Initial conversion to use UEC images

This commit is contained in:
Dean Troyer 2011-10-25 17:53:24 -05:00
parent a03b99dc99
commit a6466e0f67

View file

@ -7,6 +7,8 @@ if [ ! "$#" -eq "1" ]; then
exit 1
PROGDIR=`dirname $0`
@ -24,51 +26,79 @@ STACKSH_PARAMS=${STACKSH_PARAMS:-}
# Option to use the version of devstack on which we are currently working
# Set up nbd
modprobe nbd max_part=63
NBD_DEV=`basename $NBD`
# clean install of natty
if [ ! -d $CHROOTCACHE/natty-base ]; then
$PROGDIR/ -C natty $CHROOTCACHE/natty-base
# copy kernel modules...
# NOTE(ja): is there a better way to do this?
cp -pr /lib/modules/`uname -r` $CHROOTCACHE/natty-base/lib/modules
# a simple password - pass
echo root:pass | chroot $CHROOTCACHE/natty-base chpasswd
if [ ! -r $CHROOTCACHE/natty-base.img ]; then
$PROGDIR/ natty $CHROOTCACHE/natty-base.img
# # copy kernel modules...
# # NOTE(ja): is there a better way to do this?
# cp -pr /lib/modules/`uname -r` $CHROOTCACHE/natty-base/lib/modules
# # a simple password - pass
# echo root:pass | chroot $CHROOTCACHE/natty-base chpasswd
# prime natty with as many apt/pips as we can
if [ ! -d $CHROOTCACHE/natty-dev ]; then
rsync -azH $CHROOTCACHE/natty-base/ $CHROOTCACHE/natty-dev/
chroot $CHROOTCACHE/natty-dev apt-get install -y `cat files/apts/* | cut -d\# -f1 | egrep -v "(rabbitmq|libvirt-bin|mysql-server)"`
chroot $CHROOTCACHE/natty-dev pip install `cat files/pips/*`
if [ ! -r $CHROOTCACHE/natty-dev.img ]; then
cp -p $CHROOTCACHE/natty-base.img $CHROOTCACHE/natty-dev.img
qemu-nbd -c $NBD $CHROOTCACHE/natty-dev.img
if ! timeout 60 sh -c "while ! [ -e /sys/block/$NBD_DEV/pid ]; do sleep 1; done"; then
echo "Couldn't connect $NBD"
exit 1
MNTDIR=`mktemp -d --tmpdir mntXXXXXXXX`
mount -t ext4 ${NBD}p1 $MNTDIR
cp -p /etc/resolv.conf $MNTDIR/etc/resolv.conf
chroot $MNTDIR apt-get install -y `cat files/apts/* | cut -d\# -f1 | egrep -v "(rabbitmq|libvirt-bin|mysql-server)"`
chroot $MNTDIR pip install `cat files/pips/*`
# Create a stack user that is a member of the libvirtd group so that stack
# is able to interact with libvirt.
chroot $CHROOTCACHE/natty-dev groupadd libvirtd
chroot $CHROOTCACHE/natty-dev useradd stack -s /bin/bash -d $DEST -G libvirtd
mkdir -p $CHROOTCACHE/natty-dev/$DEST
chroot $CHROOTCACHE/natty-dev chown stack $DEST
chroot $MNTDIR groupadd libvirtd
chroot $MNTDIR useradd stack -s /bin/bash -d $DEST -G libvirtd
mkdir -p $MNTDIR/$DEST
chroot $MNTDIR chown stack $DEST
# a simple password - pass
echo stack:pass | chroot $CHROOTCACHE/natty-dev chpasswd
echo stack:pass | chroot $MNTDIR chpasswd
# and has sudo ability (in the future this should be limited to only what
# stack requires)
echo "stack ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL" >> $CHROOTCACHE/natty-dev/etc/sudoers
