File: TimeCalc.java
University of Applied Science Berne,HTA-Biel/Bienne,
Computer Science Department.
Diploma thesis J3D Solar System Simulator
Originally written by Marcel Portner & Bernhard Hari (c) 2000
CVS - Information :
$Header: /var/cvsreps/projects/c450/2000/sss3d/source_diploma/sss3d/calculations/TimeCalc.java,v 1.3 2000/12/13 13:36:17 portm Exp $
$Author: portm $
$Date: 2000/12/13 13:36:17 $
$State: Exp $
package sss3d.calculations;
* This class calculate the time.
* @author Marcel Portner & Bernhard Hari
* @version $Revision: 1.3 $
public class TimeCalc {
* Constructor
public TimeCalc() {
* Get the difference between the ephemeriden time and the world time.
* This method can only calculate the difference of this time from 1825 to 2005.
* @param time the time in julianish century.
* @return the difference between the the ephemeriden time and the world time in
* second.
public double getETminUT(double time) {
int i = (int)StrictMath.floor(time / 0.25);
double t = time - i * 0.25;
double dtsec;
if((time < -1.75) || (0.05 < time)) {
return Double.NaN;
} else {
switch(i) {
case -7: dtsec = 10.4 + t * (-80.8 + t *
( 413.9 + t * ( -572.3))); break; // 1825-
case -6: dtsec = 6.6 + t * ( 46.3 + t *
(-358.4 + t * ( 18.8))); break; // 1850-
case -5: dtsec = -3.9 + t * (-10.8 + t *
(-166.2 + t * ( 867.4))); break; // 1875-
case -4: dtsec = -2.6 + t * (114.1 + t *
( 327.5 + t * (-1467.4))); break; // 1900-
case -3: dtsec = 24.2 + t * ( -6.3 + t *
( -8.2 + t * ( 483.4))); break; // 1925-
case -2: dtsec = 29.3 + t * ( 32.5 + t *
( -3.8 + t * ( 550.7))); break; // 1950-
case -1: dtsec = 45.3 + t * (130.5 + t *
(-570.5 + t * ( 1516.7))); break; // 1975-
case 0: t += 0.25;
dtsec = 45.3 + t * (130.5 + t *
(-570.5 + t * ( 1516.7))); break; // 2000-
// 2005
default: dtsec = Double.NaN;
return dtsec;
* Get the Greenwich-time from a modified julianish time.
* @param time the modified julianish time.
* @return the Greenwich-time in [rad].
public double gmst(double mjd) {
double secs = 86400.0; // Anzahl der Sekunden je Tag
double mjd_0 = StrictMath.floor(mjd);
double ut = secs * (mjd - mjd_0); // [s]
double t_0 = (mjd_0 - 51544.5) / 36525.0;
double t = (mjd - 51544.5) / 36525.0;
double gmst = 24110.54841 + 8640184.812866 * t_0 +
1.0027379093 * ut + (0.093104 - 6.2e-6 * t) * t * t; // [sec]
return (MoreMath.PI2 / secs) * MoreMath.modulo(gmst, secs); // [Rad]
* Get the modified julianish time from the calendar date.
* @param year the year.
* @param month the month.
* @param day the day.
* @param hour the hour.
* @param min the minute.
* @param sec the second.
* @return the modified julianish time.
public double mjd(int year, int month, int day,
int hour, int min, double sec) {
if(month <= 2) {
month += 12;
int b;
if((10000L * (long)year + 100L * (long)month + (long)day) <= 15821004L) {
b = -2 + ((year + 4716) / 4) - 1179; // Julianischer Kalender
} else {
b = (year / 400) - (year / 100) + (year / 4); // Gregorianischer Kalender
double mjdMidnight = (double)(365L * (long)year - 679004L + (long)b +
(long)(30.6001 * (double)(month + 1)) + (long)day);
DMSConv dms = new DMSConv(hour, min, sec);
double fracOfDay = dms.getDecimal() / 24.0;
return mjdMidnight + fracOfDay;
* Get from a modified julianish time an int array with all calendar
* values.
* @param mjd the modified julianish time.
* @return an int array with the follow values:
* int[0] = year.
* int[1] = month.
* int[2] = day.
* int[3] = hour.
* int[4] = minute.
* int[5] = second.
public int[] calDat(double mjd) {
int[] result = new int[6];
// Rechne julianische Tageszahl in Kalenderdatum um
long a = (long)(mjd + 2400001.0);
long b, c;
if(a < 2299161L) { // Julianischer Kalender
b = 0;
c = a + 1524L;
} else { // Gregorianischer Kalender
b = (long)(((double)a - 1867216.25) / 36524.25);
c = a + b - (b / 4L) + 1525L;
long d = (long)(((double)c - 122.1) / 365.25);
long e = 365L * d + d / 4;
long f = (long)((double)(c - e) / 30.6001);
result[2] = (int)(c - e - (long)(30.6001 * (double)f)); // Day
result[1] = (int)(f - 1L - 12L * (f / 14L)); // Month
result[0] = (int)(d - 4715L - ((7L + (long)result[1]) / 10L)); // Year
double time = 24.0 * (mjd - StrictMath.floor(mjd));
DMSConv dms = new DMSConv(time);
result[3] = dms.getAngle(); // Hour
result[4] = dms.getMin(); // Minute
result[5] = (int)dms.getSec(); // Second
return result;