2012-09-16 14:33:11 +02:00

544 lines
18 KiB

* panorama implementation
* Copyright (C) HamidReza Houshiar
* Released under the GPL version 3.
#include "slam6d/fbr/panorama.h"
using namespace std;
namespace fbr{
void panorama::init(unsigned int width, unsigned int height, projection_method method, unsigned int numberOfImages, double param, panorama_map_method mMethod){
iWidth = width;
iHeight = height;
pMethod = method;
nImages = numberOfImages;
pParam = param;
if(mMethod == FARTHEST){
iMap.create(iHeight, iWidth, CV_32FC(3));
iMap = cv::Scalar::all(0);
else if(mMethod == EXTENDED){
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < iHeight; i++)
iReflectance.create(iHeight, iWidth, CV_8U);
iReflectance = cv::Scalar::all(0);
iRange.create(iHeight, iWidth, CV_32FC(1));
iRange = cv::Scalar::all(0);
mapMethod = mMethod;
panorama::panorama(unsigned int width, unsigned int height, projection_method method, unsigned int numberOfImages, double param, panorama_map_method mMethod){
init(width, height, method, numberOfImages, param, mMethod);
panorama::panorama(unsigned int width, unsigned int height, projection_method method, unsigned int numberOfImages, double param){
init(width, height, method, numberOfImages, param, FARTHEST);
panorama::panorama(unsigned int width, unsigned int height, projection_method method, unsigned int numberOfImages){
double param = 0;
if(method == PANNINI)
param = 1;
else if (method == STEREOGRAPHIC)
param = 2;
init(width, height, method, numberOfImages, param, FARTHEST);
panorama::panorama(unsigned int width, unsigned int height, projection_method method){
double param = 0;
unsigned int numberOfImages = 1;
if(method == RECTILINEAR)
numberOfImages = 3;
else if(method == PANNINI){
numberOfImages = 3;
param = 1;
} else if (method == STEREOGRAPHIC){
numberOfImages = 3;
param = 2;
init(width, height, method, numberOfImages, param, FARTHEST);
void panorama::map(int x, int y, cv::MatIterator_<cv::Vec4f> it, double range){
iReflectance.at<uchar>(y,x) = (*it)[3]*255;//reflectance
iRange.at<float>(y,x) = range;//range
if(mapMethod == FARTHEST){
//adding the point with max distance
if( iRange.at<float>(y,x) < range ){
iMap.at<cv::Vec3f>(y,x)[0] = (*it)[0];//x
iMap.at<cv::Vec3f>(y,x)[1] = (*it)[1];//y
iMap.at<cv::Vec3f>(y,x)[2] = (*it)[2];//z
}else if(mapMethod == EXTENDED){
//adding all the points
cv::Vec3f point;
point[0] = (*it)[0];//x
point[1] = (*it)[1];//y
point[2] = (*it)[2];//z
void panorama::createPanorama(cv::Mat scan){
//adding the longitude to x axis and latitude to y axis
double xFactor = (double) iWidth / 2 / M_PI;
int widthMax = iWidth - 1;
double yFactor = (double) iHeight / ((MAX_ANGLE - MIN_ANGLE) / 360 * 2 * M_PI);
//shift all the valuse to positive points on image
double heightLow =(0 - MIN_ANGLE) / 360 * 2 * M_PI;
int heightMax = iHeight - 1;
cv::MatIterator_<cv::Vec4f> it, end;
for( it = scan.begin<cv::Vec4f>(), end = scan.end<cv::Vec4f>(); it != end; ++it){
double kart[3], polar[3], phi, theta, range;
kart[0] = (*it)[2]/100;
kart[1] = (*it)[0]/-100;
kart[2] = (*it)[1]/100;
toPolar(kart, polar);
//theta == polar[0] == scan [4]
//phi == polar[1] == scan [5]
//range == polar[2] == scan [3]
theta = polar[0] * 180 / M_PI;
phi = polar[1] * 180 / M_PI;
range = polar[2];
//horizantal angle of view of [0:360] and vertical of [-40:60]
phi = 360.0 - phi;