echo "stack ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL" >> $MNTDIR/etc/sudoers
umount $MNTDIR
rmdir $MNTDIR
qemu-nbd -d $NBD
# clone git repositories onto the system
# ======================================
if [ ! -d $CHROOTCACHE/natty-stack ]; then
rsync -azH $CHROOTCACHE/natty-dev/ $CHROOTCACHE/natty-stack/
if [ ! -r $IMG_FILE ]; then
qemu-img convert -O raw $CHROOTCACHE/natty-dev.img $IMG_FILE
qemu-nbd -c $NBD $IMG_FILE
if ! timeout 60 sh -c "while ! [ -e /sys/block/$NBD_DEV/pid ]; do sleep 1; done"; then
echo "Couldn't connect $NBD"
exit 1
MNTDIR=`mktemp -d --tmpdir mntXXXXXXXX`
mount -t ext4 ${NBD}p1 $MNTDIR
cp -p /etc/resolv.conf $MNTDIR/etc/resolv.conf
# git clone only if directory doesn't exist already. Since ``DEST`` might not
# be owned by the installation user, we create the directory and change the
# ownership to the proper user.
function git_clone {
# clone new copy or fetch latest changes
if [ ! -d $CHECKOUT ]; then
mkdir -p $CHECKOUT
git clone $1 $CHECKOUT
@ -88,7 +118,7 @@ function git_clone {
# give ownership to the stack user
chroot $CHROOTCACHE/natty-stack/ chown -R stack $2
chroot $MNTDIR chown -R stack $2
git_clone $NOVA_REPO $DEST/nova $NOVA_BRANCH
@ -100,13 +130,13 @@ git_clone $NOVACLIENT_REPO $DEST/python-novaclient $NOVACLIENT_BRANCH
# Use this version of devstack
rm -rf $CHROOTCACHE/natty-stack/$DEST/devstack
cp -pr $CWD $CHROOTCACHE/natty-stack/$DEST/devstack
chroot $CHROOTCACHE/natty-stack chown -R stack $DEST/devstack
rm -rf $MNTDIR/$DEST/devstack
cp -pr $CWD $MNTDIR/$DEST/devstack
chroot $MNTDIR chown -R stack $DEST/devstack
# Configure host network for DHCP
mkdir -p $CHROOTCACHE/natty-stack/etc/network
cat > $CHROOTCACHE/natty-stack/etc/network/interfaces <<EOF
mkdir -p $MNTDIR/etc/network
cat > $MNTDIR/etc/network/interfaces <<EOF
auto lo
iface lo inet loopback
@ -115,11 +145,11 @@ iface eth0 inet dhcp
# Set hostname
echo "ramstack" >$CHROOTCACHE/natty-stack/etc/hostname
echo " localhost ramstack" >$CHROOTCACHE/natty-stack/etc/hosts
echo "ramstack" >$MNTDIR/etc/hostname
echo " localhost ramstack" >$MNTDIR/etc/hosts
# Configure the runner
cat > $RUN_SH <<EOF
#!/usr/bin/env bash
@ -140,27 +170,10 @@ EOF
# Make the executable
chmod 755 $RUN_SH
chroot $CHROOTCACHE/natty-stack chown stack $DEST/
chroot $MNTDIR chown stack $DEST/
# build a new image
# (quickly) create a 2GB blank filesystem
dd bs=1 count=1 seek=$((2*1024*1024*1024)) if=/dev/zero of=$IMG
# force it to be initialized as ext2
mkfs.ext2 -F $IMG
# mount blank image loopback and load it
mkdir -p $MNT
mount -o loop $IMG $MNT
rsync -azH $CHROOTCACHE/natty-stack/ $MNT
# umount and cleanup
umount $MNT
rmdir $MNT
# gzip into final location
gzip -1 $IMG -c > $1
umount $MNTDIR
rmdir $MNTDIR
qemu-nbd -d $NBD
gzip -1 $IMG_FILE