) / h; // -2 * log likelihood
// Hderiv are derivatives of h with respect to the parameters
// need to allow for h1 depending on parameters
Hderiv(i,1) = -2*u1*alpha1*X(i-1) + beta1*Hderiv(i-1,1); // beta
Hderiv(i,2) = 1 + beta1*Hderiv(i-1,2); // alpha0
Hderiv(i,3) = square(u1) + beta1*Hderiv(i-1,3); // alpha1
Hderiv(i,4) = h1 + beta1*Hderiv(i-1,4); // beta1
LH(i) = -0.5 * (1/h - square(u/h));
sum1 += u * X(i)/ h;
sum2 += square(X(i)) / h;
D = Hderiv.t()*LH; // derivatives of likelihood wrt parameters
D(1) += sum1; // add on deriv wrt beta from square(u) term
// cout << setw(10) << setprecision(5) << D << endl;
// do minus expected value of second derivatives
if (wg) // do only if second derivatives wanted
Hderiv.Row(1) = 0.0;
Hderiv = H.AsDiagonal().i() * Hderiv;
D2 << Hderiv.t() * Hderiv; D2 = D2 / 2.0;
D2(1,1) += sum2;
// cout << setw(10) << setprecision(5) << D2 << endl;
// DiagonalMatrix DX; EigenValues(D2,DX);
// cout << setw(10) << setprecision(5) << DX << endl;
return -0.5 * LL;
ReturnMatrix GARCH11_LL::Derivatives()
{ return D; }
ReturnMatrix GARCH11_LL::FI()
if (!wg) cout << endl << "unexpected call of FI" << endl;
return D2;
int main()
// get data
ifstream fin("garch.dat");
if (!fin) { cout << "cannot find garch.dat\n"; exit(1); }
int n; fin >> n; // series length
// Y contains the dependant variable, X the predictor variable
ColumnVector Y(n), X(n);
int i;
for (i=1; i<=n; i++) fin >> Y(i) >> X(i);
cout << "Read " << n << " data points - begin fit\n\n";
// now do the fit
ColumnVector H(n);
GARCH11_LL garch11(Y,X); // loglikehood "object"
MLE_D_FI mle_d_fi(garch11,100,0.0001); // mle "object"
ColumnVector Para(4); // to hold the parameters
Para << 0.0 << 0.1 << 0.1 << 0.1; // starting values
// (Should change starting values to a more intelligent formula)
mle_d_fi.Fit(Para); // do the fit
ColumnVector SE;
cout << "\n\n";
cout << "estimates and standard errors\n";
cout << setw(15) << setprecision(5) << (Para | SE) << endl << endl;
SymmetricMatrix Corr;
cout << "correlation matrix\n";
cout << setw(10) << setprecision(2) << Corr << endl << endl;
cout << "inverse of correlation matrix\n";
cout << setw(10) << setprecision(2) << Corr.i() << endl << endl;
return 0;