phi = phi * 2.0 * M_PI / 360.0;
theta -= 90;
theta *= -1;
theta *= 2.0 * M_PI / 360.0;
int x = (int) ( xFactor * phi);
if (x < 0) x = 0;
if (x > widthMax) x = widthMax;
int y = (int) ( yFactor * (theta + heightLow) );
y = heightMax - y;
if (y < 0) y = 0;
if (y > heightMax) y = heightMax;
//create the iReflectance iRange and map
map(x, y, it, range);
//CYLINDRICAL projection
if(pMethod == CYLINDRICAL){
//adding the longitude to x and tan(latitude) to y
//find the x and y range
double xFactor = (double) iWidth / 2 / M_PI;
int widthMax = iWidth - 1;
double yFactor = (double) iHeight / (tan(MAX_ANGLE / 360 * 2 * M_PI) - tan(MIN_ANGLE / 360 * 2 * M_PI));
double heightLow = (MIN_ANGLE) / 360 * 2 * M_PI;
int heightMax = iHeight - 1;
cv::MatIterator_<cv::Vec4f> it, end;
for( it = scan.begin<cv::Vec4f>(), end = scan.end<cv::Vec4f>(); it != end; ++it){
double kart[3], polar[3], phi, theta, range;
kart[0] = (*it)[2]/100;
kart[1] = (*it)[0]/-100;
kart[2] = (*it)[1]/100;
toPolar(kart, polar);
//theta == polar[0] == scan [4]
//phi == polar[1] == scan [5]
//range == polar[2] == scan [3]
theta = polar[0] * 180 / M_PI;
phi = polar[1] * 180 / M_PI;
range = polar[2];
//horizantal angle of view of [0:360] and vertical of [-40:60]
phi = 360.0 - phi;
phi = phi * 2.0 * M_PI / 360.0;
theta -= 90;
theta *= -1;
theta *= 2.0 * M_PI / 360.0;
int x = (int) ( xFactor * phi);
if (x < 0) x = 0;
if (x > widthMax) x = widthMax;
int y = (int) ((double) yFactor * (tan(theta) - tan(heightLow)));
y = heightMax - y;
if (y < 0) y = 0;
if (y > heightMax) y = heightMax;
//create the iReflectance iRange and map
map(x, y, it, range);
//Mercator Projection
if( pMethod == MERCATOR){
//find the x and y range
double xFactor = (double) iWidth / 2 / M_PI;
int widthMax = iWidth - 1;
double yFactor = (double) iHeight / ( log( tan( MAX_ANGLE / 360 * 2 * M_PI ) + ( 1 / cos( MAX_ANGLE / 360 * 2 * M_PI ) ) ) - log ( tan( MIN_ANGLE / 360 * 2 * M_PI) + (1/cos(MIN_ANGLE / 360 * 2 * M_PI) ) ) );
double heightLow = log(tan(MIN_ANGLE / 360 * 2 * M_PI) + (1/cos(MIN_ANGLE / 360 * 2 * M_PI)));
int heightMax = iHeight - 1;
cv::MatIterator_<cv::Vec4f> it, end;
for( it = scan.begin<cv::Vec4f>(), end = scan.end<cv::Vec4f>(); it != end; ++it){
double kart[3], polar[3], phi, theta, range;
kart[0] = (*it)[2]/100;
kart[1] = (*it)[0]/-100;
kart[2] = (*it)[1]/100;
toPolar(kart, polar);
//theta == polar[0] == scan [4]
//phi == polar[1] == scan [5]
//range == polar[2] == scan [3]
theta = polar[0] * 180 / M_PI;
phi = polar[1] * 180 / M_PI;
range = polar[2];
//horizantal angle of view of [0:360] and vertical of [-40:60]
phi = 360.0 - phi;
phi = phi * 2.0 * M_PI / 360.0;
theta -= 90;
theta *= -1;
theta *= 2.0 * M_PI / 360.0;
int x = (int) ( xFactor * phi);
if (x < 0) x = 0;
if (x > widthMax) x = widthMax;
int y = (int) ( yFactor * (log(tan(theta) + (1/cos(theta))) - heightLow) );
y = heightMax - y;
if (y < 0) y = 0;
if (y > heightMax) y = heightMax;
//create the iReflectance iRange and map
map(x, y, it, range);
//RECTILINEAR projection
if(pMethod == RECTILINEAR){
//default value for nImages
if(nImages == 0) nImages = 3;
cout<<"Number of images per scan is: "<<nImages<<endl;
double l0, p1, iMinx, iMaxx, iMiny, iMaxy, interval;
interval = 2 * M_PI / nImages;
iMiny = -M_PI/9;
iMaxy = 2*M_PI/9;
//latitude of projection center
p1 = 0;
//go through all points
cv::MatIterator_<cv::Vec4f> it, end;
