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* File: pdferror.h
* Description: The PDF error codes.
* Author: Dr. Hans Bärfuss, PDF Tools AG
* Copyright: Copyright (C) 2001 - 2005 PDF Tools AG, Switzerland
* All rights reserved.
#define PDF_IS_ERROR(code) (((unsigned int) (code) & 0x80000000) != 0)
#define PDF_IS_WARNING(code) (((unsigned int) (code) & 0x00008000) != 0)
typedef enum TPDFErrorCode
// PDF general codes.
PDF_S_SUCCESS = 0x00000000, // The operation was completed successfully.
PDF_E_FATAL = 0x8041ffff, // Unknown fatal error.
// PDF stream module.
PDF_E_FILEOPEN = 0x80410001, // The file couldn't be opened.
PDF_E_FILECREATE = 0x80410002, // The file couldn't be created.
PDF_E_SETPOS = 0x80410003, // The read / write position pointer couldn't be set.
// PDF file module.
PDF_E_HEADER = 0x80410010, // The PDF header was not found.
PDF_E_EOF = 0x80410011, // The PDF end of file mark was not found.
PDF_E_XREF = 0x80410012, // The xref table contains an error.
PDF_E_TRAILER = 0x80410013, // The trailer dictionary is missing or invalid.
PDF_E_ROOT = 0x80410014, // The root object was not found.
PDF_E_PASSWORD = 0x80410015, // The authentication failed due to a wrong password.
PDF_E_CORRUPT = 0x80410016, // The file is corrupt and needs to be repaired.
PDF_W_CORRUPT = 0x00418016, // The file is corrupt and needs to be repaired.
PDF_W_OBJNUMBER = 0x00418017, // The object with this number doesn't exist.
PDF_W_GENNUMBER = 0x00418018, // The generation numbers of the object and the objects reference do not match.
// PDF filter module.
PDF_E_FILTER = 0x80410060, // The filter is unknown.
PDF_E_ASCIIHEX = 0x80410061, // A character in an ASCIIHex stream is invalid.
PDF_E_ASCII85_G5 = 0x80410062, // The value represented by a group of five characters in an ASCII85 stream is invalid.
PDF_E_ASCII85_Z = 0x80410063, // The position of a z character in an ASCII85 stream is invalid.
PDF_E_ASCII85_G1 = 0x80410064, // A final partial group in an ASCII85 stream contains only one character.
PDF_E_ASCII85_CH = 0x80410065, // An invalid character was encountered in an ASCII85 stream.
PDF_E_FLATE_DINI = 0x80410066, // The deflate initialization failed with %d.
PDF_E_FLATE_DFAIL = 0x80410067, // The deflate operation failed with %d.
PDF_E_FLATE_IINI = 0x80410068, // The inflate initialization failed with %d.
PDF_E_FLATE_IFAIL = 0x80410069, // The inflate operation failed with %d.
PDF_E_LZW_EOI = 0x80410070, // An EOI code was missing in an LZW stream.
PDF_E_LZW_CODE = 0x80410071, // An invalid code was encountered in an LZW stream.
PDF_E_CCITTFAX_1DEXT= 0x80410072, // The CCITTFax stream contains 1D extensions.
PDF_E_CCITTFAX_HUFF1D= 0x80410073, // The CCITTFax stream contains an invalid 1D huffman code.
PDF_E_CCITTFAX_LINE = 0x80410074, // The CCITTFax stream contains a line which is too long.
PDF_E_CCITTFAX_RUN = 0x80410075, // The CCITTFax stream contains too few runs.
PDF_E_CCITTFAX_2DEXT= 0x80410076, // The CCITTFax stream contains 2D extensions.
PDF_E_CCITTFAX_HUFF2D= 0x80410077, // The CCITTFax stream contains an invalid 2D huffman code.
PDF_E_JPX_FEATURE = 0x80410078, // The JPX stream contains unsupported features.
PDF_E_JPX_INTERNAL = 0x80410079, // The JPX stream caused an internal library error with code %d.
PDF_I_JB2 = 0x00410080, // The JB2 stream caused the information '%s'.
PDF_W_JB2 = 0x00418080, // The JB2 stream caused the warning '%s'.
PDF_E_JB2 = 0x80410080, // The JB2 stream caused the error '%s'.
PDF_E_IMAGEDATA = 0x80410081, // The image data stream is too short.
// PDF parser module.
PDF_E_OBJNO = 0x80410021, // The object number is missing.
PDF_E_GENNO = 0x80410022, // The generation number is missing.
PDF_E_IDENTITY = 0x80410023, // The object's identity doesn't match with the reference's.
