using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.ComponentModel; using System.Data; using System.Drawing; using System.Text; using System.Windows.Forms; using System.Threading; using System.Net; using System.IO; namespace MegaTokyoDownloader { public partial class WebDownloader : Form { private delegate void addloghandler(string text); private Thread t = null; public WebDownloader() { InitializeComponent(); } private void Durchsuchen_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (folderBrowserDialog1.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { tbPfad.Text = folderBrowserDialog1.SelectedPath; } } private void Starten_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Starten.Enabled = false; Abbrechen.Enabled = true; t = new Thread(new ThreadStart(Download)); t.Start(); } private void Abbrechen_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { t.Abort(); Abbrechen.Enabled = false; Starten.Enabled = true; } void Download() { WebClient wc = new WebClient(); for (int i = 286; i <= 326; i++) { string si = i.ToString(); while (si.Length < 4) { si = "0" + si; } wc.DownloadFile("" + si + ".gif", "E:\\oots\\oots" + si + ".gif"); Invoke(new addloghandler(addlog), new object[] { si }); /* if(i<10) { if (File.Exists(tbPfad.Text + "\\000" + i + ".gif")) { this.Invoke(new addloghandler(addlog), new object[] { "000" + i + ".gif" + " already exits!\r\n" }); } else { try { this.Invoke(new addloghandler(addlog), new object[] { "Downloading" + i.ToString() + ".gif..." }); wc.DownloadFile("" + i + ".gif", tbPfad.Text + "\\000" + i + ".gif"); this.Invoke(new addloghandler(addlog), new object[] { " Complete!\r\n" }); } catch (WebException we) { this.Invoke(new addloghandler(addlog), new object[] { "Download failed: " + we.Message + "\r\n" }); } } } if (i >= 10 && i < 100) { if (File.Exists(tbPfad.Text + "\\00" + i + ".gif")) { this.Invoke(new addloghandler(addlog), new object[] { "00" + i + ".gif" + " already exits!\r\n" }); } else { try { this.Invoke(new addloghandler(addlog), new object[] { "Downloading" + i.ToString() + ".gif..." }); wc.DownloadFile("" + i + ".gif", tbPfad.Text + "\\00" + i + ".gif"); this.Invoke(new addloghandler(addlog), new object[] { " Complete!\r\n" }); } catch (WebException we) { this.Invoke(new addloghandler(addlog), new object[] { "Download failed: " + we.Message + "\r\n" }); this.Invoke(new addloghandler(addlog), new object[] { "Trying to download JPG \r\n" }); if (File.Exists(tbPfad.Text + "\\00" + i + ".jpg")) { this.Invoke(new addloghandler(addlog), new object[] { "00" + i + ".jpg" + " already exits!\r\n" }); } else { try { this.Invoke(new addloghandler(addlog), new object[] { "Downloading" + i.ToString() + ".jpg..." }); wc.DownloadFile("" + i + ".jpg", tbPfad.Text + "\\00" + i + ".jpg"); this.Invoke(new addloghandler(addlog), new object[] { " Complete!\r\n" }); } catch (WebException we2) { this.Invoke(new addloghandler(addlog), new object[] { "Download failed: " + we2.Message + "\r\n" }); this.Invoke(new addloghandler(addlog), new object[] { "No GIF or JPG exists! \r\n" }); } } } } } if (i >= 100 && i < 1000) { if (File.Exists(tbPfad.Text + "\\0" + i + ".gif")) { this.Invoke(new addloghandler(addlog), new object[] { "0" + i + ".gif" + " already exits!\r\n" }); } else { try { this.Invoke(new addloghandler(addlog), new object[] { "Downloading" + i.ToString() + ".gif..." }); wc.DownloadFile("" + i + ".gif", tbPfad.Text + "\\0" + i + ".gif"); this.Invoke(new addloghandler(addlog), new object[] { " Complete!\r\n" }); } catch (WebException we) { this.Invoke(new addloghandler(addlog), new object[] { "Download failed: " + we.Message + "\r\n" }); this.Invoke(new addloghandler(addlog), new object[] { "Trying to download JPG \r\n" }); if (File.Exists(tbPfad.Text + "\\0" + i + ".jpg")) { this.Invoke(new addloghandler(addlog), new object[] { "0" + i + ".jpg" + " already exits!\r\n" }); } else { try { this.Invoke(new addloghandler(addlog), new object[] { "Downloading" + i.ToString() + ".jpg..." }); wc.DownloadFile("" + i + ".jpg", tbPfad.Text + "\\0" + i + ".jpg"); this.Invoke(new addloghandler(addlog), new object[] { " Complete!\r\n" }); } catch (WebException we2) { this.Invoke(new addloghandler(addlog), new object[] { "Download failed: " + we2.Message + "\r\n" }); this.Invoke(new addloghandler(addlog), new object[] { "No GIF or JPG exists! \r\n" }); } } } } } */ } } void addlog(string text) { Log.Text += text; Log.Select(Log.Text.Length, 0); Log.ScrollToCaret(); } private void MegaTokyoDownloader_FormClosing(object sender, FormClosingEventArgs e) { if (t != null) { t.Abort(); } } } }