Support debtuples

This commit is contained in:
Johannes 'josch' Schauer 2017-01-15 09:08:49 +01:00
parent e79b46f826
commit 756baeca37
3 changed files with 108 additions and 68 deletions

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@ -18,6 +18,8 @@
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
import errno
def _load_table(path):
table = []
with open(path, 'r') as fh:
@ -34,66 +36,82 @@ def _cputable():
_cached_cputable = _load_table('/usr/share/dpkg/cputable')
return _cached_cputable
_cached_arch2triplet = None
_cached_triplet2arch = None
def _triplettable():
global _cached_arch2triplet, _cached_triplet2arch
if _cached_arch2triplet is None or _cached_triplet2arch is None:
table = _load_table('/usr/share/dpkg/triplettable')
arch2triplet = {}
triplet2arch = {}
_cached_arch2tuple = None
_cached_tuple2arch = None
def _tupletable():
global _cached_arch2tuple, _cached_tuple2arch
if _cached_arch2tuple is None or _cached_tuple2arch is None:
tripletable = False
table = _load_table('/usr/share/dpkg/tupletable')
except IOError as e:
if e.errno != errno.ENOENT:
tripletable = True
table = _load_table('/usr/share/dpkg/triplettable')
arch2tuple = {}
tuple2arch = {}
def add_tuple(tuple, arch):
if tripletable:
tuple = "base-{}".format(tuple)
arch2tuple[arch] = tuple
tuple2arch[tuple] = arch
for row in table:
if '<cpu>' in row[0] or '<cpu>' in row[1]:
for cpu in _cputable():
replaced_row = [ column.replace('<cpu>', cpu[0]) for column in row ]
arch2triplet[replaced_row[1]] = replaced_row[0]
triplet2arch[replaced_row[0]] = replaced_row[1]
add_tuple(replaced_row[0], replaced_row[1])
arch2triplet[row[1]] = row[0]
triplet2arch[row[0]] = row[1]
_cached_arch2triplet = arch2triplet
_cached_triplet2arch = triplet2arch
return _cached_triplet2arch, _cached_arch2triplet
add_tuple(row[0], row[1])
_cached_arch2tuple = arch2tuple
_cached_tuple2arch = tuple2arch
return _cached_tuple2arch, _cached_arch2tuple
class InvalidArchitecture(Exception):
def Debian_arch_to_Debian_triplet(arch):
def Debian_arch_to_Debian_tuple(arch):
parts = arch.split('-')
# Handle architecture wildcards
if 'any' in parts:
if len(parts) == 3:
if len(parts) == 4:
return parts
elif len(parts) == 3:
return 'any', parts[0], parts[1], parts[2]
elif len(parts) == 2:
return 'any', parts[0], parts[1]
return 'any', 'any', parts[0], parts[1]
return 'any', 'any', 'any'
return 'any', 'any', 'any', 'any'
if len(parts) == 2 and parts[0] == 'linux':
arch = parts[1]
triplet = _triplettable()[1].get(arch, None)
if triplet is None:
tuple = _tupletable()[1].get(arch, None)
if tuple is None:
return None
return triplet.split('-', 2)
return tuple.split('-', 3)
def match_architecture(arch, wildcard):
# 'all' has no valid triplet
# 'all' has no valid tuple
if arch == 'all' or wildcard == 'all':
return arch == wildcard
if wildcard is 'any' or arch == wildcard:
return True
triplet_arch = Debian_arch_to_Debian_triplet(arch)
triplet_wildcard = Debian_arch_to_Debian_triplet(wildcard)
tuple_arch = Debian_arch_to_Debian_tuple(arch)
tuple_wildcard = Debian_arch_to_Debian_tuple(wildcard)
if triplet_arch is None or len(triplet_arch) != 3:
if tuple_arch is None or len(tuple_arch) != 4:
raise InvalidArchitecture('{0} is not a valid architecture name'.format(arch))
if triplet_wildcard is None or len(triplet_wildcard) != 3:
if tuple_wildcard is None or len(tuple_wildcard) != 4:
raise InvalidArchitecture('{0} is not a valid architecture name or wildcard'.format(wildcard))
for i in range(0,3):
if triplet_arch[i] != triplet_wildcard[i] and triplet_wildcard[i] != 'any':
for i in range(0,4):
if tuple_arch[i] != tuple_wildcard[i] and tuple_wildcard[i] != 'any':
return False
return True

