2012-09-16 14:33:11 +02:00

201 lines
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* icp6Dhelix implementation
* Copyright (C) Peter Schneider, Andreas Nuechter
* Released under the GPL version 3.
/** @file
* @brief Implementation of the ICP error function minimization via helix-translation
* @author Peter Schneider. Institute of Computer Science, University of Koblenz and Landau, Germany.
* @author Andreas Nuechter. Jacobs University Bremen gGmbH, Germany
#include "slam6d/icp6Dhelix.h"
#include "slam6d/globals.icc"
#include <iomanip>
using std::ios;
using std::resetiosflags;
using std::setiosflags;
#include "newmat/newmat.h"
#include "newmat/newmatap.h"
using namespace NEWMAT;
#include <cstring>
* computes a rotation matrix that rotates the points around an axis
* and a translation vector, that translates the points along a vector
* that is parallel to the rotation axis. Thus the result is a helical
* translation of the points that can be resolved thru a vector field
* v(x) = cs + c cross x, where cs and c can be build out of an error
* minimization function.
* See:
* H. Pottmann, S. Leopoldseder, and M. Hofer. Simultaneous
* registration of multiple views of a 3D object.
* ISPRS Archives 34/3A (2002), 265-270.
* @param Pairs Vector of point pairs (pairs of corresponding points)
* @param alignxf The resulting transformation matrix
* @return Error estimation of the matching (rms)
double icp6D_HELIX::Point_Point_Align(const vector<PtPair>& Pairs, double *alignxf,
const double centroid_m[3], const double centroid_d[3])
int n = Pairs.size();
int i;
double sum = 0;
double error;
Matrix matB(6,6);
ColumnVector bdVec(6), ccs(6), c(3), cs(3);
matB = 0.0;
double p2x, p2y, p2z, pDistX, pDistY, pDistZ;
double B[6][3];
memset(&B[0][0], 0, 18 * sizeof(double));
double bd[6];
memset(&bd[0], 0, 6 * sizeof(double));
for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
p2x = Pairs[i].p2.x;
p2y = Pairs[i].p2.y;
p2z = Pairs[i].p2.z;
B[4][0] += -p2z;
B[3][1] += p2z;
B[5][0] += p2y;
B[3][2] += -p2y;
B[4][2] += p2x;
B[5][1] += -p2x;
B[0][0] += p2z*p2z + p2y*p2y;
B[1][0] += p2y*-p2x;
B[2][0] += -p2z*p2x;
B[1][1] += p2z*p2z + p2x*p2x;
B[2][1] += p2z*-p2y;
B[2][2] += p2x*p2x + p2y*p2y;
pDistX = p2x - Pairs[i].p1.x;
pDistY = p2y - Pairs[i].p1.y;
pDistZ = p2z - Pairs[i].p1.z;
bd[0] += -p2z*pDistY + p2y*pDistZ;
bd[1] += p2z*pDistX - p2x*pDistZ;
bd[2] += -p2y*pDistX + p2x*pDistY;
bd[3] += pDistX;
bd[4] += pDistY;
bd[5] += pDistZ;
sum += pDistX*pDistX + pDistY*pDistY + pDistZ*pDistZ;
matB(4,4) = matB(5,5) = matB(6,6) = n;
matB(1,5) = matB(5,1) = B[4][0];
matB(2,4) = matB(4,2) = B[3][1];
matB(1,6) = matB(6,1) = B[5][0];
matB(3,4) = matB(4,3) = B[3][2];
matB(3,5) = matB(5,3) = B[4][2];
matB(2,6) = matB(6,2) = B[5][1];
matB(1,2) = matB(2,1) = B[1][0];
matB(1,3) = matB(3,1) = B[2][0];
matB(2,3) = matB(3,2) = B[2][1];
matB(1,1) = B[0][0];
matB(2,2) = B[1][1];
matB(3,3) = B[2][2];
bdVec(1) = bd[0];
bdVec(2) = bd[1];
bdVec(3) = bd[2];
bdVec(4) = bd[3];
bdVec(5) = bd[4];
bdVec(6) = bd[5];
error = sqrt( sum / (double) n );
if (!quiet) {
cout << "HELIX RMS point-to-point error = "
<< resetiosflags(ios::adjustfield) << setiosflags(ios::internal)
<< resetiosflags(ios::floatfield) << setiosflags(ios::fixed)
<< std::setw(10) << std::setprecision(7)
<< error
<< " using " << std::setw(6) << n << " points" << endl;
ccs = matB.i() * bdVec;
int vectorOffset = 0;
computeRt( &ccs, vectorOffset, alignxf);
return error;
void icp6D_HELIX::computeRt(const ColumnVector* ccs, const int vectorOffset, double *alignxf)
ColumnVector c(3), cs(3);
c(1) = -(*ccs)(vectorOffset + 1);
c(2) = -(*ccs)(vectorOffset + 2);
c(3) = -(*ccs)(vectorOffset + 3);
cs(1) = -(*ccs)(vectorOffset + 4);
cs(2) = -(*ccs)(vectorOffset + 5);
cs(3) = -(*ccs)(vectorOffset + 6);
double CLength = sqrt(c.SumSquare());
double rotationCheck = c(1)*cs(1) + c(2)*cs(2) + c(3)*cs(3); //c.t() * cs;
Matrix R (3,3);
double angle = atan(CLength); //bemerkung: hier minus gesetzt
ColumnVector g = c / CLength;
double b0, b1, b2, b3;
double sinAngle = sin(-angle/2);
b0 = cos(-angle/2);
b1 = g(1) * sinAngle;
b2 = g(2) * sinAngle;
b3 = g(3) * sinAngle;
R(1,1) = b0*b0 + b1*b1 - b2*b2 - b3*b3;
R(1,2) = 2*(b1*b2 + b0*b3);
R(1,3) = 2*(b1*b3 - b0*b2);
R(2,1) = 2*(b1*b2 - b0*b3);
R(2,2) = b0*b0 - b1*b1 + b2*b2 - b3*b3;
R(2,3) = 2*(b2*b3 + b0*b1);
R(3,1) = 2*(b1*b3 + b0*b2);
R(3,2) = 2*(b2*b3 - b0*b1);
R(3,3) = b0*b0 - b1*b1 - b2*b2 + b3*b3;
R = R / (b0*b0 + b1*b1 + b2*b2 + b3*b3);
double skewValue = rotationCheck / (CLength*CLength);
ColumnVector gs = (cs - (c * skewValue)) / CLength;
ColumnVector pTemp(3);
pTemp(1) = g(2)*gs(3) - g(3)*gs(2);
pTemp(2) = g(3)*gs(1) - g(1)*gs(3);
pTemp(3) = g(1)*gs(2) - g(2)*gs(1);
ColumnVector t = R * -pTemp + g*(skewValue * angle) + pTemp;
alignxf[0] = R(1,1);
alignxf[1] = R(2,1);
alignxf[2] = R(3,1);
alignxf[3] = 0;
alignxf[4] = R(1,2);
alignxf[5] = R(2,2);
alignxf[6] = R(3,2);
alignxf[7] = 0;
alignxf[8] = R(1,3);
alignxf[9] = R(2,3);
alignxf[10] = R(3,3);
alignxf[11] = 0;
alignxf[12] = t(1);
alignxf[13] = t(2);
alignxf[14] = t(3);
alignxf[15] = 1;