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33 lines
713 B

bind_port = 8080
user = %USER%
log_facility = LOG_LOCAL1
pipeline = healthcheck cache %AUTH_SERVER% proxy-server
use = egg:swift#proxy
allow_account_management = true
account_autocreate = true
use = egg:swiftkeystone2#keystone2
keystone_admin_token = %SERVICE_TOKEN%
keystone_url = http://localhost:35357/v2.0
use = egg:swift#tempauth
user_admin_admin = admin .admin .reseller_admin
user_test_tester = testing .admin
user_test2_tester2 = testing2 .admin
user_test_tester3 = testing3
bind_ip =
use = egg:swift#healthcheck
use = egg:swift#memcache