for( it = scan.begin<cv::Vec4f>(), end = scan.end<cv::Vec4f>(); it != end; ++it){
double kart[3], polar[3], phi, theta, range;
kart[0] = (*it)[2]/100;
kart[1] = (*it)[0]/-100;
kart[2] = (*it)[1]/100;
toPolar(kart, polar);
//theta == polar[0] == scan [4]
//phi == polar[1] == scan [5]
//range == polar[2] == scan [3]
theta = polar[0] * 180 / M_PI;
phi = polar[1] * 180 / M_PI;
range = polar[2];
//horizantal angle of view of [0:360] and vertical of [-40:60]
phi = 360.0 - phi;
phi = phi * 2.0 * M_PI / 360.0;
theta -= 90;
theta *= -1;
theta *= 2.0 * M_PI / 360.0;
for(unsigned int j = 0 ; j < nImages ; j++){
iMinx = j * interval;
iMaxx = (j + 1) * interval;
//check for point in interval
if(phi < iMaxx && phi > iMinx){
double max, min, coscRectilinear;
//the longitude of projection center
l0 = iMinx + interval / 2;
//finding the min and max of the x direction
coscRectilinear = sin(p1) * sin(iMaxy) + cos(p1) * cos(iMaxy) * cos(iMaxx - l0);
max = (cos(iMaxy) * sin(iMaxx - l0) / coscRectilinear);
coscRectilinear = sin(p1) * sin(iMiny) + cos(p1) * cos(iMiny) * cos(iMinx - l0);
min = (cos(iMiny) * sin(iMinx - l0) / coscRectilinear);
double xFactor = (double) (iWidth / nImages) / (max - min);
double xlow = min;
int widthMax = (iWidth / nImages) - 1;
//finding the min and max of y direction
coscRectilinear = sin(p1) * sin(iMaxy) + cos(p1) * cos(iMaxy) * cos(iMaxx - l0);
max = ( (cos(p1) * sin(iMaxy) - sin(p1) * cos(iMaxy) * cos(iMaxx - l0) )/ coscRectilinear);
coscRectilinear = sin(p1) * sin(iMiny) + cos(p1) * cos(iMiny) * cos(iMinx - l0);
min = ( (cos(p1) * sin(iMiny) - sin(p1) * cos(iMiny) * cos(iMinx - l0) )/ coscRectilinear);
double yFactor = (double) iHeight / (max - min);
double heightLow = min;
int heightMax = iHeight - 1;
//project the points and add them to image
coscRectilinear = sin(p1) * sin(theta) + cos(p1) * cos(theta) * cos(phi - l0);
int x = (int)(xFactor) * ((cos(theta) * sin(phi - l0) / coscRectilinear) - xlow);
if (x < 0) x = 0;
if (x > widthMax) x = widthMax;
x = x + (j * iWidth / nImages);
int y = (int) (yFactor) * (( (cos(p1) * sin(theta) - sin(p1) * cos(theta) * cos(phi - l0)) / coscRectilinear) - heightLow);
y = heightMax - y;
if (y < 0) y = 0;
if (y > heightMax) y = heightMax;
//create the iReflectance iRange and map
map(x, y, it, range);
//PANNINI projection
if(pMethod == PANNINI){
//default values for nImages and dPannini==pParam
if(pParam == 0) pParam = 1;
if(nImages == 0) nImages = 3;
cout << "Parameter d is:" << pParam <<", Number of images per scan is:" << nImages << endl;
double l0, p1, iMinx, iMaxx, iMiny, iMaxy, interval;
interval = 2 * M_PI / nImages;
iMiny = -M_PI/9;
iMaxy = 2*M_PI/9;
//latitude of projection center
p1 = 0;
cv::MatIterator_<cv::Vec4f> it, end;
for( it = scan.begin<cv::Vec4f>(), end = scan.end<cv::Vec4f>(); it != end; ++it){
double kart[3], polar[3], phi, theta, range;
kart[0] = (*it)[2]/100;
kart[1] = (*it)[0]/-100;
kart[2] = (*it)[1]/100;
toPolar(kart, polar);
//theta == polar[0] == scan [4]
//phi == polar[1] == scan [5]
//range == polar[2] == scan [3]
theta = polar[0] * 180 / M_PI;
phi = polar[1] * 180 / M_PI;
range = polar[2];
//horizantal angle of view of [0:360] and vertical of [-40:60]
phi = 360.0 - phi;
phi = phi * 2.0 * M_PI / 360.0;
theta -= 90;
theta *= -1;
theta *= 2.0 * M_PI / 360.0;
for(unsigned int j = 0 ; j < nImages ; j++){
