You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

376 lines
28 KiB

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This file contains invisible Unicode characters that may be processed differently from what appears below. If your use case is intentional and legitimate, you can safely ignore this warning. Use the Escape button to reveal hidden characters.

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Data;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Text;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using System.Threading;
using System.Net;
using System.Net.Sockets;
using System.Media;
namespace Chat
public partial class Chat22 : Form
private delegate void OutputHandler(string time, string user, string message, string color);
private delegate void AddOnlineHandler(IPAddress ip, string user);
private delegate void CheckTimeoutsHandler();
private delegate void PlayWakeSoundHandler();
private delegate void PlayMessageSoundHandler();
UdpClient receive = null;
UdpClient send = null;
Thread t = null;
Properties.Settings sett = new Properties.Settings();
SoundPlayer WakeSound = new SoundPlayer(Properties.Resources.notify);
SoundPlayer MessageSound = new SoundPlayer(Properties.Resources.transmission);
public Chat22()
tbUsername.ForeColor = sett.color;
tbUsername.Text = sett.username;
pColor.BackColor = sett.color;
send = new UdpClient();
receive = new UdpClient(11000);
void Listen()
IPEndPoint EP = new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Any, 11000);
byte[] buffer = null;
string tempreceived = "";
string received = "";
string STATtempreceived = "";
string STATreceived = "";
string[] token;
string[] tokentext;
string[] user;
bool userfound = false;
while (true)
buffer = receive.Receive(ref EP);
//MessageBox.Show(se.Message + " " + se.SocketErrorCode, "Eine fuckin' SocketException");
token = Encoding.Unicode.GetString(buffer).Split('‼');
tokentext = token[2].Split(' ');
case "STAT":
STATreceived = EP.Address.ToString() + " " + token[0] + ": " + token[2];
if (STATreceived != STATtempreceived)
this.Invoke(new AddOnlineHandler(AddOnline), new object[] { EP.Address, tokentext[1] });
STATtempreceived = STATreceived;
case "PRIV":
userfound = false;
user = tokentext[1].Split('+');
foreach (string u in user)
if (u == tbUsername.Text)
userfound = true;
if (userfound)
received = EP.Address.ToString() + " " + token[0] + ": " + token[2];
if (received != tempreceived)
this.Invoke(new OutputHandler(Output), new object[] { DateTime.Now.ToLongTimeString(), token[0], token[2], token[1] });
this.Invoke(new PlayMessageSoundHandler(PlayMessageSound));
tempreceived = received;
case "WAKE":
userfound = false;
user = tokentext[1].Split('+');
foreach (string u in user)
if (u == tbUsername.Text)
userfound = true;
if (userfound)
received = EP.Address.ToString() + " " + token[0] + ": " + token[2];
if (received != tempreceived)
this.Invoke(new OutputHandler(Output), new object[] { DateTime.Now.ToLongTimeString(), token[0], token[2], token[1] });
this.Invoke(new PlayWakeSoundHandler(PlayWakeSound));
tempreceived = received;
received = EP.Address.ToString() + " " + token[0] + ": " + token[2];
if (received != tempreceived)
this.Invoke(new OutputHandler(Output), new object[] { DateTime.Now.ToLongTimeString(), token[0], token[2], token[1] });
this.Invoke(new PlayMessageSoundHandler(PlayMessageSound));
tempreceived = received;
void Output(string time, string user, string message, string color)
string[] token = color.Split(' ');
OutputTextBox.SelectionStart = OutputTextBox.Text.Length;
OutputTextBox.SelectionFont = new Font("Terminal", 7, FontStyle.Regular);
OutputTextBox.SelectionColor = Color.Black;
OutputTextBox.AppendText("\r\n" + time);
OutputTextBox.SelectionStart = OutputTextBox.Text.Length;
OutputTextBox.SelectionFont = new Font("Arial", 9, FontStyle.Bold);
OutputTextBox.SelectionColor = Color.FromArgb(int.Parse(token[0]), int.Parse(token[1]), int.Parse(token[2]), int.Parse(token[3]));
OutputTextBox.AppendText(" "+user+": ");
OutputTextBox.SelectionStart = OutputTextBox.Text.Length;
OutputTextBox.SelectionFont = new Font("Arial", 9, FontStyle.Regular);
OutputTextBox.SelectionColor = Color.Black;
OutputTextBox.Select(OutputTextBox.Text.Length - 1, 0);
if (this.Visible == false)
notifyIcon1.ShowBalloonTip(32767, user, message, ToolTipIcon.Info);
void AddOnline(IPAddress ip, string user)
bool found = false;
foreach (ListViewItem lvi in lvOnline.Items)
if (lvi.Text == ip.ToString() + " " + user)
lvi.SubItems[1].Text = DateTime.Now.ToString();
found = true;
if (!found)
