Speed up implementations for big graphs

- split input graph into scc and only analyze non-degenerate components
 - remove least vertex from input graph instead of retrieving subgraphs
 - directly retrieve scc graph from scc calculation
josch 12 years ago
parent 97c52244e1
commit dfb8541218

@ -69,39 +69,63 @@ let find_all_cycles_johnson g =
let module SV = Set.Make(G.V) in
let extract_subgraph g s =
let sg = G.create () in
G.iter_edges (fun v1 v2 ->
if SV.mem v1 s then G.add_vertex sg v1;
if SV.mem v2 s then G.add_vertex sg v2;
if SV.mem v1 s && SV.mem v2 s then
G.add_edge sg v1 v2
) g;
List.iter (fun v1 ->
G.add_vertex sg v1;
List.iter (fun e ->
let v2 = G.E.dst e in
if List.mem v2 s then
G.add_edge_e sg e
) (G.succ_e g v1)
) s;
(* Johnson's algorithm requires some ordering of the nodes.
* They might not be sortable so we assign an arbitrary ordering.
let to_set l = List.fold_right SV.add l SV.empty in
let vertex_set = G.fold_vertex SV.add g SV.empty in
let part s w = fst(SV.partition (fun e -> e >= w) s) in
SV.iter (fun s ->
(* Build the subgraph induced by s and following nodes in the ordering *)
let subset = SV.add s (part vertex_set s) in
let subgraph = extract_subgraph g subset in
let scc = G.Components.scc_list subgraph in
(* Find the strongly connected component in the subgraph
* that contains the least node according to the ordering *)
let minnode = SV.min_elt subset in
let mincomp = List.find (fun l -> List.mem minnode l) scc in
(* smallest node in the component according to the ordering *)
let component = extract_subgraph subgraph (to_set mincomp) in
let scc_with_vertex g v =
let _,scc = G.Components.scc g in
let n = scc v in
let sg = G.create () in
G.iter_vertex (fun v1 ->
if (scc v1) = n then
List.iter (fun e ->
if scc (G.E.dst e) = n then
G.add_edge_e sg e
) (G.succ_e g v1)
) g;
let list_min = function
| [] -> invalid_arg "empty list"
| h::tl -> List.fold_left min h tl
let sort_components a b =
compare (list_min a) (list_min b)
let non_degenerate_scc = List.filter (fun scc -> (List.length scc) > 1) (G.Components.scc_list g) in
let non_degenerate_subgraphs = List.map
(fun scc -> extract_subgraph g scc)
(List.sort ~cmp:sort_components non_degenerate_scc)
List.iter (fun g ->
let vertex_set = G.fold_vertex (fun v l -> v::l) g [] in
List.iter (fun s ->
let component = scc_with_vertex g s in
if G.nb_edges component > 0 then begin
G.iter_vertex (fun node ->
Hashtbl.replace blocked node false;
Hashtbl.replace b node [];
) component;
ignore(circuit minnode minnode component);
) vertex_set;
ignore(circuit s s component);
G.remove_vertex g s;
) (List.sort vertex_set);
) non_degenerate_subgraphs;
List.rev !result