iMinx = j * interval;
iMaxx = (j + 1) * interval;
//check for point in interval
if(phi < (iMaxx) && phi > (iMinx)){
double max, min, sPannini;
//the longitude of projection center
l0 = iMinx + interval / 2;
//use the S variable of pannini projection mentioned in the thesis
//finding the min and max of the x direction
sPannini = (pParam + 1) / (pParam + sin(p1) * tan(iMaxy) + cos(p1) * cos(iMaxx - l0));
max = sPannini * (sin(iMaxx - l0));
sPannini = (pParam + 1) / (pParam + sin(p1) * tan(iMiny) + cos(p1) * cos(iMinx - l0));
min = sPannini * (sin(iMinx - l0));
double xFactor = (double) (iWidth / nImages) / (max - min);
double xlow = min;
int widthMax = (iWidth / nImages) - 1;
//finding the min and max of y direction
sPannini = (pParam + 1) / (pParam + sin(p1) * tan(iMaxy) + cos(p1) * cos(iMaxx - l0));
max = sPannini * (tan(iMaxy) * (cos(p1) - sin(p1) * 1/tan(iMaxy) * cos(iMaxx - l0)));
sPannini = (pParam + 1) / (pParam + sin(p1) * tan(iMiny) + cos(p1) * cos(iMinx - l0));
min = sPannini * (tan(iMiny) * (cos(p1) - sin(p1) * 1/tan(iMiny) * cos(iMinx - l0)));
double yFactor = (double) iHeight / (max - min);
double heightLow = min;
int heightMax = iHeight - 1;
//project the points and add them to image
sPannini = (pParam + 1) / (pParam + sin(p1) * tan(theta) + cos(p1) * cos(phi - l0));
int x = (int)(xFactor) * (sPannini * sin(phi - l0) - xlow);
if (x < 0) x = 0;
if (x > widthMax) x = widthMax;
x = x + (j * iWidth / nImages);
int y = (int) (yFactor) * ( (sPannini * tan(theta) * (cos(p1) - sin(p1) * (1/tan(theta)) * cos(phi - l0) ) ) - heightLow );
y = heightMax - y;
if (y < 0) y = 0;
if (y > heightMax) y = heightMax;
//create the iReflectance iRange and map
map(x, y, it, range);
//STEREOGRAPHIC projection
if(pMethod == STEREOGRAPHIC){
//default values for nImages and rStereographic==pParam
if(pParam == 0) pParam = 2;
if(nImages == 0) nImages = 3;
cout << "Paremeter R is:" << pParam << ", Number of images per scan is:" << nImages << endl;
// l0 and p1 are the center of projection iminx, imaxx, iminy, imaxy are the bounderis of intervals
double l0, p1, iMinx, iMaxx, iMiny, iMaxy, interval;
interval = 2 * M_PI / nImages;
iMiny = -M_PI/9;
iMaxy = 2*M_PI/9;
//latitude of projection center
p1 = 0;
//go through all points
cv::MatIterator_<cv::Vec4f> it, end;
for( it = scan.begin<cv::Vec4f>(), end = scan.end<cv::Vec4f>(); it != end; ++it){
double kart[3], polar[3], phi, theta, range;
kart[0] = (*it)[2]/100;
kart[1] = (*it)[0]/-100;
kart[2] = (*it)[1]/100;
toPolar(kart, polar);
//theta == polar[0] == scan [4]
//phi == polar[1] == scan [5]
//range == polar[2] == scan [3]
theta = polar[0] * 180 / M_PI;
phi = polar[1] * 180 / M_PI;
range = polar[2];
//horizantal angle of view of [0:360] and vertical of [-40:60]
phi = 360.0 - phi;
phi = phi * 2.0 * M_PI / 360.0;
theta -= 90;
theta *= -1;
theta *= 2.0 * M_PI / 360.0;
for (unsigned int j = 0 ; j < nImages ; j++){
iMinx = j * interval;
iMaxx = (j + 1) * interval;
//check for point in intervals
if(phi < (iMaxx) && phi > (iMinx)){
double max, min, k;
//longitude of projection center
l0 = iMinx + interval / 2;
//use the R variable of stereographic projection mentioned in the thesis
//finding the min and max of x direction
k = (2 * pParam) / (1 + sin(p1) * sin(p1) + cos(p1) * cos(p1) * cos(iMaxx - l0));
max = k * cos(p1) * sin (iMaxx - l0);