ListViewItem lvi = new ListViewItem();
lvi.Name = ip.ToString();
lvi.Text = ip.ToString() + " " + user;
private void Chat_FormClosing(object sender, FormClosingEventArgs e)
if (e.CloseReason == CloseReason.UserClosing)
e.Cancel = true;
this.WindowState = FormWindowState.Minimized;
this.Visible = false;
private void Sendbtn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (InputTextBox.Text != "")
string text = InputTextBox.Text;
if (cbL33T.Checked && (text.Length < 4 || ((text.Substring(0, 4) != "PRIV") && (text.Substring(0, 4) != "WAKE"))))
text = text.Replace('a', '4');
text = text.Replace('A', '4');
text = text.Replace("d", "|>");
text = text.Replace("D", "|>");
text = text.Replace('e', '3');
text = text.Replace('E', '3');
text = text.Replace('i', '[');
text = text.Replace('I', '[');
text = text.Replace('l', '1');
text = text.Replace('L', '1');
text = text.Replace("m", "|\\/|");
text = text.Replace("M", "|\\/|");
text = text.Replace("n", "|\\|");
text = text.Replace("N", "|\\|");
text = text.Replace('o', '0');
text = text.Replace('O', '0');
text = text.Replace('s', '5');
text = text.Replace('S', '5');
text = text.Replace('t', '7');
text = text.Replace('T', '7');
text = text.Replace('u', '0');
text = text.Replace('u', '0');
text = text.Replace("w", "\\/\\/");
text = text.Replace("W", "\\/\\/");
InputTextBox.Text = "";
private void btnColor_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
tbUsername.ForeColor = ColorDlg.Color;
pColor.BackColor = ColorDlg.Color;
void Senden(string text)
byte[] buf = Encoding.Unicode.GetBytes(tbUsername.Text + "‼" + tbUsername.ForeColor.A.ToString() + " " + tbUsername.ForeColor.R.ToString() + " " + tbUsername.ForeColor.G.ToString() + " " + tbUsername.ForeColor.B.ToString() + "‼" + text);
for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
send.Send(buf, buf.Length, new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Parse(""), 11000));
//MessageBox.Show(se.Message + " " + se.SocketErrorCode, "Eine fuckin' SocketException");
private void Sendstatus_Tick(object sender, EventArgs e)
Senden("STAT " + tbUsername.Text);
private void CheckTimeouts_Tick(object sender, EventArgs e)
foreach (ListViewItem lvi in lvOnline.Items)
if ((DateTime.Now - DateTime.Parse(lvi.SubItems[1].Text)) > TimeSpan.FromSeconds(25))
private void Chat21_Shown(object sender, EventArgs e)
t = new Thread(new ThreadStart(Listen));
Senden("STAT " + tbUsername.Text);
void PlayWakeSound()
if (!cbSilent.Checked)
void PlayMessageSound()
if (!cbSilent.Checked && !InputTextBox.Focused)
private void btnPRIV_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
InputTextBox.Text = "PRIV ";
foreach (ListViewItem lvi in lvOnline.CheckedItems)
InputTextBox.Text += lvi.Text.Split(' ')[1];
InputTextBox.Text += "+";
InputTextBox.Text = InputTextBox.Text.Remove(InputTextBox.Text.Length-1, 1);
InputTextBox.Text += " ";
InputTextBox.Select(InputTextBox.Text.Length, 0);
private void btnWAKE_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
InputTextBox.Text = "WAKE ";
foreach (ListViewItem lvi in lvOnline.CheckedItems)
InputTextBox.Text += lvi.Text.Split(' ')[1];
InputTextBox.Text += "+";
InputTextBox.Text = InputTextBox.Text.Remove(InputTextBox.Text.Length - 1, 1);
InputTextBox.Text += " ";
InputTextBox.Select(InputTextBox.Text.Length, 0);
private void llHilfe_LinkClicked(object sender, LinkLabelLinkClickedEventArgs e)
Hilfe hilfe = new Hilfe();
private void chatbeendenToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
sett.username = tbUsername.Text;
sett.color = tbUsername.ForeColor;
private void hauptfensteranzeigenToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
this.Visible = true;
this.WindowState = FormWindowState.Normal;
private void notifyIcon1_DoubleClick(object sender, EventArgs e)
this.Visible = true;
this.WindowState = FormWindowState.Normal;
private void cbAlwaysOnTop_CheckedChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
this.TopMost = cbAlwaysOnTop.Checked;
private void nUDOpacity_ValueChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
this.Opacity = (double)nUDOpacity.Value / 100;
private void silentToolStripMenuItem_CheckedChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
cbSilent.Checked = silentToolStripMenuItem.Checked;
private void cbSilent_CheckedChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
silentToolStripMenuItem.Checked = cbSilent.Checked;
private void notifyIcon1_BalloonTipClicked(object sender, EventArgs e)
this.Visible = true;
this.WindowState = FormWindowState.Normal;
private void lvOnline_DoubleClick(object sender, EventArgs e)