158 lines
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158 lines
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File: EllipseEquation.java
University of Applied Science Berne,HTA-Biel/Bienne,
Computer Science Department.
Diploma thesis J3D Solar System Simulator
Originally written by Marcel Portner & Bernhard Hari (c) 2000
CVS - Information :
$Header: /var/cvsreps/projects/c450/2000/sss3d/source_diploma/sss3d/calculations/ellipseequation/EllipseEquation.java,v 1.4 2000/12/13 14:08:11 portm Exp $
$Author: portm $
$Date: 2000/12/13 14:08:11 $
$State: Exp $
package sss3d.calculations.ellipseequation;
import sss3d.calculations.*;
import sss3d.contentbranch.*;
import javax.vecmath.*;
* Used to calculate the planet positions using ellipse equation.<br>
* This is a simple calculation method. For exact positions you
* have to use the class KeplerEquation.
* For example:
* <pre>
* HOWTO use class / spezial Instructions.
* EllipseEquation ellipseeq = new EllipseEquation();
* Point3f [] positions = ellipseeq.getPositions(CelestialObjectInfo,0);
* </pre>
* @author Marcel Portner & Bernhard Hari
* @version $Revision: 1.4 $
* @see sss3d.calculations.keplerequation.KeplerEquation
public class EllipseEquation extends OrbitCalculator {
private double max; // maximum distance from sun
private double min; // minimum distance from sun
private double x0 = 0; // center -> sun X-axe
private double y0 = 0; // center -> sun Y-axe
private double z0 = 0; // center -> sun Z-axe
private double alpha = 0; // angle - orbit inclination to ecliptic
* Returns the positions of the given planet.
* The algorithm used is an ellipse equation.
* @param objInfo Information about the planet.
* @param jDay calculates positions corresponding to the given julian day
* @param compressed true if the universe is logorithmic compressed or false if
* it has the real proportion.
* @return Point3f[] an array of vectors containing the positions.
public Point3f[] getPositions(CelestialObjectInfo objInfo, double jDay, boolean compressed ) {
* We used PLANPOS from the Book "Astronomie mit dem Personal Computer"
* - ISBN : 3-540-66218-9 3.Auflage, to calculate the first positions of
* the planets. Date given : Year 2000, Jan, 1., Time 00.000.
* J2000 => JD : 2451544.5
* We got these values :
* [degree] [minutes] [seconds]
* Sun 0 0 0
* Mercury 252 24 36.4
* Venus 181 47 37.5
* Earth 99 52 04.0
* Mars 359 08 04.0
* Jupiter 36 14 57.3
* Saturn 45 42 12.5
* Uranus 316 24 41.6
* Neptune 303 55 47.9
* Pluto 250 32 32.0
double degree = 0.0;
String name = (objInfo.getName()).toLowerCase();
degree = 0.0;
} else if(name.equals("mercury")){
degree = 252.0;
} else if(name.equals("venus")){
degree = 181.0;
} else if(name.equals("earth")){
degree = 99.0;
} else if(name.equals("mars")){
degree = 359.0;
} else if(name.equals("jupiter")){
degree = 36.0;
} else if(name.equals("saturn")){
degree = 45.0;
} else if(name.equals("uranus")){
degree = 316.0;
} else if(name.equals("neptune")){
degree = 303.0;
} else if(name.equals("pluto")){
degree = 250.0;
} else {
// do nothing degree = 0.0
// last is used to mark the end of the array.
int nbrOfPoints = objInfo.getNbrOfPositions();
// calculate start position of planet (position);
// between 0 and NbrOfPositions -1
int start = (int) Math.round( (degree/360*(nbrOfPoints-1)) );
max = objInfo.getMaxDistanceFromSun();
min = objInfo.getMinDistanceFromSun();
alpha = Math.toRadians(objInfo.getOrbitInclinationToEcliptic());
Point3f positions[] = new Point3f[nbrOfPoints];
double t = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < nbrOfPoints; i++){
t = ((double)(i) / nbrOfPoints)*(2*Math.PI);
// calculate each x,y,z position for every point
double x = x0 + max*Math.cos(t);
double z = z0 + (-min)*Math.sin(t);
double y = y0 + x * Math.tan(alpha);
// add calculated point to the point array
// add start point of the planet (degree) to the beginning
// of the positions array
if( i < start){
positions[(nbrOfPoints - start + i)] = new Point3f((float)x,(float)y,(float)z);
} else {
positions[(i - start)] = new Point3f((float)x,(float)y,(float)z);
return positions;
* Returns an array of positons for the given positions, based
* on the given jDay.<br>
* @param objPos actual positions of the object.
* @param jDay calculates positions corresponding to the given julian day
* @param compressed true if the universe is logorithmic compressed or false if
* it has the real proportion.
* @return Point3f[] an array of vectors containing the points
public Point3f[] updatePositions(Point3f[] objPos, double jDay, boolean compressed) {
return objPos;