k = (2 * pParam) / (1 + sin (p1) * sin(p1) + cos(p1) * cos(p1) * cos(iMinx -l0));
min = k * cos(p1) * sin (iMinx -l0);
double xFactor = (double) (iWidth / nImages) / (max - min);
double xlow = min;
int widthMax = (iWidth / nImages) - 1;
//finding the min and max of y direction
k = (2 * pParam) / (1 + sin(p1) * sin(iMaxy) + cos(p1) * cos(iMaxy) * cos(iMaxx - l0));
max = k * (cos(p1) * sin(iMaxy) - sin(p1) * cos(iMaxy) * cos(iMaxx - l0));
k = (2 * pParam) / (1 + sin(p1) * sin(iMiny) + cos(p1) * cos(iMiny) * cos(iMinx - l0));
min = k * (cos(p1) * sin(iMiny) - sin(p1) * cos(iMiny) * cos(iMinx - l0));
double yFactor = (double) iHeight / (max - min);
double heightLow = min;
int heightMax = iHeight - 1;
//project the points and add them to image
k = (2 * pParam) / (1 + sin(p1) * sin(theta) + cos(p1) * cos(theta) * cos(phi - l0));
int x = (int) (xFactor) * (k * cos(theta) * sin(phi - l0) - xlow);
if (x < 0) x = 0;
if (x > widthMax) x = widthMax;
x = x + (j * iWidth / nImages);
int y = (int) (yFactor) * (k * ( cos(p1) * sin(theta) - sin(p1) * cos(theta) * cos(phi - l0) ) - heightLow);
y = heightMax - y;
if (y < 0) y = 0;
if (y > heightMax) y = heightMax;
//create the iReflectance iRange and map
map(x, y, it, range);
//ZAXIS projection
if(pMethod == ZAXIS){
double zmin = -200;
double zmax = 4000;
//adding the longitude to x axis and latitude to y axis
double xFactor = (double) iWidth / 2 / M_PI;
int widthMax = iWidth - 1;
cout << "ZMAX= " << zmax << " ZMIN= "<< zmin << endl;
double yFactor = (double) iHeight / (zmax - zmin);
//shift all the valuse to positive points on image
double heightLow = zmin;
int heightMax = iHeight - 1;
cv::MatIterator_<cv::Vec4f> it, end;
for( it = scan.begin<cv::Vec4f>(), end = scan.end<cv::Vec4f>(); it != end; ++it){
double kart[3], polar[3], phi, theta, range;
kart[0] = (*it)[2]/100;
kart[1] = (*it)[0]/-100;
kart[2] = (*it)[1]/100;
toPolar(kart, polar);
//theta == polar[0] == scan [4]
//phi == polar[1] == scan [5]
//range == polar[2] == scan [3]
theta = polar[0] * 180 / M_PI;
phi = polar[1] * 180 / M_PI;
range = polar[2];
//horizantal angle of view of [0:360] and vertical of [-40:60]
phi = 360.0 - phi;
phi = phi * 2.0 * M_PI / 360.0;
theta -= 90;
theta *= -1;
theta *= 2.0 * M_PI / 360.0;
int x = (int) ( xFactor * phi);
if (x < 0) x = 0;
if (x > widthMax) x = widthMax;
///////////////////check this
int y = (int) ( yFactor * ((*it)[1] - heightLow) );
y = heightMax - y;
if (y < 0) y = 0;
if (y > heightMax) y = heightMax;
//create the iReflectance iRange and map
map(x, y, it, range);
unsigned int panorama::getImageWidth(){
return iWidth;
unsigned int panorama::getImageHeight(){
return iHeight;
projection_method panorama::getProjectionMethod(){
return pMethod;
unsigned int panorama::getNumberOfImages(){
return nImages;
double panorama::getProjectionParam(){
return pParam;
cv::Mat panorama::getReflectanceImage(){
return iReflectance;
cv::Mat panorama::getMap(){
return iMap;
cv::Mat panorama::getRangeImage(){
return iRange;
vector<vector<vector<cv::Vec3f> > > panorama::getExtendedMap(){
return extendedIMap;
panorama_map_method panorama::getMapMethod(){
return mapMethod;
void panorama::getDescription(){
cout<<"panorama created with width: "<<iWidth<<", and height: "<<iHeight<<", and projection method: "<<projectionMethodToString(pMethod)<<", number of images: "<<nImages<<", projection param: "<<pParam<<"."<<endl;