View file

@ -19,8 +19,8 @@
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
_cached_arch2triplet = None
_cached_triplet2arch = None
_cached_arch2tuple = None
_cached_tuple2arch = None
_cached_cputable = None
def _load_table(path):
@ -38,63 +38,65 @@ def _read_cputable():
_cached_cputable = _load_table('/usr/share/dpkg/cputable')
return _cached_cputable
def _read_triplettable():
global _cached_arch2triplet, _cached_triplet2arch
if _cached_arch2triplet is None or _cached_triplet2arch is None:
table = _load_table('/usr/share/dpkg/triplettable')
arch2triplet = dict()
triplet2arch = dict()
def _read_tupletable():
global _cached_arch2tuple, _cached_tuple2arch
if _cached_arch2tuple is None or _cached_tuple2arch is None:
table = _load_table('/usr/share/dpkg/tupletable')
arch2tuple = dict()
tuple2arch = dict()
for row in table:
debtriplet = row[0]
debtuple = row[0]
debarch = row[1]
if '<cpu>' in debtriplet:
if '<cpu>' in debtuple:
for r in _read_cputable():
cpu = r[0]
dt = debtriplet.replace('<cpu>', cpu)
dt = debtuple.replace('<cpu>', cpu)
da = debarch.replace('<cpu>', cpu)
arch2triplet[da] = dt
triplet2arch[dt] = da
arch2tuple[da] = dt
tuple2arch[dt] = da
arch2triplet[debarch] = debtriplet
triplet2arch[debtriplet] = debarch
_cached_arch2triplet = arch2triplet
_cached_triplet2arch = triplet2arch
return _cached_triplet2arch, _cached_arch2triplet
arch2tuple[debarch] = debtuple
tuple2arch[debtuple] = debarch
_cached_arch2tuple = arch2tuple
_cached_tuple2arch = tuple2arch
return _cached_tuple2arch, _cached_arch2tuple
def debwildcard_to_debtriplet(arch):
arch_tuple = arch.split('-', 2)
def debwildcard_to_debtuple(arch):
arch_tuple = arch.split('-', 3)
if 'any' in arch_tuple:
if len(arch_tuple) == 3:
if len(arch_tuple) == 4:
return arch_tuple
elif len(arch_tuple) == 3:
return ('any', arch_tuple[0], arch_tuple[1], arch_tuple[2])
elif len(arch_tuple) == 2:
return ('any', arch_tuple[0], arch_tuple[1])
return ('any', 'any', arch_tuple[0], arch_tuple[1])
return ('any', 'any', 'any')
return ('any', 'any', 'any', 'any')
return debarch_to_debtriplet(arch)
return debarch_to_debtuple(arch)
def debarch_to_debtriplet(arch):
def debarch_to_debtuple(arch):
if (arch.startswith("linux-")):
arch = arch[6:]
triplet = _read_triplettable()[1].get(arch)
tuple = _read_tupletable()[1].get(arch)
if triplet is None:
if tuple is None:
return triplet.split('-', 2)
return tuple.split('-', 3)
def match_architecture(real, alias):
if alias == real or alias == "any":
return True
real = debarch_to_debtriplet(real)
alias = debwildcard_to_debtriplet(alias)
real = debarch_to_debtuple(real)
alias = debwildcard_to_debtuple(alias)
if real is None or len(real) != 3 or alias is None or len(alias) != 3:
if real is None or len(real) != 4 or alias is None or len(alias) != 4:
return False
for i in range(0,3):
for i in range(0,4):
if (alias[i] != real[i] and alias[i] != "any"):
return False
return True

View file

@ -17,15 +17,35 @@ import yaml
import daklib_arch
import debarch
os_list = []
abi_from_abitable = [row[0] for row in debarch._load_table('/usr/share/dpkg/abitable')]
abi_from_ostable = [row[0].split('-')[0] for row in debarch._load_table('/usr/share/dpkg/ostable')]
abi_from_tupletable = [row[0].split('-')[0] for row in debarch._load_table('/usr/share/dpkg/tupletable')]
abi_wildcards = sorted(set(abi_from_abitable+abi_from_ostable+abi_from_tupletable+['any']))
os_list = set([row[0].split('-')[1] for row in debarch._load_table('/usr/share/dpkg/ostable')])
libc_from_ostable = [row[0].split('-')[1] for row in debarch._load_table('/usr/share/dpkg/ostable')]
libc_from_tupletable = [row[0].split('-')[1] for row in debarch._load_table('/usr/share/dpkg/tupletable')]
libc_wildcards = sorted(set(libc_from_ostable+libc_from_tupletable+['any']))
cpu_list = set([row[0] for row in debarch._load_table('/usr/share/dpkg/cputable')])
os_from_ostable = [row[0].split('-')[2] for row in debarch._load_table('/usr/share/dpkg/ostable')]
os_from_tupletable = [row[0].split('-')[2] for row in debarch._load_table('/usr/share/dpkg/tupletable')]
os_wildcards = sorted(set(os_from_ostable+os_from_tupletable+['any']))
wildcard_list = [ o + "-" + c for o in os_list for c in cpu_list]
cpu_from_cputable = [row[0] for row in debarch._load_table('/usr/share/dpkg/cputable')]
cpu_from_tupletable = [row[0].split('-')[3] for row in debarch._load_table('/usr/share/dpkg/tupletable')]
cpu_wildcards = sorted(set(cpu_from_cputable+cpu_from_tupletable+['any'])-set(['<cpu>']))
deb_list = subprocess.check_output(["dpkg-architecture", "-L"]).decode().split()
wildcard_list = list()
for c in cpu_wildcards:
for o in os_wildcards:
for l in libc_wildcards:
for a in abi_wildcards:
debarches = subprocess.check_output(["dpkg-architecture", "-L"]).decode().split()
def dpkg_arch_matches(arch, wildcard):
# environment must be empty or otherwise the DEB_HOST_ARCH environment
@ -52,7 +72,7 @@ Version: 0.invalid.0
data = yaml.load(data, Loader=yaml.CBaseLoader)
return len(data['report']) == 1
check_pairs = [ (d,w) for d in deb_list for w in wildcard_list ]
check_pairs = [ (d,w) for d in debarches for w in wildcard_list ]
len_check_pairs = len(check_pairs)
print("checking %d testcases"%len_check_pairs)
@ -68,7 +88,7 @@ for i,(d,w) in enumerate(check_pairs):
deb_res = debarch.match_architecture(d,w)
if dose_res != dpkg_res or dose_res != dak_res \
or dose_res != deb_res:
print("dose: %s matches %s: %s"%(w,d,dose_res))
print("dpkg: %s matches %s: %s"%(w,d,dpkg_res))
print("deb: %s matches %s: %s"%(w,d,deb_res))