2012-09-16 14:33:11 +02:00

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* @file
* @brief Representation of a 3D point
* @author Kai Lingemann. Institute of Computer Science, University of Osnabrueck, Germany.
* @author Andreas Nuechter. Institute of Computer Science, University of Osnabrueck, Germany.
#ifndef __POINT_H__
#define __POINT_H__
#include <cmath>
#include <iostream>
using std::ostream;
using std::istream;
#include <stdexcept>
using std::runtime_error;
* @brief Representation of a point in 3D space
class Point {
* Default constructor
inline Point() { x = y = z = 0.0; point_id = 0; type = 0; reflectance = 0.0; amplitude = 0.0; deviation = 0.0; rgb[0] = 255; rgb[1] = 255; rgb[2] = 255;};
* Copy constructor
inline Point(const Point& p) { x = p.x; y = p.y; z = p.z; type = p.type; point_id = p.point_id;
reflectance = p.reflectance; amplitude = p.amplitude; deviation = p.deviation; rgb[0] = p.rgb[0]; rgb[1] = p.rgb[1]; rgb[2] = p.rgb[2];};
* Constructor with an array, i.e., vecctor of coordinates
inline Point(const double *p) { x = p[0]; y = p[1]; z = p[2]; type = 0; reflectance = 0.0; amplitude = 0.0; deviation = 0.0;
rgb[0] = 255; rgb[1] = 255; rgb[2] = 255;};
inline Point(const double *p, const char *c) { x = p[0]; y = p[1]; z = p[2]; rgb[0] = c[0]; rgb[1] = c[1]; rgb[2] = c[2];};
* Constructor with three double values
inline Point(const double _x, const double _y, const double _z) { x = _x; y = _y; z = _z; };
inline Point(const double _x, const double _y, const double _z, const char _r, const char _g, const char _b) { x = _x; y = _y; z = _z; rgb[0] = _r; rgb[1] = _g; rgb[2] = _b;};
static inline Point cross(const Point &X, const Point &Y) {
Point res;
res.x = X.y * Y.z - X.z * Y.y;
res.y = X.z * Y.x - X.x * Y.z;
res.z = X.x * Y.y - X.y * Y.x;
return res;
static inline Point norm(const Point &p) {
double l = sqrt(p.x*p.x + p.y*p.y + p.z*p.z);
Point res(p.x/l, p.y/l, p.z/l);
return res;
inline Point operator+(const Point &p) const {
Point res;
res.x = x + p.x;
res.y = y + p.y;
res.z = z + p.z;
return res;
inline Point operator-(const Point &p) const {
Point res;
res.x = x - p.x;
res.y = y - p.y;
res.z = z - p.z;
return res;
inline Point& operator-=(const Point &p) {
x -= p.x;
y -= p.y;
z -= p.z;
return *this;
inline Point& operator+=(const Point &p) {
x += p.x;
y += p.y;
z += p.z;
return *this;
inline void transform(const double alignxf[16]);
inline double distance(const Point& p);
inline friend ostream& operator<<(ostream& os, const Point& p);
inline friend istream& operator>>(istream& is, Point& p);
// also public; set/get functions not necessary here
/// x coordinate in 3D space
double x;
/// y coordinate in 3D space
double y;
/// z coordinate in 3D space
double z;
/// additional information about the point, e.g., semantic
/// also used in veloscan for distiuguish moving or static
int type;
/////////////////////////for veloslam/////////////////////////////
double rad;
/// tang in cylindrical coordinates for veloscan
double tan_theta;
// point id in points for veloscan , you can use it find point.
long point_id;
/////////////////////////for veloslam/////////////////////////////
// color information of the point between 0 and 255
// rgb
unsigned char rgb[3];
float reflectance;
float amplitude;
float deviation;
inline Point operator*(const double &v, const Point &p) {
Point res;
res.x = v * p.x;
res.y = v * p.y;
res.z = v * p.z;
return res;
#include "point.icc"