PDF_E_OBJ = 0x80410024, // The "obj" keyword is missing.
PDF_E_NULL = 0x80410025, // The object is empty (null).
PDF_E_LENGTH = 0x80410026, // The "Length" attribute of the stream object is wrong.
PDF_E_ENDSTREAM = 0x80410027, // The "endstream" keyword is missing.
PDF_E_ENDOBJ = 0x80410028, // The "endobj" keyword is missing.
// PDF document module.
PDF_E_PAGE = 0x80410031, // The page doesn't exist (null).
PDF_E_PAGETYPE = 0x80410032, // The page has a missing or invalid "Type" attribute.
PDF_E_PAGEKIDS = 0x80410033, // The page has a missing or invalid "Kids" attribute.
PDF_E_PAGECOUNT = 0x80410034, // The page has a missing or invalid "Count" attribute.
PDF_E_PAGEPARENT = 0x80410035, // The page has a missing or invalid "Parent" attribute.
PDF_E_PAGERES = 0x80410036, // The page has a missing or invalid "Resource" attribute.
PDF_E_PAGEMEDIABOX = 0x80410037, // The page has a missing or invalid "MediaBox" attribute.
PDF_I_OPEN = 0x00410001, // The document is going to be opened.
PDF_I_PAGE = 0x00410002, // The page is going to be read.
// PDF content module.
PDF_E_TOKEN = 0x80410041, // An unexpected token was found.
PDF_E_OPERATOR = 0x80410042, // The content stream contains an invalid operator.
PDF_E_OPERANDS = 0x80410043, // The operator has an invalid number of operands.
PDF_E_OPNDSTACK = 0x80410044, // An operand stack over- or underflow occured.
PDF_E_OPNDNUMBER = 0x80410045, // The operand must be a number.
PDF_E_OPNDSTRING = 0x80410046, // The operand must be a string.
PDF_E_OPNDNAME = 0x80410047, // The operand must be a name.
PDF_E_OPNDARRAY = 0x80410048, // The operand must be an array.
PDF_E_OPNDDICT = 0x80410049, // The operand must be a dictionary.
PDF_E_OPNDVALUE = 0x8041004A, // The value of an operand is out of range.
PDF_E_UNKCOLORSPACE = 0x8041004B, // The name of the color space is unknown.
PDF_E_UNKGS = 0x8041004C, // The name of a graphics state dictionary is unknown.
PDF_E_UNKPAT = 0x8041004D, // The name of a pattern dictionary is unknown.
PDF_E_UNKXOBJ = 0x8041004E, // The name of a xobject is unknown.
PDF_E_GSSTACK = 0x80410051, // A graphics state stack over- or underflow occurred.
PDF_E_BEGINTEXT = 0x80410052, // A begin text operator is missing.
PDF_E_ENDTEXT = 0x80410053, // An end text operator is missing.
PDF_E_BEGINPATH = 0x80410054, // A path start operator was missing.
PDF_E_EMPTYXOBJ = 0x80410055, // The form xobject has an empty or unreadable content stream.
PDF_I_UNUSEDPATH = 0x00410056, // An path was constructed but not painted.
PDF_I_GSSTATE = 0x00410057, // An unknown graphics state parameter was encountered.
PDF_W_EMPTYPATH = 0x00418058, // A path painting operator was used on an empty path.
// PDF font module.
PDF_E_FONTPROG = 0x80410060, // The font program cannot be read.
// PDF rendering module.
PDF_E_PATTERNTYPE = 0x81410001, // The type of pattern is unknown or not yet implemented.
PDF_E_CHARPROC = 0x81410002, // The glyph's charproc was not found.
PDF_E_SHADINGTYPE = 0x81410003, // The type of shading is unknown or not yet implemented.
PDF_E_FONTINSTALL = 0x81410004, // The font program couldn't be installed successfully.
PDF_E_STANDARDFONT = 0x81410005, // The font program of a standard font was not found.
PDF_W_SAMPLELENGTH = 0x01418006, // The length of the image's sample stream is not correct.
PDF_W_PAINTMISSING = 0x01418007, // The path is constructed but the painting operator is missing.
PDF_W_SYSTEMFONT = 0x00418008, // The font uses a pre-installed system font.
PDF_W_FONTREPLACE = 0x00418009, // The font was replaced by an other font.
} TPDFErrorCode;
#ifndef __midl
typedef void (CDECL *TPDFErrorHandler)(TPDFErrorCode iErrorCode, va_list args);
LIBPDFAPI const char* CDECL GetPDFErrorMessage(TPDFErrorCode iErrorCode);