Merge pull request #59 from smoser/localdev

several changes, largest of which is logging output
This commit is contained in:
Jesse Andrews 2011-10-13 09:26:50 -07:00
commit 2ea3c8b0e3

View file

@ -20,9 +20,6 @@
# Sanity Check
# ============
# Record the start time. This allows us to print how long this script takes to run.
START_TIME=`python -c "import time; print time.time()"`
# Warn users who aren't on natty, but allow them to override check and attempt
# installation with ``FORCE=yes ./stack``
if ! grep -q natty /etc/lsb-release; then
@ -50,40 +47,38 @@ fi
if [[ $EUID -eq 0 ]]; then
echo "You are running this script as root."
echo "In 10 seconds, we will create a user 'stack' and run as that user"
sleep 10
# since this script runs as a normal user, we need to give that user
# ability to run sudo
apt-get update
apt-get install -qqy sudo
apt-get install -y sudo
if ! getent passwd | grep -q stack; then
if ! getent passwd stack >/dev/null; then
echo "Creating a user called stack"
useradd -U -G sudo -s /bin/bash -m stack
echo "Giving stack user passwordless sudo priviledges"
echo "stack ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL" >> /etc/sudoers
# natty uec images sudoers does not have a '#includedir'. add one.
grep -q "^#includedir.*/etc/sudoers.d" /etc/sudoers ||
echo "#includedir /etc/sudoers.d" >> /etc/sudoers
( umask 226 && echo "stack ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD:ALL" \
> /etc/sudoers.d/50_stack_sh )
echo "Copying files to stack user"
cp -r -f `pwd` /home/stack/
THIS_DIR=$(basename $(dirname $(readlink -f $0)))
chown -R stack /home/stack/$THIS_DIR
echo "Running the script as stack in 3 seconds..."
sleep 3
cp -r -f "$PWD" "$STACK_DIR"
chown -R stack "$STACK_DIR"
if [[ "$SHELL_AFTER_RUN" != "no" ]]; then
exec su -c "cd /home/stack/$THIS_DIR/; bash; bash" stack
exec su -c "set -e; cd $STACK_DIR; bash; bash" stack
exec su -c "cd /home/stack/$THIS_DIR/; bash" stack
exec su -c "set -e; cd $STACK_DIR; bash" stack
exit 0
exit 1
# So that errors don't compound we exit on any errors so you see only the
# first error that occured.
set -o errexit
# Print the commands being run so that we can see the command that triggers
# an error. It is also useful for following allowing as the install occurs.
set -o xtrace
# Settings
# ========
@ -117,8 +112,6 @@ source ./stackrc
# Destination path for installation ``DEST``
sudo mkdir -p $DEST
sudo chown `whoami` $DEST
# Set the destination directories for openstack projects
@ -220,6 +213,24 @@ SERVICE_TOKEN=${SERVICE_TOKEN:-`openssl rand -hex 12`}
# so use 10 bytes
ADMIN_PASSWORD=${ADMIN_PASSWORD:-`openssl rand -hex 10`}
# So that errors don't compound we exit on any errors so you see only the
# first error that occured.
trap failed ERR
failed() {
local r=$?
set +o xtrace
[ -n "$LOGFILE" ] && echo "${0##*/} failed: full log in $LOGFILE"
exit $r
# Print the commands being run so that we can see the command that triggers
# an error. It is also useful for following along as the install occurs.
set -o xtrace
sudo mkdir -p $DEST
sudo chown `whoami` $DEST
# Install Packages
# ================
@ -228,6 +239,7 @@ ADMIN_PASSWORD=${ADMIN_PASSWORD:-`openssl rand -hex 10`}
# install apt requirements
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install -qqy `cat $FILES/apts/* | cut -d\# -f1 | grep -Ev "mysql-server|rabbitmq-server"`
# install python requirements
@ -584,9 +596,8 @@ fi
# have to do a little more than that in our script. Since we add the group
# ``libvirtd`` to our user in this script, when nova-compute is run it is
# within the context of our original shell (so our groups won't be updated).
# We can send the command nova-compute to the ``newgrp`` command to execute
# in a specific context.
screen_it n-cpu "cd $NOVA_DIR && echo $NOVA_DIR/bin/nova-compute | newgrp libvirtd"
# Use 'sg' to execute nova-compute as a member of the libvirtd group.
screen_it n-cpu "cd $NOVA_DIR && sg libvirtd $NOVA_DIR/bin/nova-compute"
screen_it n-net "cd $NOVA_DIR && $NOVA_DIR/bin/nova-network"
screen_it n-sch "cd $NOVA_DIR && $NOVA_DIR/bin/nova-scheduler"
screen_it n-vnc "cd $NOVNC_DIR && ./utils/ 6080 --web . --flagfile=../nova/bin/nova.conf"
@ -646,6 +657,16 @@ if [[ "$ENABLED_SERVICES" =~ "g-reg" ]]; then
# Fin
# ===
) 2>&1 | tee "${LOGFILE}"
# Check that the left side of the above pipe succeeded
for ret in "${PIPESTATUS[@]}"; do [ $ret -eq 0 ] || exit $ret; done
# Using the cloud
# ===============
@ -663,10 +684,7 @@ if [[ "$ENABLED_SERVICES" =~ "key" ]]; then
echo "the password: $ADMIN_PASSWORD"
# Fin
# ===
# indicate how long this took to run (bash maintained variable 'SECONDS')
echo " completed in $SECONDS seconds."
# End our timer and give a timing summary
END_TIME=`python -c "import time; print time.time()"`
ELAPSED=`python -c "print $END_TIME - $START_TIME"`
echo " completed in $ELAPSED seconds."
) | tee -a "$LOGFILE"